SUNDiY, NOVEMER ,3,1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGr2 TIMED VAN rt , 1) " WR7ITES FINE Bi."-CGRAPH,.Y oF SEWinters' Latest Volume of PoetryYVOR W RS D vES[ CO IU[SYvor Typical of Severity of New Generation- PD[TIC T D I1 IN THE PROF: by Yvor Winters This ;rs always a limitation of New York: Coward-McCann Inc. Imagist poetry. It was too entirely 1929: Price $1.00. a poctiy of overtonee In Winters' WHITE APRIL: by Lizette Wood- THE BARE iii4LS: by Yvor Win- own crit ,al terms, the difficulty worth Reese: Published by Farrar ters: Boston: The Four Seas Co. lies in the fact that there is too ice 50:hRe iNew York, 1Cur0:192'7: Out of print, little relation between the 'inten-{ Price 1.50: bRview CopyCourte y r- sity and integration of the details3 S. C. A. library. yv- r WY r ix' f-, o rc"iy a P;2t-of expression" and "the intensity This volume is a continuation of herd, x o.1 iu iudo, at rla - and universality of the original ex-A the quiet lyricism which has char-.."Thrs m ti g a - acterized Miss Reese's work rinceford."i:o yni le new ane san-Pcice."'Ire is sCnttinw, ar- acterzed Mss Res i71 c1 tifica u d abit too prcioutl{ys ubI['Ut her first published volume of verse, er gc a LiUn o poets an" critics v oxde ion ou - uElif ex2lucive con~densati:)n ol" ex- A Branch of May, 1887. If one wer- that l:as: gown out cf ttc medley pe lence into the image. One was to trace the tradition of feminine of ex , rirusialisms v;hMch was thm ;onfuscd about the integrity and doubtless hinge on these fied *i iiit: critical imi rtance of an imagist poet be- cause his poems contained so lit- names: Emily Dickinson, Lizet' - . Ameria Cu - tle trace of his articulation and Woodworth Reese, Sara Teasdale idiscipline. The reaction was dis- Elinor Wylie, and ELa ~t lilla y. AOf l (:XP ' ' , as ervir vl tEsen fie Eml y a on iiiteishiiation in trust and the suspicion that evein thesefi e, stay ou abovi a t-I c p- the best imagist H. D, was only a ElnrWylie stand out above th:rt:nin , in cmp ii inor, decorative poet. others,-and Miss Reeses ipot- ed by uoi' or the moment ,r decraieret. I ant only in relat' -in; tti r. tr ad'"ci- o -,f fusion,"' ,ressure of technical. It is very interesting, then, I ni ony1r -discipline. vinters: conceives the think, to note Winters in his lat-i tiontpi est volume, The Proof, having more White Apri has a genuine appealpoet as striving for a moral atti irespect for the content poetry is in its finely chased stanzas. Initude towards that range of cxpei- capable of bearing. He now seem i§ '' many cases, these lyrics appear ence of which he is aware; of the rec ize e impo ane derivative when they arc, not so act of cr eation as as gnificant . 0- in reality. The fact is that Miss mode of evaluation, shaf ng, coni- inevitableintermedacyo inAtellect U US Reese began early to write lyrics icli exerience of the exio and he refuses to veil th not strongly marked by any one ties of technique (that is, Boai-sion-n e'eue o elta " Ithinking (really the poet's evalua-VUL quality, but suggesting many which niveness to e fluid, experiential of hi experitee i theaz were later developed by various complex o" word-relationships, ca- of an image. H is now attempting feminine writers into their individ- denes, r nes, juxtapositions, con- to get the whole process (the QLD PASTURES: A book of poems ual styles; and now Miss Reese, notations etc. which mae a poem)and the evaluation) into by Paraic Clum: The MacMillan having continued her work with no as aiding the poet in this discipline, his m p aems. A pte e uonh int bymparicy, 1930: Price $1.50. particular change, but rather a An examination of the mechan- at writing the "absolute' poem (in constant restraint, has been out- ism of two of his own volumes of the sense of a com letely articu Throughout his years of devotedl strioped by them ethers with whom verse (1927 and 1930, seem to re- lated poem with no dependence, as labor in simple