PAMR EM THE MICHI AN DAIL Y TUESDAY, DECEMBER ,.1930 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL. XLI. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1930 NO. 55 grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the ofce of bers interested are urged to be present. In a the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering building. Kindly see English Miss Earl for the reports. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean. Athena: There will be no meeting tonight. Formal initiation and nesday, banciuet will be held tomorrow night at the Michigan league. perform THE HOPWOOD CONTESTS. drama,' Sophomores desiring to try out for the hockey managership report l en byt The Awards: at the Michigan rink at 6 o'clock. Detroiti Two awards of $250 each are to be given to the two students who M i(former have written the two best poems of the year. Social Dancing Class meets at the Women's Athletic building at The pe Two awards of $250 each are to be given to the two students who 7:30 p.m. jtendedf I erature have written the two best plays of the year. will be Two awards of $250 each are to be given to the two students who j Practice Dancing Class for the Junior Girls' Play will meet at the! in the have written the two best pieces of fiction of the year. regular times today and Thursday in the Committee room, second floor SpeechE Two awards of $250 each are to be given to the two students who of the League building, instead of in Barbour gym. ticketsa NOTICES President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the University on the first two Wednesday afternoons of each month from 4 to 6 o'clock. University Lecture: Canon Edmund H. Fellowes, of Windsor castle, England, will lecture at 4:15 p.m., Monday, December 8, in Hill audi- torium, on "The English Madrigals." This lecture will be illustrated by selections presented by the a capella choir of the Central high school, Flint, Michigan, Jacob Evenson, conductor. The public is cordially in- vited. Instructions For Reporting Industrial Accidents. Report all industrial accidents in writing or by telephone (Hosp. Ex. 325) to the Credit Department of the University Hospital, giving name of employee and cause of accident. All accidents, whether medical care is required or not, should be reported. (A supply of University of Michigan accident report forms (No. 2547) will on request be furnished by the Hospital Credit Department.). When an employee requires medical care as a result of an accident, a written report should accompany the employee to the Information Desk on the main floor of the University Hospital. This report is authori- ty for the Hospital to render the necessary mcdical care. Injuries requir- ing medical care will be treated only at the University Hospital. Em- ployees receiving treatment elsewhere will be responsible for the expense of such treatment. (If prompt attention is not received by the injured employee reporting to or taken to the Information Desk at the University Hospital, the employee or his representative should in due course report the fact to the Business Office of the University, which will take it up with the Hospital authorities.). When an employee does not require medical care the written report should be mailed by each department to the Credit Department of the University Hospital. Emergency medical care will be given at the Hospital without a written accident report. However, this report should be forwarded as promptly as possible to the Hospital Credit Department. Emergency ambulance cases should be taken directly to the ambulance entrance at th' rear of the main building of the University Hospital. Injuries to members of the academic and administrative staffs need not be reported unless there is doubt as to the classification of the em- ployee. The State Compensation Law is for the mutual protection of em- ployee and employer. In order to enjoy the privileges provided by the law all industrial accidents must be reported to the correct authorities. Reports entitle each employee to compensation for loss of time and free medical care as outlined in the law. An Industrial Accident is any mishap occurring while an employee is engaged in the activities of his employment which result in either a permanent or temporary disability, or which might conceivably de- velop into a permanent or temporary disability. S. W. Smith, Vice President and Secretary. Seniors in the School of Music: A tentative list of February and June seniors has been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 U. hall. Anyone whose name does not appear please notify the clerk at the counter. Also take notice of the spelling of your name. