ESTABL SHED 1890 EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEMBER SASSOCIATED PRESS SUGGESTS CURES VOL. XLL, No. 4 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS I UrFC1LSEXPCT FRANAME CLARK AMBASSADORi LARGE ATTENDANCE AT UINION BANJOUE T I I f Henderson, Abbot, and Yost Will Give Addresses .o First Year Students. 500 FRESHMEN ACCEPTED Captain Simrall Will Present to Freshmen Some of Aspects of Major Sports. More than 500 first year menj are expected to attend the annual all-Freshmen banquet to be held at 6:15 o'clock tonight in the ball-I room of the Union which will be,. according to Albert F. Donohue, '31, president of the Union, "the biggest Freshmen banquet in the history of the Union.' Yost, Abbott to Talk RECO UNT FNSE, NTERFRATTERNITY MSROUTO FINSHD;OUN CILTO MEET CANVASSINCuBOARDccils of Rushing SAU HNR UnderDe f yed Pan. Tg CHHEBUSINESS Members of the interfraternity council, composed of two represent- atives from each house on the cam- ! pus, will meet for their first session Wilbur M. Brucker Retains bead in the 1930-31 school year at 4:30 'Janufacturer Contends Inten. of 4726 as Tabulation o'clock next Tuesday afternoon' at sive Marketing of Goods Will Is Completed. the Union. General business will be Alleviate Depression. ____ discussed and the success of de- - rwO DISTRICTS ARE OUT ferred rushing taken up with Dean BOOK TO BE PUBLISHED 4J. A. Bursley.___ Officers for the 1930-31 session 3arnard, Attorney to Groesbeck will be elected at the first meeting Car Magnate Predicts $27-a-Day Insists on Re-check of of the council following discussion Salary for Workingmen Nearly All Ballots. of business. The officers to be in Twenty Years. chosen are president, secretary, iT n Ya. treasurer and two members of the B~y GILBERT SUILSON interfraternity board. The election (A.P. Staff Writer.) is annually conducted by houses NEW YORK, Oct. 1.--Henry Ford LANSING, Oct. 1.-The guberna- represented on the council by the' blames the present industrial de-j torial recount ended today with two members from each fraternity. pression on business men whoj controversy, a demand for an en- watch the stock market instead of tirely new recount and threat of nntheir business and believes the cure; further court action crowding the jiriesuin esuad YIhecur closing hours. On the theory that U ILJlies in quantity production and in-I the count is over, the state can- Utensive marketing of high class J vassing board set about dismant- [goods. ling the recount machinery. How- Publishes Book ever, until a final decision is made . ;The automobile wizard outlines FOR DEPRESSIONIAHEISTK OPE NING MATCH lAIOF SERIES, 5 -2 Henry Ford, Noted automobile manufacturer, who admonishes producers to pay les attentin tothe stoc~k marketE Auc/a ted Press Photo J. Reuben Clark,E of Salt Lake City, who was men- tioned as the probable successor of Dwight W. Morrow as American ambassador to Mexico.- Prominent faculty members andnI - student leaders will be featured on the program and the principal ad- [ dress of the evening will be given1 IU90 IOI!aU by Prof. William D. Henderson, di- 1A1INO rector of thebextensionddivision. I 1 Prof. Waldo Abbott, head of thelUIILL LO N IJD Freshmen English department, will be the toastmaster and Fielding InDefo H.. Yost, director of athletics, will crease in emands or Loans give a brief address.j Taxes Available Funds A short talk by James O. H. Critically. (Ducky) Simrall, '31, captain of the football team, will present to BAIRD DONATES $1,000 the freshmen some of the aspects of the four major sports, football, Additions during the past few basketball, baseball, and track,*iUv.t. n while Paul C. Showers, '31, editor days of $1,500 n Unversity loan of the Michigan Gargoyle, will.tell funds following a recent announce- something of the University's stu- ment that the demand was twice dent publications. Merton J. Bell, as heavy this year than ever before; '31, president of the Student coun- htave brightened the outlook for cil, will speak for the various cam- studen aid i h oc of Dean pus rganzatins. . A. Bursley. A total of $180,000 pus organizations. had been issued to approximately1 Donohue 1 400 studentson July 1, the date The freshmen will be welcomed of the last recheck out of a possible t by Donohue who will give a short loan fund of $240,000. The demandl review of the history of the Union this fall is greater than at any while Alfred J. Palmer, '32, chair- time in history, according to Dean man of the underclass committee;Bursley. of the Union, will explain the or-! ganization of the freshmen class Among the 1,400 loans now exist groups. These groups are under hUy the direction of the underclass) 15 percent are with women stu- i dents The t aavi lablef unds fr ! 