TUESDAY, NOVEBl 25, 293{1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGW: THRED ~L -.~7 - 74; ~- -- - ANDRE WS I UPHOLDS IND1HIA RS I STANCE' " -1 IN ECTREHERE Authority on Racial Questions, Citing Romani Precedent, F lays British Rie. REVERSED INDIAN STAND HOOVER LISTENS TO 'MARCH KING-' DIR7-ECT BAND IN FRONT OF CAPITOL B DI IA A I~f ~flTELEPHONE INSTALLED IN VA TICA N; SRTBPST 11 1l -V 7,fJ ' .S l cAT ."E fI :Y eI F!'VIR S TG1 R Y Ih' _ y"E I " 1' 'E' u a /I DI +r xP x~~ROETEPLY Says Gandhi Has Bougnt Abou?4 , ?3 ¢ i Moral Renaissance Froml~ P V e c'~ity'. ia"t just .js-the Roma~tn r uic.in En3 land dursi g the time cf Ceasa r so x. weak;ened the Britons thy.t they were easily overcomec by tL',I e sao- seiuant raids of tho {ae o:c2 in the same way Briti sh e .: Loi ii India has left the Indian,- vry- little resistive force, C. i. A ndecrcs exeto all0,_ UI ,1isociate of cGandhiPm LnC och operation mov'ement, °tate4 y .stor clay ina lectureo given under the f:". r::v; ; auspices of the cosnmo tenoi club.E Continuing en this point of Sb 3W- TPesident Hoover, alter listening to John ing howr it was unfair to the In- faid in aperformance of his latest compositic diano to wxeaken +lhem by taking t~le conductor. Thse photo shows Hoover and 1 espontibility out of their hands, ,.2 the speaker quoted tne ;>_reat Eng- onoftekpol lish. histoian Seely who- said, "Pro- longed subjection to a foreign yoke is. c_______ofthe___________causes______n tional deterioration." Gandhi, the ' A N K 1 .O \1~ speal-cr pointed out, calls, this CO-- I dition of subsar ance acid subjec- tion, the slave mnentality. I _____________________ Gives Basis of Program. 1.ndrcowll vwihthot goi~ginto the NN, RAC S or Staebi Gandhi progr~am in detail give we IV. E R teso five main tenets upon Whlicii it i~ T AID JOBLESS "nnesofw based. It consists of the removal1 rsIa of the untouchable situation ini In- Registra~ion Bureau Provided for Areit dia, the establishment of Moham- ULe A registilief adan and Hindi amity, the em,'in- - of Comma: cipation of Women, the establish- in the e ing of alcohol and drug prohibi- Mayor Edward W. Stacbler,, of building, w Lion, and the promotion of village ' Ann Arbor, yesterday took definite urday. Tb, industries. The speaker told how steps to provide aid for the city's not rema, he himself had been happy to take, Day, the r. an active part in t0e campaign for beobroms9 civil disobedience. As an English-j The action taken by the mayor Ifrom 2 nc moan his sympathies were entirely [was, in effect:I bureau wil with British authority when h. 1. Establishment of a re gistra- tration ail first went to India. When lie saw tion bureau for unemployed. I ed in Ann the brutality of tho cu'-s'do min-( 2. Appointment of a '"inayor's"- ation, however, he reversed his cmite wihilhaetec- 9 suppcrt to the sidk of the Gandhi committeehae Tleco ub c movement, operation of civic and welfare tovmenS Tels f Mra Awkeing 3 Adetailed study of the present raeo More significant than such do- stainikn rbradvcn-sal in tails as whether the status of India sityaini n ro n ii-sasi shall be that of a dominion or not, cy open Th he said, is the recent renaissance The Mayor's committee, headed brown, oxl of the Indians which has been by George E. -'aul, presidenft of the Washtonav brought' "about by Ga~rdhi. 1' is a Fifst National Bank & Trust Co_,I r ubercuios great -moral' awakening which