PAG~E TWO rHE MICHIGAN: DAILY * TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1930 SM T 0H T S NKILBE YCIN WATFRS1 I!TO N NAZRINE CHUCHCOLONY IMliELI FOREI.ft. i fU ELECTI y ISLH'-+r.£ ARC Al flPh.~1tKUK sp3r~ 2,32 ~oity xc :ons Give Intimate Study~ I Jack Y ceix Mrs. Luca A. Meal D r. VV. C. R fuzor pirr~~ Lis'-of £ccs Registra r Ira M.ySrath of t:i'I c{ {r h": 'Universiy will give the address 0f ia.,2 welcome at the oi ;liihannuialIn ; ternatioawed Th ,ksgiving dinner to ' be held at G ol'teioe tonacrlow nifgn in the Union bal lroom«. Jack Yueny< 31L, prc7i,,cnt fWheCosmapolit n club, will respon :1 on bcha i of the; j foreignAtucicn s" Two other a~lc r will feature the prograni M :c. L,'cia Ames MVead, YViU c-eh2'1 zn1, tl~JR4-( Y - f I\4 Y cil for Prevention of \ fai. will speak on " Co mn1'Fa lla,_.;of War and t w Peace," Mi'.x 1,1:-ac! , vim i:amaking i a speak-ing touL' aS the. Mid-west, ha.s acqui ed an international rep- The cOn ika , 125-foot yacht built for E.i i . aI veu oicu sliding utation froiher b oks and pam- < !renec, Ropublii, 3i,2;I-, ; 1 B. Stebbins5, Den ic 't,22.6. Auditor gener'i --0.1D. Fuler, frre- i } publican, 510,909; John 14. .tack; l"., Democrat, 226,980. Justice Supreme cou-rt-Henrivlj7A.1 Butzell, Llepulblic aii518,076; Carl1 }I1. IHenr'. ,Demcrat, .22;423J. ILieutenant e3o~v~in(' r- 1.111011 D D isc: k Ci o, eblan (3,40I As o iae P e s h t Wrekag {nteNzrn ooyo ehnafwmlsoto * LuaornicityOkia. as hotogaphe afte a tonadohadsrc h wwr.Tw-nYwereklldan or ha 0 hnre erosicldn neor thn ascoe ofscholcilden, her inure in he isater V' ic: en;"lieNazarneycol n ftany a few miles doft or tan coof.choolchilpdren.wdurinuei the disasc~c:ter.i h Univc~ictiy. or L 1.aSL ..IVEI~ALIJ1Zg Professor States. Within the last century an inti- mate stu.dy of the civilizations of the past has been made possible thro°ugh accurate knowledge ob- tained in excavations, stated Prof. B enjamin D. Meritt, of the Greek and Latin departments, yesterday frqn: fthe University broadpasting studio in discussing; "Buiried Treas- UFOe." IProfessor meritt pointed out that an archaeological' exploration is al- ways a great adventurxe in which the explorer never knows when a .real cache is within reach. Last year, he said, a hoard of coins was discovered at Corinth by the Amer- iean excavators, the year be-fore a The comuparrewao and study of the scholastic records of various groups o3 Uni °r ity student s on the cam- pu,,s has revealed some interesting facts, D. C laven e S. Yoakum, vice x r esi sni t o: the Unix ersity, who is ireci:~ gofatc iiueatkiz lresearch,' Anrn' resnin an nien taking panrt itn athle'ttis aid those not. do-; na rothree a.,pears to be little Oilt 'e c ccin scholastic ability, he saidl. Dot a mong womien, he said, ihe <,thilete~s are sli+"htl;,rsuper-,): in .bilit r Ak comparison of ireaternity and ixon2-!rate nity men has indicatedj th'aLt tli for.merhave nmoeability, in let:, but inEieo slig;htly lower y~ae.:QU1k1 ise first semneter. f Non-sorortty women sem to be C, hi, .lu ,wov nedica4e, Dr. Yanniaca' ly to thec limit of their abli te, orj that ditfero nt :een ard:; of t g z t exit .1 v:or (ii %wane en. ci 17C" rainee abr I.(2 41 forbath 'O;es3,tthe n reral ehainrtl a- titude tests. A comapari son cfI the schol'astic, aptitude, English, and rnatheniatie'; rests which are given to the enc: r- ing fres hmen has indic;ated that, in general, men who withdr'aw dur-r hnag the ffirst semiester or at thre end of it, .seem to be inferior in ability o the total group of students. ' Women who withdraw, however, seem to be eqlual to ,the,:norieal lev- el inaicating that t 'vy 21ay 1l;ave' more often f3- 1r. ;; oher than scholastic. E'^Oio Todcay. D. Harry I". fidgcdof the miclI school, will is.cuss "The si ;nf cance o7' Ha;ever, Asth- ma, a:nd Hives.-" at 2 o'clock, to- day, c krist tthe University radio" hou r. In his Utlk ho \vill con- anJ:the fundUme ntal causes a :d indicationis for t reatnient of .ti.pianist, will lpresen the larg-er hoard was discovered in Atheim,-s, and t'; yea ou own Uni- V : ty > ;cd itin dle red a ?large c'GlctiwG'_ s Lve ein ;near' .'Lt+e12I '':ic---r eenrativun1 discov- ery may iA~la within thec prov- irice of archi~uetr're Or seuloture, he s.aid-. Perhaps the g:reaest single nlid of all tine lhas b,--nth dis- covery of an orig7nal statue from the hand of the Greek sculptor, Praxiteles at Oly'maua, Greece, hie added. Onerdonk Will Seake jat St. Locis Meeting Prof. Francis S. Onderdonk, of the collegie of architecture, will leave for St. Louis -today to lecture at a meeting of tho American In- ttDr. Onderdenk ;ctcdl that he would give an 4 lustraeed lecture on t -e irfhroce an eolniu.3, rced con- ciretc en modcrr reittu. Frank ,.~u''' i nort.21-.slt r' : eulee ior, mi 51F. ia tests anet 1-n corre1'lai pr-entrara ce tests 2139. ors-cn'mester z.i'aci e to members 1 and ratings \with college grades, ----- a-r- e.11'Swoma n' org- aizat lonshe lthe scholastia aptitude tcsts, the -aid' j ~English test, the high schoolpi- Wvhen datai.we compared for cipal's rating on intallectual pef- TO P Q" R F S no n oepoone i-frae n ihrho rd. - --- ferences were noted. Women were seem to be th1e best prophets of coi- Distic: ttorey amesBodis sown to be better than men in lege ab -ity, it was pointed out. to Inesiia~ e ~ackts~. English, but the latter scored high- -____- toInetiae_____t ak:i er in mathematics. A study of high~ j(r,= Ass o ji:1crrPrs j school records indicated that wom-, ___________ nr) oo rlP ;., 11-in. TTr.iirnr