PAGE WO States States c;_ *_6 1"-;, Dominon Question M!5 esolved at _T-'s Ti :r Q ERA 15- Sr,,1-VAR TO 1776 Thjie Round Table Conference Will Form Parliamentary Statute for India. THE MICHIGAN D~AILY WEDNESDAY,, NOVEMBER 26, 1930 _.[. J. REUBEN CLARK TAKES UP DUTIES 0/nCIItAMBITION CURBED ASUV.RE-SNA19 N M J11V LLVJBY AUTO MISHAP U. S. .. . . d '74. FO__! CNCRTB K I !C .hristmias Program to I December 17 in bc Given Hill Auiditorium. i Proparations are already under way 1cr th- annu.tal Christmas con- - -°t which will be this year on Vednesday ight. Dec;.l11, in Hilla audioriumz, Robert A. Campbell, L "iyj:: "Tfhe Imperial Conferenacecorn1 posed of representties of Great :; .">;: > : w Britain, Ca nada, Australia, New ,...:.: , 'elnd, South itCrjt~a ed the Iris Fre Sateol eciits~esion J. Reuben Clark, successor to S on Nov. 14 It made xiar1ked prog- ic1Saeam sadrtMxc res in the line o t defining con-UntdSaeam saoroMxi stitutional relationships between their arrival in Mexico City. Olreat Britain and the dominions, - btnt it faied to solve the economic problelnm confronti,.rg it, largely be caus~e of the refusal of the Mae-0DFRt ZWx ald government to support the idea of a British preferential tarif There will be hld at Ottawa, Can ASTITM , I S Ada, next year another session of M AI H1 toe Inipcriazl.conference to consid- er fu~ther il-w economic aspects. Says Eggs, Milk, Wheat May Greatest _ n~elal Problem. "But the settlement of the Indian Rank With Most Violent question," ecentinued 'Dr. Steiner, Poisons at Times. "is even more important today than!- the settlerr 'Pnt of the inter-domin- Th study of asthma, hay fever, ir rela-tiop. , hip. The size of India and hives introduces the fact that inpdicates tf :at it; is the greatest under specific conditions a patient sj~igle impel ial problem. Its popu- la'ticon iu.t1i e-fourths that of the in,,y be made violently ill or even whbole :eitt,,h eipire. Great Brit- snt into serious shock by the ac- axi'5 r; e' ;t in India is chiefly ton of a substance which may be coxameicird'.An effort has been ,,cucy amls adevnbee made to rani ac the standard of liv- -rteisi tax nrmsalnd-ividual. Dr in , so t1- n ~oroe goods will be pur- fea oanra niiul r chased. 1. ', crtting off of the Indian Hrry B. Fried good, of the medical ma~rket w, ii -,educe the prospecti've school, said yesterday in a radio' consumnti n of 3ritish- ade goods address from the canmpus studio. and will. t '°xd f uthe:: to inrease the critical B.- s une mployment .'mrnozJly eaten foods, such as si uation. Uce ^ c, miilk, and wheat, can, to a Lcg~is! n .I~x rldi. js-,,.stive individual, he said rank "TIhe rim on coiiss )n, after ;Yir, the most violent poisons thn-Aeyear- o investi ytioni, sub- 1known to medical science. mnitt-ed its reioI rt and recomrnenda- #,pns relative', to the situation in P"Dell-e wo becomre peculiarly old. No In dians, however, were ritv( to one or more substances repre nted o, i the commnisign, on-ar- known as oversensitive or hy- ly. Bi .'.-.../ - 7 ^ctrtdits rehearsals for the con- . I oaacaPrss IWoo zW utI W i u, iJ g.l yUofVC4±I, ald ~U D. anundewill have itspo-HbtO v,. r---...... .. ,ruoncedy ia shotthierthe ndof football glory before he lostaLATod w-i be larger than it has been since li nsreenar accident. HoeOA 70,90 t..e usual cat after the football o ecvriga Peidn iIo se, on wll not take place this Istyhcmpus.heura year. Toe organization this year _______WALT R HUSTON mn i l be composed of about 75 piecesI 7--16I he adinstead of the usual 50 for th~e con- Bow and Ar~row Hunter Mn Fenatoi elect Dwight W. Morrow as The Men's Glee club will also( Gets De "7 N ear Sault issonwt r.Clark after present a larger number this year r- It's road e nron Erown', famous story with an unequalled cast that o,~~~~(e is shown ith Mr.1A. riat~ ~s) with close to 70 :men appearing on SAULT STE. MARIE , Nov. 25.