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Pubication in the. Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. ni. Saturday.
VOL. XLJ. SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 19130 NO. 53
Dr. Lars Thonassen Uses X-Ray
to Test Heavy Duty Valves
NOTICES for Use ini Power Houses.
Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The reg- One of the few X-ray ista-
ular December meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 1, at 4:10 p.m., in tions of its kind in the country is
Room 2225, A. H. The two Special Oders presented at the last meeting being used by Dr. Lars Thoma en
wil be considered. John R. Effinger, Dean. of the engineering research depart-
'ment, in testing a consignment of
Archtry: See Cha rles Dee for practice periods in preparation forseeltvales,
match with the Detroit Archery club.I The valves, which weigh from
several hundred to several thous- }
EVENTS TODAY and pounds, have been designed for
- ~~~use in a large power plant, at ex-:....::
Men's Glee Club: All members mainng the trip to Detroit today treme hin ag pstea pessures. atex
mcet at the Union at 12 noon. Eat your luncheon before leaving and ab e elibiig tyam dpedsor Their
come prepared to change to full dress. absence o enfaws and wek
--- ---nesses which only the X-ray in-
'Varsity R. O. T. C. Ban.: Members of the band that are going to spection can reveal.
Detroit today, report promptly at 12:00 this noon at Morris Hall, in full The equipment that Dr. Thomas-
unlifim. sen is using is located on the eourth
floor of East Engineering building.
Children's Rhythm Classes will not mneet this morning, in order that It is enclosed on all sides by Jl
they may go to the play at the League theatre. sheeting of lead, one-fourth of an
inchthick, in order to protect the An earthquake that spread destruction across the Izu peninsula, sou
Beta Kappa Rho party will be held in the Cave of the League build- operator from harmful physical ef- of moore than 200. Picture above shows the vHlage of Hakone, beside Lak
ta ppa h twlefects which would result from ex- in the stricken area.
ing at 8 p.m. posure to the powerful rays necess- ------
ary to penetrate the thick meta l' F N E AR M NT"FFR F E
The "Upper Room" Bible Class meets this evening at 7 o'clock in yThe apparatus is-controlled from CPEDE ARTMEN OFFERS FREE R
the "Upper Room" at Lane hail. an adjoining room, its operation
being observed through a special --- --- --
"Make-Believe," a children's play by A. A. Milne will be repeated by lead-glass window in the partition.® e xresse a r Michigan. The ages of the prison-
the League Theater group this morning at 10 o'clock. Adults accom- The X-ray tube used is of German students range from 21 to 54 while
panied by children can secure tickets at the box office. manufacture, as there is ava al Prison Debating Team.- the prison terms range from one
no Americantube-powerful enough year to life. However, the average
Cosmopolitan Club: Regular semester business meetg will be held to give a sufficiently deep pcnera- At the request cf certain high age is below 30, and the average
Cosopoita Clb: eguar emeterbusnes metig wll e hld ypeinmtesat he ew icigan !term length is four or five years.
in the auditorium at Lane hall at 8 p.m. Members urged to attend. tion. type inmates at the new Mihian trofengthDes rorsinyrs.o
Business program will be followed by a social program to which a general This is one of several modern ap- State prison at Jackson, Prof. Gail Professor Densmore's instruction
invitatin is extended.plications of the X-ray to the study E. Densmore, of the speech depart- p r o g r a m consists of alternate
-ai e of the internal structures of metal ment, is offering a course in public "workout" programs and "demon-
products. Its advantage as a test- speaking each Sunday afternoon at stration" programs. During the
COMING EVENTS ing method, Dr. Thomassen point- that institution. It is the first time first, the student is constantly in-
Fifth Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture, "Recent Additions to Greek ed out, lies in the fact that it is the University has conducted a terrupted and criticized during his
Poetry," by Professor J. G. Winter, Tuesday, December 2, at 4:15 p.m., non-destructive to the object un. course in the state prison. speeches. During the second a se-
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. der examination. The course, which is being given ries of speeches is given without
-- ---free of charge, will contnue over a comment on the part of the pro-
Economics 171: Room assignment for examination on Monday at 1 Art Club Opens Drive 10-week program. It is the same fessor.
o'clock follows: A to J, N. S. Aud.; K to P, 1025 A. H.; Q to Z, 25 A. H. dprogram Professor Densmore offers Professor Densmore plans to or-
Please be sure that you find the proper room. AddMore embers to General Motors executives and ganize debating teams before the
e euehtofntepp m---other business leaders in Detroit.. course is closed.
