PA TWO THE. MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 3, 1930 PA0-a a a.+ a vaa -H. a T a v+--aaN ra... EDNSDAY+DEEMBE 3,193 Professor rich A .i Irs ,, , , s ' ,, ./ ' a , 0r Elxanii ti ISCHIEDULES READY TH E~j' 01S1 TE CHARLES A. LINDMEI AIRPLANE MOI :V"!!{V,:!1_Sr.'.:i{.:""{.:: t'u:r t:' . . .:}!:{ Office of rRegistrar Will Give Oiit Printed Schedules Tomorrow. NO IMPORTANT CHANGES1 Tests for Beginning Languaige ~CQ~rses Will Not Come on Same Day. F~xamination schedules for the first semester will be issued tomor- row in the office of the registrar, room 4, University hall, Prof. Daniel Rich announced yesterday. Little chiange has been made in the sched- ule for this ' semest3r, although students in the bci:~cl~language courses will be examined on differ-' ent days, instead of on the samel day as in the past. The schedule for 1931, which be- gins Jan. 31 and ends on Feb. 13, is as follows : Monday at 1, Saturday, Jan. 31, _). im. Mocnday at 1:1, Monday, Feb. 2, Tuesday at 1, and English 1, Mon- dlay,. Feb. 2, p. in. Monday at 9, Tuesday, Feb. 3, German 1, 2, 31, 32; Education .AI, and business Ad. 151, Tuesday, Feb 3, p.mi. Monday at S8, Weanesday, Feb. 4, a. im. ~French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41, 111, 112, 1.53, and 154, and Business Ald. 161, Wednesday, ,Feb. 4, p. in. Tuesday at 9, Thursday, Feb. 5, a. im. Economics 57., 52, 101, Business Ad. 111, and Education CI, Thurs- da.y, Feb. 5~, r. mn. Tuesday at 10, Friday, Feb. 6, a. Mp. Tuesda~y at 11, ;Friday, Feb. 6, 1). ,in. Tu~esday at. ~, S turd=°4ay, Feb. '7, a. in. Poljtickal Sceence 1, 51, 107, Rusi- ness Acd. 1U1, Edija >o ei 1120, and Music B1, '-aturdcay' ?Feb. '7, p. in. Tuiesday at 2, Buineass Ad. 205, Monday, Feb. 9, a,. isn. Matieia ties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Econ. 121, MTon-day, Feb. 9, p. in. Monday at 10, Tuesday, Feb. 10, Monday at 3, Tuesday, Feb. 10, p. in. ,Spanish 1, 2, 31, and 32, Wednes- ,.ay, Feb. 11, a. m. Monday at 2, Wednesday, Feb. 11, p.. m. Speech 31, 32, and Geography 1, fThursday, Feb. 12, a. in. Sociology 51, 52, and 141, Thurs-~ day, Feb. 12, p. in. Psychology 31, Friday, Feb. 13, a. in. Examination hours will be from 9 ,to .12 in the morning and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. The examination schedules may be had, by calling at room 4, Uni- versity hall after toda.y. IGH TESTS NEW 600-HORSEPOWER WlT GE01 lPNdARGOYLE COVER WILL DEPICT POR~; MAKESI S-MILES AN HOUR SPEED UDIi urPUBLIC NOVEL SLANT ON CHRISTMAS STORY u~~ i Y ihtat sie ;ic of a ts Hurnot C. Showers, '31, editor of the Oar- ..,'~ .~.. ~UIW U IIIILILJL M ei k. Phcaed goyle, and Jack Cutting, '32. ~.tenx M ac "-11,rsi ay= The second of Gargoyle's Girl- :":":;: :: arbara H. Bartlett alks j f-the-MnhCu"pcueas on. Importance of Public A new "1 i on he old, old Christ- appears in this number. It is a He lt titingL'a Stow svit'! be gr phically ea- 1photograph of Harriet Hoctor who _ ruie e. tufc ,:c< :efthe December is, at present, dancing with Ed Althou gh public health nursing ~c >Grn ~ciwl oWypn inmuia comedy. in the Unied States may be termn h icu c1, htea- Fo hIneie hita I Tifeep"cGargoyle has inctheead- f Sxed a recent development, in the last1 vel ures of h fourth Vise Man gife' agyehsicue 40 years it has demonstrated its'I about whom little has been known page of suggestions with notations true worth i many commu itiu il VO(Cnty1 Tahe arist has com- as to their particular suitability, <.:... bind his techncal ability with a while an article on "Christmas Dr. arbaa H.Bartctt.ofkte l.e insiet fr ie human qul- Pageants," by John S. Marshall, '32, :::.."