ESTABLISHED 1890 V WOW 44kv . ti MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . ......... VOL. XLL No. 52 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS CRSUA Y 0 OAK MENTIONED INd JAPAN IQUAKE!- OkUNTS TO 250 Shock Devastates Entire Izu__ CONGRESS TO WORKI TOWARD SOLUTION OF UNEMPLOYMENT Three-Way Proposal Suggested by Legislative Chairmen Hawley and Johnson. ROAD WORK TO BE AIDED Immigration Restriction, Loan Fund for Farmers Will be Considered Next Week. Peninsula Leaving 30,000 Homeless. RED CROSS RUSHES AID Partly Restored Communicationi Lines Bring Word of Quake Toll. (Rif Assocratrd 'rc) TOKIO, Nov. 27.-Partly restoredj communication lines tonight brought word of 250 known deaths in a terrific earthquake early today which rocked the Izu peninsula and also injured at least 1,030 persons. No foreigners were believed killed or injured.. Fearing further shocks, 30,0001 persons were camped in what shel- ter they could find, grateful for food, supplies, and medical aid hastily provided by the army and Red Cross volunteers from nearby cities. For thirty minutes "Earth De- mon" shook the beautiful region, playground of the Japanese, 5,000 destroyed or partly demolished, houses crashing upon sleeping oc- cupants. Fire Adds to Confusion. Fire burst from ruins, the earth cracked open, land slid from the mountains and water loosed by. broken reservoirs added to the havoc and confusion. Warned, however, by 16 days of preliminary tremors, most people had extinguished fires in their homes before sleeping, and there- fore escaped a conflagration, such as that which, added its horror to the earthquake of 1923, destroyed 10,000 buildings in Tokio and killed approximately 100,000 persons. The quake w s most severe near Mishima and Numazu, in an area 15 miles long and five to ten miles wide and about 125 miles southeast of Tokio. Violence was concentrated at Nirayama village where 74 lives were lost. Twenty-two perished at Nagoka, a hot springs resort, and 80 others died in villages nearby. To the north, larger towns suf- fered less severely, four lives being lost at Mishama, three at Atami, and one at Numazu. Fire which followed in these towns were ex- tinguished without great damage. A portion of the great Panna tun- nel between Atami and Numazu collapsed, causing fear that many laborers were caught in the bore' which was nearing completion after 10 year's work. Four bodies were recovered and the tunnel, costing $10,000,000 was believed badly dam- aged. PEACE STRESSEDI[ HT P (lI n nfthinliiT. i Associated Press Photo William N. Doak, head of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, has been mentioned for secretary of labor to succeed Sen- ator-elect James J. Davis of Penn- sylvania. LAB ORITES OPPOSE Green Will Block Selection of Railway's Representative for Labor Secretary. LISTS ACCEPTABLE MEN (By Associated Press) ; Nov. 26. - The same opposition which has gained credit for keeping William N. Doak out of the post of labor secretary at the beginning of the Hoover ad-' ministration was recorded against him today. Because Doak, legislative repre- sentative of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, is not affiliated with the American federation of labor, William Green told President Hoover Tuesday his appointment would be opposed. Doak is figured as the favorite in discussion of the post, which will fall vacant next week when James J. Davis takes his seat as senator from Pennsylvania. The federation president also registered opposition to elevation of Robe Carl White, assistant secre- tary, who is understood not to be a member of the labor organization. Green maintained the federation felt the secretary of labor should come from its ranks. He pointed out that both Davis and William B. Wilson, who held the office before him, were members of his organ- ization. Fess said President Hoover should "I I"ociat L'dPress) WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. -- The three-way drive in congress toward the solution of the unemployment problem took shape on Thanksgiv- in= Eve in a proposal to further redistrict immigraton, increase fed- eral highway aids, and to provide means for expediting the govern- ment building program. The suggestion that the country was willing to give up the one per cent income tax reduction this year to permit the government to use the money in giving jobs on its work was made by chairman Haw- ley of thze House Ways and Means committee. His committee originate all revenue raising legislation. At the same time, Chairman Johnson, of the House Immigration committee, will propose permanent immigration restriction legislation and predicted the United States would never vote again to permit~ the arrival of immigrants who would interfere with the economic conditions. A plan to allow the federal gov- ernment to match dollar for dollar all the funds spent before next July 1 by states for road construction was drafted by Chairman Dowell of the House Roads committee with a view to early action at the De- cember session. Dowell said the federal govern- ment could lend its greatest in- direct relief of unemployment through the roads program. Another relief measure, that of' Representative