will and composed of Shirley' W. Smith, I terday. free the Indian people from the vice-president and secretary of the Merchar subserviance and subjection that UHniversity renreseniting the cam- s n , seals lhas been impregnating their na- pu)Ls; Charles P. Kyer, reesnin;Of iDecerfib txinal consciousnous during the the merchant roupiy; 0eo .;e Lang- be plae long period of foreign doination. irord, thlls:;fa frig oncern1s; I i't~say, This mor'al awakening, he show- Cr eie A.il a'madi~-ess ed, has already begun. In dlescrib- F - - -- _--I-- ing this, he told of the great cam- .. ..a ., paign tours that the tam C1 a used to spread his massage. Great GV or 200 thousand persons, Would ga.ther to hear the words of the great leader- K ~ The English, Andre pcd1 Jtzcl g out, are in reality eery m uch infa o of I d n i de n e ce x yi only hesistace because they do not , know how to accon-plisi the lib; r- h - ann nthe best 'ay.-j We have all mnakes 13-1 i+ Remington, Royals, 6-- -- - _ Flyc:s Perisi: in Attcmptcd Hop' From Atlantic Ocean to bCoutry's Capita!. BO,-,SAI , Arg-entina, Noiv . 24l.-- ..ogh t blz~ atrel v irfrom '.,ii: "ea to th' :-,c ILtaloft- land- *ickze-l fatherlandi,re d today, a t Ethe Soivi ,n ci='. il a Teawaiting1 trams -o).tation to La r a. 7rMO ed y over ol: their flig-,h' when it he . v3ir unkes plan."7 dy +Con- iCr die 3 liv* , ~",.vas less th'an t hre; "o.ors out of El Palomar A;d're Bu-1nos Aires, from . where 61- ye- aafl ti ' l.30-nede tri o LaZ a. 1:23 a.mi. Saturday. ppa 'e tly seeking alnigi hei dark, the big plane Camne down :-ii a ma~rshy field near' Constitu,:ioni,k province of Santa Fe, ,,nd was foundJ. Sunday biurned to ci ders a.nd charred metal. The boiers of the pilots were almiost completely cnsumed, buta watc h en the Wrist of one, stopped at 3:55 a. in., was believed to inidicate the tiue of the f 15 {'.° . yTony Sarg'sMarinettes, will pre- s.nlt tw-o plasoilTuesday, Decem- 1 bey' 2, at the vLydi Mendelssohn n~~r.. t theate. Two peU-,)'. rmancs will be c i cn, a ue heeandanevening shIowing Sag.wh O:,nixed the firs n-i:outt ceos ny13 years ago, avucs ed hee i ter end pre- ci i. c ~. 'bi'crhe has _ > oq i .h' lrA f'.dv i '- our hcule-l that f, Fcoast, The clplay s which will begiv- on k brann Arbor are a revival 0f Asaeuzted Pr ess Phloto "RipVan Winkle" for the matinee . ,st occupant of mncV. 11C :ti ever and "Alic;e in Wonde.rlland" for the vith the instrumnt whici ha2 Just' evening. Lion with. Italy, tie Papal state is The marionettes are operated by ES which were never? tcerm ite hre- m 2Eans of wires, requiring a corn- payof eight people. All the ac- --_ Ltions of human beings are por- trayed by the little figures. The hu- iIL ER: L AV man actors behind the scenes talk ON LECTAEnTOUR', like a mode:rn Noali's -, . ark, including dogs, rabbits, wild Ann AfdrborRabir Plans T'a 1s creaitures of the forest, spooks, the , t' ; "u Iwho w,~i beo True «I phone, is shown above vi ,i d ;mce the reconcihial; %.adJiy accenting many innovation, No crc.