PAGE TWO T JHE MICHIGAN twAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 ~ 7A~ NE Y~KFCRSOUTH AMRC S~A[SC[AYEPDTI TOA . YiR FOR SIGNS OF LOST" RACES WLL J BE LETEf AT STATE ET I NC ' 1 i4 ' L'[ 4 u%! O~~~~~T HI ITMf ~~ead Giant Merge U L IL6T Caima Nme ~NEW RESERVEI BAND ION bONVEN rL.TION TORAIESlOON Successor to Dennis E. Alward to be Chosen at Special Conference.j DICKINSON ISSUES CALL 1 Appoirtionnc.,i of Appointments to New Committees Also WMill' be Made. ( Uv A vsuoiau it Prrss) LANSING, Nov. 26.-State se na,- tors will c cnfz-r here Dec. 4 in an attempt to r ,a h an agreement before t'"--opcming of the legislative session on the choice of a .;ecretary to Succeed the late Dennis E. .1l- ward and, the apportionment of committee appointinents. A call of the senate was issued in a lottcr trailed Tuesday night by I Lieut. Gov. Luren. D. Dickin~son. The meeing will get tuder way at I o'clock in the aft,-,-~a The lieu-I tenant gioven::.1" ii :W;?4=d in his letter that t; :: t? s icr cretCary of the senate ~ e ivna hear- ing and that 'a v'll as~k for thej senate's choice bfor the actual opening of ti -. legi:slature, Jan. 7., Air. Dickinson emphasized his de- sire to give the s rc.ssful candidate Schance to become familiar with the work hefore the opening of. the session. State senators are asked in the, letter either to send or bring with them their choice of three or four commit tee- appointments. Sees Problems. "Judginig from past experiences I can expect twice the number of applications for certain committees than can be. given and therefore there must be some unavoidable disappointments," the lieutenant governor said. He expressed the opinion that committee appoint- nments \ id continue a great prob- lei or im -\With the unusually large num- ber of experienaced members it makes. inl task the m7:ost diffcultl of 'all of 'MiY experiences on thisl lt~ml),ers Ofl-the S!!ippee-Tohrnson expedition wlho .' f.1-ouvc BreinnN ', o inz eu ivwG"ethey will set out to explore the Andes by foot a h. Tihcv a;re e iij -Kl__. th r e 0tu-- scientific rnstr'uments -iand hope to reveal secrets of In 1,4cJ liaoi . elt0 iPe mechanic; Robert, Shippee, pilot, geologist and histori -ii; ValentIiie Vnienctii v~e;.vu l pilot, and George It.ohnsoii, cameraman. CLEE OtU B O Im o FVL A NEI,,, C9PEETIO Sh elvs elete L t 6 Boks Yearly; SleM1APKS ON ;SIG]VI...U by About 20 Many Rare "Thlayct''s Tretise- Volumes Are Taken. TA~King Picture of University Organization- to be Ilelased Soon. Pathe Review tlalkin- ;-pet-ires featuring' the Michigan Men's Glee TO find thie,"helves of a ]ib'a y, containing more than 25,G30 vol- umes depleted by 20 books a year does not appear at first g lancea staggering or important loss, but is a few of the books that are lost oin Hv'doene ''t[t} . i :wu? Ica? T ed Gan-1fog le cnmcnxdafll searh Ir a >~IWUcoy' -as mad cated. in PL ad( l=p-z. Threeclays up in the La'';Seoc u bocx.1 club will be released within the! annually cannot be replaced or can nexttwowees, ayl Chfli, 'be replaced only with great dti.-: nexttwowees, GyleChalin culty, the yearly depletion takes onl manager of the club, announced some measure of significance. Such yesterday. Preparations for the i,,'.he case in the Law library. ORCAF :J~" ~ U~Th X~ W )Q.3 completion of the picture are under way at present, he added, and the definite date on which it wvill Gp - peazr at the Miichiga n theater willi be set as soon as thecfcemnany an-- Acc o rig to Prof. 11. FR. Coffey,: erra lbraiianz, about 40 books are 11>'s-'1&V'from ti he hWlibrary ever y y ttiI, Ibut practically 20 of them ar e retu r1ed duing subsequent years.' ..The law library," Professor Cof- fey strrtved iin an interview yoster-I lay, "is a reference library. nrot a PamrChrist ian. Uuiver'Ksi' o- gnswilife :?''c aa 'nodern "Pas- sacarglia" by the ft neeri-al coinnee-.; er, Leo Sowerby, _,11r'la cthec ded- hue. - -nounes its completic. The picture is bein'_ financed by1 i-H P C AiRMA the Butterfield corporatLion, owners' P C~ COMMITTEE as aicour'tesy to Mh(,l p ' ttdc~n - -It, is the second suchr rLr to b° Sixeev. 1", 'IChose-ia by Bradley,;~ nado ofa college r':>e club, the tFy# Moret ~e. xfirst school to be so.,r r ._rcrt 2oini aoitettoteforleased a year a go; and rl l uE 'i ixteen ~ m St teflo;have been Co heavy fIc41,r 1w' Ml.h- comittee for J the J-Hop were an- gan organizatoe. the Path1' cune- i nounlced lst night by George S. pamn ; d ,idedtofi2m11 -,Lhi'-. en Bradley, 2. 7Ti e cmitewhen I:' lue club. completcd. will include 20 memlbers. Michigakn song's anc. selectc-in Other ap pointmenta will be an- from! the Mimes operas are fea- nounccd later, 1r rdlcy said. . intefl.Iisepce Ma -11,D of apps_ at ions for tic-Itrdinten~n se.ete kets to the annuail junior° class fete hajh pcue li b h - l will be sup ervised by the comimit- oaver tie country, j4- udgmc ikno o oNew Yurk, nod.Zena-n Sermn oi VI lmingto-. del'. one ox thi'> 1 dflin 3t inIhej- fellecr Carillon. wic includes theR heavi.,-s; bells E'er c " ei1 in: ucir :n mrurn'r~t La r Emeron Fos- dick is pastor. OHIO UNIVE.SITS - VWomen students irero c t ?'u iSlv avo id thle base.,enL of a ce r-rarn campus building. In i are housed 75_at whiich are to be used for Cxreari- mental purposes. >oa l no,,wrn to Ask Unions ts H-d Next Meeting 1Ann -iArbor. Abert F. Donohuie, '31, president Af the Union, and arold . War- :en, jr., '31, recording secretary,; zave been named by the Union )ard of directors as the delegates, irom XMichigan to the eleventh an- veal.n conveon c" of tie AssociationI Ki Cce;e and21;1University Unionsj _q b'v-iuniver- iri inLc l~e.;-ee, R.1.. it was an- '1-00l 1 e2 c- dayi N cig n fv,;tworepresentatives to hr, uleetlij, i Kunderstood, will, ~°:terrK a