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Party Heads Strive to
Develop Orderly
Controversy Threatens
over Seating of
J. J. Davis.
(By Associated Press)
Turmoil prevailed both inside and
outside the capital today as the
election-torn ranks of the (;vst
congress reassembled for the con-
cluding short session.
While communists battled po-
lice on the capital plaza and con-
gress went through its
ing formalities, harassed party
leaders inside were striving to
work out of a jumbled legislative
docket an orderly program that
could be completed by Mar. 4.
The only unanimity, however, ap-
peared to be on drought and un-
employment relief legislation.
Robinson Supports Hoover.
The first measure proposed dealt
with drought relief. Senator Robin-
son, of Arkansas,
t h e Democratic.
leader, who yes-
terday assured
President Hoover:
of support for a
bi-partisan relief
program, intro-
duced a $60,000,-
000 drought relief
bill and Republi-
cans in the House ,. Y<.
and "Senae hast-'' s
ened to advance
similar legisla- Svt t AM
But the organization of the public
buildings, road construction and
drought relief program awaits the
recommendations to be submitted
to Congress tomorrow by President
Among the other perplexities that
arose as Congress met was whether
Senator-elect Davis, of Pennsyl-
vania, will be seated. Mr. Davis
failed to put in his appearance and
the Senate ceremonies were over in
20 minutes.
To the solution of this contro-
versy and the problem of what to
do with the world
c o u r t protocol
which President
Hoover has de-
cided to submit to
the Senate, the
Republican lead-
ership bent itself
in conference to-
? night. With these
two troublesome
propositions and
that of Muscle
Shoals ahead
leaders were stil
dubious of thei
I4OLA$ LOrGwQRTII ability to forestal
an extra session in the spring.
Representative Tilson, of Con-
necticut, the Republican leader, an-
nounced he was ready to begin
night sessions with a view to clear-
ing up all controversies.
Ignoring the demonstration by
the communists, early crowds filled
the galleries in the senate and
house to watch the opening. Ani.
mosities of the campaign, togethe
with its joys and sorrows for the
membership, seemed forgotten b
the Congressional hosts as the gal
leries looked down.
Frenzied Demonstration Stage
at Meeting of Congress.
(P9 Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-Severa
hundred communists picked th
moment of the convening of Con
gress today to stage a wild scen
on the broad plaza of the capita
before tear gas bombs and police
Seniors to Start Selection of Investigation Shows Use of Half-
Second Semester Courses. TO UIIJIDL*P[0UBIIU Million in Campaign. O pens U :
1 Seniors in the literary college, (By Assolaed Press)
music school and education school ISSUE WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-Resolu-
will begin classification for the sec- bions to withhold the oath of office
and semester today in room 4, Uni- from James J. Davis as a Republi-
F versity hall. Juniors will begin next City Council Vetoes Increase in can senator from Pennsylvania
- _---___ ____ Monday and sophomores on Dec. 15. Water Rates to Provide were under consideration tonght
Classification, in charge of Prof. after the Nye campaign fund
DEBATERS TO ARGUE Daniel L. Rich, will be conducted Reservoir, wins. committee received reports indicat RUTHVEN LAUDS WORK
ONsCCO ED' BEHAVIOR on the same scale as in previous ing primary expenditures in behalf 1 OF PLAY PRODUCTION
_NCD semesters, while freshman schedul- BILL REJECTED 3 TIMES of the Davis-Brown ticket had
ing will be postponed until after reached more than $625,000. At th f the ne
Tonight, it is hoped, will see the Christmas holidays. Success in Attempt to Secure $325,000 to be It had been expected the contest Laboratory theate last night b
the solution of a long debated 'the lt y 's stem of pre-sem- . . d itiated today, but DavisLa ro t rsit
problem when Zeta Phi Eta and ester classification caused a repeti- iadd in Place of Raisag deferred appear- P er veri cogratulae
