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November 30, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-30

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PRICE FIVE . CE rr rr.xrnTS



VOL. XLI No. 54


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Seniors to Begin Selection
Next Semester Classes
on Tuesday.


Registrar to Issue Schedules
of Final Examinations
During Week.
Classification for the second
semester will begin on Tuesday
morning for seniors, Dec. 8 for jun-
iors, and Dec. 15 for sophomores,
Daniel L. Rich, director of classifi-
cation, stated yesterday. The same
system as was followed last year
at both the fail and spring classi-
fication periods will be used dur-
ing the coming period.
Exaination -chedu es forthe
first semester will be issued later
this week, Rich satel, and will be
available in the office of the regis-
trar, Room 4 University hall.
Seniors Begin Tuesday.
Seniors will begin classification
at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning and
will continue through Saturday. No
other classes will be allowed to
classify until aftr the date pre-
scribed for each group. Last year
more than 90 per cent of the 1.000
seniors in the literary college fin-
ished classification b e f o r e the
Christmas holidays and an even
greater number is anticipated this
In the spring classifications. an
innovation last year, more than
three-fourths of the literary college
students were scheduled before the
close of the second semester. This
decrease from the number of clas-
sifications recorded last December
fcr the second semester was due.
Rich said, to the fact that fewer
students were sure of what courses
they pan to follow after the sum-
mer vacation than between semes-
ters. Changes and revisions of
classification also accounted for
the decreased efficiency of the
spring pre-classification period.
To Classiy in Room 4.
Classification will be carried on
in the office of the registrar, Room
4, University hall instead of the
Waterman gymnasium as during
the first week of the present se-
mester. Early classification is urg-
ed by Director Rich because of the
availability of convenient class
hours during the first few days in
the scheduling of each group. Con-
flicts were less numerous last year
following the early classification
than in past years when schedules
were made out during the week be-
tween semesters.
Boards and cards for the classi-
fication operations were complete-
ly installed yesterday in the regis-
trar's office, while all changes in
class and course statistics have
been carefully checked and revised
Students are urged to use the cata-
logues issued to them during the
first sm ester's classification fo
their scheduling dring December
The sami~e method of advisor's ap-
proval will be followed next week
as was used in September and May
Maladjustment of Intellectual
Scen in Proceedings.
(l>9 Associaed Press)
MOSCOW, Nov. 29.-The traged
of the Russian intelligentsia, unabl
to assimilate Soviet principles an
work under the proletarian dicta
torship, was exemplified today i
cross examination during the tria
of eight eagineers who are charge
with plotting for foreign interven
Those who came under the fire o
N. D. Krilenko, the stern prosecu
tor, as the great public hearin
went into its closing period gener
ally were under the opinion tha
their education and training wer

such that they could not believec

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Associatd PressPhot@
Heavy snowfalls blocked traffic and near-zero weater brought
death and suffering to the Mid-West over the Thanksgiving period. Here
are shown traffic mix-ups that occurred in Nebraska. Above is a line
stalled in the western part of the state, and below is a car almost buried
near Brule. Disturbances central around Ann Arbor caused a number
of serious accidents in Michigan.
'Are Co-Eds Human?'
CDebateWill Decide
Alpha Nu has officially ac-
cepted Portia's thrown - dwn
gauntlet in challenge to debate
whether co-eds act as human
Prom Chairman Chooses Frank, beings, Robert Murphy, presi-
Zias, Wurst, Bartlett, dent of the men's forensic socie-
Vardon and Brett. ty, said yesterday.
The debate is scheduled for
the joint meeting of the two de-
Announcement of the committee bating associations at 8 o'clock
chairmen for the Sophomore Prom, Tuesday, Dec. 2, in the Alpha Nu
to be held Dec. 12 in the Union room in Angell hall.
ballroom, was made yesterday by Zeta Phi Eta, formerly Portia,
Jack Adams, general chairman. will uphold the fairer sex by
Morton Frank will head the ticket taking the affirmative side of the
committee, and will be assisted by question: "Resolved: that the
Robert Simpson and George Rich- co-ed behaves as a human be-
ards. Music to be played by Freddie ing."
Bergin's Vagabonds, was arranged Members of the Alpha Nu team
for the prom, to be aided by Keith are John Huss, '33, John Lederle,
Tyler. '33, Garfield Hubah, '31, and Cal-
Decorations will be handled by yin Callaghan.
joint chairmen Richard Read, Jean Jane Robinson, '3Ed, Kather-
Sarvis and Jean Bentley. Chaper- ine Hicks, Grad., Frances K.
ones have been secured by Vinselle Johnson, '33, and Helen Haapa-
Bartlett, while Samuel Seadler has maki, '32, will compose the wom-
charge of arrangements. Other en's team.
committee heads named include The subject was chosen with
Colin Vardon of favors, who is the hope of clearing up this
assisted by Edward Thayer, Monty question in many people's minds,
Brett for programs, and Stanley Hannah Lennon, '31Ed, president
Benjamin for floor, of Zeta Phi Eta, stated. "There
Tickets for the prom will formally I has been much controversy over
go on sale Tuesday in the Union, the problem but never a formal
Women's League, Calkins-Fletcher debate," she said.
drug stores, and at desks placed in tAgU
the lobby of Angell hall and Uni-
versity hall. Gas Explosion Kills
The ticket sale, which is limited 13 Oklahoma Miners
to 300, is already underway with an ----
informal sale in fraternities on the v cAssocied rss)
campus, begun Friday by the ticket LUTIE, Okla., Nov. 29.-Explosior
committee assisted by represent- of gas in the number five mine o
atives in each house. Freddy Ber- the Hatley-Ola Coal company min(
gin's band, now playing at the here today killed 13 men and burn-
Greystone ballroom in Detroit and ed four other miners, one seriously
broadcasting over radio station It was the second major Okla-
WJR, will hop from here to Ithaca, homa mine disaster in less tha
s N. Y., and Philadelphia, where they five weeks. Thirty-eight miner;
will play for thL Cornell and Uni- working in other parts of the mini
versity of Pennsylvania J-Hops. emerged unassisted.
---_Thirty men were killed Oct. 2'7