AswcllsDem., La., to provide a $60,000,000 feed and fer- tilizer loan fund for drought-stric- ken farmers, is to be considered by the House Agriculture committee next week. MID-WEST UNDER BLANKET OF SNOW Storms Cripple Communication,' Hold Up Traffic. ( av Associated Press) CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-Thanksgiv- ing Eve found the Middle West dig- ging out of snow drifts beneath clear, cold skies. The storms that had held up traffic, crippdled communication lines and caused several deaths had I.abated, leaving a blanket of snow over the north central states and large drifts in the wide open spaces. In the wake of the storms, ther- mometers dipped today to new low levels for- the season. For Thanksgiving the weather1 AUDIENCE TURNS FOR SANDWICHES Coxey, O'Brien Bowy to A ppeal of Food, Drink. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-A "gen- eral," a "king," and a person masquerading under the intrigu- ing sobriquet, "Mr. G 1 a d," crossed one another's paths to- day, Mr. Glad coming off with the honors, largely because he had sandwiches. The "general" was Jacob S. Coxey, who gained his rank a long time ago as the head of "Coxey's Army." He has found an ally in Daniel O'Brien, who styles himself "king" of hoboes. The general and the king were exhorting a crowd of unemployed today urging them to gather each day for four hours outside the city hall. "You'll frighten those fellows, in the city hall, to death, and then we'll get something done," Coxey said. In a moment, however, he found his audience vanishing.! The listeners had espied a truck moving along the street and it bore the sign: "Mr. Glad - Sandwiches and coffee for the unemployed." King O'Brien observed the disappearance of the audience sadly. "It's that coffee," he ru- minated, "and them sandwiches."I ALUMNI ILL11FETE CHURCHES TO HOLD SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR HTHANKSGIVING Ministerial Association W ill Hold Community Services This Morning. MARLEY TO BE SPEAKER Rev. Lewis Will Officiate at St. Andrew's Episcopal's Holiday Program. Thanksgiving will be celebrated in church services throughout the city today, headed by community services at the Presbyterian church, held under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Ministerial association. The community celebration, an annual event in the city's churches, will begin at 10.30 o'clock, with the Rev. H. P. Marley, of the Unitarian church, as the speaker. He will de- liver a sermon on the subject of "The Necessity of Gratitude." Dr. Merle H. Anderson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will pre- side at the community service, while the Rev. R. N. McMichael, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church will open the service. Dr. Frederick Bohn Fisher, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, will offer prayer, while music will be specially furnished by the Presby-I terian choir. .':" I L ~:*~:.: .y RUSSIAN CONTINUE TO REVEALC SENATE TO HONOR Poincare Is Indicated DECEASED LEADER as Leader by d Captives. PLOT IS WIDE SPREAD Chances for Freedom Become Slimmer ...aoc. Daily. (By Ass ociated Press Harry Burns Hutchins, Services at St. Andrews Episcopal church will be held at 10:30, Rev. Henry Lewis officiating. Special Thanksgiving music will be fur- nished by the choir. "Let Us Give Detroit Club to Honor Michigan Thanks to God" will be the topic of All-Americans at Annual a sermon by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, ,bBspastor of the Zion Lutheran church Football 'Bust-' at 10 o'clock today. The service will be in English. YOST, KIPKE TO SPEAK The litany of the saints and prayers for civil authorities will beI Michigan's 15 all-Americans, with recited at each mass today at St. the exception of Benny Friedman Thomas' Catholic church. The who is busy playing professionalI masses will, be. held at 6:34:~ 7:15, fobain theusyviingy rofNewYorkand 8 o'clock this morning. In the football i the viciity of New York, evening, a Holy Hour from 7 to 8 will be honored guests at the an- will end the day's services. nual football banquet and Bust The Bethlehem E v a n g e Ii c a 1l given by the University of Michi- church will hold its special services at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. A. J. Helm gan club of Detroit, Saturday night. of Detroit will be the guest preach- The all-Americans who will at- er. tend are "Bill" Heston, "Germany" I Schulz, "Benny" Benbrook, "Stan" I AN APPROVED Wells, "Jimmy" Craig, "Johnny" Maulbetsch, "Aqua" Allmendinger, TO ALLOW ARMS "Pat" Smith, "Frank" Stekette, - "Ernie" Vick, Harry Kipke, "Jack" Bloot, "Butch" Slaughter, and Disarmament Committee Adopts "Benny" Oosterbaan. Safety Clause' At Geneva. Although these men are scatter-- ed all over the country, they are (cry Associate-! Press) coming to Detroit to assist the G alumni in paying tribute to this GENEVA, Nov. 26. - A safety year's Varsity. cla use" permitting a country, The Varsity, B squad, coaches threatened by attack to lay aside and trainers and the Varsity band the restrictions of the general dis- will be present at the affair. Speak- armament treaty, was adopted to- ers will include Lou Bu..It, club president, Dr. Angus (Gus) Goetz, day by the preparatory disarma- who will present the M rings to the ment commission. n i n e senior men on the squad,.] The clause was proposed by Hugh Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- S. Gibson, American representative, letics, Coach Kipke, Captain Sim- a who explained that while the Uni- rall, and Roy Hudson, captain-elect' ted States was willing to accept in behalf of the club. 1 very rigid rules binding the nation Late president emeritus of the University, in whose memory serv- ices will be held at 3 o'clock tomor- row afternoon in the Lydia Men- delssohn theater. MEMORIAL SEA VICE1 TO HNORHUTCHINS, University Senate, Students tol Offer Tribute to Deceased President-Emeritus. Tribute to a well-loved friend will be paid by the Senate of the University and the student body in a memorial service tomorrow for Dr. Harry Burns Hutchins, late president-emeritus, in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater. Plans for the ceremony are complete and fourj speakers have been included on the' I program Those who will give addresses at the service are Prof. Edwin C. God- dard, Shirley W. Smith, Earl D. Babst, PhB '94, LLB '94, M. A. (Hon.) '11, and Dr. William Oxley Thompson, president-emeritus of Ohio State university. Mr. Babst, chairman of the board of the ,American Sugar Refining company and one of the University's most distinguished alumni, was a per- sonal friend of Dr. Hutchins, as were the other speakers on the pro- gram. Dr. Thompson knew the de- ceased both professionally and per- sonally. In 1871, Dr. Hutchins received the Ph.B. degree from the University. He wvas given an L.L.D. degree by the University of Wisconsin;rWes- leyan in 19L6; Notre Dame in 1917; California in 1918; and the Univer- sity in 1920. In 1895 he was dean of the Law school, and served as MOSCOW, Nov. 27. - One by one, eight prominent Russian en- gineers are throwing away their chances for life in a counter- revolutionary drama which is the sensation of the communist world. While snow is packed in the cold streets of the Red capitol, while the radio blares forth their testimony to far regions of the Soviet domain, while movie cam- eras grind and four judges smoke cigarettes, these eight are confess- ing fully to the charges placed up- on them in indictment last month, that they conspired with certain French and British interests for the overthrow of the promninent regime. Ramzin Questioned. As the trial began yesterday, Prof. Leonid Ramzin, appeared as chief of the plotters, told full de- tails of the scheme which was al- leged to involve former President Raymond Poincare, foreign minis- ter of France, the French and Brit- ish staffs, Polish and Roumanian soldiers, and others, and he asked no mercy, though he repented. Just as frank today and equally repentent was Victor Alexis Lar- ichez, second in command. Like Ramzin, he "told everything." A third, Prof. Ivan Kalinikoz, al- so told his story today, which was substantially the -same related by the other two and he told when the indictments were made public last month. All Agree on Plot. Late tonight the fourth, Prof. Nikolai Chainovsky, took the stand and will continue his confession tomorrow. He verified the testi- mony of the proceeding three and admitted working to slow down Soviet building concessions. It was' a wide-spread plot, as the defendants described it, to bring intervention from France and Eng- land with the neighboring coun- tries of Poland and Jugo-Slavia; to sabotage Soviet industry, thereby slowing them down and raising the cost of production, and otherwise bring discontent among the Soviet public so as to make the overthrow of the proletarian dictatorship easy. The principle blame, however, was laid upon French officials and capitalists, and the defendant even named by initial, those connected with a "certain institution" in Mos- cow. The French embassy was the only institution of that country in the red capitol. GoVERNENT DAM BEING CONSIDERED Senators Will Give Opposition to Plan f. Government Operation. (By Associated Pres WASHINGTON, Nov. 26--Admin- istration forces at the capitol have not abandoned their hopes of pre- venting government operation of Muscle Shoals. Senator Watson, Republican leader, expressed a willingness to- day to permit a vote on the ques- tion, but added that he did not wish to be interpreted as deserting his stand in favor of private oper- ation. At the same time other admini- stration men made it clear that they were not ready to capitulate to the government operation policy which is opposed by President Hoover. Chairman Hawley, of the House ways and means committee, while considering the plant over- 1 i i r A 3 1 be allowed to make his own cabinet bureau offered a varied menu with o o appointments. low temperatures predominating. _Snow in Michigan, the Dakotas, pandtslearMinnteestofntheistats. Mrs. Lucia Mead Gives Principal Chicago Police Clamp parts ofinntheresotodf tesosina Address on International Lid on Loop Gambling A slight rise in temperature was Dinner Program. expected in most of the Chicago (By Associated Press) forecast area, but not enough to CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-Clamping of