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November 26, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-26

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Published every morning except Monday
duri'ig the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
'ThevAssociated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
r thie paper and the local news publishee
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
' Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
riard St!reet.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor ............ Mary L. Behymer
M s I> raa, Books........Wmi. J. Gorman
Assistant (~ity Editor ......Harold O. Warren
Assistant NewsEditor......harles R. Sprow'
Telegraoh Editor..........George A. Stauter
Wm. F. Pyper....... .....Copy Editor
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol p Harod O. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur 3. Myers
Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
Thomas M. Cooley Sher M. Quraishi
George Fisk Richard Racine
Morton Frank Jerry E. Rosenthai
Saul Friedberg George Rubenstein
Frank 3. Gilbreth Charles A. Sanford
Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert
Poland Goodman Robert F. Shaw
_MortonHelper Edwin M. Smith
Edgar I lornik G;eorge A. Stauter
James H. Inglis Parker Terryberry
Denton C. Kunze John S. Townsend
Powers Moulton )obert D. Townsend
Lynne Adam. Margaret O'Brien
Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon
Elsie Feldman Jean Rosental
liizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver
'mily G. Grimes Frances Stewart
E:lsie M lloffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin
jean Levy Margaret Thompson
Dotthy Magee Claire Trussell
Mary McCall Barbara Wright
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................Charles T. Kline
Advertisi:................Thomas M. Davis
Advertising........William W. Warboys'
Service........... .....NorrisJ. yJohnson
Publication............ obert W. Williamson
Circulation .............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts,... .........Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary ............Mary J. Kenan

gions, later to be supplemented by
a department of theology togetherI
provide a natural growth of a unit
which would become in0gral in
the work of Michigan. This Uni-1
versity, of all agencies in this part
of the country, is in a real position
for making such a provision. Un-j
dergraduates of this age still pos-
sess an intellectual and forceful
interest in religions and problems
of theology, but they are not prone
to accept their instruction from the
well-known sources now estab-
lished. If a lack of student interest
in the affairs of the church is to
be deplored, it must be laid to its
own shortcomings in the eyes of the
average undergraduate.
This is not to say that we favor
the University's taking over the
functions of the churches. What
we urge is a scholarly and thor-
oughly academic presentation of
religious information; we believe
that instruction without regard to
secular distinctions, and without
interest in the salvation of the
student soul will fill an acute need
on this campus. By building up a
faculty of sound theological schol-
ars, by taking up its rightful and
much neglected responsibility to
provide competent religious teach-
ing and exegisis for its students
and the advancement of such
knowledge elsewhere, the Univers-
ity will not eliminate the appalling
hole in its academic pretensions,
but also meet the natural and even
urgent demands of its students and
contemporary society.
England has recently taken many
steps toward the ultimate educa-
tion of the people of the poorer
middle and laboring classes. Her
most recent move in this direction
is the grant of an annual subsidy,
amounting to $87,000 every year,
for grand opera in Great Britain.
This sum will be used to bring the
operas within the range of popular
Up to this time, there has been
virtually no opera in the country
with the exception of the ten-week
season at Covent Garden where
the world's greatest singers are
brought into a small auditorium at
very high admittance prices. One
of the conditions of the new agree-
ment stipulates that British artists
must be employed as much as
possible in popular-price appear-
The movement has a double ob-
ject. In the first place it will en-
courage and stimulate the develop-
ment of the opera in England and
in the second place it will do much
to make the public at large ac-
quainted with the different great
artists and the roles in which they
Art in any of its various forms
has always been the highest ex-
pression of a progressive civiliza-
tion. Without exception, the finest
art of a country has been produced
at a time when the civilization to
which it belonged had reached a
Great Britain has recognized an
acute need for this kind of cultural
education and she has taken defi-
nite steps to make it possible by
government subsidy instead of a
less certain philanthropy. It marks
a cultural advance in which Eng-
land leads the world by its innova-

"33" has heard the howls of dogs
kept on the campus. Without in-
quiring, he assumes they are in
pain. He apparently has imagined
the struggles of an experimental
animal duringnan experiment and
has projected himself subjectively
into the same situation. The feel-
ing is uncomfortable as anyone
who recalls his first dissection, vi-
visection or operation will testify
Needless to say, this feeling isi
more intense in the observer than1
in the subject, because it is fear
rather than pain which affects the{
The judgment of "33" has been
affected by this fear. Under an
emotional stress it has occurred to
him that "Cruelty is always wrong
and no good has come of it." The
statement is based upon an emo-
tional reaction rather than upon a
consideration of facts. It is not a
conclusion, but a premise. Such a