narrative recon-] she is still conte mporary. veal Winters very interestingly pro- in imegist poetry, on psychological struction of the folklore of all coun- The sornets in Whi e April show rssing in hs poetyt o w a r d overflow ipn the mind of the reader) tries, Padraic Colum has remained an experienced hand althougn they this sell-discipIine. in his earlyi must be stylisticall perfect. Win- i I are in most cases slightly inferior volume, Winters was nly, some-tyse -a mvinciblyIrish.'Tendernessandl to her earlier ones. The lyrics, on what belatedly, an Imeist. H ters years as an imagist meant the soft voice of the story-teller, d i sound technical training. And in the other hand, show: a tendc ncy aimed to cut his emnotions into his present stage, Winters shows a! easy lilt of lime, firmness, wise' 'to be moe ir drawn and truer. sharp inta 'lii. The hiesc-pyphic sdegree of achievement an dUa grace, vivid unsophisticatedmm- The choice of the sonnet W 4te of nature were n testament or o meeo A " i as the title poem a keynote, suffering. The image, was his mode ti hfcprme gharimakemeagory are qualities that fuse most of the book was a little unfortunate, of concentration or fusion. le was thin him capable of writing that frequently in Erin's verses. And f r e was r c ething haAmerica-major' thqese ae otsining inrCos.m's as it lays the emphasis on a senti- dtermined to dissolve his experi- aoetry. these are outstanding m Colum's1 mental quality which is all too often ence into a bare structure of irm- WJ. G latest- charming book of lyrics. thought to be earacteristic of ages, the extreme of the practce __lum has learned the subtle feminine ly ricism. There: rre poemsr being the several mec-hune PoemsCsuihalerdtltubl in this volume which go much in the volume. Thus to-, from th Latest Riddell Parody variety of metre ithin rigid forms, dee-ser than tms r. .ird and posited in -he amage his wmchrinakes this volume so de- In all essentials, White April valucs took on a definitely intui- THE JOHN RIDDELL MURDER igr seems to be nierely another vohlme tive character-the image never CASE: By John Riddell: Scribners: hrfu sical, om ats. B of miner no-m. It has a ceryain. being in any way a descrietion of In this, his latest book, Mr. Rid r i ne charm, but it lacks the strength cxporience but always a concen- deli (Corey Ford) continues in his Yeats, which by invoking the Gaol's to kec1 it alive for more than a tratin of it. parodies of contemporary popular pre-Christian past has given Irish brief span of years. Miss Reese is The result in that first volume fiction the vein of satire that char-' lyf'icism a ghoulish unl eals: f1r :t the point where this was a group of poems that were acterized Salt Water Taffy and sort of ambiguous twilight. Colum,1 volume would be indicative o.f romantic in sp-.te of the precision Meaning No Offense. And in this, a Catholic, holds to directnessI really major poetry to come; White of Winters' feeling for the word as in the others, the humor varies simplicity of valuation, and a Apii establishes her reputatign and the phrase: romantic in the 'a-,rrmittently from ponderous, puns ftndainiental naivete that makes more firmly, if possible, as one of sense that the poems' implications to school-boy slap-stick and very ly lyrics of immediate appea . the better minor poets. 9. J. were gieater than their content. 