melt the snow. Below zero readings Iiternationalg ood fellowship was the police "lid" on Loop gambling were recorded at several points in te prevailing note at an inter- today heightened the difficulties of North Dakota and Minnesota head- national tnanksgivng banquet held Chicago's hoodlums. ed by an unofficial low of 11 below last night in the ballroom of the Acting Commissioner of Police at Thies River Falls, Minn. countries were the guests of the I John Alcock, following a two-hour The heavy snow that left parts Student Christian association at ae session with the grand jury investi- of the northwest with a four- and Thanksgiving dinner followed, by gating the police department, is- six-inch covering struck farther addresses stres the subject sued orders to stop all Loop gambl- east today to pile up driftsand _ trouble for Indiana and Michigan. Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, expert on - international relations, discussingDr common fallacies in war and peace, said, "Wars originate with the highly trained individuals. We "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, might well be warranted in saying But still remember what the Lord hath done." 41t . n i .t-nc.,nf f n,,, nn 4-1---I., -. - 4'A 1 'I > i ), 1, _i j g, r, .; . Myers Picks Cochet And Bi Bill Tilden As 1930 Net Leaders to the treaty, it was ready to con- sider the fears of other nations. The only opposition to the clause came from Russia which declared it unacceptable to the Soviets who are convinced that the treaty ought to be absolutely binding on the States under all circumstances. (Bv Associated Press) It was generally understood the acting president of the University NEW YORK, Nov. 27. - Big Bill clause was designed to quiet the in 1897-98 and again from October Tilden, although beaten by Johnny 1 fears of some of Russia's neighbors. 1909 to June 1910, at which time he Doeg in the United States sham- It envisages a situation in which a was elected president of the Uni- pionship, is rated second only to country is threatened by attack and versity and served continuously Henri Cochet of France this year, regards it as essential for self pre- for 10 years. Retiring in 1920 he by A. Wallis Myers, English tennis servation to lay aside the treaty became the first man to be hon- expert, who annually names the, restrictions and have full liberty to oredsby the title of President-Em- "World's First Ten" players. Myers'l arm itself, eritus. selections for 1930 are published in the current issue of American Lawn .d.r.' Tennis. Vehicles Skid, Pedestrians Slide The men's lists contains the A names of five Americans and the on Ice After Year's Worst Snow women's three with Mrs. Helen Wills Moody again in number one __-- - - - position. Tilden's dramatic come- I Near-Accidents on Hill Street ward Packard Ave. The car travel- back to the English championship Thrill Remaining Students ing west on Hill, started to cross at Wimbledon as well as the Davis g State street just as the student, challenge round victory over Jean in Holiday Recess. who had succumbed to the tempta- Borotra are reflected in his advance.- tion to slide, came to the intersec- from fourth to second place, pass- People slid and skidded, cars did tion. The student being unable to ing Borotra. A year ago Myers merry jigs about Ann Arbor streets stop his slide on the icy sidewalk placed Borotra as well as the other last night as the year's worst storm yelled to the driver to "put on the French stars, Cochet and Lacoste, (to date) struck the city shortly brakes or something." ahead of the American. after dinner. A high wind, accom- "They ARE on. It won't stop. Johnny Doeg, the A m e r i c a n panied by a heavy snow, made any Get out of the way," yelled the champion, is ranked fourth, behind form of transportation difficult, autoist frantically. Cochet, Tilden and Jean Borotra. while icy streets and sidewalks pro- Realizing that he might either bol[art graciua~e ii~t a 100 colleges sent one hundred mil- lion men to their ;death in the re- cent war. These highly trained col- lege men could not think straight. The fallacy is that we cannot get away from war until you change human nature. Adequate world, organization is the only proof against war." The welcome was given by Ira M. Smith, registrar in the Univers- ity and the response given by Jack Yen.n '31 nroidenf- of the 'osmo- More than three centuries ago Governor Bradford of the Plymouth Colony appointed a day for public praise and prayer. Since that time Thanksgiving day has most properly become a national institution. One day of all the year is little enough to us, without distinction of race or creed, to unite with the peoples of every other state in giving reverent heartfelt thanks to Almighty God for all of His mercies and blessings. We have passed through a year of business and industrial stagna-, tion with its attendant discomforts but out of it should come a manifest spiritual strengthening. We have many problems to solve but the good sense of the American people has always been equal to their solution. Every one of us is charged with a civic obligation of how we can best serve one another and thus restore industry to its normal condition and