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December 05, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-05

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VOL. XLI. No. 58








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of Ancient British
System Foreseen.
Liberals' Support May
Hinge on Bill's
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Dec. 4.-Britain's elec-
toral system, which has persisted
without essential revision within
living memory, is likely to be alter-
ed and the future of party politics
materially changed by an electoral
reform bill which Ramsay Mac-
Donald announced today he would
introduce before Christmas.
So quietly and casually did he
make his statement that its sig-
nificance was not fully appreciated
at first, but soon the lobbies filled
with excited members discussing a
development which they generally
regarded as the most important
step taken by the Laborites since
they assumed office.
Destined For Success.
Competent opinion regarded this
as a drastic move-and one proba-
bly destined for success-to assure
continued support from the Liber-
als upon whose vote the govern-
ment depends for its tenure of life
and who are the party most dis-
satisfied with the present electoral
What new form the prime minis-
ter will propose is not known, but
it was assumed he would aim at
bringing the number of Commons
members of each party more into
line with the number of votes cast
throughout the country.
Seeks Liberal Support.
Commentators professed to ex-
pect results from MacDonald's ges-
ture before the next general elec-
tion, however. The government was
facing defeat in the forthcoming
debates on trade disputes, since it
was known that some of the Liber-
als were going to vote with the
Conservatives. It is generally be-
lieved now that the proposal for
electoral reforms will hold the Lib-
eral support, insuring a govern-
ment victory not only in the trade
debates, but aso in other issues
still to come.
Alpha Alpha Gamma to Give
Informal Affair in Women's
Field House Tonight.-
Mcmbers of Alpha Alpha Gamma,
honorary architectural sorority, to-
night will sponsor their first an-
nual Ark Dance, to be from 9 un-
til 12:30 o'clock in the Women's
Field House. It is to be informal.
More than 200 persons will attend
the dance, arrangements for which
have been under the supervision of
Ethelyn Marie Frederick, '31A.
The Ark Dance is to be given an-
nually by the architectural soror-
ity as a social event corresponding
to tho Architects May party, spon-
sored by the Architectural Society,
an organization for men in the ar-
chitectural school. Men and wo-
men from all schools and colleges
on the campus will attend the
The name "Ark Dance" w a s
chosen because the word "Ark" is
pronounced the same as "Arch,"
abbreviation for "Architectural."
Tickets will be on sale today in
the lobbey of the architectural
building. Bill Comstock's orchestra
will furnish music for dancing.

Prom Guests to HaveI

Editor Replies to Statement of
Heaps, Ann Arbor
Gargoyle's December cover, por-
traying a bibulous biblical visionary
sighting two stars in place of one,
aroused a storm of comment when
it appeared on the campus yester-
Unofficial complaints, alleging
sacrilege, were received by several
faculty members from a number of
Ann Arbor citizens and one out-of-
town minister. Protests were also{
lodged with the Student Christian
association, according to Fenelon
Boesche, '33, president.
On being interviewed, ministers
of Ann Arbor's leading churches

Tuesday Set

as Opening Day

of Drive for Benefit of
Crippled Children.

Students, faculty members, and
townspeople will again be given the
opportunity to contribute towards
making this Christmas a happy oc-
casion for the 500 crippledtchildren
cared for by the state at the Uni-
versity hospital.
Galens, honorary upper class so-
ciety of the medical school, will
open its annual drive for $1,500 next
Tuesday, Dec. 9, when 29 members
of the society will be stationed at
various points on the campus with
buckets and tags, to receive contri-
Wallace Steffensen, '31M, chair-
man of the dr1Ve, said yesterday in"
regard to the work that "these
children, who we plan to assist, are
from poor families throughout the
state. In a normal year there is a
small hope that the parents can
fulfill the desires of the children,
but with financial conditions such
as they are among the laboring
class this year, such small hopes
are gone, and we are going to do.
everything possible to make this
Christmas a happy one for them."
Funds not expended for the
Christmas party will be used to
maintain the Galens' woodwork
shop in the University hospital.
This shop was established several
years ago in an attempt to give
as many children as possible ele-
mentary training in handicraft
work. Last year 373 crippled chil-
dren benefit from this work.
Fraternities and sororities have
already been solicited through the
medium of personal letters.
The state, spending, as it does,
enormous amounts of money in
caring for these sick children, is
unable to set aside a Christmas
Eleven Men Initiated
into Honorary Society
Sphinx, junior literary honor so-
ciety, initiated 11 neophytes yester-
day afternoon, concluding the cere-
mony with a banquet at the Union.
Richard L. Tobin, '32, president of
the organization, acted as toast-
master at the banquet. Those ini-
tiated were Thomas Davis, Carl
Forsythe, Roy Hudson, Jack Len-
festy, John S. Marshall, Wallace
Miller, Henry Pendell, John Rein-
del, Colby Ryan, Walter Sauchuck,
and Jay Sikkenga, all of the class
of '32.