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This afternoon at 4:15, William1
Doty, instructor in organ in the
School of Music, will present the
following program in Hill Auditor-
Concert Overture ......Maitland
Impression ...........Karg-Elert
Minuet from the Fourth Organ
Symphony .............Vierne
Chorale Prelude "Nun danket alle
First Chorale ............ Franck
Intermezzo .............. Bonnet
Afterglow ...............Groton
Toccata ...................Reger

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premise based upon emotion may "The incomparable Sarg" brings
have many points of truth in its a brand new production to the
favor, as may any other. The big Mendelssohn Theatre next week,
difference is that emotion prejudi- Tuesday. Tony Sarg came to Amer-
ces the mind so that only favorable ica from England where he lived
data are considered; others are a- in Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop,
voided or disregarded. charging six pence admission. In
It is of interest to peruse the lit- America he quickly became the
erature of the anti-vivisection so- master of a great magic, the man
ceteh Individualsi-ilin o- who knew keenly of the eternal
cieties. Individuals similar in out- delight of illusions. His activityI
look to '33 have taken statements meant a renaissance in puppetry
of a few scientific men, removedmenarnisnc inppty
them emthat in America has reached a very
them from their context in most extraordinary pitch. The annual
cases, have collected records of un- appearances of his merry art are
successful experiments, or have occasions.
misconstrued the function of other This year he is touring with the
investigations in order to support new, though long-promised, pro-
their irrationally conceived ideas. duction of "Alice in Wonderland"
In some cases their examples may a story quite finely suited to Yhb;
be true, but the ruthless disregard 'juality of humour. For le first
of both the intellectual and practi- time in his career Tony Sarg will
ca advantages of animal experi- allow the introduction of human
mentation is to be.condemned, acting with that of his marionettes.
The concept of science which In the scenes of his new produc-
"33" seems to have is rudimentary. tion where Alice "grows and grows"
He must realize that any method will be acted by Elise Dvorak, for-
of experimentation, of which vivi- merly of the Goodman Art Theatre.
section is one, is scientific insofar Possibly thispjuxtapositionawill
as it is carefully controlled. As a solve the dispute about miarion-
method, vivisection is not open to ettes-vs.-humans as actors startedj
question; as to its value, the inter- so vigorously by Godrond Craig.
est in and use of the method by -



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H-arry R. Beglev
Vernon lishoi)
William Brown
Robert Callahan
William . D av
Richard 11. Hille
Erie Kightlinger
Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
I1--len flailey
Iosephiie Convis
)nrothy Laylin
Syivia rI ihlr

I Don W. Lyon
William Morgan
I. Fred Schaefer
S ichard Stratemeier
is Noel 1). Turner
of Byron C. Vedder
Helen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
sser Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE
One of the most engaging experi-
ments in the field of religious edu-
cation is taking place at the
University of Iowa where for the
pasi three years a school of reli-
gion has been flourishing through
an endowment by John D. Rocke-
feller, Jr. The school is an undis-
guised effort of mutual co-opera-
tion between the state university
and the organized religious groups
of the state to open the way for
the development of an intelligent
faith which is breaking down the
trouble-making hiatus between re-
ligion and other forms of human
knowledge and experience.
For a numoer of years back, The
Daily has periodically pointed to
the quite obvious necessity for a
department of comparative reli-
gions here at Michigan. While we
have no messianic motive in mak-
ing this overture, the absence in
a school which calls itself great
of a distinct and high-powered
unit for instruction in religious
history, comparative religions, the
philosophy of religion, and church
history is very difficult to condone
even in an age of scientific mater-
The case for such a department
at Michigan may be stated in quite
specific fashion. First there is the
somewhat general consideration of
the sad estate to which religious
scholarship and exegisis have fal-
len, especially in this country. The
university, as the chief promoter of'
academic attainments and the
spread of wisdom, must be the fore-
most agency for correcting this
lamentable condition. Furthermore,
American universities have much to
learn from the customary educa-
tional process of the English which
makes religion, along with politics,
a direct and integral part of the
educative process. Again, in the
Middle West particularly, there is
no outstanding school of theology;
none at least which is comparable
to those at Cambridge, Princeton
andiclthe flC~rnera Seminarv at New

Campus, Opinion
Contributors ai asked to be brie, ,
confining themseles to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous comn-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should notbe
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To the Editor:
Inasmuch 'as athletic relations
between our school and the Uni-
versity of Chicago always have been
if the most friendly sort, we were
disappointed and disturbed when
we read the account of last Satur-
day's game which appeared in the
Detroit Free Press. This article
severely criticized an alleged lack
of spirit evidenced by the Chicago
team. In our opinion we never saw
any team that had been defeated
or tied in every major contest of
the season fight with such courage
and determination. This spirit
would be a credi't to any coach, or
to any school, and Sunday's write-
up certainly shows that some pa-
pers go too far in their smirking
criticisms which are unfair and
The writers feel that anyone who
witnessed the game will realize
that Chicago did her best, and
after all that is what really counts.