Formation of a membership com-' The majority of the men enroll- - - - -
Acolytes will meet next Monday evening, December 1, at 7:30 p.m. mittee as a part of a cam paign to edithemaorsyo ungem nn re eC-S
in 202 S. W. Dr. Uchenko will discuss "Time as Replacement of Events." increase its membership was dis- n the course re ung, and French Convict Ship
confnedto he nsttution for only
- - --closed yesterday by Lrne E. Mar- a- hrttm.Emn,,enmbr t Leave Indo-China
Freshmen: There will be a meeting of all those interested in play- shall. '31A, president of the Studio i are graduates from s touheIdCa
ing basketball in the Union All-Frosh Tournament, on Monday, Decem- Art club. tional institutions as Cambridge W ith 350 Prisoners
ber 1, at 7:15 in room 306. H. Robley Saunders, '31A, is university, and the University of
- -chairman of the new committee --- - --
Pi Lambda Theta meeting Wednesday, December 3, at 7:15 p.m. in and any students who desire to .(P' A".r..tcd Prfss))
the Women's Athletic building, Palmer Field. Dr. S. A. Courtis will speak join the society are asked to com- Detroit Tour Planned ' SAINT MARTIN (Island of Re),
anIdvdaim motn uiesretnatrad.municate with him. Meetings are Nov. 28.-The floating prison, the
on Individualism. Important business meeting afterwards hel every Tuesday night in the by Student Architects'cnverted convict carrieriMartin-
Architectural building Pasreudriere, is preparing to sail within a
Italian Club will meet in the Woman's League building, Wednesday, One of the features of the club Plans are under way for an arch- few -days for Indo-China to pile a
Dec. 3, at 4:15 p.m. Mme. Koella will sing Italian songs and there will be is the life drawing classes whic itectural inspection tour of Detroit load of humans between her rusted
Dec 3,e atf415pinm.clMsse. hinetSaturday by students of the'ie n ar te eryhl
short talks by Mr. Jean Erhard and Mr. A. DiGiulio. All persons inter- deal with the sketching of life fig- achitetuay soy students ith sides and carry them nearly half
estcd are invited to attend. ures. These classes are held regu- going will leave by special bus and way around the world to dump
larly every other week and also at will eat lunch in the city before them on Devil's Island.
University Symphony Orchestra: Important rehearsal Sunday, 9:30 the other meetings, discussions on they inspect several of the more For two months, the Martiniere
to 11:00 a.m. Morris Hall. various topics of art are led by one interesting buildings of Detroit. will cruise, calling for and deliver-
ti____i nghehodflsocovcsan
of the art faculty of the college. At' Two buildings which will be in- inJ he ll rtnts
Contributes to Women's League Bazaar: All articles must be brought the meeting next Tuesday night, it tensively studied on the trip will January she will return to this
to the parlor of Barbour Gymnasium on Tuesday, December 2, between is hoped to have A. M. Valerio, of, be the Fisher building and the island to take on 350 more French
the art faculty, speak on etchings Cranbrook school, both of whih convicts and start again across the1
and 5 o'clock. Iteatf ~ ,se: neciis t rn~o col oh fwhich
and exhibit some of his own works are noted for their interesting de-i Atlantic to Cayenne.
G S o F y' : tc which have won several awards. sign. As crime increases, the Martiniere
Garden Section of the Faculty Woman's Club: Attention is called ---'- - --- - -_ is kept almost constantly in move-
to an illustrated lecture given under the auspices of the Ann Arbor d Wik ment. It is the one convict ship in
Garden Club by Professor Aubrey Tealdi on Monday evening, Decem- t IY'® Or eTS i appiYst Men at moleg the French government fleet, and
ber 1, in the Reception Room on the third floor of the Michigan Union. According to N oted Educator's Statistics ; as such must cart the convicts of
North Africa, Indh China and con-
A somi'ed Press Photo
athwest of Tokyo, took a death toll
ke Ilakone, one of the many towns
Continental Flight Ends Within
Hour of Finish.
(By Associated Press)
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Nov. 28.-In-
stead of holding a new junior
transcontinental flight record, Ger-
ald Nettleton, 20-year-old Toledo,
O., aviator, was enrolled today as a
member of the famed "Caterpillar
Nettleton made a 10,000-foot par-
achute drop to escape from a blind-
ing rain and snowstorm which en-
compassed his plane near here
Thursday as he was within less
than an hour of finishing his trans-
continental flight.
He drifted gently to earthnear
a ranch house as his abandoned
Mane crashed a mile away. Except
for being rain-soaked and extreme-
ly cold, Nettleton was unhurt. He
made his way to a ranch house and
topped off his adventure with a big
Thanksgiving dinner.
"The weather was 'sloppy'-rain,
fog and snow," said Nettleton. "I
couldn't see 10 feet. The instru-
ments 'froze' and since I couldn't
see there was only one thing to do
and that was to jump.
"I fought the weather as long as
I dared. I hated to leap, but that
was my only alternative. So I lev-
eled the plane off, cut the switch,
closed the throttle and rolled out
the door."
l At the time young Nettleton leap-
ed he had about 40 miles to go in
his attempt to break the 24-hour,
3-minute record held by Stanley
Boynton, 18 of Rockland, Me.
New Nursery Department Added
to University Elementary
School Is Success.