lpha Nu clash on the proposi- t thsfalRichsttedsuMore Present Assessment. ng in theSente anderk ancoted
to,"Resolved: that the 'co-ed' tioohsflRchsae.Mr resent hismn.Iigs enae . the group on the success of their
tothan 90 per cent of all the students to preenthsir work and made the following
behaves as a human being." in the literary school complete their Three times rejected by the peo-dp
The former society, at one schedules before the end of the rle of Ann Arbor, a exdenti n '>f fortunate that the work of the
time named Portia, issued the first semester last year under this issue for the purpose of raisig the additional ex- Speech department in dramatis
challenge for the debate, and system. $325,000 to be used in the constIuc- penditure reports is now adequately housedWhile
will have the stupgndous task tion of a new reservoir and con- by the Nye in- equipment is second in import-
of upholding the affirmative, 2005nnecting water mains is to be placed dst H e ance to the personnel of any
while the masculine debaters before the voters once more in the i indicated, howev- University unit, the best results
will take the negative.s IpUnH L primary elections next March. (er, that he might Unves tinenystde-
The debate, which is open to a pNeedr t o bees(rcan e abpapned anrytwotb e I
roo onthhouthfooeoen-Fd[ OT esiatrs anbeotane nl wt ae
te public, will be held at 8 NeedNbw esevair. sworn tomorrow. quate material facilities."
o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu The Common council, sitting in "I was inform-Dean John R. Effinger, dean of
room on the fourth floor of An- LegularimetingULcon ittig d" was id- the literary ceollege, oecom
elhal____down the water committee's plan ed" Davis said in - ______onthenewtheter_"W
gell hall. to increase the water rates roughly a statement, "that /AMES J DAV/ are fortunate," he said, "in hav-
Postmaster General Proposes one-sixth over the present assess- S e nato r N ye ing our college work in dramat-
GieatelyDelivery Charge ment, which would have provided wished to study further the matter icsylocated in suitable,
for Letters. an additional income to the city of of contributions in the recent Penn- quarters. The Mimes theater
,approximately $50,000 per year. At sylvania election. After consultation should prove an excellent dra-
wITN[S DISPU EStGreterubli-cPos-lriothavewhovie -iclafinall y
(By Associated Press)this rate the cost of the new water ith Seate Repblican leaders w matic laboratory in the future
WASHINGTONDec.1.-- Post_ system could not have been raised had also conferred with-Senator as itthas been to a certain extent
master General Brown's prescrip in ess than six years. In the event heli myeedteesttoi ith - in the past. With ,the newly
tion for that old aggravation-the thothe bond issue is again de- hd metias uil Chaman rganized University committee
postal deficit-is to charge a half feated it will be imperative that tINye had time to make his examina- n ramatics and wth this real
High Treason Trial Discloses cent more to deliver those letters therates be raised, since the need that is, tomorro. opportunity for development,
nowmaiedoutid th loalty orfor a new reservoir is imminent, it In the meantime," Davis added, there is every reason to expect
May efcincesofSvwasowmale stated. ocliy o "I desire to say that, having noth- most satisfactory progress in{
MnDeiicisoSoit two cents. wssae.Iigwaee ocnel ul rmtcwr ntecmu.
Production. Appalled by the $58,779,000 by' The council also decided that the igwaee ocnel ul rmtcwr ntecmu.
which the department found itself necessary sum be embodied in one court whatever further investiga-
(By Associated Press)>i behind for the year ended last June, issue, rather than the measure willco-openatorNye cares to m an _he-
June I illco-perte ithhim and the
MOSCOW, Dec. 1. - One of the he spoke out today to President proposed by one faction of the committee.
eight Russian engineers on trial for Hoover in his annual report. council, which would have divided Cym ..