admitted that the matter had been
discussed informally by them al-
though no official action was taken.
"The Chrisimas story is too beau-
tiful to be made the butt of college
humor," Rev. Allison Ray Heaps of
the Congregational church s a i d.
"The Gargoyle's cover is indelicate,
but it is more a case of immature
judgment than of intentional sac-
Rev. Henry Lewis of the Angli-
can church was alone in his con-
tention that there was nothing to
which he could take exception in
the drawing.
Replying to the charge of imma-
ture judgment,Paul Showers, man-
aging editor of the Gargoyle stat-
ed yesterday,-"of course the thing
was intentional. We can't rely up-
on spontaneity. Our humor has to
be all thought out carefully in ad-
vance. That's just what's the mat-
ter with it. The accusation of sac-
rilege and bad taste is a matter of
opinion. I think it is ridiculous. It
is making a mountain out of a mole
hill and giving Gargoyle the best
advertising it has had in years.
Now, possibly, the student body will
begin to realize that we aren't ex-
actly the same thing as the Inlan-
der. And incidentally, we're offer-
ing the next six issues, mailed, for
75 cents."
Student Council President Says
Measure Does Not Affect
Week-End Affairs.
Dances on the night of the J-Hop
only, will be effected by the rulingj
proposed by the Student council at
its last meeting, Merton J. Bell, '31,1
president, stated yesterday in an-
swer to inquiries concerning the
measure. Holding of house parties
during this week-end will not be
prohibited by the resolution, he
The council's reason for enacting1
this matter was likewise explained i
by the president. The council be-
lieves that inasmuch as the busi-
ness depression this year might
materially curb the number of
tickets sold, every effort should be
made to assist the junior class in
staging the affair, Bell pointed out.
"Since the J-Hop is more or less
an all-campus affair, and its suc-
cess or failure reflects upon the
student body generally, the re-
sponsibility for the party rests, not
with a particular group but with
the entire campus. Consequently,
in lieu of the circumstances this
year, we feel that everybody should
contribute to its support," the pres-
ident stated.
All-Campus Gargoyle
Sale Continues Today
All-campus sale of the December
issue of the Gargoyle will be con-
tinued today, Bruce H. Palmer, '31,
business manager of the publica-
tion, said yesterday.
The number is especially dedicat-
ed to Christmas, an innovation in
Gargoyle's policy for the present
year. The cover graphically tells
the story of one of the best-known
phases of the season. -
Twenty pages of editorial matter
is contained and includes sugges-
tions for Christmas gifts, a history
of "Christmas Pageants," several
poems, and a large number of clev-
er cartoons.

William Hard, Washington D. C.
Newspaper Man Discusses
Government Corruption.



Criticizes Passion For Electing
Officers and Enaction of
Moralizing Laws.
Three evils in the American poli-
tical system were named as reasons
for the present corruption and law-
lessness in the United States by
William Hard, newspaper man and
political writer, last night in a lec-
ture on "What Makes Politicians
That Way."
"The three basic troubles with
politics in America," he stated,
"are our excess of passion for put-
ting people into office by election;
excess of passion for passing mor-
alizing laws; and an excess of pas-
sion for localism in government. I
regard politics as inevitable, al-
though some people claim that pol-
itics can be done away with and
only government remain. But if we
must have government, we must
have politics.
Cites Election Needs.
"In the next year, the average
voter will probably have to elect
persons to over 100 offices, town-
ship, county, city, state and nation-
al, to say nothing of various ad-
ministrative districts. Could any
citizen spend enough time deter-
mining the qualifications of 200
men for office? Then to add to the
burden, voters have decided that
they do nothave enAough to say a-
bout the government, and have
taken over th e direct primary,
which means 200 more names add-
ed to the list, a total of 400 men on
which to pass judgment.
Names Eight Offices.
"There are really," the speaker
continued, "only eight offices which.
the voter should be called upon to
fill, and then he would do a much
better job of it. They are President,
Senator, representatives, governor,
state senator, state representative,
one county commissioner, and one
city commissioner or alderman.
"And in conclusion," he said, "the
leaders of both political parties
suggest one cure for all evils -
namely no special session. This cer-
tainly represents a large amount
of confidence in our elected repre-
sentatives when we believe that the
best place for them is at home.
Law School Publication Offers
Also Articles Written by
Student Editors.
The December issue of the Mich-
igan Law Review, official public a-
tion of the Law school, appears to-
day, featuring besides articles by
I outstanding legal educators, stu-
dent written sections devoted to re-
cent decisions and note and com-
A decision involving an action
for libel, instituted against a news-
paper by a woman is discussed by
a student member of the editorial
board. There is also a discussion
of a case involving the validity of
marriage under Soviet law.
H. W. Durant, dean of the Ohio
State University Law school1has'
written an article entitled "Claims
Against The Creditor As Defenses
to The Surety," Prof. John Hanna
of the Law school of Columbia Uni-1
versity has written on "Coopera-
tive Associations and the Public,"
and Prof. Edward S. Corwin of
Princeton University has continued
his discussion of t h e supreme
court's interpretation of the self-

