WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1930 THE MICHICAN DAILY I AGPA OTEM _ ._.. ., ,,--_ C A- DATT. PAeI~ ~r~r~3 01B3 TO SNI Jur; Huston, Simrall, Yos ipke, 1931 Cipn Will Speak at Bust. BAND TO GIVE PROGRAM' Gice Club, Wrestling, Boxing Fencing Squads to Offer Entertainment. Graduating members of t hii year's football squaw will be awar. ed "M" rings by th University o Michigan club of Detroit at the an nual alumni football But whici will be held Saturday night at tlv Masonic temple in Detroit. During the evening the club wil entertain: as its guests, the entir Varsity football squad, the B squad the coaching staff, and the 106- piece band. Other guests will b the Glee club, the cross countr team, and the fencing, boxing, and wrestling squads. Speakers X'pr the affair will in- elu~de Lou Burt, club president, Cy Il g u s t o 4, committee chairman Captain James Simirll, Feldig Yost, arry K ipke, and the 1931 captain. Irvin Cy Houston anouced :yes- terday that at the conclusion of the Bust the entire party will ad- journ to the auditorium of the Masonic, tern p~pe where a Michigan ight show will be in progress. Dancing w,,,ll ;foIow d-e show. The shown will feature the Varsity band, tlkce Qlje Crb, and the ,wrest- ling, boxing and fencing squads. This prc gram7 will be given under the auspi1ces o the United Bue Lodge entertainment committee. TIhe Bust committee includes Ho~uston, chairman, ,Roy H. Torbet, vine chairman, rwin F. Coveney, James Craig, Angus G. Goetz, Ie fry Grinnell, Willam M. eston, B. Hyde, Raymond Lane, Frederick C. Matthaei, James. M. O'Dea, H cx W. Roe, and Cedric Smith. Tickets for the affair are on sale at; the club office, the Cadillac Athletic club, and the Masonic temple. WLL FNTE A Michigan Night to be, ()br'i,4 at Detroit Glf C. The entertainment committee of the Detroit Golf Club has set. aside Saturday, Dec. 6 as University of Michigan night when members of the University of Michigan club of Detroit and their families will par- ticipate in a special program at the clu~b house. T'he Varsity musical, clubs will ren-der a typical Michigan prgrani during the evening. Music far th I dancing which will follow the pro- gram will be furnished by the Var- sity orchestra. Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- leics, Franklin Cipoi, asistant director, and "Red" Glasgow, for- mer Varsity cheerleader will at-' tend the affair. The club has been limited to 300 dinner tickets, and 409 concerts and dance tickets. TUNNFY i §£ 11~BFO ATT~iMN AN ~A FOTBALL DOP I[[TN L ANE ALL SUPPLEMENTs GENERAL GAME I,..i IrL~I~LIBRARY BY OOLLECT!ON OF1 BOOKS 1 AIIC I jjw I II0I I Latest Togt nMnyFed Mann; "Pacifism in the Modern ' UIL L~L Now Obtainable in S.C.A. \Vorid"by Dev oe Allen; "Prophiets s x :Lendig Libary"Seed," by Charles G. iNorris; Regular Squzad of 15 Men to be Lcnirg ibau. f ewindiao," by Ovroai oran; Current books of popular interest "buingBy" yOl o.e~re Chosen From 45 Tryoutsaalbeatte"h Land of ibe rty," by Suth er-r Ch} ~~~that are not vialea h gen-I land Bates; "'Shep hrArds in Sacmk-} IAfter Chiristmaxi~s.; eral library can now be obtained byj cloth," by ShiaK -mih An- faculty members or students at the gel Pavement," by J. D. Priestley; Forty-five students are trying out recently established lending library'Idvuaim-Odnd ew"b for the Reserve officers Training at Lane hal11. John Dewey;,"The Twilight of ne~ Corp.; rifle team, Capt. Robert II. This pr cect, sponsored by thei Empire," by Scott Nearing; "Whi'te a Lord announced yesterday. After Student Christvian association, is April," by Li ette Reese, and "The expected to fill a decided lack on Dilemma of the Liberated," by G-. : Christmas vacation the regular ri-C the campus in supplying the new-! Mdunson. fie team of 15 men will be chosen( est thought in philosophy, litera- A pny of the above books can be from