THURSDAY OCTOT3ER2, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I. ~ w 4! 4 PAGE FIVE ORGANIZD UNlDER Class Presidents and Directors of Dormitory Compose I Advisory Board.- MASLEN NAMES LEADERS Smaller Dormitories Operate THE SOPHISTICATE By Margaret Hapgood, '31 Rushing is occupying to a large of jewelry, though jewelry, apart extent the time and interest of the from earrings, is not as important feminine portion of the campus. this season as it has been hereto- Clothes are a most important ad- fore. Restraint is one of the key- junct, with the accent on after- notes of this fall. noon frocks. Sleeves this season have been Sometimes classes continue until interesting the designer to such an tea-time, in which case one's choice extent that frequently they are the is necessarily limited to a more main decoration. The tendency is iforma$ly type; crepe ar most towvards elbow fullnesbu so many colors. For the girl who is more accepted by smart women, that no fortunate in her schedule and has Igeneralization can be made. time to dress; and for dinners Captains Announced for This Year's Inter-class Teams. Interciass hockey practise will begin this afternoon at 4 o'clock on Palmer field. Those in charge of the class teams are; Clara Park- inson, senior, Esther LaRowe, jun- ior, Jean Botsford, sophomore and the freshman class manager to be I appointed later in the season. Women entering the University as freshmen or transfers are invit_- ed to come out for their class teams as participation in these teams will not bar one from playing with sorority teams in intra-mural ac- I tivities. LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE JNO OMTE WILL FEATURE WOMEN ARTISTS Endeavoring to follow as near as ambassador of song" or the "Lady be established at the Lydia Mendel- sung her group of negro spirituals Cfirn .~sonn iiicaire in ont~ wunien S League building, the management will offer throughout the months of October and November, women who are artists in their own field and have international ,reputations as such. Carola Goya, a vivacious Spanish dancer, will be the first of the group of young women to be featured at the Me.ndelssohn Theatre. She has an established reputation on the European continent as a dancer of a distinctly different type. The second attraction on the pro- posed program is to be Miss Edna Thomas, of New Orleans, La., a southern contralto known in all the four corners of the earth as "the at mvany uf the court~s of Eiurope and g &~A is making a tour of her own country Will be Chosen for Annual this year. All of the artist's cos- tumes are southern heirlooms. Junr___y Another woman to present a Tonight at 8:30 o'clock the mem- dramatic performance on the pro- bers of the central committee for gram will be Chinquilla, famous~ the Junior Girls' Play will meet in American Indian, who will wear the office at the Michigan League native costumes and use Indian building. At this time the remain- stage settings.- ing chairmen of the committee will Mine. Ongawa, Japanese actress be chosen. They are: chairmen of of note, will head the Ongawa Play- I ushers, costumes, make-up, and ers to appear during the month of dance committees. November. At the same time, names of wo- Cornelia Otis Skinner, another jmen to serve under the various American artist, will give an eve- chairmen will be considered. Ac- ning of her famous monologues' cording to Emily Bates, general toward the end of this program of chairman, all committees are to be famous women artists. organized as soon as possible. Pnur eng Y es n more formality is possible. DEAN'S ASSISTANT PrecdingYear. IVelvets, laces, including wool-j TO H ANDLE LOANS Hlouse organization committee of lace, chifions, satins and some ___ the Women's League and the di- liht-wght woolens all find their Miss Jeannette Perry, formerly rector socia direcor of etsyrBrbour rcrsof Mosher-Jordan Hall have Skirt lengths vary from 12 inches, adietr fBeyBrbu' totether worked out a new method which is correct for the day-time, has returned to Ann Arbor to be- of organizing student government to ankle length for more formal come a member of the staff of the in the dormitory. wear. Dean of Women. She