Efforts to Locate
Student Bring Few
Clues; Radio Used
Radio and telegraph today
were being used in an effort to
locate Gerald H. Carlton, '34,
who has been missing from his
rooming house at 911 Forest
avenue since Saturday night.
The Associated Press and Unit-
ed Press, the two largest news
gathering agencies in the world,
are assisting University and po-
lice authorities in an effort to
learn of the youth's whereabouts.
A telegram from Dunkirk, O.,
received last night by Dean of
Students Joseph A. Bursley, is
the only clue obtained since the
search began four days ago. The
message was sent by Rev. A. L.
Vandergriff. It read:
"Boy answering description
radio todaydseen here yesterday
2 p.m. Headed south."
Carlton, however, is believed
to have been in Ann Arbor Sun-
day. Rev. Henry Lewis, rector of
St. Andrew's Episcopal church,
who knew Carlton, said that he
Ibelieved he saw the youth at
church services, but was not cer-
One theory advanced concern-
ing his disappearance is that he
may have become despondent
over low grades received at mid-
Michigan Principles Will Confer
on Problems of University
Prep School Students.
Principals from more than 35
Michigan high schools, represent-
ing 450 University students will be-
gin a six-day conference today in
the office of the registrar concern-
ing the students' reaction to col-
lege life and the problems which
are involved between high school
and university days.
The conference is being handled
through the registrar's office, with
Ira M. Smith in charge. Students
are given special hours and con-
ference periods, prearranged, with
their respective principals at which
time the problems of both sides are
ironed out between the student and
his former teacher. Along with the
principals from the Michigan high
schools who will assemble here to-
day and next week are several
teachers from the respective schools.
Architectural Society
Admits New Members
Five juniors and one graduate
were officially admitted to Tau Sig-
ma Delta, national architecture and
art society, at the annual initiation
banquet of the local chapter last
night held at the Union. Prof.
Aubrey Tealdi, of the landscape de-
sign department and director of
Nichols arboretum, was the chief
speaker of the evening.
Percy Knudsen, '31A, president of
the organization, also gave a short
address. Those initiated into the
society include Mortimer Hawkins,
Frederick Schweitzer and Ward
Swartz of the architecture depart-
ment; Floride Sandberg of the de-
corative design department, and
Gilbert Leppelmeier and David Wil-
cox, Grad., of the landscape design


'Elder Statesmen'
End PeetRl
by 147 to 139 Vote

A Y Poincare Seen by Many
.ARE as Forthcoming
Scandal and Senatorial
Dissatisfaction are
Cause of Action.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Dec. 4.-Premier An-
drew Tardieu's second ministry
was placed in a minority of eight
votes by the Senate today. The
premier with his colleagues visit-
ed President Doumergue at the
Elyses palace and presented the
resignation of the entire cabinet.
M. Tardieu went down smiling
and fighting to the end. But the
grave "elder statesmen" of the
third republic decided by vote of
147 to 139 that the country needed
a change of government. The fi-
nancial scandals which already had
resulted in the resignation of three
members of the Tardieu ministry
ce, who were mainly responsible for the
nt Dou- overthrow today. In a wider sense
Andrew the cause was the Senate's dis-
as over- satisfaction with the cabinet's gen-
ate yes- eral policy at a moment of nation-
al uneasiness.
Predicts Fate.

