THUMDAY, N0V9;BRn 27, 1830 THE MTCHIAN DAILY E1 D1N SEKSNE F GI F Investigates Rockets Giving Off Light by Night, Smoke During Daytime. STUDIES SOUND SIGNALS P Prqf Higbie Develops Prismatic Glass to Increase Illumination in Skyscrapers tWhat s G oing, Ol TODAY. Inventor Considers Radio Delicate for Use as Fog Warning. (Ply Associated Press) Too Newv styles in the use of glass in windows, that restore some of the daylight lost in city canyons, have been developed in the engineering colleac. T(V have a sighting effect equal to b-inging the "skyline" down be- low the tops of ba.Cdings whi h shut off the sky view. Such effects may be prod uc s with several varieties of glass ui they are applied properly t^ hc windows, said Prof. H. H-. Eiigbio, of the department of electri>i en- ginceiing, who has been studying how to use daylight most efi'cctive-' ly. "The di arributmn of tay3ih illumination in a room,'" he says "is likely to be better when cven plain glass is used in the windows than when no glass is used, but the improvement is much greater with some varietie3 of figured or pr=:- matic glass. "The reason is that rays of ligh passing through such glass are bent and diffused so more of them reach WEST ORANGE, N. J., Nov. 2.- Thomas A. Edison is trying to bring aviation out of the fog. He has been experimenting v:7 u> rockets to circumvent flying's great- est enemy. His rockets would give off light by night and a black smoke by day to locate airports and determine the depth of the fog. .11 7kN, { S .. _ a ' ~14L -L THEATERS. Majestic - Grant Withers, Sue Carol, Tully Marshall in "Dancfig Sweeties." Michigan - William Haines in "Remote Control." Wuerth - Bert Lytell and Patsy Ruth Miller in "Last of the Lone Wolf." GENERAL. Michigan Union-Special Thanks- giving dinner in cafeteria. M i c h i g a n League - Special Thanksgiving' dinner. FRIDAY. THEATERS. Majctic - Grant Withers, Sue Carol, Tully Marshall in "Dancing Sweeties." Michigan - William Haines in "Remfote Control." W uerth --- Bert Lytell and Patsy Ruth Miller in "Last of the Lone Wolf." GENERAL. Lydia Mendelssohn t h e a t r e- Memorial meeting of University Senate in honor of President Emer- itus Harry Burns Hutchins, at 3 o'clock. Hindustan club-General meet- ing, 8 o'clock, Lane hall. Exhibit-Small American sculp- tute, 9 to 5 o'clock, north gallery, Alumni Memorial hall. Pan-Hellenic ball-At the Michi- gan League, 10 to 2 o'clock. II ._ _._ 5--...__ ..___ _._ C ! f ; 1 i. c 'r ! "It seems to me that aviation Ithe back of the mom can't see the mountain for the mole-hill," lie remarked in stating his belief that the solution of the problem was much simpler than it I appeared. Radio too Delicate.! "Radio, at the present time, is a bit too delicate for fog work," he said in disproval of the radio baa-1 con for blind flying. "I personally prefer to work up something much! more simple, involving, perhaps, sight or sound." Edison disclosed his experiments in a talk with Richard Aldworth, director of New- ark Airport. Among other things, the inventor asked: To Try Sound Signal. What color are various degrees of fogs? How soon before you emerge from the fog does the color lighten? How does it look from the top? If you know the depth of the fog, can you land safely? On the subject of sound as a guide to blind flying, Aldworth said the drone of the motor would drown out such signals. "Some kinds of glass," Professor Higbie says, "mounted in a particu- lar way in the windows may in- crease the minimum illumination to a value distinctly higher than it would be without any glass, perhaps 10 or 20 percent greater." Increasing the minimum illumi- nation means better lighting of the darker parts of the room. In effect, the glass transfers daylight from near the window, where there is more than enough of it, to the rear of the room where it is most need- ed. "It appears," he adds, "that the combination of prismatic glass in the upper half of the window with clear glass in the lower half can give practically as good results as if prismatic glass were used entilre- Reservations for the Ball Breakfast, sjiould I di t tx ilk III Prof. H. H. Higbie (inset) of the University of Michigan has found cer tain types of windows diffuse more daylight in offices of skyscrapers (right) than ordinary glass (left). Pan-Hellenic be made im- ly. "Glasses which deflect, scatter or diffuse appreciably the light rays that come to them from a restrict- ed sky view, as in a window facing; walls or other obstructions, and which thereby improve the distri- bution of illumination in the room, have the effect of pulling down the skyline or of elevating the win- dows to a location not so far below the top of the obstruction." In experiments it was found that dirt on windows cuts off at least j 20 to 25 percent of the light, per- haps 50 pefrcent or more, if win- dows are riot washed oftener than once in four months. employment bureau for the relief of unemployed Ann Arbor residents Tuesday morning, a total of 110 persons had registered. At noon yesterday 93 more names had been added to the list, bring- ing the total t6 203. sk t-Am a%" f - A limited number of group parties can be accomnxoclated at the Huk rangig from twenty-five to. fifty I . A N ARBOR NEWS-BRIEFS persons. Radio Today. Prof. George Granger Brown, of the chemical engineering de- partment, will discuss "Auto Fuels" this afternoon during the University radio hour. Professor Brown, for a number of years, has engaged in research work in an endeavor to improve the quality of gasoline for automo- bile fuels. The Midnite Sony quartet will provide the musical program. Local Football Ticket Sale Estimated at 200 Incomplete reports of charity tic- kets for the Michigan-Chicago foot- balf game show a total of approxi- mately 200 tickets sold in Ann Ar- bor, according to an estimate made by Mayor Edward W. Staebler yes- terday. Although several of the organ- iz.tions which undertook to disposef of the tickets have not as yet, handed in their reports, a partial check shows a total of 162 tickets soild, which is enough to make Ain Arbor and Washtenaw county eli- gible for a share of the proceeds,' since only those counties wherej more than $100 worth of ticket were sold will benefit by the drive. 203 Jobless Register Less than half a day after the inauguration of Mayor Staebler's adies' G;entlem~en's -Mike Fingerle HATS Any Felt Hat thoroughly Dry Cleaned and Styiahly Reblock-d 49c SERVICE VALET SHOP 117 South Main Street Next to Walk-Over Shoe Store i nrerl oeria I ST[PPUNG UNTO1%Af MODERN WORLD 117-0 ., I They shut the door on hybrid styles college years, in which you can have such a space. Quantity production of equipment has long been practiced by the telephone industry. Telephone designers years ago shut the door on many hybrid styles-seeking first to work out instruments which could best transmit the voice, then making these few types in great quantities. This standardization made possible concen- trated study of manufacturing processes, and steady improvement of them. For example, the production of 15,000,000 switchboard lamps a year, all of one type, led to the development of a highly special machine which does in a few minutes what once took an hour. Manufacturing engineers, with their early start in applying these ideas, have been able to develop methods which in many cases have be- come industrial models. The opportunity is there! 11 1I1ll