1 Z ?ound Way to Victory on Home Run Blows by Cochrane, Al Simmons GRIMES ALLOWS 5 HITS Veteran Cardinal Pitcher Gets Six Strikeouts but Fails to Stop Mackmen. By ALLEN GOULD (A.P.) Sports Editor SHIDE PARK, Philadelphia.--- The long range guns of the Phil- adelphia Athletics were much more effective today than the cannon- ball delivery of their pitcher, Rob- ert Moses Grove, as the World's champions began the defense of their baseball crown triumphantly against the challenge of the S. Louis Cardinals. Crowd Numbers 32,295 Before a record breaking home town baseball crowd of 32,295 fans, with President Hoover and a dis- tinguished official party among the onlookers, the Athletics train- ed their heavy howitzers on the fences and other distant places to beat down the stout pitching of the veteran Burleigh Grimes and whip the Cardinals by the score of 5-2 in the World Series opener. Grove, Southpaw ace of Connie Mack's staff, was nowhere the ter- ror that the Cardinals and the ex- A Play By Play Account Will Be Found On Page 6 by the board Thursday morning on the insistence of Edward N. Bar-, nard, attorney for Alex J. Groes- beck that nearly all ballots be counted again and until Barnard decides whether to appeal again to the court if the board rules against him, there is no guarantee that the battle is over. Groesbeck Gains 605. Only two small precincts were unaccounted for when the day's work was finished. Official tabu- lators were 280 precincts behind the count, but the records to date I showed Groesbeck's net gain to be 605 votes. He needed a gain of 4,- 726 votes to catch up with Wilburj M. Brucker. Barnard's ire was aroused whenI he asked the official tabulating bureau for a report as to the pro- gress of the recount. He claimed that it took him more than 12 hours to get even a portion of the desired information. Barnard appeared to have tak-I en charge of Groesbeck's legal for- ces. It was understood that Groes- beck and O. L. Smith, who here- tofore has headed his legal forces,j favor further court action or dis- klembers Feel Parties Would Be Financially Successful If Given Together. HOPE TO REDUCE COST Considering the question of unit- ing in some way the Frosh Frolic and the Soph Pron, the Student Council tabled discussion on the subject last night until their next meeting. Because of the fact that in the past the social functions of both the sophomore and freshmen class- es, had to be supported by campus organizations in order to insure their success and because their parties have not been a success fi- nancially, the feeling of the coun- cil was that the Soph Prom should either be given in conjunction with the Frosh Frolic or that it should be discontinued. Lack of interest of sophomores was given as the chief reason of the proposed idea. Numerous plans were advanced for the arranging of the joint par- ties. A committee composed of an equal number of sophomores and his opinion in a book, "Moving and more to their businesses, as a Forward," which will be published cure for the present industrial de- tomorrow by Doubleday, Doran & pression. Co. He predicts that in 1950 Amer-j ican workingmen will get minimumI wage of $27 a day, advocates high wages as one of the fundamental laws of business and says that gen- uine over-production has never ex-E fisted. In regard to wages, however, Mr. Ford believes that while a man has Furniss, McCormick and Hadden a right to work, his right to a job Chosen Vice-President, Sec- depends on his ability to render retary, and Treasurer. valuable service. He says belief that y a company owes a living to those' who work for it is based on "a CO FILL TWO VACANCIES traditional conception of master services." Election of council officers and "Indeed," says Mr. Ford, "any the drawing up of an amendment worthy people cannot comprehend to the constitution of the organi- any other relation, and during zation featured the first meeting those periods when the men who for the semester of the Studenti should be leading business fail tol Council last night.. lead, and consequently the work is IRichard A. Furniss, '31E, was ! slack, the cry 'Give them jobs' elected to the vice-presidency while arises. Everyone will recognize the Edward McCormick, '32, was chos- adsurdity of employers parading en to take over the duties of the bearing signs, "Give us orders." secretary. Matthew Hadden, '31E, 'There is essentially no difference was selected to fill the office of between