TT-Tr MTCHI A DIAILY PAGE SEVER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1930 -,,,,,,..., D oherty Plans First Yearling Track Meet OVERIRISH EVEN(Continued From Page 6) tions as more candidates come out ii. 0l 4Q COOPER LEADS F11 (fly Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO, Dec.5 ng two brilliant 69's, Har f Chicago, led the field v oday in the 36-holet rials of the $7,500 San open match play golf tou a a L. V IA %-ALL v t- I s ELD 5.-Shoot- ry Cooper, with a 138 qualifying Francisco rnament. BASEBALL MAN DIl (By AT T M A ssoT%--alcd mns) I FOR SALE S orN'i_ inp fur over-. MONTREAL, Dec. 5.-Thle uae- bail world today lost one of its leading figures, William Frazer Baker, president of the Philadel- phia National League club, who died of a heart attack in his suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel. u , medium size. Real bargain. Call Adolf Koch, 6574. 1010 For- est. 5 LOST -- Parker pencil between Thomps on s-treet and Library. Findeu pleas return to 330 Thompson. Reward. 5 LOST-Glasses-white gold frames and wrist watch with inetal band. Between Arcade and Law Club. NOTICE RS Afor the squad. Rockne Glum as Squad Arrives Several different events will belt in Los Angeles for Epic run off in Wednesday's meet in_ C Battle of Champions. eluding the 50-yard dash, 65-yard - high and low hurdles, 300 and 600- HANLEY IN FOR MULLINS yard dashes, and the three-quar- ter and mile and one-half runs; of N.(Coninued From Page 6) and in the field events, the pole Betting on the Irish-Trojan bat- vault, high jump, broad jump, and tle which was even during the early shot put. part of the week, has given the In the 50-yard dash the most odds to the West coast team with outstanding men to date are Ren- the announcement that Larry Mul- lins, who has been filling Savoldi's wick, Skebelsky, Gould, Doner, shoes so well at fullback, would be Kahn, Myers, and Zahner. Gould, unable to get into the game be- Rollins, Grahm, and Younger have cause of water on his knee due to shown the greatest amount of an injury received in the Army bat- promise. The men most adept at tie. Hanley will take the field for surmounting the hurdles are Hes- Rockne with Carideo, Brill, and ton, Eldred, MacDowell, and Brad- Schwartz to complete the Irish ley. Candidates in the distance backfield, which will oppose Pinc- events have not had the opportun- kert, Mohler, Duffield, and Musick ity to prove their ability as yet of the coast team. having just come out for the track Physical and mental condition of squad after the close of the har- the Ramblers when they land in rier season. California will probably be the de- Myers, Jepperson, and Lassala ciding factor in the game, for with have shown the best ability in scal- the pounding of the last two hard- ing the bar in the pole vault. Four won battles, the mental effect of men, Wilson, Murphy, Moisio, and losing Mullins, and with every- Trybyszewski, stand out in the high thing at stake to win, the Irish jump. gridders may break under the - strain, W senSaeN r a Whatever the outcome, it will be Wesiern State Normal one of the hardest fought contests to Meet Michigan Five of the year, with Notre Dame --- throwing its whole power into an (Continued From Page 6) offensive thrust with the objective Michigan with prep school reputa- of opening the way for the open tions of being high scorers, but to field running of Schwartz. Inten- date neither of them have been sive blocking drill has been meted able to enter the ranks of the elite. out to the Irish during their stay- However they are fine floor men, over in Tucson, Ariz., for this very and should they find their eyes will purpose. be dangerous men. Eveland, Alten- Jones, on the other h a n d, hoff, and Shaw are all known to has indicated that tne Trojan plans be good floor players, but their call for a perfected defensive a- scoring ability under fire is a gainst the powerful visiting backs. problematic matter. Ita i , BRIGHT LIGHTS! FESTIVE MUSIC!!P EXCELLENT FOOD!!! on the OPENING NIGHT of RAISIN BROOK I on M-50 a Mile West of Dundee Entertainment Furnished by Miss Castle and her Royal Ohioans. Join the Happy Merry Makers and leave dull care far, far, behind. Iid li { TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fa rates. M. V. Hartauf._ Dial £O[ !'OR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT f three or four adults. Ideal loc tion for graduate students WANfED Call G. W. Deithelm, 1147. 