will handle The smaller dormitories have al- 5Black and white, which is being all loans for student women, and ways elected house officers and two muc aproval b ons the cpusng have charge of the standings of members to sit on the board of well aprthe fhn brownmps, ad sophomore, junmor, and senior wo- representatives of the Lgu.Ac- wela h ahoal rwsadmen, and eligibility rulings. cordng tthesy eagemp. y greens. H-owever, this is a season IMiss Perry resigned her position cod ing tohe-JstedanoHw emplo- in which no color is tabooed. Also1 at Betsy Barbour to spend a year e in iiss Mosherandec Jo- in the silhouette and details nearly. abroad. Following that she taught the, twoc divis ons, hrn opr- anything is permissable except in the Erskine School, a junior col- dan elec houprsencounisi h cmps-e short, knee-length skirts and low Cloge for girls in Boston. edof1 rseresnative in therdaseI waistlines. Some of the more fre- -addition to the ten council mem-- qun tm r oopep1m BUTLER UNIVERSITY - With bers, the four classes in each' hall and tunics. 'the establishment of its new speech elect a president, senior president Necklines are bloused and draped; Ilaboratory, Butler becomes one of presiding at council meetings, jun- there are many scarf, fur-cdged,~ the first fivb universities in the! dbr acting as first vice-president, novelty white fabric, and bead and country to employ the clinical sophomore second, and freshman' eyelet embroidered types. Some- method of speech study. Wiscon- third. ,A secretary and treasurer times the neckline is entirely un- sin, Iowa, Michigan, and Purdue for each hall is elected by the coun- trimmed to allow for the wearing 'possess similar laboratories. cil from its members.__ __________ Class Presidents Named. The dormitory representatives to Hats That Are Different the Woen' rL ea gereslativ Fittcd to the head and matched to your costumec are the four -class presidents of $6.50 and up Mosher, the class presidents oi Jordani, and one graduate repro- c I S Y H T S O sentative. 227 South State Street In order to organize the house at _______ once, the class presidents have been ---_____________________________ appointed by Albertina Maslen, '31, chairman of the League House Or- gi Q ganizations committee. They will A nucn pca pnn hq d office until the first week 1n ~ GENUINE NESTLE CIRCULINE N vember, when a general election P R A E T W V ~sschesluled to take place. P R A E T W V The appointments to office in the two halls that have been made are a follows: Senior president in Mo- shrHzeTicke"nn jnoin MRS. TESSIE STODDARD uS ;rs. Georgianna M~ott, andL fresh- NWBAT AO iian, Nolda MVcdamly; In Jordan 317 SOUTH STATE STREET Hall senior president is Margare ophom ore, Evelynr Lhman,h an --mo mHum freshman, Olive Dawes. The grad- uate representative is Dorothy Bot- ii Ii A ~" I "a. . I, / "a~ .,~ t,/\ . ..L. ,S41,s *1 ~ a.. ;.~ Ja., -I 4i' ,. .1. tn/V,, V I 44.,(A.\ I. Vt *" I... tACt'.' ~ CA .55.7. ~ ..44,14/ /.... ..*J.v.* 4.,..,.,., I..5.4.*., 4,..\ *" 4~..... / * ,, * . .......2.SAA.tta,..., S.V,.J. *,....Vr.....*r. -V K~ VA I Y?4e~ tc C ~ ~ . *"**..a. j e..uIb.a . ., 4 I 'U-.--. ~ w oo year S on North University 4~a.i5 If) L.IO 1932 JUNIOR PLAY MANUSCRIPTS DUE All manuscripts for the 1932 Junior Girls' Play are to be turned in today at the main desk in the Ieague building. Consideration of these plays will be the first work of the central committee. Katherine Sitton, chairman of mnusic, wishes all women who have composed any music during the summer, or who would be interested in doing so now, to get in touch with her immediately. Miss Sitton may be reached by calling 7717. Our Introduction NEW FALL VALUES Brown and Black Kid Tics Brown Kid Pumps Black Moire Black Kid Straps Reptile Trims $7.50 & $8.00 Values $6.50 i- ~~. , . - '- A V skibt the Bigo Lokswicettle Shoppe Et 4 A Sop ia~ as l votc exclusively to thc ward- I A robc of the collegc girl. Both w it s r id ea a bo u t hi G ODYE AR'S COL LEGE SHOP is run for and by college girls. These wsyoung womn can tel yuwat you need for campus life. They've been there. Come on in and look around ...even if your shiny new wardrobe trunk smart things! is full of I El - I,