ESTABLISHED 1890 AL ai41P MEMBER ASSOCIATEDI PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 59 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS HONORARY 1SOIET PICKS 58SENIflRS91 FIVE FACULTY MEN Phi Kappa Phi Picks New Mem- bers from All Colleges on Campus. BANQUET WILL BE HELDI Ruthven, Edmonson, Sink, Col- ler and Timoshenko Elected from Faculty. Election of 58 seniors and five faculty members to Phi Kappa Phi, national honor society, was an- nounced yesterday by Prof. Roy S. Swinton, of the School of Engi- neering and Architecture, secretary of the Michigan chapter. Rutiven Elected Member. The members of the University faculty who were elected are Dr. Frederick A. Coler, of the School of Medicine, Dr. James B. Edmon- son, dean of the School of Educa- tion, President Alexander G. Ruth- ven, Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music and Prof. StephendP. Timoshenko, of the eco- nomics department. Students in the literary cpllege elected are Elsie Bliman, Lawrence Hartwig, Eleanor Cooke, Myr Tei- telbaum, Agnes E. Johnson, Frank- lin Smith, Abraham Becker, Alice Sunderland, Elizabeth Sunderland, Arthur Adel, Frank Cooper, Robert Gordon, George Hofmeister, Helen Humphrey, Cecil Ellis, Louise Rora- bacher, Marcus Weiner, Anne Na- tion, Max Irland, Isabelle Rayen, Harry Camrath, Max Isberg, Fran- I ces Hochberg, Catherine Barton, Thelma Gleason, Marie Micnaei, Joseph Callaghan, Bernard Gluck- man, Bernice Knee, Rose Varkle, Catherine Dziurewicz, Judith Mey- ers and Glenn Gosling. 7 Engineers Chosen, In the school of engineering, Warren Rockefeller, Donald Katz, Robert M. Hubbard, Clevoe Jones, Victor Streeter, Hatold Wooley and George Holbrook were elected. Ma- iie Bachman, Elizabeth Ford, Doro- thy Boillotat, Frances Sexton, Ger- trude Cook and Cowila Reed were named from the School of Educa- tion. Medical seniors chosen were Howard A. Van Auken, Don Mar- shall, George McLoughlin, Maurice Schnitker and Max Schnitker. I gery: Allen Collins, Albert Logan From the College of Dental Sur- and Verne Piazza were elected; Floyd Johnson from the school of architecture; Frederick Holtz from' the School of Business Administra tion; Frank Ineson from the school of forestry, and Marian Searles from the School of Music. The ini- tiation banquet will be held at 6:15 o'clock Monday, Dec. 15, at the Union. WESLEY PLAYERS OFFER 'THE FOOL' Chapel, Moyer, Tennant Appear in Pollock's Comedy, "The Fool," by Channing Pollock, will be presented at 8:15 o'clock to- night in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater under the auspices of the Wesley players. Among those appearing in the cast of the play are Eugenie Chapel, '32, Charles Moyer, '31, and Flor- ence Tennant, Grad., all of whom are prominent on the campus for their activities in dramatic circles. Eugenie Chapel appeared in "Olym- pia" this month, Moyer in "Merrie- Go-Round" and "The Bride" last year, and Florence Tennant in "Holiday," "The Constant Wife," and "Lassitude" last year. Mrs. Ruth Ann Oaks is directing the* play. The play deals with a y o u n g. minister in a rich parish, who arouses the indignation of his' church members because he de- mands a Christ-like giving to the poor, instead of gestures which the little group of selfish intolerant so- ciety people make, while they are surrounded by hunger and poverty. License Bureau Asks Early Buying of Tags Officials at the Ann Arbor branch of the automobile license bureau yesterday again urged that owners secure 1931 license plates as early as possible. MORROW COMMENCES SENATORIAL CAREER, COMPLETING MEMBERSHIP ICONFREHNCE H A ggMEET TO APNCE DAT ES FOfl CfMF Athletio Chiefs Fix Schedules in Majority of Sports at Quiet Gathering. AWARD TITULAR MEETS Purdue Will Change Plans; Track Team to Compete in Four Contests.' (R3v Associated Prexs CHICAGO, Dec. 5 -An air of! peace and calmness pervaded overl all meetings today as the Big Ten athletic chiefs held their annual winter pow-wow to arrange sched- PROSECUTOR ASKS (EXTREME PENAL TY HEAVY POISONOUS FOG BLANKET BRINGS DEATH TO 58 PEASANTS IN MEUSE VAL~LYOf BELGIUM Abandoned German Wart Gas is Suspected