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: Candidates who wish to consult the Committee on the Teacher's Certificate in connection with classification are re- quested to do so this week. Chemistry 6, Lecture Section 1. Second Semester. The lectures M, F at 8 in Chemistry 6 will not be given next semester. All students tak- ing Chemistry 6 must attend the lectures M, F at 11. History 38. The prerequisite of this course is an introductory and not History 11 and 12 as previously announced. Arthur Lyon Cross. Aero. 6; Wind Tunnel Laboratory: All students enrolled for this course the second half of this semester should report to room B-302 East Engineering building immediately. Sections 3 and 4 will meet for the first time on Thursday, December 4, and Friday, December 5, respec- tively, at 2 p.m. Sophomore, Junior and Senior Engineers: Mid-semester reports for A Luxury? Users of Arbor Springs Water say NO! "Perhaps," remarks one of our customers, "it' isn't a necessity for the body. But it certainly IS a mental necessity. It's relieving to KNOW I'm drinking PURE water. Then there's the delightful taste . . . so different from ordinary water!" ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 11. have written the two best essays of the year. RULES GOVERNING THE CONTESTS. Eligibility: All undergraduate students regularly enrolled in a course in writing for at least one semester of the college year may enter the contests. Manuscripts: A contestant may enter one or all of the contests and submit any number of manuscripts in each contest. Form: Manuscripts must be typed, doubled-spaced, on one side of the paper only. There must be three copies of each composition. Manuscripts are to be signed with a nom de plume, and accompanied with a sealed envelope containing the nom de plume and the contestant's name. Date: All manuscripts must be in the English office, 3221 Angell Hall by 4:30 o'clock, Wednesday, April 22. Judges: The names of the judges will be announced later. EVENTS TODAY Fifth Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture, "Recent Additions to Greek Poetry," by Professor J. G. Winter, at 4:15 p.m., Room D, Alumni Mem- orial Hall. German Department: Monthly meeting at 4:15 p.m. in Room 201, University hall. Reviews-in Elementary Latin will not meet this evening. Engineers: All second semester freshmen and sophomores interested in Michigan Technic staff work, either editorial or business, are urged to be present at a meeting tonight in room 3038 East Engineering Bldg. No previous experience necessary. Junior Research Club meets at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1121 Natural Sci- ence building, for initiation of recently elected members. Mr. Risley will speak on "Bisexuality and Sex Determination in Em- bryos of the Musk Turtle," and Dr. Senstius on "Travel Impressions of Present-Day Russia." Physics Colloquium: Professor H. M. Randall will talk on "Some Re- cent Additions to the Equipment for Infra-Red Research," at 4:15 in Room 1041, East Physics building. Gargoyle Editorial Staff and Tryouts: A meeting to discuss plans for the January issue. 4:15, Press building. Freshmen: There will be a meeting of all those interested in play- ing basket-ball in the annual Union all-Frosh tournament at 7:15 to- night in room 318 of the Union. There will be an important meeting of the waitresses for the Soph- omore Cabaret this evening at 7 o'clock in Barbour gym. Everyone must be there. Seminar in Advanced Theory of Structures; Due to the absence of a large number of the members who are attending the convention of the A. S. M. E. at Boston, the Seminar will ,not meet today. Meetings will be resumed, however, Thursday, December 4. Physical Education Club meeting at the auxiliary gym of the Intra- mural building at 7:30. It is expected that Mr. William K. Streit, Superintendent of physical education at Cincinnati, Ohio, will speak at the meeting. Michigan Technic Editorial.,Staff: Important meeting of the entire editorial stafr and tryouts at 8 p.m. in room 3036 E. Eng. building. Any- one wishing to tryout is urged to attend. Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan league. Dr. Walter Mosauer, of Vienna, will speak. Tau Beta Pi: Dinner and meeting at the Michigan union 6:15 p.m. Zeta Phi Eta: Business meeting will begin at 7 o'clock promptly. Pledges meet at 7:30. The debate with Alpha Nu on the question, "Resolved: that co-eds behave like human beings," will take place at 8:00 p. m. Sigma Alpha Iota meets at 8:00 in the Michigan league building. Every member must be present. Contributes to Women's League Bazaar: All articles must be brought to the parlor of Barbour gymnasium between 3 and: 5 o'clock. Christian Science Organization meets at 8:00 p.m. in the chapel of the Michigan league building. Youngstown-Michigan Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in room 302 of the Michigan union. Mr. T. Hawley