those tryouts making the best ture, science, history, politics, fic- drawn out for a period of two weeks S cores tnterpatiepros ion, drama, poetry, and critical or less at the charge of five cents interpatc eid. fwriting. for the first day and two cents for Thirty ma~tches with other rifle The library was opened the first each subsequent day. teams have already been arrangedj of the week with the following vpl- - the majority of which will take times: "King Mob," by F. K. Notch, TI'PEWRITER place in March. The team can carry "The Magic Mountain," by Thomas( REPAIRING' on as many matches at one time as Almkso ahns it wishes. The scores of the high-,Al ak..f.acins ,Photo est 10 of the 135nmen firing are Our equipment and per. - sonlaeie Tunney to each of the other universai i namngtebsidterSed h ctl .y of Yale cmeigad by a opartv of twenty years' careful building. ielps, Mrs. study, the standings of the teams ffield, wife can be readily determined. 0 . D. MORRIL Caliber .22 rifles and caliber .22 --- 314 South State Phone 6615 ______rim-fire ammunition are used in all ,_______ matches. Each man is allowed tw o ''^'° {sighting shots and ten record shots « On 1 which are fired from each of the -- _____ _ following positions: prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing. tPL)I thers, Sue Student Applicy fions "Dancing Should be Co zsidcrc evalier in 1I Students plannirig to enter F o pro-Mu1 5 a in "The fessional schools at the Unive-'eity I Radio Today. Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the chemical engineering, depart- ment, will talk on salt, sugar, and the more cormmoni chemicals with which t he householder comes in contact, today during the University radio hour. Sid- ney Straight, tenor, will be the soloist on the program. P.U. AD flERp T..i c.lcit Illustratio ns COMPLETE DRAFTING SERVICE Specialzing in ILLUSTRATIONS FOR TEXT BOOKS, REPORTS, TECHNICAL ARTICLES AND TECHNICAL ADVERTISING Associa ted ZPress Before atf'tonding the Yale-Hawrvard footbalih game, Gen; -ii ex_ Lyon. Phelps, nrrted Shakespearian authorit7 university. Tront rowi, left to right: Mrs. Tunney, Mrls. Ph Julian Humphr'ey and Tunney. Back row: Mrs. James Schef of former U. Se ambassador, Prof. Phelps. and Harold Cooper. Dial 22194 303 S. State1 SCULP TO 'lJ"; HS' X i1 THEATERS. Majestic - Grant Wit Carol, Tully Marshall in Sweeties." Michigan-Maurice Chi "Playboy of Paris." W uer th-Walter Huston MER Modernistic T'rend Predominates L But Other 'Types Are Also Displayed. Thirty works of some of the best 1known American sculptors are be- Sing shown in the exhibit of small American sculpture in the north gallery of alumni J3femorial hail. The exhibit, second of the series for 1930-31 on the program of the de- partment of fine arts, is sponsored by the College Art association which _sends out traveling exhibi- tions every year to the different universities. Examples of t h e modernistic trend predominate the .exhibit al-- though the other types of art are also to -be seen. Qne of the most representative of the modenistic class which is being featured is Warren Wheelock's "Golf Girl" which has won several prizes for the author during the last fev, years. Wheelock has several other works on exhibition in the LoosAn goles museum and the Dudto-nstag gallery of New York. Two other works, which a-ro als) gQ~sidered ypical of i~mo-e.ris-. tic style, a'r e Russell Wrig;ht's Bulls" and "Horses." He also has won several prizes and has exhibit- ed in the Metropolitan museum of New York and the Philadelphia Arts and Crafts galleries. "War- rior," by W. W. Rosenbauer, is an- other work which is being featured while Choate's "Book Ends," works which have aroused considerable comment, are also shown. Seniors Urged to Get Several hundred seniors have not yet purchased their .