as Cause of Mysterious Menace by Terrified Residents. Dwight W. Morrow (right) of Mexico, took up his duties in the Ui pleted the membership of the uppe sworn in, with David Baird (left), v senior senator from New Jersey. CH0iR TO ASSIST FELLOWES TALK Flint High School Musicians To Illustrate Lecture on English Madrigals. Flint Central High school's A Cappella choir will appear at 4:15 o'clock, Monday afternoon, in Hill auditorium under the direction of J. A. Evanson, accompanying a lec- ture by Canon Edmund H. Fellofes, of Windsor Castle, England, on "The English Madrigals." The choir, composed of 75 high school students, was formed in 1926 and has presented concerts in-many cities in the Middle West. It was invited last year to per- form before the music supervisor's national conference in C h ic a g o where 3,000 members were present. A London representative at the meeting was so pleased with the performance that he invited the choir to tour England and the con- tinent. Canon Fellowes is the musical scholar responsible for having un- earthed in various English libraries, and editing and publishing much of the music that forms the reper- toire of the choir organization. The program is unusual in hav- ing a scholarly address illustrated by the performance of a choral group composed of high school stu- dents. The choir will sing about 12 compositions, most of them by thirteenth century English writers. The choir is composed of seniors' in. the Flint school and of lower classmen of exceptional ability. All its members receive extensive sing- ing experience through work in a number of choruses and in voice culture classes. I I 1 i fI Associated Press Photo I New Jersey, former ambassador to nited States senate. His entry com- r house. He is shown after he was whom he succeeds, and H. F. Kean, ii Executive Committee Chairman Announces Resignation of Two Instructors. Resignations from two members of the medical faculty were an- nounced yesterday by Dr. Freder- ick G. Novy, chairman of the exe- cutive committee of the school. Dr. William Gilmore, of the de- partment of roentgenology, gave poor health as the reason for his resignation, which will take effect on Dec. 31. He has already gone tP; the Queen Alexandria saniter ium in London, Ont., for treatment. Dr. Gilmore was graduated in1 1927 from the medical school of the University of Western Ontario. He came to the University as resi- dent physician in 1928 and was since promoted to a senior instruc- tor. Dr. D. E. Litchy, '28M, has re- signed to take a position as assis- tant resident as the St. Louis Chil- dren's hospital, under the direction of the University of Washington medical school. His resignation will take effect Dec. 15. After his graduation from thef University, Dr. Litchy was made resident physician on pediatrics. At the present time he is a junior in- structor in the department of in- ternal medicine. ANN ARBOR LEADS IN SALE OF SEALS Yuletide Harbingers' Net City Workers Over 2000. uies and discuss rules. Work Finished Quickly. Unlike most meetings of the pastt few years, arguments were scarcet and the work of arranging sched- ules was finished quickly and satis- factorily in almost every field ex- cept baseball and several minor sports. Iowa was back in the con- ference fold again and happy. 'IThe rotating schedule precluded the us- ual debates and arguments by one coach to another to obtain home games, and long meetings lasting Associated Press Photo N. B. Krilnko. Public prosecutor for the Sovietl government, who is conducting theI trial of the eight engineers charged with plotting to overthrow the Mos- cow government.- EN~qTER LAST ROUNDt rnHuLIu OUIVIIVII I ILL James Slocum, Literary School Class President, Makes Appointments. (By lssocialcd Press) BRUSSELS, Dec. 5.--A mysterious poison fog, blanketing the Meuse valley in Belgium for three days, has terrified the countryside and already caused 58 deaths. Many domestic animals also have fallen as victims. For 72 hours an extremely heavy fog has hung over the valley, and peasants groping their way through the dense clouds of mistI have died in sudden and horrible asphyxiation. At first it was believed the casu- alties were caused by the choking n r9 mist aggravating the respiratory complaints, but the magnitude of rn ni i P nn n ITTr rthe epidemic has brought fear that into te morning hours were not I I Gilbert E. Bursley has been ap- necessary. 