Tapping, General Secretary of the Alumni association will address the group. All men from Youngstown, Warren, Girard and other towns in the vicinity are urged to attend. Play Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets at 2:30 in the Michigan league. Quakerism: Miss Anne Sprague, secretary of the Detroit Society of Friends will lecture at 4:15 on "The Dawning Era's Religion (Quaker- ism)" in room 231 Angell hall. COMING EVENTS Zoology Lectures: The Department of Zoology has arranged for the following lectures to be given by Dr. J. Bronte Gatenby, Professor of Zoology at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Dec. 4, 4:15 p.m. "X-rays, Radium and Phosphorus, and the Cell." (Public Lecture). West Physics Lecture Room. Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., "Review of the various theories of the structure of the cell." Room 2082 Natural Science building. Dec. 5, 4:15 p.m., "Cytoplasmic inclusions in the germ cell cycle, and lines for further research." Room 2082 Natural Science building. in the o English Histol nation U. H. a Wednes Chem Wednes in Roo Profess on "So the Ap lose." Resca Wedcnes in .Poo buildin Cercl day at room, buildinj speak. Unio Balcony: The Division of announces that on Wed- December 3, at 4:15 p.m., a ance of Robert Browning's "In a Balcony," will be giv- the Theatre, Arts Club of in the Laboratory Theatre, ly known as Mimes theatre). rformance is especially in- for students of English Lit- and the Drama. Tickets distributed among students courses in English and especially interested. Some will be held for distribution )fices of the Departments of and Speech. L. A. Strauss. ry 41 Mid-semester exami- will be held in room 206 s well as in room 35 A. H. day, Dec. 3. istry Colloquium will meet day, December 3 at 4 p.m. m 300 Chemistry building. or M. Gomberg will speak me Recent Developments in pplied Chemistry of Cellu- arch Club Council meets 'day, December 3, at 4 p.m. rm 112 Romance Languages g. e Francais will meet Thurs- 7:45 in the Cercle meeting 408 Romance Languages g. Mr. Charles E. Koella will n Executive Council Meeting (Continued on Page 2) WI I We have all makes Remington, Royals, Corona, Underwood Colored duco finishes. Price $60 O. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 aAAAAAAAAA A A A, BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. INVESTMENT S EC Ut I T IES Orders executed on all ex- changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. L 1st FLOOR 'V'WV ' 'f'VV 'IVW VVVVWV I I I Scott Nearing will speak in the Natural Science Auditorium, Wed- nesday, Dec. 3, on the subject, "The World Economic Crisis." The speak- er is presented by the Round Table club at an admission charge of 25 cents. Students in the Economics WE RENT WE SERVICE WESL Radios CROSLEY AMRAD BOSCH SHOP Tel. 2-2812 615 E. William Department are especially urged to Chemical Engineers: The regular graduate luncheon will be held 1!_attend. today at 12 o'clock in room 3201 East Engineering building. Professor C. S. Yoakum, Vice-President of the University, will address the group - on the work of the Bureau of University Research. WATLING Adelphi House of Representatives ___ __ _I TVD!Lf rVT I will hold an informal debate in its open meeting at 7:30 p.m. A short business meetingwill follow.;Ar- rangements are now being ' miade for the debate with the Engineer- ing Debating society, and all mem- Phone 2-2551 UNITED CABS "Quick, Efficient, Service" I I THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF ANN ARBOR Presents THE MUSICAL ART QUARTET at Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Wednesday, December 3 at 8:15 I LE.RC E1r.IN & HAYES Members New York Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curb (Associate) Dealers in Investment Securities Accounts Carried for Clients Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phones: 23221-23222 f ti / ' h, /. I f FOR BR EAKF AST Our delicious toasted Sweet Rolls Good Coffee The BETSY ROSS SHOP 13-15 Nickels Arcade We Deliver Dial 5931 I , I' I Single Admission $1.50 Student Seats 50c 416 West Huron Phone 8270 Box Office open Dec. 3, 2-8:15 p. m. s I SENIORS Only a short time left for 'Ensian photographs. An early appointment is necessary if you wish to have yours in this year's book. The Ideal Christmas Gift- Your Photograph! _I A1 U _.i I. U II LABORATORY SUPPLIES CHEMICALS DRUG SPECIALTIES SUNDRIES E ERBACH AND ESTABLISHED 1843 Time's Flying--See To It Now Not quite four weeks until Christmas- Bring in your order for Christmas Greeting Cards and while here ask to see our MICHIGAN CALENDAR-A "HUMDINGER" AT SUnxiversity JM % ookstore 332 South State Street i Phone 5031 I1 tHOR O G(XPHS oire ver 200-202 E. LIBERTY ST. il r7777 .. J J Tony WILL BE HERE arionettes I Von'lll' I IONMm, 111111 11 1111 'I - 1