Emphasizing the importance of
everyday expcriences as the mater-
ial for learning, the Nursery school,
which was opened this :fall in con-
junction with(the University eli>
-nentary school, hos carefully plaa-
aed the school day from the ar-
val in thniemrning, when the pi-
pent and the child report to the
sehool nurse and the pediatrician,
to the time when they leave in the
afternoon, !-_id Prof. Willard C. 01-
son of the School af Education in
a recent interview.
The Nursery school is expanding
l accordirg to the plan originally
adLpted. It has at present about
75 children enrolled and the fac
ulty intends to add to this enroll-
ment gradually. Eventually the
School can ta"e"care',of 400 child-
ren, Professor Olson said.
One o' the features of the Nurs-
ery school is the observational bal-
ponies which have been built around
the class rooms. Parents and other
visitors can sit in these and observe
the activities of the class without
interrupting the procedure.
"An important part of the pro-
gram of the school is the systematic
records to be used in research
work, " Professor Olson said. This
has been recognized as a major
function of the unit from its ine
ception, he added.
Hilll Forum to Hear
Miss Stern Tomorrow
Josephine Stern, '33, will present
the third of the series of student
papers before the Hillel foundation
forum group ak 7:30 o'clock Sunday
Snight. S~he will speak on the "Youth
Movement in America."
Miss Stern is especially well ac-
quainted with the Jewish youth
problem, having attended the world
ccnfe ence of progressive Judaism
in London last summer. She will
also connect the youth movement
to the iroblems of the eight fia-
t:i¢oval Hillel foundations. '
Dr. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, will conduct
the mid-week forum discussions at
7:30 o'clock, Thursday night at the
foundation building. His topic will
be "German Political Parties."
Suits Pressed .................30c
Hats Cleaned and Blocked .......50c
All kinds of aherations at cost.
1319 South University
Nursery Section of the Faculty Women's Club: The meeting which
waF scheduled for Monday, December 1, has been postponed until Tues-
day, December 9, at 8 o'clock, in the Michigan League building. Mrs.
Murza Mann Lauder will talk on Toys, and will display many of her
tested toys.
Congregational Student Fellowship: Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in
the church parlors, Prof. Burke Shartel, S. J. D., will speak on "Criminal
Re ponsibility." Students welcome.
Presbyterian Students: "Ways and Means" will be the topic for the
Young People's group Sunday evening. Dick McCreary is in charge of
the meeting. There will be a canned goods shower for the needy of
Ann Arbor both this and next Sunday.
Wesley Guild wishes to announce Fielding H. Yost as the speaker
at the Sunday evening meeting. His topic will be "Your Opportunity."
Mrs. Fisher's Sunday School class will meet as usual at noon. Wesley
Dr. William Lyon Phelps, one of velopment of a public service ca- tinental France to the colony of
America's foremost educators, has ;reer. condemned men.
stated that "grinds" are the happi- Another upholder of athletics, Dr. Unlike liners, there is little com-
est men in college. His statement Michael Doizas, former wrestling I fort on the Martiniere even for her
champion at the University of crew and penitentiary guards. Be-
delivered recently, has provoked Pennsylvania, and now an instruc- low decks everything has been rip-
much contrary opinion at univer- tor in the Wharton school, said: I ped out to make room for enormous
sities and colleges throughout the "Athletics help the participant cages. There are solitary cells in
country and especially at Philadel- Socially, mentally, and physically, which vicious criminals pass more
phia where many University of while the grind misses all these than a month floating to their pen-
Pennsylvania college men were benfits." al colony.
questioned on the subject. At Michigan, if the number of There are huge cells where squads
In a copyrighted article appearing students who engage in athletics, of prisoners live in groups and suf-
in the Philadelphia Public Ledger and other extra-curricular activi- fer seasickness as the little ship
'he popular belief showed that the ties, such students numbering more rolls in the swells. They are never
grind is not nearly so happy as than 4,000, is any indication of an allowed on deck and are bathed
,hose who divide their time be- attitude, the conclusion seems to only when guards turn on the
tween studies and athletics. be that if grinds are happiest men, pumps and sprinkle the convicts
Attorney General John C. Bell, in college, the distribution of hap- through the cage bars.
who starred on Pennsylvania's grid- piness is extremely limited. Thus, In all the history of Devil's Is-
iron in the 80's, declared that ath- more opposition to Dr. Phelps' land there has never been an
letics were a large factor in his de- statement. American or a British prisoner.
Every Saturday Night
9 to 12 p. m. Park Plan
Hall. Everyone welcome.
Student Volunteer Group will
meet in Harris Hall Sunday at 8:30
Quakerism: Miss Anne Sprague,
secretary of the Detroit Society of
Friends will lecture Tuesday, De-
cember 2 at 4:15 on "The Dawning
Era's Religion (Quakerism)" in
room 231 Angell hall.
Upper Room Forum meets Sun-
day morning at 9:30. All Michigan
men are cordially invited to both
"College women of the present
generation are more idealistic and
possess higher and finer standards
than the common run of grown-}
ups give them credit for," said a
speaker here recently.
& Company, Inc.
Orders executed on all ex-
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Telephone 23271
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