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December 02, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-02

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~- _________________________

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4t rrhtf au ally
Published every morning except Monday
turing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Aseaion of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postagesgranted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
hard Street.
Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor..............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor .............. Joseph A. Russell
Women'sEditor...........Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books....... Wm. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor ......harold O. Warren
Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor..........George A. Stauter
Wm. F. Pyper . .Copy Editor
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carle S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend

to be placed in a relation to the
University similar to that of any
other department of instruction,
ample financial support of the ath-
letic program, particularly intra-
mural sports, must be provided by
the state. Working on the assump-
tion that these funds will be made
available, two feasible means of
effecting the above changes are
Because single-handed action on
the part of one university, especial-
ly one holding membership in a
league or conference with other
institutions, would produce only
friction within the ranks and
antagonism with other schools, a
gradual change toward balancing
athletics and re-establishing the
entire system as a university de-
partment must be achieved by con-
certed effort. The American Asso-
ciation of State Universities is ob-
viously one potent agency for such
reform. A committee of that organ-
ization working toward the desired
ends could accomplish much in the
way of uniformity in changes and
of support for the entire movement.
But of much greater potential
effectiveness and ability to act with
immediacy would be a committee
composed of the presidents of the
Western Conference schools. Such
a body could easily and fruitfully
set about an entire revision of the
status of intercollegiate athletics in
all Conference schools.
The first consideration is to pro-
vide means for keeping up intra-
mural athletics at the present peak
of operations; with this main prop
for the wider intercollegiate ath-
letic card out of the way, the air
will be cleared up for a sound and
sober reckoning of the remaining
small issues supporting intercol-
legiate sports in their present in-
flated and over-touted position.
o -
Editorial Comment

Practice this little exercise over
for a while, fellows, it might do you
some good, althoug I have serious
I like the weather
Do you like the weather?
Yes, I like the weather very
Yes, my mother likes the
weather very much.
Well, go home and tell your
mother ! *?!?*?f
* * *

I'll have to say one
for the PIG
Though for absolute
a trifle too big,
If told I must carry

little word
grace he's
a pig or a

TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn
Theatre to begin promptly at
8:15 the inimitable Tony Sarg
and company present the most
elaborate conception in pup-
petry to date, a production of
Lewis Carrol's "Alice in Won-
The members of the recently
appointed drama committee were
the reception committee to an in-
vited audience at the dedication
last night of A Laboratory Theatre:
--the new quarters presented to
Play Production this fall by the
University and carefully renovated
Intd vivified into an amazing thea-
tre intime by the members of Play
Production under the direction of
Mr. Valentine Windt.
Several of the significant aspects
>f recent campus dramatic history
were very nicely crystallized in this
delightful evening. First and fore-
most was the evidence of that ener-
retic and enthusiastic devotion (ex-
tending to an infinitude of practical
letails, only vaguely connected
with drama) which Mr. Windt has
managed to inspire in his hundred
>r so students for the last two and
a half years. Two years ago, Uni-
versity Hall, that ghastly archi-

,t;. '
? 3'
=i ..
yg ,
: i
t .

Walter S. Baer, Jr
Irving J. Blumberg
r~homas M. Cooley
George Fisk
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbreth
Jack Goldsmith
land Goodman
Morton helper,
Edgar Hornik
James H. Inglis
Menton C. Kunze
Powers Mqurlton
Lynne Adam.
Betty Clark
~jsic Feldman
iabeth Gribble
Pmily .G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffmeye
ear Levy
Jfary McCall


Wilbur J. Myers
Robert L. Pierce
Sher M. Quraishi
Riellard1 Racine
Jerry E. Rosentha?
George Rubenistein
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
George A. Stauter
Parker Terryberry
Tohn S. Townsend
)obert D. Townsend
Margaret, O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosentbtkl
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
er Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
'Advertising............ Charles T. Kline
Advertisig .....Thomas M. Davis
Advertising............William.W. Warboys
Service................. .Noris J. Johnson
Publication. ........Robert W. Williamson
Circulation............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts ... .. ............ Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenan
Harry R. Beglev Don W. Lyon
Vernon Bishop William Morgan
William Brown 4. Fred Schaefer
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier
William W. Davis Noel D. Turner
Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Tedder
Erle Kightlinger
Ann W. Verner Helen Olsen
Marian Atran Mildred Postal
H len Bailey Marjorie Rough
Sosephine Convisser Mary E. Watts
oro'thy Laylin Johanna Wiese
Sylvia Miller