scientific men is its highest rec-
ommendation. T h e technically
qualified scientists are the onlyl
ones capable of evaluating the
Specific reference is made by
"33" to a case in which the cat and
rabbit react differently than man
to certain drugs. From this it is
inferred that the experimental ani-
mals offer no solution of import-
ance to man. If, however, the rea-
son for this difference in reaction
may be found in further experi-
mentation, we have learned more
of the action of the drugs than if
the reaction were the same.
Not only are animals used in sci-
entific laboratories for determin-
ing the action of drugs and, a:,
subjects for the study of disease,
but for maintaining cultures of
virulent bacteria a n d parasites
which cannot be cultured other-
wise, and for determining the func-
tions of the various body organs.
As to the allegation to the remarks
of the late Frederick Treeves on
vivisection, no better refutation is
needed than reference to the mod-
ern work on the intestinal tract by
Alvarez, Cannon, Carlson, Pavlov,
and their co-workers.
Much of the animal experimen-
tation, it must be admitted, is not
of a purely research character, but
is associated w i t h pedagogical
method. It is only through stu-
dentexperimentation that t h e
methods of investigation, the
means of evaluating research, and
a sound practical knowledge of the
functions of the living body can
be gained. This cannot be taught
by text-books; it is only by doing
that real knowledge is gained
whether in mathematics or medi-
cine. Periods in the history of med-
icine when material was not avail-
able for students were periods of
little progress and much humant
"33" was quite right in saying
that the anti-vivisection move-
ment is gaining headway. It is a
lamentable truth which should be
recognized. Within the past few
years, the anti-vivisection enthus-
iasts have begun to organize. There
are a number of state and local so-
Pieties, and a national organization
is devoted to the organization of
new anti-vivisection groups, to the
spread of propaganda in the press,
and to the encouragement of anti-,
vivisection legislation.
It is highly desirable for people
to interest themselves in the prob-
lems of scientific men, but it is
not for the uninformed to interfere
with their investigations and teach-
ing; this is a matter requiring ex-
pert knowledge, whether in rela-
tion to thP.fin ~lgv o,-f 1if0 ~nn-

Another outstanding event sched-
uled for the week after is the sec-
ond appearance in Ann Arbor of
Harold Kreutzberg and Yvonne,
Georgi, famous dance partnership.j
These great German artists have
ljust begun their second season in
New York with new programs and
are wildly popular. John Martin of
The New York Times is particular-
ly impressed with the increased
artistis stature of Miss Georgi, de-
claring that she has made some;
fine intellectual and technical im-
provements. Her inferiority to
Kreutzberg as a soloist was quite
marked in the two recitals here
last year. She now seims to be
approaching Kreutzberg, which al-
most means approaching perfec-
tion. They are to present a program
of new dances in their appearance
There isnalso the announcement
that the Ann Arbor Alumnae Asso-
ciation is bringing Grace George
in "The First Mrs. Fraser" to
the Mendelssohn Theatre, Monday.
March 23. This production is by
now something of a classic, having
run all last fall in Chicago and con-
tinued in New York ever since.
William Brady, the producer almost
unique in his persistent trust in
and respect for the road, is bring-'
ing it on tour.
Columbia continues to present
Leopold Godowsky's pianistic tal-
ent-one of considerable signifi-
cance in the European concert
world-- in fortunate settings. On
Record 67827 and 67828, Godowsky
restores an infrequently played
sonata of Beethoven's: the sonata
in E Flat, Op. 81 (Les Adieux, l' ab-
sence, et le retour). This is by no
means the greatest Beethoven or
even close to it, but it is very in-
teresting music: poetic and a mat-
ter of moods as the suggestion of
a program would imply. Godowsky
plays it with uniformn delicacy.
Masterworks Set No. 145 gives
Godowsky's inteipretation of Schu-
mann's Carnaval, Op. 9. Schu-
mann's evocative miniature, care-
fully and sharply cut and uniformly
escaping Schumann's occasional
insipidity through their brevity,
are good pieces for a great pianist.
Indeed, it is known that Rach-
manninoff asked Victor to allow
him to record them. Godowsky's in-I
terpretation differs in several as-
pects from Rachmanninoff's. He
is less the intellectual and more
the poet. In contrast to Rach-
manninoff's lucid treatment of
outlines and insistence on the
chiselled articulateness of individ-


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