...::.'::public health nursing deartnt, ties of great it uresC in history. It does much to elucidate the peculiar statd ystedaydurig te Uai-was dsged -. ' <, tte:by Pul hsoyo hsisiuin pp' . versity radio hour. - -_______________ "In our large cites, through the visiting nurse; association and the jI F de' artments of health, nany ra - uate nurses have been employed to A gteB stad t ..xb:: .<:: : :.a;<: "visit patient ill in thei awn RFeasonable Prices Assocted rcss 'hot homes," she said. gh before they took off at Hasbrouck Heights, N J., to tt a new 6O"treda haial atvt for the sick poor who could not af- 4 nle in which they broke the trans -conatiniental speed record last Easter. i or hospital care 01' employ pr's.- F hour. Mrs. Lindbre: took the controls part of the timec. vate nurses, the agencies have M A I --- ---- - --broadened their sope to includeI 1rFr - - ~D families who can pay pa.t or all DETROIT PA YERSILI of the expense of the public health NI .I-1 W 1a 'S TO APPEAR HERE ,nurse's visit. There arc still manyhoehwvrsesad"hreGRM " In the Balconv," a laboratory one member of the family i in Goinig4.5tsafe need of skilled cae. VCean, Plaant and With Excellent Service play by Robert Browning will be: "In 1907, there were 000 public presented at 41 o'clock,thsaer health nurses. Now there are over Gn on in the Laboratory theater,i 12,000," she said.Fo adequateC)°,Y BOKNRHF MHILADT IU __________ ____ 1ormneriy Mimes, by members of the" service it is estimated that one ITheater Arts club of Detroit. public health nurse is needed for_______________ THEATES. IThe cast for the production in- every two thousand peole. This Majestic-Rube Goldber's "Soup chaocls Lerito Fulwel, Kathryn Sla- is blieved to be fair ratio to main- to Nuts." doon and Alice Stroh. Kathryn Vin- tain a community healthy, accord- Micign-Haf hotatSurie"cent Mayer is the director. ing to Dr. Bartlett.___ ___Michigan-Half_______Shot__ at__S______________A , --Ax,,4 -wwb Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindberg horsepower motor installed in -the plat lie obtained a speed of .185 miles anl TA'LKS 1IN__DETROIT Prominent Members to be Heardl in Cultural Lecture Series During Winter. IPresentation of a series of 10 lec-t I tures by prominent faculty mem- bers is part of the winter program of the University of Michigan club of Detroit. The series, which will be heard by several hundred alumnij in Detroit, has been arranged by the bureau of alumni relations. The course is non-technical in'a character and has been planned to I meet the demand for a popular course along general cultural lines. It is similar in many respects to the course of lectures which is be- ing sponsored by the Ingleside club of Detroit which organized a Mich- igan group recently to hear a ser- ies of talks by University profes- sors. Prof. C. D. Thorpe, of the Eng- lish department, will speak Dec.8 on "How and What to Read;" Prof. 1. L. Sharfman, of the economics department, will discuss "Govern- ment and Business," Dec. 15; Prof. John B. Waite, of the Law school, will take as his topic, Eec. 22, "The Policeman's Problem." Prof. R. G. Rodkey, of the busi- ness administration school will dis- cuss "Investments Wise and 0.'her- wise," Dec. 28; Prof. B. M. Dona .