(From Yale Daily News.)
"Man released from death house
on Thanksgiving Day." That was
a headline in Thursday's papers.
The man's sentence was revoked
because it was felt that the evi-
dence presented at his trial was
insufficient. The question immed-
iately arises: How many other
cases have there been in which
alleged criminals have been con-
victed upon shaky evidence, and,
less fortunate than this man, have
been sent to the chair? The ques-
tion is highly pertinent in an age
when new light has been thrown
upon testimonial evidence by mod-
ern psychology.,

Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL

Among those factors in inter- Psychologists h a v e repeatedly
collegiate athletics which have re- made tests of the accuracy of ob-
cently come in for their share of a Servation and memory with inter-
indictment is that of athletic ad- esting results. A representative
.tgroup of people is chosen and plac-
ministration, centering usually in ed in a room. An event or a ser-
boards of control. President Ruth- ies of actions take place in plain
ven, in'his speech before the Amer- sight, and then the subjects are
iean Association of State Univers- asked to set down their observa-
ities, pointed out that a signal tions of what happened. In a day
or so they are again asked to re-
offense of these bodies was their count what happened, and then a-
responsibility for making public gain after a lapse of several months
spectacles of sports at the expense or a year. The results show not on-
of their teams. Adult members of ly that as time goes on the mem-
these boards become rather entre- 'ory becomes dimmer, but that the
preneurs dealing with a high-pow- accounts given even after the event
ered financial project than profes- are decidedly lacking in accuracy.
sors who retain a balanced view of Now consider legal processes. As-
the entire University as they de- sume that the testimony of an eye-
termine athletic policy awitness is being used to convict a
Of late, the average board mem- man of murder. Unless the law
ber, if he is honest, intelligent and operates swiftly, several months., or
straightforward, will when pressed a year, or sometimes even two
for his answer to this charge admit years elapse between the date of
that while perhaps it may be some- the murder and the date of the
what true of his own institution, trial. During that time the mem-
in general the policy of the board ory of the witness grows confused
in control of athletics has sought to and the value of his evidence, so
retain the best features of the ex- far as accuracy is concerned, de-
isting plant and sports program clines appreciably. Yet his testi-
and to eliminate the cankerous mony may serve to send an inno-
ones. Then, in justification for the cent man to jail, or to the chair.
existing elephantiasis, he will prob- A study of the results of the psy-
ably point to the well-formulated chology t e sts mentioned above
program of intramural athletics clearly emphasizes the fact that
fostered almost entirely at the ex- not only is the evidence of eye-
pense of the larger intercollegiate witnesses seriously open to ques-
games, Does not a program if tioning, but also that it may be
"athletics for all" warrant a few worth nothing at all.
transgressions and minimize a few Of course it is true, on the other
weak points in the intercollegiate hand, that if the validity of testi-
card? monial evidence were denied, there
To the student observer, occupy- would virtually be no basis for trial,
ing a middle ground between these and that a common-sense evalua-
views, all such discussion must tion of evidence is the only practi-
eventually simmer down to one cal process, regardless of what the
question: If ample means were psychologists may say. But it is
supplied, by the state for example, quite as evident that the whole
to carry on the present intramural problem of the testimony of wit-
program, would the continued nesses should be considered in the
existence of our present intercol- light of recent psychological dis-
legiate athletics be waranted? coveries. What the country needs
73.,+.naly .hn lenllaav, r n 1ni t. 1is a man o'ronn rf mYnrn ar