high treason tonight expressed the The recommendation was for a the issue into two portions, onet f Chairman Ny termed the forme ut
beleftha Svie Rssi wuldno ;two-and-a-half cents per ounce 1$110,000 for the building of theserty' action as "gracious," but
belief that Soviet Russia would notreservoir itself, and the other for added he would be compelled to
get ahead of the United States in rate for first class mail of a non- rhervonir is f ad en mte ns ask a delay in acceptance of hisL
technical production for m a n y local destination, while the two- the connection of dead endmains credentials if he appeared before
. etraewud eaninefc and the erection of new mains,crdnalifhapeedboe
years which would amount to $215,000 thecommittee completed its in~
The defendant, 67-year-old Alex- forlocal dries.d sTh gis "only c- iEch aon tnvestiation of reports it received udget be
ander Fedotov, had been asked by tical" remedy, under the legisla- Will Exchange Land. ;, today from Harrisburg. I ugtforS opat e om mitte
Prosecutor Krilenko whether he tion proposed, would go into effect Further action of the counci t ____-Cmmite
thoughat,,,the plans of the Soviets next April 1. provided for the e Iange. bet ieal-I ! Tl...
tootti mrc ol uce. Last year's receipts reached $705,- the University and the city of cr-;UI I This morig.
tootsrpAmrcawud succeed
"I am guilty, of course," replied 484,000. Despite that tremendous tain parcels of hand for the purpose ' ----ILL Peeenilsleo 93 -o
the aged engineer, "but I must ad- total, the deficit exceeded that of of extending University construc-i Preferential sale of 1932 J-Hop
mit I don't believe the Soviets will 1929 by $1,913,000. tion programs, according to resou- 'Trkets will begin this morning at
get aheado'f America for man "The Department should conduct tions passed by the Board of Re- !the Union. Juniors, of all schools
years. my its strictly postal operations with- gents and presented to the council of the University, will have an op-
yeaout a financial loss." was Brown's for approval.portunity to purchase tickets today
Another witness said the Ameri- starting point. He estimated the in-o Prof. EdwinC. GoddardTxI and Wednesday before the general
fthIcoeTxLosaBiIsu;can textile machines had been dis- satn on.H siae h n rf di .Gdad fteicm a om sBg Isu; campus sale begins.
cardd by the conspirators for Eng- crease would boost the income $55,- law college was unanimously ap- nc( * Df satn e
caddb h osiaosfrEg- 0,00nnay;ndrcm n-pitdbyheonilsamm-I Special Group to Draft Presentation of the budget to the
lish machines of an inferior type. , annually; and recommend- pointed by the council as a memin- Rpec metio ns.Senate Committee on Student Af-
This witness, Alexei Kirpotenko, a ed nominal revision of fees for ber of the board of park commis- Recommendations. rfairs will be made this morning,
textile expert and a confederate of money orders, insured and regis- sioners to fill a vacancy caused by -Kenneth McCallum, chairman, an-
Fedotov in the work of sabotage, tered classes of mail to net an the death of Michael J. Fritz. (ty Associated Press) nounced yesterday. Approval of the
had been called to confirm some of additional $8,000,000 yearly. Post- - LANSING, Dec. 11.-Pre-legisla- Senate committee to the, budget is
the defendant's statements. I card rates would remain as at jlfM Nl;tive active will succeed campaigns expected since the planned expen-
He did this and then told of the present. and elections in official circles this ditures for the J-Hop do not exceed
discarding of the American ma- the Postmaster General also Lweek. the limit set. Among the principal
chines which had been undergoing tannleals pxstin $6,000 rThree conferences are scheduled, items listed on the budget, which
tests in Russia. He said he con- "unconomical." Teeer $6,UI I all of which may have an import- totals $6,000.00, are: favors, $1,200;
sidered this an act of sabotage be- .uneconomical.LThe general sub- Uant bearing upon the 1931 legisla- music, $1,900.00, and decorations,
- cause the American machines were ect has been under Senate investi- ture which convenes Jan. 7. Tues- $1,400.00. The remainder will be
better adapted to Russian. condi- gation, with a report in the offing- day, a special commission named used to defray the expenses con-
tions. Meanwhile, the Postoffice Depart- Fifty Are Injured, One Killed, by the last legislature to consider i nected with refreshments, rent,
F ment was shown in its report to Mtaxation problems will meet here heat, light, and janitor and door-
Fo caused some amazement have .formulated a plan for ulti- Many Arrested in Minor to start drafting recommendations. men service.