1:zeln wit. SWIFT: A Biography by Carl Van Doren; The Viking Press, New York, Price $3.00: Review Copy Courtesy of Wahr's Book Store. Reviewed by Professor Louis I. Bredvold. Mr. Van Doren is an American man of letters, who has at one time or another cultivated literature in all its possible branches, from re-] search and teaching to novel-writing. But he has in the past done little to show that his versatile talent is of a very high order, or that he posscsscs that genuine ability which is not satisfied with a mere mo- mentary success. It was with some fear, therefore, that I took up hi- new book on Swift. Jonathan Swift, perhaps the most inscrutable and tragic figure aimong English writers, offers a terrible temptation to writers of the "new biography"; every chapter in his life is full of "journalistic copy"; almo'?t cvcry secret he had is available for those who delight in irreve- rent and sensational headlines. And wherever our hnowledge stops short, the imaginative biographer will find it possible to spice his story up with some plausible guesses. They English author, Mr. Shane Leslie; reached a large popular audience with something of this sort a few years ago, in an interesting but irresponsible book, "The Skull of Swift.' Of course the book was not about the skull, but the title was intriguing and helped sales. Mr. Van Doren, however, has brought to his task conscience and casie as well as wit, and .he has written a book much superior to Shane Leslie's, and one of lasting value. Though it contains no new biographi- cal info- mation, it is nevertheless the result of long and scholarly study. It is a rortrait of a man, a biography written as a work of art, not a work of reference. As a work of art, it simplifies its subject, the whole car eer and personality of Swift being presented in eight not very long: chapters. Perhaps it errs a little on the side of brevity, and passes toc hastily over some very significant phases of Swift's genius. The great- ncss of his political pampheteering is barely suggested and the difficult problem of Swift's religious feeling is not faced at all. But the reader, of Van Doren's biography will probably want to become a reader of tvwift, and he can make his own further discoveries. As regards style, Mr. Van Doren has hid to discipline himself to a fahly high standard. IHe has wisely chosen to tell his story so far as possible in Swift's own words. But when a biographer sandwiches his. own comments between quotations from a writer of great prose, he runs a grc< risk. Mr. Van Doren seems to have been well aware of his dan-' ser; he has written usually with reserve and simplicity and directness. it is a tribute to his competence to say that in the constant transitions' io Van Doren to Swift' and back again we are not conscious of a ja fual inequality or change of tone. One must say a word also about the attitude of the biographer 'ewards his subject. Swift has in our day a growing audience of devoted eaIler. such as jealously guard his fame and reputation, revering him vial: a sort of Carlylean worship of the hero as misanthrope. They eniember that his atire ras written in torture, the torture of a fastidi-' us man whose hatred, to use Mrs. Browning's phrase about Carlyle, vas love ieversed. Mr. Van Doren has presented Swift in this spirit; Ian raders of his book are likely to lay it down with an understanding mi onthy for the proud and gloomy man for whom the contemplation of mis own species was a painful and heroic ordeal. 'CLTTWIFDO CLAUDINE AT SCAOOL : by Col- ette and Willy: Published by Albert and Charles Be'ii: New York, 1930: Price $2.50: 1Reviinv I) courtesy of Wahr's Book Store. America, s 'ce the boundaries of the novel were taken down by our post war artists, has abounded with the feverish chronicles of adol- escence that our neurc ic young women and our f1tilc young men so facilely concoct. nowever, al- though we have been bombarded with the agonies f th sensitive spirit in this hard 'r. we have never gotten at the real Freudian root of the matter for the simple reason that we in this country can still get a laugh out of sex, and that no matter how bold our wri'- ers, this morality has consistently, if unconsciously, limited our efforts. Fortunately, the French have no morals. If they had, this wise, witty and shocking novel could never have been written. Of course, wise books must always be written by people who are abnormal men- tally. The trouble is, that hereto- fore they have been written for the most