I should vote for the pig every
time, yes of course.
* * *
One thing about Ann Arbor
It gives you a chaince to get
With people you never would
otherwise meet
When you gracefully dive to
the ground at their feet.
* * *
Perhaps it were just as well we
reverted to prose for the time being.
I feel that, uplifting as such things
are, there may be a limit to their
acceptability especially in a place
which tolerates the Newberry Aud
* * *
Say fellows let's go to the A. N.
Which purports to determine
the feminine fate
Deciding of co-educational
Whether it's possible that thing
is human.
* * *
As a lapse into prose that strikes
my critical eye as being a complete
and total washout-in fact as a
lapse into anything. This is clearly
the time to branch off into the
allied arts, wherefore, gents, gives
me the greatest pleasure to present
to you this evening the Rolls Art-
ist's latest masterpiece. As you can
easily see, it is a-oh well, as you
can easily see, anyway. He promised
me faithfully to produce a good
sketch of something, but it is about
as lousy as some of the sketches
they're putting on in the Mimes
Review. (Get that?-skets,-skitch
-aw,-it wasn't worth explaining
* * *
And speaking of the weather,
this reminds me of the last real
blizzard we had out home-the one
when Aunt Lizzie broke her neck
(Haw, Haw! will I ever forget that
one?) It's austere beauty affected
my dear old grandfather so that
he said "Austere clear of those
things for the love of Mike," but
I didn't know Mike, and I didn't
feel as if I should care for him
much if I did, so I came to Michi-
gan which certainly made grand-
daddy look pretty silly. Anyway, it
all reminds me of what he used to
tell me to show me the bright side
of weather like this. It goes some-
thing like the following:
* * *
The Snow, the Snow, the beau-
tiful snow
You'll ne'er see its equal where-
ever you go
For, step once unguardedly
onto a flake
And for weeks you'll be blessed
withra horrible ache.
But say, I'm really serious about
attending this Alpha-Nu debate. I
feel that it is the dtty of every
right-thinking man to be present
at this affair if only to see that
justice is done. I also take this
opportunity to warn the members
of the respective societies that all
Rolls arguments are copyrighted.
And furthermore I propose my-
self as judge for the forthcoming
I advance as my qualifications
the fact that I was once used as
debate for a snipe hunt, am abso-
lutely unbiased by my hatred for
coeds, and am a man of sterling
character as my good friend Her-
bert Hoover will gladly testify to
any who choose to ask him. Besides

this, I already have a very excellent
judicial opinion on the results of
the contest written out and ready
to hand, and can guarantee to give
it smoothly and without the hesi-
tating diffidence that so mars such
occasions where the judge has for-
gotten to take similar precautions.!

f -

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tectural anachronism-where every
move was an ordeal-was enthus-
.astically whitewashed and "pre-
sentableized' into a laboratory
theatre adequate for a splended
znd memorable production of Tols-
Joy's "Redemption." That year and
:he next saw Play Production's
netamorphosis from a very limited,
airly feeble flirting with dramatics
to an experimental theatre that
Satisfied the attentions of a very
arge patronage by the improve-
S-nent in aim and accomplishment.
Play Production for over a year has
_-ad an audience, so numerous and
so articulate as to encourage it to
experiment and the distinguished.
mounting of good plays.
A representative portion of that
audience witnessed the dedication
last night of tie former Mimes
Theatre-which Ele University pre-
rather considerable recognition of
their progress. Again, students seem
to have eagerly roiled sleeves and
transformed what had been a some-
what dark and brooding barn, a
little too obviously the makeshift,
into a bright and warm little thea-
tre: boasting a colorful lobby (its
educational function as a classrooT
being neatly concealed) some et-
tractive wall-panels, and a general
cordiality and intimacy of atnos-
ohere in which amateur plays can
And to modestly emphasize its
attainments and its grand raison
d'etre, the audience was offered a
distinguished presentation of Mol-
iere's "Les Precieuses Ridicules":
beautifully costumed, sensitively
directed and vivaciously acted. The
surprise of the evening was the ap-
pearance of Mr. Windt in one of I
Moliere's most famous roles, that
of Mascarille, the valet with ele-
gant pretensions to superb gallan-
try. Mr. Windt played this part
with fine vehemence. The famous
scene with the misses he played
with gaiety and gusto. Mr. \indt.
has an abundance of technioue
which he used very precisely; but
in addition there was a personal
gaiety being suggested: Masaril-
le's relish in the mere notion of the
splendid part he, a valet, was play-
ing. His eyes beamed: his voice
simmered with enjoyment. It was
an excellent performance particu-
larly appropriate to Moliere.
The radiant sanity of Moliere
was a fortunate choice for the eve-
ning. On the surface the play is
broad farce: but it has the incisive-
ness of serious drama. The terrible
form of egotism that reveals itself
in hypocrisy of manners is absurb:
so Moliere corrects it with the
w i s e s t of correctives-laughter.
The result is immortal ridicule of
the perennial blue-stocking.
The production very properly
was in an artificial style. There
was a preicision and a selection of
gestures: not too much movement
on the stage: and the characters
were not too particularized being
rather presented, as they were con-
ceived, as ideas. The wit and San-
ity of Moliere were expressed In a

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