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October 02, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-02

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T {
Coach Hanlky Sees Southern
Team as Hard Opponent
for First Game.
(Special to T e il 1 u)
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 1.-Tu
lane's Green Wave which starts
rolling northward this week threa-:
tens to engulf Northwestern's ; ,i
Wildcats in the opening game of
the season at Dyche stadium Sat-
At least the Greenies' 84 to 0
triumph over Louisiana Institute 1
last week-end indicates that last
year's southern conference cham--I
pions pack considerable power. Thee
game is by far and large the tough-
est assignment ever undertaken by
a Big Ten team for the opening
game of the season.
"We plan to shoot the works,"
Coach Haznley stated in comment-
ing on his plan of attack against "
the invaders from thetsouthlandK
"There is no doubt but what we M(KY(~1A~
will have to use everything in the A h. e I.cs 1
bag to eke out a win over Tulane. Associated PressPhoto
We wanted a hard game for the;
opener and it looks as if we are Probably the greatest catc
going to have one." than the game of baseball has e
Northwestern scouts who viewed known. Yesterday Cochrane pour
the Tula ne-Louisiana g a in e at!
he. ulen-Loisiaa ga m ated out a home run off the pitchi
'ew Orleans Saturday report that e
the southern gridders are every bit of Burleigh Grimes, who was in
as good as they are touted. 'Partic- box for the St. Louis Cardinals
ularly impressive was the perfor-_
nance of a nuniber of flashy bail
carriers including Zimmerman,'i 1 T5ALLMANAGER'S
Felts, assey, and Whatley. These' All sophomores intarestedi
four men reeled off a number of y
dizzy run and it will be up to the trying out for manager of t
Wildcats to stop them if they hope football team please repartto th
EField house any afternoon th
to win. week.
Coach Dick Hanley plans to pit Aruthur Highfield, Mgr.
the strongest aggregation he can
assemble against Tulane. The Wild- ____ __
cats flashed considerable power a-
gainst the freshmen Saturday, and'
judging fromthe blocking and the
other work of the men, they are
about ready for the start.

