FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAI LY PAGE THRE' womm"A 6s i i f, jl i " I il i ;'I: y i''I III I ; ,. ; f !,i II ';,i ii; II a '' t y C!I!, ,, i'i '' I , II' ---- ------- - -- 3r r fi t"'. .. . . +fc y . d c i" z" ' '" , j't; ij. ii .r? \ t ' ' r b .l .. F f. y ~y . d '-o 1 : : Isar ' J "' ti . . iA .-* _ .. / yr ,. .tJ : K r' s . _>, . r' .:. : . . I., a:a '° Ili h p+ a^ + ti£ r t Y r }h k " i.Y V;'-r. I ' .5 !a., rpyy ,t l a + fi sx ' ; f t , t s y °a- :4S , y .;r r °n ' x + 2.;x;4. i +-; k, ' i'' ~ ,.. .. . _' > LZ I. ,x ." ' L " '+' pia r , " y' , .r ' r. _ :. 'Y ... 'T' i'11f: .. 1' 9T I D 4 EA N v e You Money When 19K) - , 'You Go Shopping Here's a Brand New idea-in line with present condi- tions! You want many things-you will buy many things-if you can buy them at a SAVING! Here is a revolutionary plan which carries such savings that no THRIFT-WISE person can really afford to over- T h, ri it S a v i n g Book Actual Saviang's THE THRIFT COUPONS will merchants the same as CASH. Every one is a Reliable, Reputabi Arbor, Known to all. Business Institution be accepted by the following r i f l .i 1 . , I ICI , ,, ; i= ,, I , . ai ,, in Ann look! Read further! xTEMS for the PRICE of Two Dinners for the price of one. Two Loaves of read for the price of one. Two boxes of Chocolates for the price of one CAHOW DRUG CO............ DEL PRETE .................... STOFFLETS .................... THE CAMPUS BOOTERY......... VALET SERVICE SHOP .......... HARRIS TIRE CO............... . PALM INDOOR GOLF COURSE... FEDERAL BAKERY ............. C. H. KITTREDGE.............. . VARSITY LAUNDRY ............ MICHIGAN BEAUTE SHOPPE... . LAURA BELLE SHOPPE .......... THE PARROT ................... 213 S. Main St.. .213 E. Liberty. . .618 E. Liberty. . . .304 S. State... . .117 S. Main .... . .114 E. Williams. . 320 S. Main.... . .203 E. Liberty . . . 205E. Liberty. . . . 5th at Liberty. . . Drugs ... Clothing ..... . . Sporting Goods. Radio .... .Shoes ..... Shoe Repairing ... Tires ..... .Indoor Golf .... .Baked Goods Electrical Equipment ... Laundry 00 I AND It's a wonder MANY OTHER ITEMS. Mich. Theatre Bldg.. . Beauty Parlor .State at E. Liberty. . ... Hosiery .338 S. State .......... Restaurant some one didn't to do is to got think of it before! All you have to any of the listed Cash ANN ARBOR TAXI TRANSFER CO. 515 E. Liberty. . .......Taxi THE RITZ RESTAURANT ...........209 S. State .......... Restaurant SWEETLAND .....................212 S. Main... . ....Candy and Soda business institutions or any of their any article they have for sale, at their and then, after you nave made your ranging from 25% to 100 %. will be branches-buy regular price. MURPHY BROS. .............. . 206 W. Huron . . .... Auto Repairs r { d ANN ARBOR AUTO LAUNDRY. .... 206 W. Huron..,..... Auto Washing e selection -Discounts allowed by presenting coupons same as from the Th Cash-Carry -rift Book which will be accepted the Phone and we will send a repre. sentative to see you at once. BUY THIS THRIFT BOOK and save our representative will call on you--give him a moment or $200.00. Within a few two of days your your THRIFT BOOK in your pocket time and get the full details from himt. well spent. We promise you it will be time book. ON P r ''' C, R L'am' ' 0 R R AT ALL THE MERCHANTS LISTED ABOVE AND AT OUR HEADQUARTERS, 220 SOUTH STATE STREET. IF BY ANY CHANCE OUR REPRESENTATIVES FAIL TO SEE YOU- PHONE 4215. , 1 - 10% qR ro N ff". U AMW &--VAl 77 - "_ f~ .. ' a" a,'t .e.sw- m - m, r. . Ka?- ",Tt .i .in u> -1 , :_]. E . r .. , _;f c : xs _'S, h:.