the actual position of the treasurer. These three officers, alll ...v t. n--- 1 Li---7 ni I r f:1-------n ~nf. hr vn~ i r i committee. Competition in var- """zi; freshmen to be substituted or ie employer and te empoye. o wo were eeceby a unan- women ths year ave been ex- 11Pute only if there is a definite in- pcoymi.tee.hoCompetitioned ina unan ious sports is sponsored among hausted within a few hundred dol- dicatieon that Groesbeck is entitledi usual class dance committee, was The book, written in collabora- mous ballot, with Merton J. Bell, them and at the time of the an- lars and Dean Bursley has found it 11to the nomination. discussed. It was also suggested that tion with Samuel Crowther, says president, and the ex-officio mem- nual Freshmen-Sophomore games, necessary to use nmoney formerly "No legal recount has been held the freshmen be hosts at a party I the fundamentals of good business bers of the council representing The these groups are instrumental in ie to men students in order to except during the three days of to which they would invite their principles are: first, to make more Daily, the Union, and the Athletic th lcino ls atisadgvntraditional rivals. With such a plananbetrgosschplaso- association, will make up the mem- the organization of thclas a s as a take care of the tremendous in- this week," Barnard charged be- i effect, the tendency would be sible and force them on themarket. bership of the nominating com whoe. crease in feminine loan fund de- fore the board. "In two days of toward a closer feeling and better second, to strive always for higher mittee if the proposed amendment whole. mand. The situation at the present this week when the recount was understanding between these two ualit and lower rices and costs; 10 the treasurer to the committee, Sisacutewithfair nd legal Groesbek gained classes, as well as reduce the cost third to raise wages gradually and will be voted on at the next meet- the program, there will be group mand for funds of any previous more than 500 votes, which was of giving two separate dances. In I consistently and never to cut them; ing of the council. Such an ar- singing and cheers led by the var- year and only about half of the more thanl he gained during all the) alternating years the sophomores and fourth, to get the goods to the rangement would preclude any pos- sity cheerleaders. Smokes will be normal fund totals available for rest of the recount. No tabulation could act as the hosts. In view of consumer economically so he may sibility of a repetition of last year's supplied by the Union. student use. ! had been kept and no one knows the spirited discussion on the mat- benefit by low cost production. performance when the committee, Only a few tickets remain for Donations of $1,000 by James' who won or lost. Had there been ten, it was decided to postpone con- with only six members, was repeat- this banquet. They may be pur- Baird, '95, former University foot- a fair recount from the beginning, sideration of the idea until the New Era Needs Leadership y chased for one dollar any. time I ball captain, and two funds of $200 Groesbeck would now be the party sentiment of the sophomores and The carrying out of these mod- of candidates. hand $500 respectively were received nomineefreshmen towards this could be de- ern business laws requires much The committee will meet at the main lobby of the Union. this week by the loan committee Stevens Holds Count Fair termined. more leadership than did the old beginning of next week to chose a following the announcement th'at Kenneth Stevens, counsel for The council went on record and production, Mr. Ford says. He be- 'number of juniors, from which two FOUR STATES GECT the totals for 1930-1931 were ex- Brucker declared the Board knows will recommend to the Senate com- lieves that was why interest in the will be chosen by the council as a $550000 ELIEF tremely low. Of these three dona- the entire count was legal and fair mittee on Student Affairs that no t1929 stock market brought disaster. whole to fill the vacancies caused etions, two were expressly attributed and conducted under unchanged permits be granted for fraternity "The true occasion for alarm was by the ineligibility of Thomas to the stories which appeared c rules save for the first day. Ballots and sorority dances on the nights deeply hit," he says. "It consisted Roach, '32, and John D. Hubly, '32. Loans in Drought Areas Allotted local papers early this week stating counted on that day have been re- of the class dances, with the ex- in the complete stoppage of im- Discussion of important campus