(Continued From Page 6) AB R H E A E (Continued From Page 6)
keep the rules as simple as possible, BsRp2I3 1 A E the plays the first string gridders<
B3ishop, 2b ... 3 1 0 2 .3, 0.
and speedball's success as a game Dykes, 3b... 3 0 1 1 0 :gave the appearence of a different
Dykagydettre, . 3 . 1 7 team than that of last Saturday.f
ruis largely due to the fact that the Cochrane, c 3 1 1 7 0 0 Two other teams were run a-
rules are easy to master and the Simmons. if 3 1 1 2 0 0'gainst the yearlings and each play
team work is not too complicated. Foxx, lb. ... 3 1 1 3 1 0 i was disected for weak spots in the
Miller, rf.. 2 0 0 2 0 0.
At the same time, if a team pos- Hile. f 2 0 0 2 0 0 offensive blocking and slow mo-
tion in the interference. Several
semses a coach and devotes suffi- Boley, ss.... 2 0 0 2 3 0 versions of the Kipke latteral pass
cient time to practice, there is every Giove, p..... 3 0 0 0 0 0 worked nicely and the deceptive
possibility for the development of T5running plays with the short cut I
a high degee of strategy. May of als ..... 25 5 5 27 0back proved themselves a formid-
emuralteamsCARDINALS able offence.
the intramural em he.e a, AB R H O, A El
Michigan have developed distin- DHuthit, cf.. 4 0 0 0 0 0
tive styles of team play. Doth, f. 4 3 0 0 0 0 0
The field as used here at Michi-rAdams, 3b.:. 3 0 1 1 2 0 ADVERTISING
gan is a little smaller in size than Bottomley, lb 4 0 0 12 0 OI
a football field. A ball similar to a Bafoey lf.... 0 0 12 .0 0I
a i ib1 ue alsioreal Hafey, if .... 4 0 1 2 0 0NTIE
soccer ball is used. In front of eachI NOTICE
.goal post and extending across th Blades, rf... 3 0 0 2 0 1
gel pisn ad enaltare and the Mancuso, rf. 4 1 1 6 0 0 TO RESPONSIBLE RENTER-De-
faeldin a penalty area, and this is Gelbert, ss.. 4 1 2 0 4 01, sirable six room house well lo-
the means of inflicting a more1 Grimes, p... 3 0 2 0 3 0 cated nearly new; fireplace;
severe penalty on fouls which, made *Puccinelli .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 French doors; soft water; $50.00.
in the viciity of the goal, may! ;_Call owner 5740.
deprive the attacking team of a Totals......34 2 9 24 11 1
well-earned score. *t for Grimes.in the 9th. NOTICE-When socks are full of
There are three methods of scor- St. Louis .. .0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2-9-1 holes, shirt collars need turning
ing in regular play. The ball may 'hit.eLpui a 0 1.0 1 0 1 1010x-2-9-0Iand buttons are off everything
bee kicked under the cross bar of Rhid, Adams send them to
the goal posts, drop-kicked over uykes, Cochrane, Simmons, Miller, MOE LAUNDRY
the cross bar, or successfully for- Byewochasehimmons, Fisce,' 204 North Main Street
ward passed into the end zone. Boykey. Two "re base hits--F isc,___________________
Thesethree metodssore th reendDkn. Hae T e Fbase h BOARDING by Week-6 dollars for
points, one point, and two points, aas. Home runs-Simmons, Coch- 3 meals; 5 dollars for 2 meals.
repetivel. prane. Sacrifice hits - Douthit, 213 South Thayer, Phone 345612.
_epet__ely._Adams, Miller, Boley. Struck out-
her F By Grimes, 6; by Grove, 5. Bases WA LED
~ver Cabs and White Sox on balls--Of Grimes, 3; off Grove, CLOTHING SALESMEN WANTED
nd- Fight for City Title . Umpires; Moriarity (American -One with years of experience
ing I League) behind the plate; Rigler for part time and Saturdays.j
the While the Philadelphia Athletics. (National League) first base; Geisel Experienced only need apply.
t and St. Louis Cardinals are engag- (American League) second base; Student preferred. The Fair. 345
. ed in battling it out for the 1930 Reardon (National League) third
World Series, Chicago is having a base. Attendance, 30,000. WANTED--Students for observa-
little World Series of its own be-I ------ ----
tween the city's two teams, the ..° -..
in Cubs and White Sox. Hornsby's r°A
hei Cubs, second place winners in the Recommended by
he National League, are the strong 7The Engsh Department of .
is favorites, but the White Sox have
always made the best record in.-- -
these series and may surprise and binersty.o ichiga
i repeat this season. #
SWE BST E R'S : wr
sv. A ''a
OxfOrd 'lie Best Abridged Dictionary because it is based upon WEBSTER S
NEW INTERNATIONAL - The "Sppreme Authority". Here is
a companion for your hours of reading and study that will prove its
50a' --real value every time you consult it. A wealth'(

tion who have had little or no de- SOUTHEAST SECTION - -room
cy of their teeth. Compensation, apartment with garage. Call at
Apply to) Dr. Philip Jay in Dental 1301 Granger 234561
Building. 3456
QUIET, single room near campus.
COOKING JOB WANTED in fra- Shower bath. Phone 8394. 234
ternity or sorority. Formerly cook
in Marbruck Tea Shop. Phone 2 LARGE ROOMS for students.
Ypsi 708-J. 345 Close to campus. Phone 4329. 234
WANTED-Roommate for sopho- jFOR RENT-Large first floor suite;
more. Three dollars per week. steam heat; showers; block from
420 Thompson St. 34 Angell Hall. 521 E. Jefferson.
Dial 6768. 234
WANTED-Sophomore medic for
roommate. Call Beebe, 8994. 34 ROOMS for students or business
people also light housekeeping
WANTED-Part time salesman, rooms. Mrs. White, 1133 White
good pay. Apply Goldman Bros., St. 234
214 South State St. 23456
2 VERY attractive rooms for men.
WANTED-Tenor sax, trumpet, and Newly decorated; new beds; very
piano for dance orchestra. Must reasonable rent. Phone 70,9.
be good. Phone 8651. 234 923 Greenwood. 1X