in the courtroom by hsaying t mate ownership of all quarters now Political Clashes. Interest centers in the body's A heavy sale of tickets to juniors
conspiring engineers had sabot- costing more than $6,000 a year.. stand upon a state income tax is expected the first .two days be-
tae plant at Ivinovo, which is oneI (By Associated Press) proposal. Several members have cause of the possibility for a tem-
of the showplaces where most for- Nearing Will Address BERLIN, Dec. 1.-Nearly fifty intimated they favor such a levy porary discontinuance of the sale
eigners are taken. n persons were injured, one person to relieve the burden of real prop- by action of the Student council at
wasc~t kitdadmaywr rese ry s meeting Wednesday n i g h t.
He said the engineers prepared in an unusual series of week-end Lieut. Gov. Luren D. Dickinson Names of all accredited juniors will
plans for the building which ran Scott Nearing, well-known writerpoas riots and brawls all over has invited te be on
the cost far higher than the gov- and lecturer on economics and in- Germany. to an informal caucus here Thurs_ for reference by the committee.
Ierment really should have spent. ternational relations, will lecture at Gray oa nomlcuu eeTus
r m4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon I In Berlin police quelled 12 min- day, when the question of selecting A complete sell-out of the allot-
I . at Natural Science auditorium on or political clashes in which 6 per- 'a successor to the late Dennis E. ted number of tickets, before
Freshman Architects The World Economic Crisis.mThe sons were injured and 34 arrested. I Alward as secretary of the upper Christmas vacation is not unlikely,
to Hold Vote Today Round Table club is sponsoring his At Luebeck one fascist, injured in branch will be taken up. -callumstated.
- appearance here. a clash with Communists Satur- A field of eight candidates is be-
Freshmen of the architecture Nearing has been successively an day, died today. fore the senators. They includeT
school will choose their officers for independent, a socialist, and a com- At Leipsic 100 communists fell Ralph Hughes, an assistant attor-MO ST
the coming year at their elections munist. Although he has drawn upon 4 Fascists and manhandled (ney general, George L. Clark, of
to be held at 4:15 o'clock today in away from the latter party, his at- them severely. One person was Lansing, Duane Mosier, former 1r °Tr fl °riT nl firlF
I the main lecture room of the Ar- titude on many questions remains wounded seriously with a knife. At s
chitecture building. communistic. Ludwigshafen two persons were in- others.
Faculty Heads Attend
Reception at
Dramatic Class Offers
Famous Comedy
by Moliere.
Play Production opened the
new Laboratory theater last nigh
with a formal performance of
Moliere's "The Affected Misses."
(Les Precieuses Ridicules.) The
opening was attended- by many
University officials, and marked
the beginning of Play Produc-
tion's season in their new home.
Prior to the presentation of the
play, the Dramatic Committee
held a reception in the new "Green
Room" of the theater for all the
invited guests. In the receiving line
were Prof. James O'Neil, head of
the speech department, Dean Alice
Lloyd, dean of women, Prof. 0. J.
Campbell, of the English depart-
ment, Prof. Kenyon, of the School
of Engineering, and Prof. J. Win-
ters, of the Latin and Greek depart-
List Guests.
Among the guests were Dean
John R. Effinger, Regent Esther
Cram, Amy Loomis, director of the
Lydia Mendelssohn theater. Prof.
R. Crane, of the political depart-
ment, Frof. William H. Hobbs, head
of the geology department, and
Prof. G. D. Eaton, head of the Ger-
mnan department.
Following the performance, stu-
dents in the Play Production classes
conducted the guests on a tour of
inspection of the building, which
has been completely remodelled
since it was taken over from Mimes
last fall. The lounge has been con-
verted into a reception room, shut
off from the auditorium, and mur-
als have been painted on its walls
by advance students. Inside the
auditorium art students have paint-
ed tapestries to cover the back wall,
as well as redecorated the curtain.
