?AGE TWO 1T1'1 F (I HfC aANN "A IlV i i t Ll ivi i i i 1 ti.2 t l i iJ t-% i L. i a..w.enrn. -- - ' i.rr +r.w+..ao.rra...r ww 5a-syn. .+.x.++nwr SUNDAY. NV ? 319)30 N NI T EIETATIO0N J. P. Gavit Describes Lecturer as' Only Westerner Really to Know Country. IS FRIEND OF GHANDI HasAo Studied Race Problem in Slouth Africa, China arnd Australia. life sketching, Tuesday, November to 3 Monday and Tuesday after- Choral Union Usher: Report at, D iyOfcaBultn 25, 3 p.m., fourth floor Architectural noons to be measured. Hill Auditorium heore 7:30 P.M. FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FAVORS building. M. Valerio, critic. All per- for conettMoids' Novem ber 24. I (Cot cued from Page 8J sans interested in sketching are Adelphi House of Representative,'D A I'T NALIV Q I~ th ujc,"h hinCii, welcome. will devote its open meeting Tues- i ARC~.aicSe-Fl~~ ADEL NEW ELL\ i1J Theoscopl, he Beginneris'sclass-aay at 7:30 to a Varsity debate pro- ~ ~ WIW' lbAD O'~~FRS Interpretat ion," on Monday, No-1To iooh eines ca tg ani. The sbe fdebate xwi b t.il omeet U, ndayI eeiga s 7:b 4 CARL F. BAY j vmbr 4,at 4:15 p.m., Natural 7:30 p .m. Monday, in the Michigan uncnmpoymet i sranee. Visitors! ch, ;iLC ThvCe. JEWELER A D CiTMTRS League. SbjeceL or discussion, Re- are cordiaelly invited. l iscedtaeSc-Ncl Aje Scienice AuXdi oriun. under the au, , l -tnfLsti__,i_$Y~tn, lb pices of the Cosmopolitan Club. Iota Sigmia Pi meeting Tuesay ^ l-eet---^M . Cr- ert_- -- iStudents Interested ini Current at 7:15 in the League Building. All onTusay-ovn e 2.a- The Detroit Symphony Orchestra! Literature: The Lane Hall LendingI members are urged to be present. p.m., att++eoC rr va'sy ie i under the baton of Ossip Gabrilo- Lbrary will be open for your in- hG Alnh* Pcn P. mpptini ~tGustesen wl saisIII V1 WIU Cl± CUIMULL'1 Will i 1ve ne J LU U '.J1 vJim.tcy, ±AJv ~mLaer G4 fifth program in the Choral Union The library contains choice selec-j Concert Series, Mo)nday night, No- tions in the various fields of convme 4 nhl uioimatItrw a eu ieaue Tuesday, November 25, at 7:30 p.m., room 3201 East Engineering build- inig. Dr. T. L. Purdom and Professor n. S. hec l will add ess the iV~r. acartW udntAs in Eng- :ish :L metMeds, o-venberi 2,at 7:61- p.m.-i un 25Agl 't,. n 1 -+ . . uLar .5. + - " +. a Lecure. "Eidnc.5es fChristanrome lson in the Private Letters," by Proles- Fl ra .y1s~Ait ~, .iVl tU~ 1~ I ,n C. F. Andrews, whom J. P. Gavit, sor J. G. Winter, Tuesday, Novem- Iwon in an article in "Survey Graphic" ber 25, at 4:15 p.m., Room L', Alum- beg: described as "one of the few west-k ni Memorial tIfall. Isix1 obta erners who u: d rstands Gandhi," Spcecial S&uden~t Councill Iecling G yr will speak at 4:15 o'clock Monday 'Monday, November 24, at 7:311 p.. in the Natural Science auditorium A on "The Indian Crisis; An Inter- School of Edtucatioan, Com -ixittee clas' pretation.°, The lecture is spon- on Certificates: A meeting of the, 4 soredl by t')c Cosmopolitan club. Committee is hereby called 'or An intimate acquaintance over a Monday, November 24,1 at 1:15, long period of time with Gandhi,, o'clock sharp in my office, Room Tagore, ,an}c th{= other leaders of 11439 University Elementary School. Indian though. he-Ive n Andrews c. u.Davis. a background U-.that thorc tgliy qual- i fies himt as an uii ;i ; r . ulbiased~ Football Class Edu. 14a: Will expert on the who : lh<.alt !X of the! meet Monday, Nov. 24, 8:30 am. in relation of TInii 0 to astBritain, !Waterman Gymnasium, 1"Roon 20. stated Gavit. L1l lC _ :aiir Studio Art Club: Studio class in 314 Andrewvs is kn:own in the United ------- --___-______ States as the author of "The In--- dian Prob em, Mahatma Gandhi'sI S DEN Ideas" and as thie (,litor of the re- .°' SLRVICEI cently pu blishe,,j autobiography of G n h .Fi f r c ea tilons a e 1een carried on in all part.-ofl' ndia , in fsouth Africay British G lana, Australia, a nd China. His posit ion in relation to the present Indian movement for N!W independence has b^;en2sympaihet- In ic. and markecdliberal. Hris longl and: intimate friendship with Gandhi andTa 7.;ore, as well as U his'life-time s tudy of Indian affairs,' enables him to spcea k with special - - - - authority; on the problems facing - --- England , id In ia at this moment.,4 , i Born anM educ ated in England, ~ Andr e v.'lUh isunderstandino f4r the Lde ae is an rcucellent I examplle o C f' ._? whohas risen ," above Uhis ornnainaitaccord-_ ing to Ga vi l. He is to a consider- able ex;tent the re s aslon1 viny teTn 1 _e dean peeopie 1o:av1wG sev resoect" an d iah -.g for t e lBritish th at t eyd .,, - ' Ar cdYcee l e..Ie l d n India for1I. a -1,yd bats andsbwsidesywriting i mTan"Lse':c e"qtr tailes on the Io subject of o:ishc, is, anewspaper R.13-1 'ysical Education Club Spon- ing Social Danc:Qing: A beginners Ss in social dancing for men and nien will be conducted by the ,an'u Physical Education Club inning Tuesday, November 26, lessons for $3.' Tickets may be, wined in Office 15, Barbour nnasium. ill 3 inker Engineers desiring ss ,jackets please come to RoomI West Engineering Bldg. from 1 PENS 1)1N'CI LS All makes and all prices A Rcd Arrow Place 0. D. MORRILL Southi State ___ Phone 66151 r0 CANV"YASanHB 1''.D"R ...: 7 i OUt N1L .ir it HALF BLOCK EAST OF C«MP v , LNE4744 '77 in a ternGcG ai 4-015 SPEC .1 PlFACE I;I I Nod youaru esoir o .~C Cd. dur ingUo r chool kJ .dmssion Ch~arge 'hanksgiving Day IV CANDY cis, Gilbert, and Jhniston's I'I I ' i i f + I'll ;:-z raand mail" Ij BETSY ROSS SHOP 15 Nc'cs Acd Wednesday., ;i