PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN FATLY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1930 PAGE FOUR THE MIChIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1930 iT- C, 4r tdltgatu DaIV Published levers morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING E:)ITOR Chairman Editorial Board hENRY MERRY FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor News Editor................Gurney Williams Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor............Mary L. Behymer Music. Drama, Books.........Win. l . (Jormnan Assistant City Editor.......IHarold 0. Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stauter Copy EditorE..................Wn. E. Pyper NIGhT EDITORS S. Beach Conger (Carl S. Forsythe D)avid M. Nichol Wchard L. Tohin Ilarold O. Warren SioRrs ASsISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTERS Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur T. Meyers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Thomas M. Cooley Sher Al. Quraishi George Fisk Richard Racine Morton Frank Merry E. Rosenthal Saul Friedberg George Rubenstei Frank B. Gilreth Charles A. Sanford Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert Roland Goodman Robert F. Shaw Morton Helper Edwin M. Smith Edgar Hornik George A. Stauter James 11. Inglis Parker Terryberry Denton C. Kunze John S. Townsend Powers Moulton RobertD. Townsend Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty (Clark Eleanor Rairdon Elsie Flduman 'ean Rosenthal Eliabeth Gribble Ceilia S hriver Emily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie .lHoffmeyer Ane Margaret Toin Jean Levy Margaret Thompson Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. iiOLI.iSTER MARALEY, Bisiess Manager KASPER I. IALVERON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMErN.T MANAGERS Advertisingr................Charles T. Kline Advertising.................homas M. Davis Advertising ............William W. Warboys service .............orris J. Johnson Publication............Robert W. Williamson Circulation ..............Iarvin S. Kobacker Accounts.........T........homas S. Muir Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan Assistants Harry R. Beglev Don W. Lyon Vernon Bishop William Morgan William Brown 11. Fred Schaefer Robert Callahan Richard Strateneier William W. Davis Noel D. Turner Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder Erie Kightlinger Ann W. Verner Helen Olsen Marian Atran Mildred Postal Helen Bailey Mlarorie Rough Tosephine ('onvisser Mary . Watts Dorothy raylin Johanna Wiese Sylvia iMillr FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1930 Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL MOLLYCODDLED FRESHMEN The recent action of the Student, Christian association to sponsor review lectures in various freshman courses, takes one more step in the seemingly favorite direction of the University as a whole, toward a completely paternalistic attitude in' the treatment of first year men. From the time of his entrance in the University the freshman is cared for like a spoiled child. His advisor shows him the location of the various college buildings and landmarks either with assumption. that he may get lost on the campus or that he has not the intelligence to find out these things for himself. He is forced to go to various lec- tures to hear theorists instruct him in the way to act and study while in college. He is invited to teas so that he may get acquainted with his class and with the faculty. He is protected by a plan of deferred rushing to aid him in choosing the fraternity in which he will be the happiest as a member. Upon joining this fraternity his personal liberty is hindered by the members of this organization by rules and regulations that are sup- posed to make him study harder. Throughout the year he is called into conference with his mentor who discusses his record and gives him advice as to his mode of study- ing. The more recent action of the Student Christian association, to give the freshmen review lectures, while not compulsory, is at the same time another example of the attitude of the campus toward the first year rian. This group proceeds on the assumption that many of the freshmen have not the mental capacity to obtain a knowledge of their subjects from the work in the class room and consequently need tutoring. If this assumption is correct, and in many cases we believe it is, there should be a weeding out of the unfit rather than the process of helping them struggle through their first year to flunk out after this assistance has been removed. The entrance requirements for ~ rr Campus Opinion Contributors ai asked