WANTED-Roommate. Newly dec- F FOR RENT-Suite of rooms, one or
orated warm room with fireplace. I two girls. Rent reasonable. 427
702 E. Univresity, corner Monroe. Hamilton Place. Dial 5942. 123
FOR RENT-Large suite suitable
WANTED-Students bundle wash- for two or three boys. One vacan-
ing. All socks darned free. Will ' cy in front room. Rent rea-
call for and deliver. Call 2-3365. sonable. Dial 22352. 425 S.
123456(2) Tiricvin 19

WANTED--Tenor in Presbyterian FOR RENT -Four-room unfur-
quartet choir. Consult Miss nished apartment, one and a
Nora Hunt, University School of half blocks from campus. Oil
Music. Studio 216. 123 heat, frigidaire, soft water fur-
WANTED-Position on Campu a nished. Call 6937 or 5091. 123456
private secretary by young wo- FOR RENT-Cottage at 1019 Hill.
man, University graduate, excel- Furnished, 3 rooms and bath. 123
lent references, thoeough experi-
ence, Address box 140 Michigan ' ONE SUITE and fiye double rooms
Daily. 123 furnished and large.,Close to
WANTED-Tutors in every,, sub-Cc p .
ject, especially Chem., Econ., COMPLETELY furnished apart-
Engin., L an gua g ems, Philos., ent. Also double room. Steam
Psych., Sociol., Zool. Apply at F heat, shower. Dial 8544 or 9714.
once MACK TUTORING, 422 E. Washington. 123
AGENCY, 310 S. State, over Col- FOR SALE-Grape juice and sweet
lege Inn. Phone 7927. 123C cider. Call R. E. Wagner. Phone
~^~ - VOR RENT 9534 or 2-2413. 4 123456
lFOR RENT-One splendid double!
room or single. Fine heat. One LOST
block from campus. Phone 7451.
520 E. William 2 { LOST-Police dog; color dart;
I chain collar with 1929 Houghton
FOR RENT:-One suite of two Co. Tag; answers to name of
rooms and a single. Downstairs. Dirt. Finder please call 4017;
507 South Division. Also a type- reward. 3
wrierfo sle ILOST-Small black Boston bull
DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOMS- terrier. White under chin. Re-
Block from campus. Steam heat. ward. 303 Washtenaw Apts.
Showers. 536 Thompson St. Phone 23425. 234
Phone 2-2266. 345
---2GLOST-Tau Delta Phi fraternity
DESIRABLE SUITE - 523 Mack pin. On or near campus. Finder
Road. 3 please call 5964. 123
1506 PACKARD-Quiet room in FOR SALE
F private home; steam heat and
other conveniences. Phone 23692. OIL EMERSION MICROSCOPE in
234 good condition. Call after 6
ST oeP. M. 3543. 345
SUITE for two men. Study, pri-
vate bath, bedroom. 220 South FOR SALE-Typewriter, portable
Thayer, Apt. No. 2. 234' rartype, mathematical standard,
- I _and petite type, excellent condi-
FOR RENT-Reduced prices. Rich- I tion. $40.00. Write- for details.
ly furnished single rooms and R. H. Swart,' Kelvinator Corp.,
suites. Best location. 715 E. Research Dept., Detroit, Mich.
Huron. 2345 362

Because of the inclement
w e a t h e r during Orientation
Week, many freshmen were not
permitted to take part in this
activity. Those that are still in-
terestedt report to Captain Curtis
today and tomorrow at 4:00 P.M.
at Ferry Field. First and second
place winners will be awarded
medgls by the Intramural De-
partment and a .22 gauge Win-
chester rifle will be given to the
winner by the R.O.T.C. Depart-

Dull Cal
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All widths
Liberty St.

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See It at Your College Bookstore or'
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