t _ ..,. .
. , .,
Michigan Five to Meet Western
State Quintet on Dec. 6;
Roster Complete.
Now that the football season i,
a thing of the past, the Wolverin
basketball team comes inlto the
limelight, with its schedule listed
to get under way in a we, when
the Western State Teachers Coliege
team of Kalamazoo comes to battle
the Varsity five in Yost Field
House, on December 6.
Practices up to this time have
been held at night, but beginning
next week all of the sessions e -
cept those on Mondays and Thurs-
days will be held in the aiternoon.
One more game has been added
to the Michigan-schedule from th at
announced earlier in the year.
Michigan State Normal College
from Ypsilanti will invade the field
house on the night of February 16
to olseh with the Wolverine quin-
tet. If the Ypsi team can get to-
gether a basketball team with any-
where near the power that its
football team had, Michigan will
have a tough evening ahead of it.
Twenty-two men now comprise
the Wolverine roster, which is one
of the most inexperienced squads
to play for the University in many
years. Only six men on the team
stand over six feet in height, so
any success that the Maize and
Blue will have during the coming
year wil1l1 be due more to a fast and
shifty attack rather than an ad-
vantage in height and reach over
its opponents. Of the 22 men on
the team, only four have any col-
lege experience, one year apiece in
each case. Captain Downing, Weiss,
Daniels, and Hudson are the only
veterans from last year's team, al-
though Ricketts was also on the
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rnramizra1 News
i P
i -
i, f
R s§elL Takes Lead in Western An innovation in the Intramural title won last year by Steve Jones,
department will take place tomor- who will not defend his title this
Conference as Wildcats !row with the inauguration of the year.
Ti. fo Laurels. I Turkey Day Run at 10:30 in the Notices of pairings will be mailed
morning. First prize for the run to all of the contestants with their
U N HEELER FIFTH will be a 10-lb fully dressed Turkey. playing time and court assigned to
HUDSON, IFHThe second place winner will re- them. No departures from this
ceive Intramural numerals with a schedule will be permitted.
(Continued From Page 6) Geld medal going to third place
ence, but the rush of the Wildcats, winner. BASKETBALL
now co-holders of ie champion- Anyone is eligible to compete ex-
hip with the WqlverinEs, sweit cept those who were members of The Intramural department is
Rl~slH into first ua2 and left cither the Varsity or Freshman now preparing for the biggest ac-
Rebholz to finish up with econd squads. Also, n order to compete tivity on their entire program,
the contestants must have nego- basketball. Numerous leagues are
Huiosn, Wheelcr Tie ir Fifth. tiated the three-mile course at planned, which will include Frater-
- .c _,.n least nine times. nity, Independent, Church, and
,t n,,t, of st, . a n d C lass leagues.
dyl[ni t,>. cfili,,."s. are ~third andI
fourtn with Hudson and Wheeler ALL-CAMPUS HANDBALL Any organization may enter three
of Michigan. and Schmeller, of Wis- Entries for the All-Campus Hand- designated A, B, and C teams. If
consin 'ieu ior fifth Dlace having ball tournament will close Saturday only one team is entered it must
ccrt d 30 points each. the 29th of November. Play will be an A team. Entries for these
On the racific Coast, Mohler, an gct under way Tuesday, Dec. 2. Over leagues must be in before the
important cog in the great Trojan 100 have already signified their Christmas Holidays as it is planned
scing machine that piled up 74 intention of competing for the gn
ooints to California's nothing in __ ogttepa ne a mei
C'ately after the vacation period.
the tilt between the - two teams, Last year 205 teams took part in
holds the lead with 96 markers SIDELINE the competitions. Every man must
ci alked up to his credit. In eight present a health card before he
contests the Southern California CHATTER will be permitted to compete.
star has crossed the goal line 16
menck. ot. (Continued From Page 6)
Kentucky roasts a flash in the !
Associated PressPhoto
The ill wind that blew Joe Savoldi out of the Notre~ Dame line-up
,'nd the university advanced Dan Hanley, Butte, Mont., in the fullback
roster. Savoldi withdrew from school following revelation of his mar-
rage and divorce action.
FRESHMAN COACH Close Race Predicted
PREDIC TS RIVALRY in Pro Hockey League,
peison of Spiccr who has scored 11
touchdowns and kicked successful-
ly nine times for points after touch-
downs makiin a total of 75 points
in five games. This record takes
the honors among the Southern
Chiistensen of Utah, and O'Neilll
of the University of etroit both
I~n r- 3'nI( M71- fn 1 f hr~~~t
middle west. Betting in Chica-
go has been light, mostly be-
cause most of the persons who
have money to place have
figured Notre Dame for a win-
ner, however, some wagers have
been placed with odds as high
as 5-1 that Coach Rockne's
boys take the Cadets.
Sees Germany, France as Threat
to Anerican Chances.