yN earingWill Speak in an explosion at the Wheatle;
e . mine of the Sample Coal compan:
d on World Economics on the State Penitentiary ground:
-___at McAllister.
n Scott Nearing, nationally known The fact that the Hatley-Ol
i economist, will speak at 4:15 o'clock mine was heavily rock dusted, a
d Wednesday afternoon in Natural a precaution against gas, wa
- Science auditorium on "The World credited with saving the lives o
Economic Crisis." The lecture will the 42 miners who escaped. Th
f be presented under the auspices of deadly after-damp following th
- the Round Table club. explosion spread slowly and th
g Nearing has been allied with the miners not disabled by the explo
- socialist and communist parties. He sion itself were able to make the.
t has written on the situation in Rus- way out of the main shaft.
e sia and has traveled extensively in-
a Russia. Because of his radical ten- Van Lente Will Tutor

Samples of Favors to be Shown
by Committee Members;
Are Portfolios.
Applications of Juniors Only
Will be Honored During
First Two Days.

Members Will Present Special
Concerts in Several
Foreign Cities.'
Administration Plans to Send
Faculty Members With
Traveling Party.

Chicago Bears Fined
for Playing Savoldi
(Byv Associated Press)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov.29.-
Toe F. Carr, president of the Na-
tional Football league, today
Fined the Chicago Bears, profes-
sional football team $1,000 for
using Joe Savoldi, former Notre
Di tee fullback, in a Thanksgiv-
ing day game with the Chicago
Cardinals in violation of the
league rules.
Cara announced the fine after
considering charges that the
Bears had used Savoldi in vio-
;ation of a rule which prohibits
college football stars playing in
'he league until their college
classes have been graduated.