part, by people diseased psychically. To make a good book of this type, the author must be equipped with a highly selective in- telligenee which is continually at-- tacking the decisions of a sensitive nervous system. This is just what Colette or Clau- dine (for the book is an autobio- graphy) brings to her task. And she knows everything. her wisdom is prodigious. And her Rabelasian, Brobdingnagian good humor and guffawing is like a fierce flame. Nothing is spared the effect of her r straightforward chronicle. And al- though some of the incidents seemi improbable to a mild American, they can be easily set down to a French temperament. So we thank heaven again for the neglected state of public morality in France. S. S. F. 'Materlinch on Ants This week will see the publication by John Day Company of Maurice Maeterlinck's new work of biolo- gical philosophy "The Life of The Ant. Y , - v - -- :_ ___ __ - - -- -- __ _ --- -- --- y 4a11' g <, ,:fi. ; - ' a , _ ' '. a t ' r ' t a . , , r , 'a,., C k' ; ; ro_ G .. d ., E r , J . ,! z ;r ty 4. 'rt , IPA yy { R l e ". p r x lu- I ca Amok Tikof It! A Cut in Pries EF E C IS TMA S BEGINT4MG oMONDAY, no0VEMBER, 2,4,1930 Everything In Stock To Be Sold. At From 10c' to 53Disci , c ' ' ' NEW GOLD TRUMPET Was $5.000 now $25.00 BB CLARINET OUTFITS Reduced from $34.50 to $17.50 Reduced from $25.00 to $12.50 New Mfetal Clarinet was $45.00, now $36.00 An. A azlwn -!-, O- er. r VICTOR MODEL R-39 -.. Merchants everywhere cus- tomarily hold up prices on Holiday Goods until Christmas Day, and then, after Christmas is over, make January Clear- ance Sales at Sacrifice prices. But now comes William W\ade Hinshaw with the an- nouncement that University Special Sacrifce Sale BEFORE Christmas this year instead of After Christmas, making the Christm'.s shopper's d o l1la r worth about twvice as Much in purchasing power. He offers patrons tie chance to buy im- portant Christmas Gifts as in former years, even though they may have less money to I 'A -- ----... .. 1 c I ~ Regular Price $206,00l \ , , i. Yr. >" r 1 Fi+ I . } j: ,;. t . ; . _. ,.-" Sale Price $186.00 USED C MELODY SAXOPHONE Formerly at $50.00, now $25.00 T ' VIOLIN OUTFITS Formerly Sale Pri o Groups $15.00 $12.0( $12.00 $10.0( OTHER VIOLINS AT HALF PRICE ce 0 0 Music House (601 E. Wiiam buy St., Ann Arbor) will make a busi are to be soldiregardless of harr G character or price at Discounts imus of front 20% to 50%. Every- thing in the store is to be Sac- rificed B e f o r e Christmas! mar $50,000.00 worth of the finest mY musicalainstruments, large and f small, and sheet music, books and records are to be sold at unheard-of prices for Christmas Gifts. Pianos, radios, phonos, records, saxophones, banjos Q guitars, violins, clarinets, horns, peo wvith on account of the ne:;s d nression. o 4mo cas, I eles, d ru m s, ical toys, music rolls and nts c a s e s , strings, _s, etc. Everything Musical red dovn Until Christmas y Pices never before heard by tihe Holiday Buyer. Gen- :s aIowance for your old Good used pianos as , s :5.C to ;5O.O0. Credit :m-zee to all responsible MAJESTIC MODEL 131 Regular Price Sale Price $163.50$143.50 BRUNSWICK MODEL 15 Regular Price Sale Price $159.00 $139.00 Y ' ' i ;', ,III I j ;',il i . i . << i I ; i 41 I% li ' : ' jtl jl ;III I iii (, , ii ' I Ij ! ' i!I , ; i ; , i , ,III ll , ;! {1 i. ! E i! ; ij i r I' l _ }t h ! fl ll , .i i ,, ' I,,i, Gibson Tenor Banjo and c a s e was $70.00, now.$25.00 Gibson Mandolin was $45.00, now .... $22.50 UKULELES American Beauty $8.00, now ....t. Others-. ., 10.00 to GOOD USED PIANOS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES I was $6.40 $8.00 $4.80 $3.20 Reduced 9Fr . . $6.00 to . $4.00 to , I i $25.00 $55.00 $35.00 4500 65.00 Used $100.00 Maybell Banjo Reduced to $30.00 Others Reduced in Same Proportion ple. New Pianos at Greatly Reduced Prices I GlET i.'OUR A4VSICAI. C:HR''STMA S PRESENTS PiOWY II' W~? U7U W ~t'I U I f' YfiWTCV -A Oil l