io Farmers by Government. the University's need of additional counted as ordered by the supreme ception of the J-Hop. provements in quality of goods and problems and the setting of dates money for needy students. court. in methods of manufacture, which for class elections also occupied the (- v Associated I'rss) The lack of funds for women at! "If all the boxes are called back I Di Reconmends in turn causes a stoppage in the attention of the councilmen. WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-Farmers the University and the necessity of and recounted, it will be with ut- increasing values of the purchasmg hard hit by the drought in four drawing upon funds from other ter disregard for the interests and Capital Puishment money. There was bound to come I Wew Cooke Dormitory states today were allotted $550,000 sources sets a precedent at Michi- finances of the taxpayers," Stevens *toStop peculation a time when things are offered for by the Department of AgricultureI gan. In former years, the funds said. "All the ballots now have __ c1n sale at so much more than they are tO Accommodate fQ to purchase feed and fertilizers I least used in proportion to their been counted legitimately at least dworth, that the public will hesti- for fall and winter pasture. bulk were for women students and once and some twice." ROME, ct.e1.-Preier Musso- tate to buy them, and then will Opening of the John P. Cooke The money, a part of the unex- there has always been a safe mar- "The taxpayers' money should . . stop buying altogether and may dormitory, the most recent addi- pended balance of the $6,000,000 gin available. The utter exhaustion ;have been considered before when m today advocated the death even fall into a panic about what tion to the Lawyer's Club, will give storm and flood relief appropria- of workable money has been bol- strong arm police kept Groesbeck penalty for speculators who bring it has bought." accommodation to nearly 100 stu- tion for 16 states made at the last stered by the recent $1,500 addi workers and the public from the on financial crises. _ dents, Prof. Grover C. Grismore of session of congress is to go to Ala- tions, however, and will not pro- tabulating room. If there is added The Premier, speaking at the first COUNCIL PREPARES the Law school faculty, announced. bama, Oklahoma, Virginia, and hibit students from continuing expense, it is because there has sitting of the national council of PADemand for rooms has been Missouri, which were included in their work in the University for been no effort to carry out a fair corporations, which links all forms I FOR HOMECOMING heavy, and already the Lawyer's the 15 covered by the original ap- some time. A majority of the funds and legal recount. Groesbeck wants of Italian capital and labor, said Club has been filled, Professor Gris- propriation. Oct. 15 was set as the I issued each year are for upperclass- nothing else," Barnard replied. he already had made examples of ro Hold Fall Games on Morn- more said. final day for accepting applica- men. Few loans are issued to fresh- Barnard also demanded that the Wspeculators in the Aosta and Campo IaWork on the new addition, erect- tions, by which time it is expected men and sophomores. board secure poll books from vot- i Basso districts and would deal more ing of Minnesota Game. I ed by the late W. W. Cooke in mem- the 2,000 applications which have - - -ing machine precincts, and certifi- i strictly with the type in the future. ory of his father, was started in been made since Secretary Hyde cates showing that no votes were "They will now be made to feel With the selection of the Illinois September of last year. It was announced his intention of using Pep eetstobe eGtallied on the machines prior to more acutely that they can not fool game as Homecoming for the com- completed a year later. the fund for the purpose, will have on Eve of Each GameI the balloting on primary day. He the public with impunities," he con- ing football season, the Student The new dormitory, facing Tap- been doubled. --- . indicated he may seek to have all tinued. "Because of the infinite evil Council began active preparations pan Avenue, has 110 rooms. The loan will be made on the Pep meetings for the four Big- machine votes rejected unless the they express as sowers of ruin and th farmers' promissory note and a !Ten football games this fall will be books and certifiicates are provid- misery, they merit the penalty of last night. Reception at Union mortgage on the crop to be plant- 'held on the night before each game, ed. death." It was felt by the entire