825 Students to Participate in pointed chairman of the Frosh - University of Michigan iencing Elimination Rounds of Frolic by James Slocum, president schedule follows: Jan. 23, Michigan Sof the freshman class of the Liter- State at Michigan. Jan. 31, Ohio tate eague. ary college. The other members of State at Michigan. Feb. 21, Michi- the Frolic committee are Virginia gan at Illinois. Feb. 28, Triangular More than 825 students, repro- Lane, Abbie Morley, William Bohn- meet at Chicago (Michigan, Wis- senting the 276 state high schools sack, Warren Kahn, and George consin and Chicago). Mar. 7, North- participating in the contests of the Lambrecht. western at Michigan. Mar. 13, 14, M i c h i g a n High School Debate Other committee appointments Big Ten meet at Illinois. league, will start final competition announced by Slocum are: Cap The gymnastic schedule follows: Ifor qualification in the eliminations announced by Hogg armn;a Jan. 31, Ohio State at Michigan. I series, it was announced yesterday Night Robe s, chran; Feb. 21, Michigan at Illinois. Feb. by Prof. G. E. Densmore, head of Kenneth Michaels, FLoyd Doherty, 27, Triangular meet at Chicago the League. James Wins, Jsp Hinger. (Michigan, Wisconsin and Chica- There are only two more debates Robert Haskins, Max Gail, Terbert go.) Feb. 28, Michigan at Minne-|in this preliminary contest which Dean Emerson wasRob named chair- sota. Mar. 13, 14, Big Ten meet at will close on Jan. 9. Only the man of the auditing committee, Illinois. schools with the highest percentage withj\Vary McIntosh, Donald John- Track Meets Announced, of victories will be entered in the ston Genevieve Field Marian Foley, Michigan's schedule for dual track elimination series and each of these Helen Dean, Dorothy Batchelor, meet follows: Feb. 28, Chicago at schools will receive the University Marian Taylor, and Catherine Wil- Michigan. Mar. 21, Cornell at Mich- of Michigan wall plaque trophy. liams as the other members. igan. May 9, Minnesota at Micni- While the elimination series, be- Nolda McCamly was appointed gan. May 16, Michigan at Illinois. ginning Feb. 20, is in progress the chairman of the advisory commit- Purdueeannounced duringtheI schools will debate among them- tee. The other members are -Fred track meeting that it would partici- selves, the defeated schools drop- Ratterman, James Lowe, Dorothy pate in three triangular meets and ping out after each debate until Fair, Jean McDonald, Katherine the annual Indiana State intercol- only two undefeated schools re- McGregor, Marjorie Arnold, Helen legiate event. Purdue r e c e n t 1 y I main. The two teams will be taken Dyke, and Eleanor Allen. Finance announced its decision to abandon to Ann Arbor, at the expense of committee: Richard Guggenheim, all minor sports but it was decided the University, for the state cham- chairman; Harriet Jennings, Jane to keep the triangular track meets. pionship debate to be held on Mayi Cissel, Thomas O'Bryon, Marian _____1 in Hill auditorium. Giddings, Jeanette Detweiler, Helen French Parliament The subject of all the debates Finnegan, Helen Herath, and Helen throughout the state during the Ballon. Athletic committee: B. B. Upset Over Failure coming winter months will be "Re- Kelley, chairman, Joseph Renihan, solved: that national chain grocery Thomas Ellerby, John Deo, Russell Of Tardieu Cabinet stores operating in the state of Palmer, William J. Kelly, Philip Michigan are detrimental to the Shorr, Cecil Welch, and Charles (By Assoriated Press) people of the state." Stone. PARIS, Dec. 5.