-I includes Walter Huston, Dorothy Revier, . P. Heggi, Sidney Blackmer, __and__Ja_-me sta ge Prof. Arthur Hackett of The first deer to be killed in many COMen iNGT-ANSJN.A the School of Music will direct the years in the Upper Peninsula by a F esrarh organization. hunter armed with a bow and ar Continuous Shows 1:30-1.:00"M10 'I ~The glee club expects to have its row is being exhibited by David R MntDietary Habits numbers ready in a phort while. Williams, Sault business roan. Wil- A TOF TE~E O' p NEW OLF g Also on the program will be the i lams bagged his buck Saturday in I.s.,.sor y, Clears Skunk, Fox girls' glee club which has under- the Tahqauamenon liver district. LoUis JOSEPH BER Y I gone a reorganization since last Hle broutght it here Monday. Leland BETL TEL.1 year. Special rehearsals have al- S. Hill, Lansing factor7y wor~lr. ( A PATYRTH MILLER AftT eerhwr er ~ ed ensatdb h %mnSmdeaSmlrkl er®cd OUBA Dra~tyRCADSLSAI If ftur reearh wok barsoutread ben sartd bythewomn'smadea smilr kll na Ocod - OLUM3A ~r~tady RIHAR DOESLYSK the results of the past, the skunkj organization. about the , ;,me time. and the sly Rcnyard have been fy___ __ - _'- miserably underrated animals. I - - 1 Thrilling Romance of Roya The unfortunate appetite for b'detr n etea small poultry of the so-called pred-lo atory atnimal, skunks, foxes, andSE weasels has been largely hearsay -- - ---- ___ -_ ______________ and cook njeur, according t e serh wr o'gigon at the I LAST School of Forestry and Conserva- I TIMESsi tion.Ntigo orehbeen is fwekson eeaeIncuea ~assn ;en TODA said abot goe unortunate Thab- its of the skunk. I ffn Rcrs ma. o~~ci Sportsmen, fur men, and lovers I varied of wild life, according to a state-__.fIY ment issued yesterday by Prof.Shre '-f SilyW. Allen, of the forestry it:Arc school, cntnue to r f-1e this point IEnitbraceabic YCou Oh ; ,Their warmly. Is or is L h k kbn eficial to Q le favmer ? Echo :ld ti-ic( ~J ot'Rhyth fox be exterminated? Does the Oc'sr258 of ryo E. lis oalo these questions there can~ be two ' oyadSu a -yo:a ~ BoyadSu ,J1lyi- niHsanswers. solazte I fa'.t s nmay oe Ixl marshalled to ,Prove, for' ,.stance, ;. With a Song In Mcy Heart ) Or zcsita 36027.,': ,'"f °' that the skunk i- the farmer's bestI yohe btyf vienet r~n.Ante ito vdec n jWi taiges 1to p aethioosy SoJs BeadLitl earhile Yu jTersc Crawford1an eysykie earthed by the forestry busSo BeasIMynHearteFrsYousjs2255 little fur bearer an ,arich enemy of ; a ..te birds and domestic fowlvI - -____ Again, the red fox, with his age-old I reputation as a chicken thief, canI THE MUSIC YOU WANT K put up a good temporary alibi that i he is inore fond of berries. But the WHIEIN YOU I ANT I !ISOT ~rgument cannot be decided and 1 I SIRT 1, islation cannot be enacted until ON I isi LFGI CSEK the rn-ss and cc ninu ty of facts L JAZ HYHM1 awhie; 'he school is gathering is Soun Catoo compc: nd av ailable.I PARAMOUNT NEVIS ______ II EThursday f " p ILamR e 0!A WILLIAM HAINES a is BRIGHT SPOT1I3a "REMOTE CONTROL" $02 PACKARD STREET ___ _ TODAY, 5:30 to 7:30 -G__ ___ __= ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ LAMB CHOPS II I M'. VARS ! MEAT LOAF, JELLY Universityv M si Hou:se MASHED OR FRENCH FRIED iDvtdt ui POTATOES I CABBACr: SALADI I Williamt Wadc Hinshaw -2 I Coo. Maynard & William Phouc 75113R WEBEAM'Sj WEDELIVER PHONE 8241 ___ ________ f, r ! it Yo have nl tre weeks in which to have your Ensian Picture IBUY A PHOTOGRAPHER'S RE- CEIT 1. ~ T PAYS THE COSTS ,' Ft HE IT G A public dance hall, a two-room apartment, old sweethearts, new in-laws. These were the obsta- des in the life of this very average young couple. Their courtship, marriage and domestic trials build an :intensely hu- man picture full of human drama anid human comedyl rb4 '14 SU ? t C41?o 40% ooo d1l 1hee' ¢j A IJV VO bsfitute I