-nsian picture receipts, George E. Vofmeister, '31 business manxe r of ' hcyearbook, said yesterday.I Gracduatingstudeu't. Nv'>o (10not obtain receiipt;- ard hoave appoinlt-f ments with an official phot )graph- er bcfore the deadline date, Deec. 15, will not. be able to have their pictures in the anim, Hofmoiister s", ted. i >TLANl Bach Man." and. at other insitutions nex; rfay t'atifornia GENERAL. should send in applications lExhibit --Smal American sculp- early date Dean John I',. E ture, open daily until 5 o'clock, of the literary college, stat, north gallery, Alumni MemorialI terday. :hail. Each year a large number Exhibit-Color display, first floor dents are rejected because corridors, Architectural building, cations are sent in late, h closes today. Numerous requests have c Annual Internatio~.aI Thanksgiv- Dean Effinger during the l< ' ig (inner-6 o'clock tonight, Un- ' weeks from other colleges a ion ball com. I, versities requesting that a 'taakginga ;ance -9 to 1:30 L ions be filled out and sen, o'clock, Union ballroom. Tickets at soon as possible. Many of tH Union main lobby 'desk. mittees on admission hold Thna =_qgivii~g ~Axnce - Michigan meetings the latter part of league, 9 to 1 o'clock. ary and in March. I a ss sat an ;ffinger td yes.- of st'l-- appl - 1e said. come to ' last few ,nd t ni- applica - x t i s e c o rn - - 11 I their Febru- ' T t 1 s i ". z YA t" I . i *, _6'. j - _. s. d 5 r'r " . _{ yj ,. ic y w i _ . r "'ill ' f X' 1 X a 3 _ -, _ r wW,..,., r.; .,4 ti; , . a ;. ', iq « . . __ a ,; , _.. r . ,. --- a the F'A VORITE colkgemen is L'?V1REVER college men 1pause to load their pipes yesu;'ll see the familiar blue tin of E(,ga north! At California, at Yale, at Willianms ~al Carvell . .. in America's lead- ing colleges and universities you viii find Edgeworth the favorite smh~i ob~acco of the college man. olEge mcii evierywvhere respond to the appeal of pipes-packed with cool, .low-burning Edgeworthi. Be guided by their choice. Try' Edge- vorh yourself. Taste its-rich nat- ural savor that is enhanced im- mcasuzrazbly by Edgeworth's dis- -- ti y e leventh process. L ou tiii find Edgeworth at your nearer t tobacco :hop-15 the tin. Or, fcr' generous free sample, ad- dress Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., _Richm rond, Va. S! OF G TOBACCO O~rgan Recital E ve ry Wednesday of troon at 4:1j5 during the school in "- -a: year unless other- S m tliing 0 0 a ) or Wise l11L 3Un~uCed No Admission Charg'e Banking service is Something beyond the teller's window and f'iound in the experience a nd co-operation officers and staff. 0, : IN 'usical Merchandise Prices Sashed from 20 % to 50% F. T NATIONAL BANN AND TRUKST u ANN ARBOR,. MICH. Founded in 1,863 Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burledys, with its natocral savor enhanced by Edge- worth's distinctive eleveultilprocecss. Buy Edgoworth any- where in t, o corms - Ready-Rubbel" an~d "Plug Slice." All sizes, 13 pocket package to pound humidor tin. iEXTRAL~ p 1 1111 I'll 11 lip 11'" .- I .. IM _ _ _ via 5 Musical Inst uments New Gold Trumpet, was $55.00, now..... Used C Melody Saxophone, was $50.00, now.. Bb Clarinet Outfits . . . . . . . . . . . Vio~in Outfits Greatly Reducedl Gibson 'Tenor Banjo and Case............. . Gibson Mandolin, now ............. Used $100.00 Maybell Banjo reduced to. Ukuleles at as much as 20% less. $40.00 .25.00 $17.5.0 $25.00 $.22-50 ..$30.00 -I RZADIOS ll S-AVE $2t A pair 5 ts x L MajesticMoe 131, Brunswick Model 15 at. su$taniaIReductions. PIANOS G z±,A - iza!ns at prices ranging from X25.00 upwards. Ais~o N e Pia _,s At Great Savings All Phonograph Records (except current numbers) at from 20% to 30% less than list price. A large supply of sheet Music and Music Books a. a generous discount, some as much as 50% off. Arq& . 919 G put G lies S AMP* ced , 11 BUYyv YorrM ia Christmas Gifts Now! Thes Low Prices Cannot Be Equialled j 111 I