PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1930 DEAN TO ADDRE SS nrr tji u nu x-ria - ni it 1 PUBLIC RECEIVES HINT FROM CITY'S VEST- OF TREND CROPT POCKET LINKS O . . .. .., , ~ , d _. 5 a {_ a.Y v......_ I '1I UFLNN h' lIH IN What with two new vest pocket themov golf courses in town-a fifteen-hole was the linksTfor patrons of the Michigan The co . number theatre, and a course in the Union a dozen Cosmopolitan Club Sees Large billiara room with merry-go-round Ann Ar hazards-the thinking public is be- Even Enrollment From New coming definitely aware of a Trend a huge Foreign Students. in America. els. Everything is going miniature. A sin YUEN ANNOUNCES PLANS .Disregarding the ham in sand- is the wiclhes, which gets thinner every sport is, k at year, the first major example of the pants n Fisher Will pek at Intat Trend was the abbreviated pooch. of the R Meeting to be Held on Pekes, poms, and toy collies, began a Brob November 8. . ch wing up our slippers some time ears ar ag o. Ncbody realized they were a yapping Plans for what promises to be Trond. But they were. siasts a Thc' tabloid newspapers. designed to be gi the Cosmopolitan club's most sue- so that he who reads will run, next: On th cessful year are going forward ra- filled the public eye. The govern- the onl pidly according to the announce- ment fell in with the new move- larger a ment of Jack Yuen'31, identment and introduced small curren- holes in uen , preside cy. there had been little enough We ar of the club for the current year. i money before. I safe for R' vement was on again. Coif en reduced to a minimum. untry broke out with any of miniature courses, half of which are now gracing bor, more or less.I the automobile has scored success in the bantam mod- Student Experts Survey Lakes Under Direction of Dr. Hubbs. ; E r b +r g a { *.P ¢3t1 t a . . ; E '.: [ % a yj l wy i SSS i n " h ':4 g ; g' At the ENTIRE WEEK, OCT. 6to 11 i SOUNDINGS MADE Eisenstein's Latest Picture Triumph -~ OLD AND NEW =- gular feature of this Tre d This country's first comolete in- fact that the smaller the land lake survey was undertaken. , the more noise its partici- this summer under the direction of :ake. As you step into one the Institute of Fisheries Research ocal vacant lots, feeling like and Dr. Carl 1ubbs. urator of dingnagian in Liliput, you- fishes of the University Museum of e overwhelmed; and the Zoology, when three stludent re- s of two ping-pong enthu- search experts investigated eignty- t the Union must be heard; three lakes in Kalkaska county, ven credence. Michigan. e whole, it would seem that Co-operating with the Land Eco- y things which are growing nomic Survey and the Game Divi- ire Ec assignments and the sign of the Michigan Conservation doughnuts. department, the investigators who re rapidly making the world formerly attended Michigan State Singer's Midgets. and Indiana University completely EENI2NGS 8:15 MATINEES Fri. Sat. 1, +n. ,."..... o.: n.. o.R+ e..« ~.. ,n, ..m.X- W - . .. ,.u w..r. r.rrs .a arr __-__ .. .. .. ~ uu,. .,. . .a ., I'w. i .' r S'UBCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY --L The opening social meeting of the Inventive genius failed for, a __-- - remapped the lakes, sounding their semester to be held at 8 o'clock time, but somebody revived ping- Only Ten Fail to Pass depths, determining their kinds of Saturday will be addressed by Dean;pon, a contraction of tennis, and bottom, and studying their vegeta- W. R. Humphreys, assistant dean Physical Examination tion both on shore and in the wa- af he Literary college. . . T.-C. TO DRILL Given to 3000 Students1te Tureyalodetermined the tem- Large Tu~rnout Expected praur -ooran-ceni-icoi [seATe ti aloin oteI WATERMAN GYM t , tted all kinds of fish in abuxnd- A godturnoutofEnemembers WAA According to~the statement of to determine the exactboca go expected this fall owing to the Dr. W. E. Forsythe, of the Univer- tion of the various species of the larger number of foreign students Edwards Announces New Plans sity health service, students enter- water inhabitant. enrolled in the University. A dis- For Coming Year. ing the University, taken at large, An especial project was that o tinctly increased enrollment of ___ possess a standard of physical con-dwrigopeceetdbcus Chiese s enshas be noted Company drill of the campus R. ition much above the average.ys ofdreportst t e eenoterw was announced by William Jacobs O. T. C. unit will be held in the Out of approximately three thous-fh '3U, student secretary of the club. Waterman gymnasiu this yearI and new students, who have taken ing as large as the normal. The purpose of the club, as ex- instead of in the R. 0,. T. C. drilllthe physical examination required Jones, and Laurence M. Ashley p'laned by Yuen, i s to promote' h all, according to -an announce-I for entrance, only ten failed to 1Jvoneandte ;rncec.tAsl f dsh aend exchange of ideas i mnt made by Maj. Basil D. Ed- pass.nyd oiked b the erk rtoject ag- on the university of