(Continued From Page 6)
and he sailed for Amsterdam in the
early summer of 1928.
(IBy 4suiuICd Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. - All thea
signs of the early part of the Na-
tional Hockey league season seem
to be pointing toward an unusually
close race for positions in the Stan-
ley cup playoffs next spring. So
far no team has been able to get
squad. Doieity placed third in the much of a Jump on the rest whilej
The Michigan roster includes; amassing a total of 7,706 points, the twkoWhih started off as if to be
Akershock, Baldwin, Daniels, Eve--.' h weknsof ecruihae
land, Hudson, Petrie, Weiss, Foster, just 4 points less than the world's mrade good progress towards recov-t
and Lindsay, forwards; Altenhoff, record held by I larold Osborne of ery.
Bayerle, Captain Downing, Kagay, 'the University of Illinois, the great The P h i 1 a d e 1 p h i a Quakers,
O'Neill, Root, Tessmer, and Wil- high-jumpe:. Two Finnish decath- knocked around considerably in
liamson, guards; and Darner, I-an- he their first four games, hit the up-
uel, McDonald, Ricketts, and Shaw ion champions placed first and se--Iv.ard path last night when theyi
centers. 'eand in the Olympic decathlon gave Toronto its first defeat of thec
Weiss at Forward. meet. Yrjola placed first with 8,- year. The Quakers, breaking intoi
053hepointsg reakingmthe worldes
Weiss is practically certain of 053 points, beakng the world's the winning column much earlier
holding down one of the forward Irecord by more than 300 points than they did last season whenI
positions, but a hard race is on for they wore Pittsburgh uniforms,
the other between Eveland, Dan- Jarvinen, placing second, a 1 s o crashed through the hitherto im-
iels, Hudson, and Petrie. Captain broke the former record with 7,950 penetrable Maple Leaf d e f e n s e
Downing will play one guard posi- points. Recently Yrjola re-broke twice for a 2 to 1 triumph.
tion if he is able, but the injury his own record by a Jew points Montreal's potentially .powerfuli
that he ireceived last yearj in the Following Doi1erty, .im newart. s, who also started out withi
Illinois game still is bothering him of the University of Southern Cal- a string of defeats, climbed into a
and may keep him out of the game, ifornia, Tom Churchill, of Ohlo tie with their townsmen, Les Cana-
perhaps for the entire season. Wil- uriversity, and Barney Berlinger, dioms, for fourth place.t
liamson is reported to be a comer, of University of P e n n s y l v a n i a
and has a good chance for one placed fourth, fifth, and seventh
guard post, while Altenhoff is ex- respectively. America was strong in
pected to give him a hard fight for this event because they captured
the position. Manuel, Ricketts, and third, fourth, fifth, and seventh
Shaw are the leading candidates places.
for the center post. Ricketts got On July 4, 1929 Doherty set the
some experience with the Varsity American record in the decathion
last season, while both Manuel and event witn 7.784 points breaking
Shaw were members of the fresh- the former record held by Fait El-
man team. Shaw was a forward kins of 7,574 points.
when he was with the yearlings, I In the fall of 1929 and the spring
but has been jumping center late- of 1930 he served as asEtstant traee
ly in the practice sessions. Rick- coach at Princeton under Keeno
etts is the tallest man on the squad, Fitzpatrick, former head track
six foot two inches, and his added coach at Michigan. He came to
height may earn him the position Michigan this fall to sorve as as-
as height is a big factor in Confer- sistant track coach under Coach
ence basketball. Hoyt.-__
1.,U gv(,one overIo ouc down. s kI t-
~njuV~ lu iiLUUI1UW.~I5 al series *started at West Point
and a total of 66 points, Christen- in 1913, the Ramblers have won
sen taking the honors in the Rocky eleven games and their opponents
Mountain district, and O'Neill OUt- four, the 1922 battle resulting in a
standing in the middle-west. The 0-0 tie. If the Army wins Saturday
Utah star has only played in six li will break a string of eight suc-
games while O'Neill has participat- essive wins Notre Dame has hung
ed in eight. n tuprsthis year.
Leland Holds Southwestern Hanos.--
Leland of Texas Christian holds j,"
the Southwestern honors with 10
touchdowns, having played in 11
games. Drake's star, Van Koten, E T
wins highest honors in the Missouri
Valley Conference with 55 points, We can give you
while Bausch of Kansas ranks su-
preme in the Big Six with 48. We stand back of our shoes
The final rating in the national
standing cannot be made as yet more comfort and more ser
because of the post season games expended than any other shoi
yet to be played. Several of the
leading scorers in the country are
to give you
vice per doar
es made.
features of these tilts.
TOLEDO-Gil Ely, former Uni-
versity of Michigan basketball star,
is the new manager of the Toledo
Red Men, this city's entry in the
American Professional Basketball
league. Ely plays a forward posi-
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