45 WANTED-Students to know about LOST-A Morrison & Commager the Christmas sale of Men's history book, property of Harley suits and overcoats. $50 values, J. MacNeal, has been missing for now $39.75; $45 values, now a long time now. Reward if re- $36.75; $40 values, now $33.75; turned! Give the little boy a or $35 values, now $29.75. I hand. Call 6717. 234 a- 213 DEL PRETE -- a ! 213Ea~st Liberty Street-.__. ir; r 4 E or j 1 FOUND girls employed on campus. Steam heat, -rivate bath, garage. Dial 8544. 5-6-1 GRADUATE wants room with pri- vate family; no other roomers; ~oeaiornaluse of riano: no jaz 551 CHURCH ST.--2 or 3 rooms; Write C. H., care of Westburg, everything furnished; newly re- 5564 So. Martindale, Detroit. 3456 modeled; very reasonable. Phone 2-1588. B. Groves. 123456 LOST SOUTHEAST SECTION -- 5-room-- fiat, with garage if desired. LOST-Yellow fountain pen be- Handy to schools and city bus tween Library and Mason Hall. lines. Phone 4023. 234561 Call 7717. 5 FOUND-Purse containing consid- erable sum of money. Found sev- eral weeks ago. Inquire of Michi- gan League, Main Desk. 56 WANT ADS PAY! It. If tLECTROCHEF COOKHNG BEATS TH E BEST OLD-wFASHIONED COOKING YOU TASTED" EN AVANT :r ever forward BurrPatters n uld Manufacturing Fraternity Jeweler Detroit, Michigan & Walkerville, Ontario A'A For your con v en ien c e Ann Arbor.Store 603 Church et FR A NK A KES Y) r Stupendous Values ON Musica 1 Merchandise at our Pre-Christmas Sale INSTRUMENTS Slide Trombones (with case) at 20% discount. Violins at Substantial Reduction. Gibson Mandolin, now......................... $22.50 Bb Clarinet O utfits. ...............$........... 17.50 Used Snare Drums as low as . ...... .......8.00-$10.00 Ukuleles and Harmonicas at 20% discount. says Mrs. Modern "OLD-FASHIONED cooking! Who doesn't remember it! Mother used to spend all day over a hot stove, preparing the special meal-and what delicious food! But electric cooking has all the flavor of old- fashioned cooking, and yet has the added advantages of cleanliness, healthfulness and speed. Electric cooking is as great an ad- vance over old-fashioned cooking as the modern diet is an improvement over the old- fashioned meal, planned without regard Lf to diet." a If we were to combine the comments now being received from users of ELECTROCHEF electric cooking, the result would be much as above. Several women have remarked, "Food tastes so much better, and I baked a cake that was the nicest I ever made." Many others say, "I am simply in love with the ELECTROCHEF-and it costs no more than cooking with fuel"-and, "I wouldn't be without my ELECTROCHEF! Everything is just splendid and I cannot praise the range too 4 highly." a 1a a 0 More and more women are discovering with your kitcher surprise that electric cooking with the itche ELECTROCHEF range is not only something that be clean a they can afford, but is actually just about as curtains un economical as the method they are using! In less than one year, 5000 of your neioshbors The ELECTRI RADIOS Brunswick, Model 15, reduced, $159.00F PIANOS Good Used Pianos at prices $25.00 upwards. to $139.00 ranging from VICTOR, MODEL 15 4 Circuit Synchronized Radio $112.50 Less Tubes RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC A large supply of sheet music, music books, and records at a generous discount. and Many other Bargains have chosen the ELECTROCHEF electric range. YOU can enjoy this cleaner, pleasanter healthful cooking in your kitchen! Now you can assure yourself of cooking satisfaction with this Detroit Edison cooking stove. FrTrnrDCW nmra ana ttractive aition to and balance $6 a month. Its cash price is $105 installed, with all necessary wiring and a seven-piece set of Mirro-aluminurn cooking utensils. See the range today at anv Detroit Edison office. a a A This seven-piece set of heavy-duty Mirro-aluminum, included with every Electrochef without extra charge, is specially designed for use with the Electrochef. Cooking is one-third faster, and the electricity needed for a cooking operation is reduced by about the same amount. I