-- France's par- Social committee: A. R. Thomp- liamentary lobbies were in a tur- DANCERS TO GIVE son, chairman; William Giefel, moil of politics tonight as the lead- Theodore Thieleman, Velma Case, ers of the 13 groups making up VARIED RECITAL Lillian Weinman, Josephine Wood- the Chamber of Deputies and the hams, Gertrude Rush, William Mc- seven parties of the Senate sought Kreutzberg and Georgi to Give Pherson, Mary Jean White. Disci- to clear the atmosphere befogged Second Campus Program. pline committee: Robert Salztein, by the defeat and resignation of _ jschairman; Jack Peckham, Louis the Tardieu cabinet. Harold Kreutzberg and Yvonne Thomassy, Henry Levy, Frederick A score of statemen and politi- Moore, Lloyd Nyman, Cyrus Huling, cians visitedPresident Doumergue here gilt year, will give a dance Richard Green, and Harry Hatten- tdywtadiebut up to to-heelsyerwilgvadnc back. today ithe adient had no choenrecital at 8:15 o'clock next Wed- __ night the president had not chosen nesday night in the Lydia Mendel- a pilot to steer the ship of state ssohn theater. Cleveland Minister into safe waters. A new program for the year 1930 Among the president's visitors has been arranged by the dancers to Lecture Sunday were Raymond Poincare, former which, however, includes a few of president and one-time premier; last year's numbers. Among the at Evening Service former Premier Herriot, Paul Dou- new numbers is Georgi's Moroccoan mer, president of the Senate, and dance, for which she has received Rev. Harold Cooke Phillips of the Ferdinand Bouisson, president of enthusiastic press notices. First Baptist Church of Cleveland the Chamber. F Kreutzberg was first featured in has been obtained by the Metho- Among close followers of the the United States by Max Rein- dist Episcopal church to speak at ministerial difficulties there was hardt as a dancer in Shakespear- 7:30 o'clock Sunday at the regu- little confidence expressed that the can plays. Yvonne Georgi started lar evening service. crisis would be solved before late her career as ballet mistress in the Phillips has had contacts with next week. Hamburg opera company. Kreutz- m a n y college groups throughout - _---- berg's career started at the age of t h e country, addressing student! Pollock Plans Speech . six, when he sang and danced the conferences. H-e is, also, a conven- Ger an's' part of "Heinerle" in "Der Fidele tion speaker having appeared be-' on Germany's P ItECs Bauer." The dancers will be ac- fore the National Y. W. C. A. con- companied by a new accompanist vention in San Francisco two years Present German political condi- this year, Klaus Billig. ago, the Northern Baptist conven- tions will be discussed by Prof. tion in Cleveland just recently, and James K. Pollock, of the political lMen Injured in Fight I many Y. M. C. A. conferences. science department at an interna- Admitted toHospital Dr. Phillips was born in Jamaica, tional forum at 3:30 o'clock Sun- E _ H s Ita British West Indies, coming to the poison gas is responsible. Cause Unknown. It is known that great quantities of German war material are buried around Liege, where most of the fatalities have occurred, and some persons believe this is responsible. Others lay the trouble to some nox- ious by-produt of an industrial works which has mixed with the fog and drifted slowly down the air currents of the valley. Still others believed a secret store of poison gas has been loosed in some manner. Authorities are working franti- cally to determine the exact cause. Panic has seized the villagers of the region, who have fled to the shelter of their houses and in many cases have packed in their live- stock to save the animals from the unseen, but deadly, threat. The village of Engis, appears to be the center of the extraordinary epidemic. Fourteen deaths are re- ported there. Inhabitants Terrified. Most of the terrified inhabitants are convinced that buried stores of German war gas, remnants of the supply dumps concentrated in this area during the World War are re sponsible. The victims have died just as did soldiers without gas masks in the war. Among the other fatalities re- ported are eight at Flamalle Haute, four at Flamelle Grande, five at Yvoy-Ramet, ten at Jeneppe-sur- Meuse, and seven at other places SOVIET PLOTTERS MAKE LIFE PLEA Eight Accused Engineers Admit Treason; Ask Mercy. (Sy Associatd Press) MOSCOW, Dec. 5. -Eight engi- neers who confessed plotting over- throw of the