[ A.ssociatedl Press Photo on, wiaily congratulateS S~ousa shaking hands in -I 9-dia1er1 K L at l idwwcstern 't.4;urclncs. pn Identification owheode s----- those of 'Ca pts. L uelo ui za;a and .r' elhaGadizstoRieI f vitations to speak at meetings 'an -~Horacio Vazquez and Lieut. Hera- - and churches throughout the Mid- in / do Borda was made by the B3oliv- ;Y1, 000fo' Hstot'ical j west have been received by Rabbi j E F an consul here, Sir Lanclivar. Hec colle°ction. Bernard Holler, director of the tlii-r -DtI LJl I found Bolivian coins and a chart! I --i el foundation, according to a, -. inafireproof conta Icner("INV1i.iiOt { anncnmeti nlt of the opening of I rcimedule issued yestcn day from his tflyers had marked Iheir line of ;an; endcownt fed ea(aig by O. udy 9c ,RbiIelr r, will make a str= y of It was in'lossihPl to tell wli vdl~ lumni of1the Uni- m pe~ak ilui the Ann Ar bor Wes- unemployed, and deter- of the bodies was which. A wadding k(rti o r $EfilO in be lair of ica uladtreweslatter, ring on the 'finger of one bore the t%; ,( leincens collctin e Ameri- Icn Dee. wheu'il g oMinao ,hat extent relief inceas- 1nSCriptioiiIi Spanish, "T o T'Pta can history was made yesterday by lis, M\io,-to addres a religious be effected. from his olive."- >, normal school. Following his ad- ,ration bureau, in charge The aviators had hoped, aft a Haly apig gnra ec dross at the school he will give lee- fnder Faust, with offices completion of their flight to La I tLary of the A luizr association. Thre!I tres on the followving two dayc;. ;co Tabro ComrePaz, to fly to New York. Thcy: fund, whis1..hnis a part of 'th^ alumni R abbi Heller will also sp._ ak at Pr wanted to publicize BRoliv a and its 110-year program. will be3 used to; some of the meetings of the :Cis- I gill be open through Sat- land-locked plight, cut off f~~rm iretreerh'okcocr ing rict Grand Loudge number 0 of y ebrahwvrwilboth oceans as it is by Chile, PC&, te isor o ytenidlecoones 'nai Brith in ]Michigan, which hlas 0n opena ndteArgnt sked hir to accept a place on its g mayor stated. Hours wilt Thea__ -~ plan was formu- I education bureau. s a. mn. to 4 p. in., e7Mept ,_,_3dTurda flownga____r -- oon to 1 p. in., when the L rch to Return9 oq le hrdy olwn adne 11rean lse. eis ftr '4*~in :Philadelphia attended by 05 E neers P)an Unique .1 e oly or nemloy ~alumni of the University. President a c °e btP 1Arbor or vicinity. j Completing his tourof I I l Ar, \lexander G. Rutliven and Wilfred y aes. rUiIJutom H~ectrIUH ruuson snip,,,s ell as Rip, M~ich Vedder, Judith ad other characters of Irving's zany tales, are shown in the plays. ~D./C.f~J'Grroup. Fref. tur A. Ceuwrtis, of 'the r_-o :l of Udication. wt~lho returned aturday from the White House )'fern, ce o CiddHealth and rotect-tan, s4aed in ane interview esteNrday that never before had ich a diversified grou-o of experts athcr ed togetheCr to discuss this He stated that the various agen- es' that play any part in the iild's life, were discussed and re- orted on from many angles. An 5sortinent of. the complexities and Eye probleins concerning the child rcr considereda. Beaueof the vraiiety ands the u antitry c teiaProfessor o.urti ,said, the reports were _nited in time froml about eight 3ten i-nutCs. BEc-cause of thin 'esisuro, the ewidenice for cr- n'. ce; i~ 3rn .a, ^_d recommienda .tions ,L! netu ? ^advanced, however, aSe wiill ?be giv_?,Uin d ,taiin the 'port of the comm__ittee wihich will ulosis Society ponsor Seal Sale Christmas tuberculosis Washtenaw county will aursday, Mrs. Elora Neal ecutive secretary of the w county branch of the sis associations~ said yes- ats already have been' to be us-d in the mailingp ber statements. Seals .will in the mall1 for residents wh'1en dthe S-ale formally o U v g Day CAins ~ I Italy, and France, Proi. Emil L~oroi head of the college of arc pit cttur , plans to return to this country soon, according to reports f r that department. He has made a tour of al'! the~ historic cathedrals3 that could bera included in his trip tomaoe Among thenm are RheinesAies Beauvais, and Albi. In Srapte}?'oar he attended the Intern atio nai Architectural congress which was neid in Budarvst. B.