$97,000 Decrease Ends
Minor Athletic
Intramural Cards and
Basketball to



Sale of tickets for the J-Hop of Students and alumni of the Uni-
the class of 1932, to be held Friday, versity will he permitted to make
Feb. 13, will begin Tuesday in the the first University of Michigan
Union. tour of Europe next summer, from
With the opening of the ticket July 3 to Aug. 24, with the Glee
sale, samples of the favors will be club, it was stated yesterdav after-
displayed by cormittee members. noon by Sidney Straight, '31. who
The favors, selected by a sub--com- will manage the tour. The 35 mem-
mittee headed by J. Cullen Ken- bers of the club, who are sponsor-
nedy, '32, are in the form of writing ing the trip, will give special con-
portfolios, nine by thirteen inches, certs in various cities in Europe
made of a compoition material of during the summer.
rubber, lacquer, and fiber, resem-- Plans Being Completed.
bling tooled leather.EI Plans are being worked out by
Favors to Be Engraved, !the University administration, un-
The portfolios are to include 24 'der the direction of President Alex-
sheets and 24 ernvelopes of white ander G. Ruthven, to send several
crushed-bond writing paper, and faculty members with the party.
will be engraved in gold leaf with During the trip they will give talks
the University seal and the caption, concerning the historical signifi-
"Junior Hop, 1932:" The engraving canoe of the places visited, the lit-
is to be on the inside front cover. erary lore, the artistic associations,
The opening ticket sale will be and other facts of interest concern-
limited to juniors in all school and 1 ing the towns and countries.
colleges of the Unversity. A heavy The party will sail from New
sale of tickets is anticipated dur- York on the S. S. Republic of the
ing the first two days by the com- United States lines. Through the
mittee in charge, n view of the cooperation of the American Ex-
fact that the ticket sale may be press company and the ship com-
curtailed, after Wednesday, until pany it has een made possible to
Dec. 15. The passibility of this1 place the cost atd$585.
postponement is contingent upon a p at cqst at $585.
decision of the -tudent Council A Will Visit London, Paris.
George S. Bradley, '32L, vice chair- Among the places that will be
man explained yesterday. visited during the trip are London
Mail Ticket Applications. (2 days), Amsterdam, the Isle of
Ticket applications have been Marken, Cologne, up the Rhine by
mailed to all junior students, and it steamer to Wiesbaden, Heidelberg,
is expected that many of these will Black Forest, Lucerne, the Grand
be turned in during the two initial Alpine motor touir to Interlaken,
days of the sale. Montreux and the Castle of the
After the first two days, sale will Chillon, by the Simplon tunnel to
be opened to all students of the Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome (2
Uonivedtyot all student thedays), Genoa, along the Riviera to
University, faculty and student " c
body. An attempt will be made thisNI', Monte Carlo, Paris (4 days),
year to replace the ticket sale and Versailles.
schedule on the basis it occupied The party will arrive back in New
several years ,a.go, when complete York Aug. 24 after 50 days of travel.
sell-outs w e r e achieved before Full information can be obtained
Christmas vacation. concerning the tour by writing the
No favors will be on public dis- University Glee club. A descriptive
play at the ticket booth, but a folder will soon be available.
number of samples have been se-_
cured by Kennedy and other mem-
bers of the committee. A display
in the windows of State street
stores will be arranged as soon as FOLI
the first favors are manufactured.

Senior Lettermen Receive Rings
After Music by Varsity
Band, Glee Clubs.
Unchecked enthusiasm rivaling;
that shown at the Stadium follow-
ing football games marked the an-
nual Grid Bust held last night at
the Masonic temple in Detroit by
the University of Michigan club in
honor of the University's 1930
championship football team.
With the 96-piece Varsity band
and the Glee club furnishing the
music during the banquet, the
alumni and their 350 guests from
the campus added to the glamour
of the affair by singing familiar
Michigan songs and giving yells.
The first speaker on thTpogratn
was Lou Burt, president of the club,
who welcomed the team, members
of the B squad, Glee club, Varsity
band, coaching staff, and the fenc-
ing, wrestling, and boxing squads
who were the guests of the club for
the evening.
Dr. Angus "Gus" Goetz presented
the nine senior members of the
squad whose football days are ovei
with "M" rings in recognition of
their service to the team and the
University. Fielding H. Yost and
Coach Harry Kipke spoke on behalf
of the coaching squad. "Ducky"'
Simrall, ex-captain, gave a short
talk, and was followed by Roy Hud
son, captain-elect, who spoke fot
the team.
Fifteen of Michigan's sixteen all-
Americans' attended the banquet
and took their turn in the spotlight
They were "Bill" Heston, "Ger-
many" Schultz, "Benny" Benbrook
"Stan" Wells, "Jimmy" Craig,
"Johnny" Maulbetsch, "Aqua" All-
mendinger, "Pat" Smith, "Frank'
Stekette, "Ernie" Vick, Harry Kipke
"Jack" Bloot, "Butch" Slaughter
and "Benny" Oosterbaan. "Benny'
Friedman was unable to attend.
Sadler Will Preside at Sessior
of Engineering Mechanics.
Dean h. C. Sadler, Prof. Stepher
Timoshenko, Prof. E. L. Eriksen
Prof. O. W. Boston, and Prof. A. E
White will represent the engineer-
ing college at the fifty-first annua
Imeeting of the American Societ
of Mechanical Engineers, to be helc
from Monday to Friday in Nev
York City.
Dean Sadler will preside at thi
section meetings on engineerin
-mechanics, while Professor Tim
oshenko and Professor Eriksen wil
take part in the discussion of pap
ers presented at these sessions
t Professor Boston will read a pape
- on "Machining Properties of Som
- Cold Drawn Steels."
- The principal speaker of the con
vention will be Elliott D. Smith, di
d rector of industrial investigation
of the Institute of Human Rela
tions, and professor of industria
engineering at Yale university, wh
will deliver an address on "Engi
neering Encounters Human Na
ture." A feature event will be a
exhibition of art by engineers, in