Soviet government by foreign intervention made personal pleas tonight for their lives before the four supreme court judges in whose hands rest their fate. Only a few hours previously, the eight men had listened to Prose- cutor Krilenko in a vitriolic address demand the death sentence for all of them as enemies of the com- munist state. Professor Leonid Ramsin, indict- ed as the leader of the conspiracy, was the first to take the stand. "I. realize this last word of mine will really be my last," he said. Now, a few hours before the end, is not the time to lie and I wish to add a few words openly and sin- cerely. "The prosecutor made the colors too dense. We really are not such demons as he painted. It reminds me of the villains and heroes of English novels. "Money was not the motive for my joining the industrial party. I realize my mistakes, but only too late. I wish to re-do as much as possible and did this by disclosing all facts known to me. I revealed the true initiators and supporters of our activities and their tactics. "We came here not to defend ourselves, but to capitulate. I per- sonally have come to realize no inner support. I repent before the people." Dr. R. L. Kahn Returns From Washington Visit The program will be open to the Ann Arbor today was leading the public.-Michigan with a total of nearly $2,190 subscribed toward the $3,- Juniors toC 000 goal set for the mid-way point, Dec. 16. for New Semester, Mrs. Flora Neal Brown, execu-" ytie secretary of the Washtenaw -ar in cnMonday Conty Tuberculosis association an- nounced that $1,922.53 has been re- Classification for juniors will ceived since the mailing of seals begin on Monday in room 4, Uni- last Thursday. This total, she ex- vegsit hallPofDaiRic an- plained, was about 65 per cent of versity hall, Prof. Daniel Rich the quota set for Dec. 16. Grand nounced today. Seniors in the Lit- Rapids is second with 30 per cent. erary college, School of Music and The goal of the Ann Arbor branch school of education will conclude of the Tuberculosis league, how- thei clasifiatio thi moring ever, is $6,000. So far one-third of their classification this morning. this amount has been reached. More than 500 seniors had classi- Mrs. Brown also stated that seals fled by night yesterday, and the have been mailed to the various remainder are expected to complete fraternities and sororities. Each their schedule making this morn- I as t a tatmn regarding the nature of the sale, ing. Seniors will be allowed to clas- which is signed byrDr. Alexander sify next week although senior G. Ruthven, president of the Uni- courses are rapidly filling, Profes- versity, and state seal sale chair- sor Rich stated, and the earliest man. possible classification will be neces- Thieves Steal Clothes sary to insure success of elections .ternity Hous for the second semester. from Fraternty House Sophomore classifications start Monday, Dec. 15, while freshmen Members of Lambda Chi Alpha will make out their schedules early fraternity, 1601 Washtenaw avenue, in January.i were robbed yesterday morning by Professor Rich stated that the burglars who broke into the house success of early classification last and escaped with a quantity of 17Pn --e n,+ , clothing, and more than $96 in l day in the Upper room of Lane hall. The speaker was in Germany during the two recent nationall elections. He has made a special study of their problems and has made numerous addresses on the same general topic during the last year. A free-for-all fight yesterday re- sulted in two men being admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital and anoth- er being held by sheriff deputies. John R. Fisher, farmer, of Web- ster township, and William May, of Detroit, are the patients. Fisher is suffering from a head injury, received, it is said, when Benton rlh a lfr it Q+-- - - n United States at nineteen years of age. He attended Doane academy, Denison University, and took grad- uate work at Columbia University, completing his studies at Union Theological seminary, New York City. tFollowing a successful pastorate in Mt Vernon, New York, Dr. Phil- lis was called to the nulnit of the