to be brief, confining themsehes to less than 300 words if possible. Anonymous corn- 1 munications will e disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. MORE ON VIVISECTION t To the Editor: A letter in last Wednesday's Daily contained some interesting state- ments in its attempts to defend vivisection. Its authors stated that "as a method vivisection is not open to question." Professor Lawson Tait, famous surgeon, however, states "The position of vivisection stands alone among the infinite variet of1 roads to nature's secrets as being open to certain prima facie objec-, tions," and he goes on to show that not only is it a method of pro- cedure which is contrary to a wide-t spread public sentiment but the7 results are tabulated in such an, uncertain and often contradictory, way that no certain conclusions can be drawn from them. Sir Charles Bell, the discoverer of the double action spinal nerves, says:; "Experiments have never been the means of discovery, but the open- ing up of living animals has done more to perpetuate error than to confirm the just views taken from the study of anatomy. Dr. G. Wil- son, M. O. H. for Mid-Warwick district and president of the state, medical section (1899) said, "I feel bound to state that I have been far more impressed with the falla- cies and failureshwhich have at- tended this method of research7 than with the successful results which are claimed." I have quoted these men because Messrs. Demp- ster and Risley stated in their letter that "The technically qualifiedt scientists are the only ones capable of evaluating the method (vivisec- tion) ," These statements serve to1 show how much disagreement there is among the medical profession's most highly qualified scientists as' to whether vivisection is scientific or not. Messrs. Dempster and Risley stated that "it is only through student experimentation that the1 methods of investigation, the means of evaluating research, and a sound practical knowledge of the living1 body can be obtained." Can a stud-1 ent obtain a knowledge of the hu- man body and its functions by studying and experimenting on ani- mals? I could quote numerous1 doctors besides those quoted above1 who maintain that it is a weakf and often harmful method. Should a method over which there is such a widespread dispute be taught ina a progressive university as scienti-' fie? t So much for the statements of some of the technically qualifiedI experts and the liberal thinkers. The example of the Xray method. is taken from . George Bernard< Shaw's preface to "The' Doctor'st Dilemma." He discussed vivisection, as a method, in some detail, and Ii would recommend it to anyone who wishes to see both sides of the ques-t tion.t I was told in Wednesday's letterp that my opinion that cruelty isc always wrong and that no good can come of it was the result of ans emotional reaction caused by myc imagining the sufferings of animals< being vivisected. It was the only seriously faulty statement made inr the letter. I have given the matter} a great deal of thought and I am convinced that my statement is4 correct. It used to be thought thatl the cruelties of war were necessaryj for the well-being of the nation. Today progressive minded people, among their numbers many of the greatest thinkers of the day, con- sider that war is an atrociously cruel and unscientific method of settling controversy. Consider the' field of education: it used to be considered that the old proverb, "spare the rod and spoil the child" was unquestionably true. There were a very few people who were sufficiently capable of thinking for themselves who considered that this method was false. It is justf another case in which cruelty, ast a method, is being outgrown. Thel case of vivisection is exactly paral- lel today. As the vivisectors them- selves admit, the humanitarians are gaining ground everywhere, and the fallacies in the theory that in, order to train a medical student one must mutilate helpless animals before his eyes are being exposed. Messrs. Dempster and Risley said it was a lamentable- fact that the' anti-vivisection society was going ahead. I take it that this indicatesC that the vivisectors do not want publicity for their' methods whichZ M )SIC AND DRA A THE MIMES REVUE A Preview by Beach Conger, Jr. Next week will see the presenta- tion of the first All-Campus Revue, sponsored by Mimes, at the Labor- About Books TYPEWRITING I and MIMEOGRAPHING A specialty for twenty years. AN ARTISTIC TRAVEL BOOK CROSSROADS U IRELAND: by Padraic Colum; Published by The Macmillan Company: New York, 1930: lllustrated: Price, 53.50: Re- view Copy Courtesy of Wahr's Bookstore. Prompt service . . . Experienced ators . . . Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL 3 14 South State St. Phone I oper- 6615 sf, ' , r ~ ^ay , s b f( _ iI I j ; ; . fi Visit WANT ADS PAY! The BETSY ROSS SHOP 13-15 Nickels Arcade atory theater. With this production, If we allow numan r ation to) an effort is being made by the so- mean a gradual lessening of the ciety to provide some worthy sub- nationalistic tendencies in litera- stitute for the annual Mimes opera, ture, it is possible to say that at present literature is undergoing a which was discontinued last year distinct humanizing movement. due to financial difficulties. This movement hi a s, however. In this show, the producers hope touched the Irish slightly if at all. to answer the complaints directed From Germany come volumes which, except for a slight idiomatic against the opera that not enoughj akrdesadaoew tto awkwardness and a somewhat too student talent or campus material minute representation of states of was involved in the staging of it. feeling (somehow they seem to be Plots located in the West Indies, or the product of the authors active on a California ranch are not the intelligence working on the prob- lems of his characters. rather than most appropriate for student pro the mental states of the characters ductions. Perhaps what kept the t emseves-sen siilities not being show going was the fact that as involved along one line as the patrons liked to see the men stud- work of authors such as Feucht- ents acting in the choruses and wanger, Zweig and Werfel would feminine roles, ridiculous as they lead us to beieve) might, as faI as the nature of the people is con- might have been. cerned, be the product of an Eng- To remedy these faults, two steps lish, American or Scandinavian have been taken by the directors. .mind. This might be explained by All managing, training of choruses, > the fact tat, for the most part, and stage work has been done by authors have allowed themselves for better or worse to become in- students, and all of the manu- terested primarily in the lives of scripts accepted pertain directly to higlhly civilized and sophisticated campus matters. Women have been ,people. invited to take parts in the show The members or the proponents for the first time in history, and of the Irish literary renaissance it is hoped to make the production tare the authors in question the a "real Michigan Revue." products or en uses of that renais- The program will include live sance?) are however interested in skits. They deal with the dramaticI the state of Ireland, which beingS situation on the campus, The Daily, neither sophisticated nor highly the radio, the library, and the foot- civilized, is, for the most part, bail ticket situation. interspersed distinctly nationalistic. While the I between the skits will be fea- genius of Joyce lies in that he has ture numbers, individual, tap, and perced beneath nationalism, the chorus dances. A moving picture fact is that he wrote of a homely! ihrsdncs vn i Tureand i thatIrhe mrnter. hm "newsreel" dealing with supposedly freland i a' Irsh manner. scandalous incidents in the lives of This being thle case, "Crossroads prominent University officials coe- in Ireland" may 'e thought of as a pletes the list, source work for Irish literature. The casts of the skits include Ostensibly it is a travel book. But Robert Adams, Whitney Dix o extensive is the knowledge that Colum possesses of the Irish tradi- Lenore Snyder, Thomas Roden, ' h Hlen r yrm, William Bro .E tion, and so deep is his symathy Helen Carrm, William Brown, A. E. for, and understanding of his sub- Blomquist, Katherine Kratz, James ject, that his latest work is really Gerrard, Herbert Woolner, Norma a treasure house of the folk and Brockelman. Individual and feature folk lore from Ulster to Tipperary. dances will be executed by Barbara ColmlosepfromnUlteroughpperary- Stratton, Ted Rose, Betty Healy,'try, and on the wry, he takes time Ruth Walser, Ann Verner and to inform us in an informal an- eteEmerson Stiles, who has also train- erbthue'osorsanex Emeron tils, ho as lsotran nr by the use of stories and ex- ed the pony chorus. . cerpts from history, by introducing The direction of the production us to many homes, and by his own was undertaken by a committee remarks, of a thousand times more consisting of David B. Hempstead, than we could pessibly get from who' directed the last two produc- any dignified account. In doing this, tions of Mimes, "Emperor Jones" he has created a work of art rather and "An Episode;" Guerney Wil- than an encyclopedia. liams, Allan B. Callahan, who will Colum is remarkably versatile. conduct Bob Carson's orchestra