(fay Associated Press>
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 29-
Failure of this year's football re-
ceipts to reach the expected
amount has forced Purdue uni-
versity to abandon all sports for
this year and probably next, Ath-
letic Director M. A. Kellogg
said today. An unofficial check
showed a decrease of about $97,-
000 in the amount derived from
Minor Sports Dropped.
Sports to be abandoned include
baseball, track, cross country, swim-
m i n g, water polo, gymnastics,
wrestling, tennis, golf, and fenc-
ing. Available funds, the athletic
director said, will be used in de-
velopment of intramural sports
competition in these sports. Bas-
ketball will not be affected, Kel-
log said.
.Depend on.Good Revenue.
Maintenance of minor sports de-
pends almost entirely upon foot-
ball receipts, Kellogg said, since all
of them have been a loss. It had
been believed at first, the athletic
director said, that even the re-
duced football dividends might
Support the athletic budget, but in-
vestigation revealed that if minor
sports were contined it would mean
in addition to the $40,000 deficit in
.he department.
General business depression was
blamed by Kellogg fot the situa-


SCHEDULED TODAY Majority of Temperance Heads
a \A MA - n*-!. MM [+

Burst Out as Ship Docks
Lisbon; Fuel Tanks
Saved by Crew.
(By Associated Press)

Hackett, Besekirsky of Music
Department Are Well Known.j
Prof. Arthur Hackett and Prof.
Wassily Besekirsky, both of the
School of Music, will present a mis-
cellaneous program of vocal and
violin selections at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon in Hill auditorium. Piano
accompaniments will be played by
Constance Hackett and Mabel Ross
Both Professors Hackett and Bes-
ekirsky are new members of the
faculty of the School of Music, but
are well-known concert artists and
not strangers tao Ann Arbor music-
lovers. Professor Hackett appeared
in Ann Arbor in the Choral Union
and May Festival series. He was
first heard in Ann Arbor in 1919j
when he was a tour with Geraldinej
Professor Besekirsky was trained
by his father, a distinguished violin
maestro, continued his studies at
Moscow, and later became head of
the violin department at Odessa.
He has made appearances through-
out Russia and continental Europe.
The concert will be open to the
(See Pages 6 and 7 for
. Complete sports.)


t Pecretsession oppose
Proposed Referendum.

(Biv Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. - Stern
opposition and some support were
manifest today among the dry
forces to the proposal, broached at
a secret meeting of temperance
leaders here, prohibitionists joined
with the anti-prohibitionists in
having Congress provide for a na-
tion-wide prohibition referendum.
One of the conferees, Oliver
Stewart, president of the Flying
Squadron foundation, disclosed that
sentiment at the hotel room meet-
ings had been largely against the
proposal and said in a statement
he believed "the Drys would fight to
the last ditch" against it.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson, secre-
tary of the Methodist Board of
Temperance and Public Morals, who
has said he was not opposed to a
referendum, issued a statement
asking the intentions of Represent-
ative Andrew, a Massachusetts re-
publican anti-prohibitionist. An-
drew seized upon the proposal even
before it had been made public and
said he would introduce just such a
resolution in the coming Congress
Soph Prom Committee
Will Meet in League

LISBON, Nov. 29.-The proud sea-
)lane, DO-X, biggest of the flying
>oats, laid a battered charred wreck
n the harbor here tonight. The
skeleton of one wing tilted crazily
toward the sky, and the weight of
,he other pulled the ship down into
he water. But she was in better
shape than she might have been,
:or a sudden fire which destroyed
-he left wing today was checked
)efore it reached the huge fuel
"It's hard luck," said her com-
nander, Frederich Christiansen, as
'e looked over the ruined ship, "but
>ur ocean trip will not be called
>ff; it's only delayed."
Crowds were admiring the hand-.
some plane from the shore when
here was an explosion and a
sower of flames burst from the
%uing, and it looked as though the
whole ship were going to be
destroyed. A short circuit in an
electric connection had shot a
spark against an inflammable wing
Harbor craft scurried over as
close as they dared toward the
scorching heat, and fire brigades
were reenforced by volunteers from
the Portugese naval air station, put
out in small boats.
But six men left aboard the plane
when her officers and the rest of
the crew went ashore, turned fire



Members of the Soph Prom com

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