Michigan cam- wards, commander of the unit. This fall marks the third year of Michian. The men will probably pus with students from other lands. Last years plan, to drill for two of the class medical advisor plan. continue their work in the upper gsdes this function of brmnging;I hours each week, outside if the Because students are more willing peninsula next summer on a much the foreign students into a spirit weather permitted, has been stat- to confide in the same advisor larger scale, with the aid of the of good will and fellowship, the i ed to be a failure by the command- throughout their full time at the state. club aims, by the fact of its hav-ing officers because so many days University, this plan is proving ad- ng American students in its mem- were unpleasant that any consist- vantageous. Dr. William Brace Fi l Debat Tryouts bership, to give the foreign student}b ant drill was impossible. will again advise the class of '32, . natural and intimate contact Plans have now been completed while Dr. John Fopeano is to ad- Will be e Tomorrow with representative American life.,whereby 350 to 400 men can re- vise sophomores. Dr. M. R. Me-- IReception Scheduled I ceive at least one hour of drill per Garvey of McGill University, Tor- Final tryouts for the Speech 81 The second meeting of the year ; week. The gymnasium will be a onto, has been appointed medical class, from which the varsity de- Will be an informal-reception so- great improvement over the boiler advisor to the class of '34. bating teams will later be chosen, cial at the home of Professor Ed- 'room in the R. 0. T. C. building be- The health service is very busy will be held at 7 o'clock Friday win C. Goddard ofdthe Law School cause it will be large enough for at present examining late comers night in the Alpha Nu room on the and Mrs. Goddard at 1212 Hill company. maneuvers, and others who are beginning to fourth floor of Angell hall. All can- Street. The band, which is made up of report for their sub-examinations. didates for the team who, have not The initiation meeting to be FR. 0. T. C. members is a good proof passed Speech 33 and 34 must ap- held at 8 o'clock, Saturday, Novem- of the fact that the unit is getting pear for a preliminary tryout at ber 8 in Lane hall will be address- under way well this year. Major yorsy ,e rges EarLy this time. The candidates will be ed by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, who Edwards hopes to improve this Physical Examinations i ug by the members of the has recently been brought here toM group. speech department; serve as pastor of the Methodist The band is to have new uni- Dr. W. E. Forsythe, head of the Candidates will " be reqiuired to episcopal church, forms which will consist of a blue health service, urges old students make a five-minute speech on one The officers of the organization suit, a military cap, and a jacket to obtain health cards from their of the following subjects: "Resoly- as elected last spring are as fol- which is to resemble the army class medical advisors as soon as ed, that the proposed deferred lows: Jack Yuen '31 president, blouse. The gold capes are to be possible. This will eliminate the last rushing plan at the University of Maida Kno Grad. vice president, worn only on special occasions, minute rush on the part of stu- Michigan be abandoned"; "Resoly- Elizabeth M. Norton '32 recording !Major Edwards said. dents for physical examinations at ed, that capital punishment be the secretary, and William Jacobs 30, The new band will consist of a- the Intramural building immedi- penalty for premeditated murder student secretary. bout 95 men. , ately prior to the beginning of in- j in the state of- Michigan"; or "Re- STA I(FNG TODAY Te Qst Human and v Lov"'able Picture o the Year! ROBERT MONTGOMERY LOUIS MANN ELLIOTT NUGENT LEILA HYAMS - The laughs, the loves, the sorrows that are created when the gay, reckless younger genera- tion deals with its elders. And what a cast! >I _ r, J I J Y 7 l 5 l i Sin the (This attraction played 3 weeks in i~etro t tinder the name of "Richest Man In The World"} OTHER FEATtJRES TOO Play Minature Golf No extra charge to patrons-Play as long as you like. SUNDAY IN < tra-mural and intra-fraternity solved, that four years in college athletic contests. are four years wasted." .. .,. .- > ..r , .A ., w i "J . . ,r ., , .. .. ,. - + .q. .,... ...:. y. _... .... . .,..... t .. . . : ,* n .t...... .:. ..: e..,. ........t r ..... .... n. 6v , 4 4Mf. :.,.. .. ? , i .... .. twY t. :.dJ .1 You Il nlwo -Y -.900 he, X11 wily s k t F . .; . :y^;,I: : ,, y L::' :'. +- y' . "{ 'i: i" K ? :: j_ .Y. ,+ :. : . s :3Y. Pill l; 'y, = di R=F >: ,r %vs= _, , . The first and only Real Campus News. . Full Associated Press Dispatches. 3, 4,0 Natinal affairs that interested in. every college man is Victory all year in the Michigan Daily. The Daily Oficial Bulletin which contains all* :. o)icial announcements of the University. "The Best of College Newspapers" + s 3 C-D domhL IT40W $ 00