Downstairs, the store rooms have
been painted and, furnished for
Windt Heads Cast.
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, headed the cast of
the show. Mr. Windt planned the
redecoration of the theater, and
was assisted in the execution of the
plans by Fred Rebman, technical
The opening of the theater
marked the start of the nearest
approach to a University theater
which the campus possesses. After
the annual Union opera was dis-
continued last year, the theater
was leased to the speech depart-
ment for the staging of University
productions. Prior to that time Play
Production had staged its shows in
the University hall auditorium, but
was forced to move out last June
when the place was condemned by
fire inspectors.An appropriation by
the Board of Regents made possible
the location of the department in
the former Mimes theater.
Mrs. Keith-Miller Reaches Small
I Island on Way to Miami.
i _.,.,,,,, w_ ., , ,. __ . . ,.
Decision on Present Literary
College Method Requires
Extensive Research.
It will probably take the special l
committee, recently appointed by
Dean John R. Effinger to study the
marking system in the literary
school, several months to reach a
definite decision concerning the
effectiveness of the plan now used
j in the literary college in giving out
marks, Dean W. R. Humphreys,
chairman of the committee and
assistant dean of the college, stat-
ed yesterday.
"I am not in a position to say
ed 'experts' in this line," he said,
"will be given a chance to present
their views before the committee."
These men who are considered 'ex-
perts,' Dean Humphreys explained,
are those faculty members who
have collected statistics and otherl
types of data on marking systems.
At the recent faculty meeting,
he said, there was a great amount
jured seriously and six slightly dur- thembers of hsenate indicate
ing brawls between Fascists and they believe the fight is between,
their political opponents. Hughes and Clark. The assistant
At Muelheim Communists invad- attorney general's friends claim ,
ed a Fascist meeting and hurled he has the support of Wilber M.
chairs into the assembly, injuring Brucker, governor-elect.
many. The police used their clubs
freely to break up the disturbance. I Renewed Cold Wave
In Shoenebeck, near Madgeburg. ,
Fascists attacked Social Democrat Grips Middle West;
demonstrators. Many were hurt ,
and a considerable number arrest- Little Snow Falls
ed. I
Fifteen persons were sent to hos-
pitals at Frankfort-on-Main when
'an automobile ran over a group oC
Smith Serves as Toastmaster
at Dinner of Local
to th
of discussion among the members Communists. newer
in regard to the effectiveness of -Iholid
the present system. Some were Winter Will Lecture Un
very much in favor of the present sors,
plan, he said, while others recom- on New Greek Poetry little
mended slight modifications, and heav
still others favored radical changes. "Recent Additions to Greek Poet- uP la
(13v Associated Press)
ICAGO. Dec. 1.-Cold returned
e middle west today with re-
d vigor after its week-end
like its immediate predeces-
today's frigid wave carried
snow. In Ohio there was a
y fall to add to the drifts piled
st week, but in nearly all the
Masons. (By Associated Press)
NASSAU, Bahamas, Dec. L--The
More than 200 members of the lonely island of Andros, largest of
Masonic lodges of Ann Arbor the great Bahamas bank, saved the
gathered last night in the Masonic life of Mrs. J. M. Keith-Miller after
temple at a banquet given in honor she had virtually been given up for
of Dr. Frederick Bohn Fisher, pas- dead for four days.
tor of the First Methodist Episco- Mrs. Keith-Miller, a widely known
pal church. ,Australian air woman, left Havana
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president at 9:11 o'clock Friday morning with
and secretary of the University, the announced intention of going
served as toastmaster at the din- to Miami. She flew a small and
ner, which was sponsored by Fra- much used monoplane which had
ternity Lodge number 262, Golden no radio, bank dial or blind flying
Rule lodge number 159, and the instruments and took off in the
Ann Arbor lodge. face of expert advice that the
Dr. Fisher, who was the principal weather was too bad for such a
speaker on the program following k venture.
the banquet, succeeded the Rev. After that nothing was heard un-