at He is well known as a writer of the . performances, Harry Arnold, children's stories and mythology. and Barbara Stratton, costume le is also a playrite and poet. And chairman, his being an interpreter of his peo- This production undoubtedly has plo allows him to ignore literary its minor faults, and must be con- issues and arguments which are at sidered as an experiment rather present taking up so much of the than the finished production that time of the book wor.d, in an en- the operas were. The steps abol- ishing the opera and giving the tirely refreshing manner. But he is Mimes theater to Play Production not to be indulged. He is much too came so rapidly that the amount important for that. of time usually devoted to rehear-- '--_ _- sals could not be used. Practices W XHARTON DESCENDS could not be held in the theaters CERTAIN PEOPLE by Edith Whar- due to previous engagements. The ton: Published by D. Appleton: professional aid that usually di- New York, 19390 Price $2.00. rected the operas is missing, and !AIReiew. everything is left to the students It has become an almost certain to be worked out. Nevertheless. the pathway to literary fame to por- attempt to produce an actual all tray with seeming restraint that student, campus Revue is more portion of society so loved by shop likely to succeed as an annual cam- girls, the New York dilletante. The .pus tradition, such as the opera trouble is that if New York dille- was, than perhaps any other type tante are portrayed with restraint of dramatic production. shop girls won't like them and they ofar the only ones who are in dan- ger of doing that under any cir- . ^ -, cuistances. So Edith Wharton has 9 devised a method of sugar coating W ter sentimentality with pseudo- v t isophistication. In 'he Age of innocence" she Going sccecded admirably. She has that gift of fluency which 21.1 our women writers except the very good ones Ofl possess and use so facilely as to _ alost become public nuisances. For it is so easy for a fluent and THEATERSromantically inclined lady to fool Majestic-Rube Goldberg's "Soup people. to Nuts" with Stanley Smith, Ted However, we need pass no laws.j Charles For in her latest volume Certain Heae .People she has done what no law' Winniger. could have done. She has written, Michigan-Spenser Tracy in "Up some stuff which is called "bad in the River." parts" by even her admirers. And Wuerth - Dorothy MacKaill in that is that. S. S. F. "The Love Rackets." . A M' 1 E DWORK GENERAL A book o gat importance, in that it approaches and critically Sophomore Cabaret-Open after--} attempts to estimate the work of' noon, evening at Barbour gymna- our modern American painters, is sium; also Women's League bazaar, the book of that title "Modern" open all day. American Painters" by Samuel M. Dancing-9 until 1 o'clock at the Kootz, published by Brewer and U4nion.D on Loomis' or.h Warren, Mr. Kootz writes of We Deliver Dial 5931 .. ,__.___....,..s ii ..... .'.- 3 xa 4 -Y""-r 4 a brief pause for station announcemlent ._. -- -: III ! - _- For your Noonday Lunch , i Delicious and Refreshing the se'A that refreshes Stand byeverybody! forCoca-Cola broadcast- ing a program of delicious refreshment from every ice-cold glass and bottle. Operating on a frequency of nine million drinks a day. The happiest, shortest cut to refreshment is the brief pause for Coca-Cola. The drink that tunes in with all places, times, occasions and moods. The easiest-to-take setting-up exer- cise ever invented, while its delightful, tin- gling taste will provide you with one of life's great moments. GaLISTEN IN&. Grantland Rice--- a"Famoms Sports Champions-m. Coca-Cola Orchestra r-.-Every Wednesday, 10:30 to 11 p. m. E. S.T.- Coastto Coast NBC Network The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga. CW-2 9 u1rLL ON A DAY- IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT !S STEPPING INTO A MODERN WORLD A *S , I 6-ton reels of cable distributed with the speed o A carload of telephone poles laid down a thou- sand miles away within 36 hours after getting the order! Rush calls of this sort must fre- quently be handled by Western Electric, dis- tributors for the Bell System., But even more remarkable is the regular day by day flow of telephone supplies. The Chicago warehouse-one of 32 in the national system- f perishable food handles 1,400 orders a day. In 1929 more than $400,000,000 worth of equipment and materials was delivered to the telephone companies. Distribution on so vast a scale presents many interesting problems to Bell System men. The solutions they wvork out mean much in keep- ing this industry in step with the times. I The o/'Nrtiil/,is 1/hCre! - I