member- Planned b Faculty ed. Approval must be given by the according to the decision made by The Duce said he believed Italy ship that the game with the Illini Plannediby Faculty county committee set up for the I the Student Council last night. Ruth ens Will Depart has reached the bottom in the cur- oiOctober 25would be the most plans for a faculty reception at adminstraion f th flod an1I AcommtteehasWeenlppoitedrt. .outstanding on the schedule and Pasfrafclyrcpina administration of the flood and A committee has been appotedI This rent financial depression and he d the Union on Nov. 4 are being made storm relief act. by President Merton J. Bell to, or est This oflLL expected the country now to start hence would attract more alumni by a committee headed by Prof. Limitation of the act will permit secure prominent speakers from all I upward.back to Ann Arbor than any other Everett Brown, of the political the use of the money for 1930 over the country to talk at the President Alexander G. Ruthven Isecontest. Evere Brwn . the pltial In dscusin th ecoomi siua-science department. The gather- crops only. It was explained that meetings. Such enthusiastic alumni and Mrs. Ruthven will leave Ann It the Premier said no one could Departing from custom, the ing will be the first of its kind held grain might be planted for tem- of the University as J. Fred Lawton, Arbor October 18 for Berkley, Cal- ion, t remier sino one cd council set the date of the annual since 1921 when the custom of porary pasture where farmers are author of "Varsity," and William ifornia where they will attend ex- expect "prodigies since this had not'cnl set teten the annual inceod921 whe temcus oh without' feed for their live stocks. HsoMcia' l-ie l ercises in honor of the new presi-1 even been accomplished by Presi-1 fall games between the freshmen introducing new members of the Thoute, 1,72 f ther applctons Heston, Michigan's All-time, All- I en of the y Caifo dent Hoover, the most powerful and t.he sophomores for the Friday faculty to the student body was To date, 1,732 of the appications American halfback are expected to ia and the Ascition of Amer- man in the world in the richest afternoon before and the Saturday abolished by the Board of Regents. for loans have been approved as h1 Amsnfm t he sneakers. I omrnthrithetMnnesotahsigame'Althano definite stens have perts had expected but the heavy hitters, led by Al Simmons, batting king of the American league, and the redoubtable Mickey Cochrane struck severe damage and disaster to the cause of the National league pennant winners. The Athletics, made only five hits off the pitched ball delivery of 37-year old Grimes, returning to the. championship fray after a lapse of 10 years, but every one of the five was for extra bases and every one counted for a run as the A's attack created a remarkable World's series starting record. Cards Get Nine Hits While the Cardinals were wast- ing most of the nine base blows they collected off the Southpaw shoots from Grove, the mauling Mackmen pounded their way to victory on home runs by Simmons and Cochrane, triples by George (Uhle) Haas and Jimmy Foxx, plus a booming double against the centerfield stand by Jimmy Dykes. Grimes, who pitched masterful ball otherwise and struck out six of the A's as compared to only five strike-out victims for Grove, 1 simply could not spike the big gun. When Foxx tripled for the first hit off Grimes in the second in- ning, Bing Miller was ready with a sacrifice fly to bring him home. Simmons cleared the right field barrier with a homer in the fourth to tie the score after theCardin- als had landed heavily on Grove in the second frame. When Bishop walked in the sixth, Dykes was on hand with a two-bagger to the outskirsts and scored the second sacker. After Haas tripled to the right- field limits in the seventh, the A's outstruck the Cardinals with a perfectly executed squeeze play, Boley's neat thrust to Grimes tal- lying the'center fielder. Meanwhile, Groves needed and obtained sensational o f f e n s i v e work by his mate at the task of checking the gallant red birds who fought desperately right down to the finish and threatened to score in almost every inning as they hit the Southpaw's star much harder than the partisans of the A's had expected them to do. Kouncil Names Dates for Class Elections Dates for annual class elections were set by the Student Council in their first meeting of the semester ylast night. As in the past the sen- ior literary election will be the first one followed, as usual, by the junior and sophomore literary class elec- , : t T t . f e s >. e