Raymond Poincare,
Forer premier of Fran
may be named by Preside
mergue as the successor to
Tardieu whose ministry wa
thrown by the French sen

Former Police Head Sees Slight
Hope for Amelioration
of Present Evils.
With underworld interests be-
coming more entrenched financial-'
ly, and the apathy of the average
citizen just as great as ever, Harold
H. Emmons, former police commis-
sioner of Detroit, saw little immedi-
ate hope for a mitigation of the
present corrupt state of politics,
in a talk before an all-Campus for-
um yesterday afternoon in Alumni
Memorial hall.
Tracing the steps that have led
up to the present unwholesome
condition of municipal government,
the speaker pointed to the great
cost of political campaigns as a
reason why honest candidates sel-
dom are able to realize their politi-
cal ambitions.
With time on a radio station at
twenty dollars a minute and other
forms of advertizing proportionally
high, the candidate is usually faced
with accepting gifts for which he
will later be expected to reciprocate
in the form of letting contracts to
certain firms and allowing certain
illegal businesses to operate.
Efforts of honest citizens to com-
pete with the underworld for politi-
cal power are usually of little avail,
Emmons pointed out. The gangster
element are so well financed and
have such perfect discipline and
co-operation within its ranks that
once a course of action is deter-
mined upon, there is little doubt
but that it will be carried to a suc-
cessful conclusion.

A a cuaa. VM a "V, V. ^


The premier already had fore-
seen that the Senate would place
a period to his. labors. In a speech
at the Thanksgiving night dinner
of the American club he reminded
his hosts that the French Senate,
like the American Senate, really
existed and could exercise its pow-
er however rarely it had done so
in the past. This Senate, he said,
he must face.
Tomorrow President Doumergue
will begin the task of bringing an-
other government into life. Ray-
mond Poincare, who has, been so
often called to power in moments
of crisis, was a big favorite in lob-
by gossip in the chamber and Sen-
ate tonight. Yesterday he told his
friends, however, he preferred not
to return to the premiership.
Name Dark Horse.
A dark-horse picked by many
politicians for the post was Pierre
Laval, minister of public works in
the Tardieu cabinet who won pop-
ular favor by the manner in which
he settled the recent textile strike.
President Doumergue first will
consult the presidents of the Sen-
ate and Chamber and then lead-
ers of the political groups such as
M. Poincare, Edouard Herriot, for-
m e r premier, Edouard Daladier,
radical socialist leader, and Leon
Blum, who heads the socialist party
and has been one of M. Tardieu's
most bitter opponents.
Charity Dance Admission Set at
$2; Two More Orchestras
Donate Services.
Tickets for the charity ball Dec.
18 in the Intramural building, spon-
sored by the Universiy and the
Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians,
will go on sale today, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Al Strauss,
'33L, chairmanofathe affair. The
price of tickets will be $2, and the
entire proceeds will be turned over
to Mayor Staebler for distribution,
since all the orchestras are donat-
ing their services to the dance.
Places near the campus at which
students may obtain tickets are
both of Slater's bookstores, Wahr's
bookstore, all banks, the Union, the
League building, the Crippen drug
stores and at the offices of the Fed-
eration in Nickels arcade.
The services of two more orches-
tras have been obtained, stated


Modernistic Mother Goose Vies
with Entertainers, Dolls
and Toy Soldiers.
By Margaret O'Brien
'Gaily colored Mother Goose fig-
ures of modernistic design, gaudily I
hued wooden soldiers, and an elab-
orately constructed doll house will
form a brilliant background for the
annual Sophomore Cabaret which
will be open both afternoon and

t h e entertainers will perform
among the patrons, and both vocal
and dancing numbers have been
Space has been provided for
dancing to the music of the Trou-
badors, presented by Jean Gold-
kette, and waitresses in attractive
Pierrot costumes will serve the cus-
tomers. Members of the central
committee will be present in formal
attire to serve as hostesses, and
twenty-six prominent women have
been invited to act as patronesses.)



Washington Correspondent Says
Senators Will Urge Action
on Economic Bills.
By Beach Conger, Jr.
Possibility of a special congres-
sional session, the World Court,

their individual bills acted on be-
fore such measures as the appro-
priation bills and the World Court
ratification are voted on. Some of
the measures are Senator Reed's re-
quiring suspension of all immigra-
tion in an effort to remedy the la-
bor situation; Senator Pittman's
bill to prevent speculation in sil-
ver which is lowering the price of
that metal; and Senator Glass'
suggestion to cut off all trade with
Soviet Russia. People may believe

incrimination clause, begun in last and various bills introduced in an
month's issue. attempt to alleviate the economic
depression were discussed by Wil-
il-liam Hard, veteran Washington
Kala azo Debnewspaper correspondent, in an in-

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