> Sha pdiretfor a:"eiurnni rela- tionis, represented the University atL [the affair.1 Oliver MIW. Perrin, '03, camuaian en',a~irma :, announced following the dInner t---t $,L000 had already bee n _,J. is L~a1. D i i gt'he next three r .;s.hsaic l t 3s jaluinnil 3i v c I lbe riven 2n o ppor- i t sr~'o7 eL. tothn.e f und. PIF c', -s v1i o tal~cn over a three- yca . nen"oci. Reference service for debaters in the engineering department has been established in the new head- quarters of the Engineering Debate league on the second floor of the West Engineeri.gbuilding. TIhe new servize consists of a Ceiectior of¢ m7aterial altoge tiher -u.:nqjicue in th i country. Twelve diffrentsubicet sutabile for fdo- ))atin1 1'r °a'.li 1?inthe service and a 13clpineileserve sto koe 0 the mzaerial Lot 4dat'. Cc I'mi i to re I hr ._ ~n.tr rnnr-,r~wt. n 7t'm7 r- c n-r w ,t w ~ n s'~~r 'r t ,- r ~ ~ Ili'' ---- - r '~ - - -- III i9 t n , w, f " iS -P- f « C 'p' i p yt 1 } i s .. Fes-. .x 1 F 1 1 -r 1,, fiz... 7 1..J 1 pl xJ t 4 z- , ; >;, 4 ' .A TE a '" - a r s ,,t~ ° v's ?a _. 'k _. 6 , , r . 7 p t ,.: . wrap, and iniail" ickels Arcade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , c I SC,' -rt' /1 ,i Mt VCTOR MODEL R3 -- --- - Corona, Un~derwvood Color'ed deco inishcs. Pric;. %)1 0. D. MORRIL 314 South State Phone 6615 .'t lli6 ii U iallt IIItII!lialtijti lJt! w If interested. in horseback( Sriding why not get the_ =. thrill at LIISEY'S wRII 9GSBAR ING AND - SALE STABLES - Visitors we"Canme. P: tronaiie- Eappreciated. One mile from pavenent o011 -South State Street Road. Will call fraArtr . Riding Parties.- SFor appoiintent call 73 3l: 1. IT IS HARD 0O EXCELL A. 1-. Cooc-%h Old Ew'd!ish Wax will not only beautify your floors and furniture, bhut will preserve the finish indefinitely. jA c.- of Old English liquid wax: and a soft cloth will impart a ha -d, dry finish ~o old dull furniture that can be rubbed- op f Weeks afterward. Gad English Electric Floor Polisher rented tUy the day. HARDWARE 311 South Main Phone 6614 NEWGOLD TR~i rF no0w $4.O R~egular Price $206.00 B3b CLARINET OUTFITS Reduced fr-am $34.50 to$17.50 Reduced fromn $25.00 to $12.50 New Metal Clarinet was $45.00, now $36.00 USE C MELODY SAXOPHONE Formerly av $50.00, now $25.0 VIOLIN OUTFITS Foinerly Sale Price Two Grous $15.00 $12.00 $12.00 $10.00 OTHER VIIIS T HALF PRICE ale-1ri MAJESTIC MR.10 Regular Price $163.50 IUNSWT6C LMOD 15S Regular Price Sa e 9rice' $ g .Qt "oSl. 1 Gibson Tc:±or EBri o aa case wvu; $y1 d3, MAKE YOUR RSRAIN FOR Th kgvigDinner . s g i vA T UKULELES American Beauty $8.00, nil ...W nosy - $25.00 was $6.40 u2~ ~E WOW , Gibson NMand1n 19 7 $22.50 Maybcil Reduced.. $6.00 to $4.80 krcm .. $4.00 to X3.20 Banjo Reduced to $30.00 " New Piagtcxsat G ly ke hccd ?.ic I Others Recduced in % 'ame Proportion All Records (except current numbers) at from 20% to 30% less lean list price. E IiII A !so z r ixcC diuply & 'het Muls'oiced Music off. A41*chigan League I TPHESE BARGAINSCANT3EQULD Tom W I VfdI J1Q A' 1 TQ A II ;, ,,, :1 liil II! 11