- son, of the fine arts department; will speak on "Modern Art," Jan. 5. "Modern American Drama" will be the topic of Prof. 0. J. Campbell, of the English department, Jan. 12. Prof. E. J. Stalker, of the engi- neering college, will speak Jan. 19 on "The Failure in Aviation," and Prof. H. H. Bartlett, director of botanical gardens, will speak Jan. 26 on "Some Recent Developments, in Science." with Bert Wheeler, Robert Wool- sey, and Dorothy Lee. Wuerth-Corinne G r if f Li t h in "Back Pay." GENERAL. Concert--The M' sl al Arts quar- tet on Chamber Music society ser- ies, 8:15 o'clock, Lydia MVendels:ohn theatre. KOrgan Recital-Palmer Christ- ian, University o r gan i st, 4:15 l o'clock, 1-Fill auditorium. Lecture- Scott Nearing on "The World Economic Crisis." Sponsored by Round Table club; 4:15 o'clock, Natural Science auditorium. BRIGHT SPOT 802 PACKARD STREET TODAY, 5:30 to 7:3) BREADED VEAL CUTLETS, BAKEDJELLY I' BKEDVIRGINIA HAM, RAISIN SAUCE ROAST BEEF BAKED SWEET OR IRISH POTATOES CREAKED CORN WAX BEANS SAUSAGE AND EGGS CORN BREAD 35c WE DELIVER PHONE 8241 :{ f III PARTY FAVORS ME R *FRATERNITY JEWELRY ~ARAE JEWELRY CARL F. BAY i _.....e, JEWELER AND OPTOME' Nickels Arcade h; cum a : , I, I r I i STARTING TODAY Q .. _* } I si DOUBLE FEATURE PRO( ICORINNE G FF IN Fannie Hurst's grecat story. Corinne's outstandir One of the season's better pictures. AND WILLIAM CLLIE IN "COLLEGE COUE' High speed romance of young love with a dramatic Short. SHOP ITRISTI 'd 2:00, 3:40 IL 7:00, 9:00 GRAM TH inn Vitaphone success. ZJR. TTE is punch that stops you in Rec ital £ v e r y Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 during the school year unless other- wise .annoned. ' 1T7I AN aw ' ;cif-dcY ''' t, 'Y a <:.-y., -. { Fhl'i;k: ; w !, , I Mj i ° °'E T WEE I No Admission Charge THE iWAOST HILARIOUS, PEPPY, HUMOROUS STUDENT PROUCTION EVER STAGED IN ANN ARBOR IhII ®r .e .n rar -wwr s® ._ - ------ - -- --- - - d CHRISTMAS CARDS and 'OF ,I,, Awl mu~lU MAKE TICKET ERVATIONS MAIN DESK AT UNION. RES- AT 'THE 5-13 rIF U"Y NOW! AT OUR Pre-Christmas Sale ON GIF4 1TS Make Your Selections Now and Avoid Disappointment Later E THE MIMES ALL-CAMPIUS REVUE, DECEMBER . ae r'+sl.ccm-# dku AT THE FORMER MIMES THEATRE-TICKETS ALL PRICED AT $1.50 A Glorious Riot of Fun--Songs-Dances-Skits Also A Newsreel Featuring Prexy, joi Bursicy, Bud Rea, And Others In "Private Scandals." DON'T ISS THIS LAUGH-PROVOKING GLOOM CHASER . j I i 11 111I1 SOUTH UNIVERSITY HAL BLCKEAST OF CAMPUS usclMerhnds INSTRUMENTS Violins at Substantial _Reduction. Slide Trombones (with case) at 20% discount. Gibson T enor Banjo and Case................. $25.00 Gibson an0oli, now ........ .,...22.50 tUsedi 0~10 aybell Banjo Reduced to ...... $30.00 Bb Clarinet O is............................ $17.50 Used Snare Drums for only $10.00 Ukuleles at as much as 20% less Harmonicas at Discount of 20% PHONE 4744 DAILY AT 2:00, 3:40 7:00, 9:00 P. M. LAST TIMES TODAY MI HIGA ALL SEATS '10c DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 1:30, 2:30 JOY MONTH SPECIAL All seats 10c until 2:00 o'clock on week.-day matinees BERT . ROSY. MIGHTY STARS O T "THE" CUCKOOS" j 0 ""1 AX 5 RADIOS Model 131, Brunswick Model 15 at subostantial Reductions. WHIj PLVVIND_'F WOWSi - ~ ((f :JA N 4 1 r, f F PIANOS GoodU~ Pianos at prices ranging $25.00 upwards. from SHEET MUSIC A h~go sp yof sheet music and mnusic boo ata generous discount. IN ADDITION THERE ARE BARGAINS MANY OTHER I :V i III __ rk III t