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November 23, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-23

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WILATS,_14 TO 0,
Big Ten Co-Champs Meet First
Defeat of Year as Rockne
Uncovers Attack.
Offense in Last Seven Minutes
Cracks Northwestern Line
After Great Battle.
( y Assoiatd Press)
DYCHE STADIUM, Evanston, Ill.,
Nov. 22.-Notre Dame, marching on
to America's football championship,
defeated the hitherto unbeaten
Northwestern eleven, 14 to 0, as the
seconds were clicking off precious
time in the closing minutes of the
Is Eighth Straight Win.
The victory was Notre Dame's
eighth successive triumph, leaving
only the Army and Southern Cali-
fornia to conquer forthe 1930 grid-
iron title. The defeat was the first
of the season for Northwestern, co-
champions of the Western Confer-
Notre Dame, held scoreless for
three periods, and with the game
apparently destined to end in a
scoreless tie, suddenly exploded its
irresistible force and crashed over
with two touchdowns, barely miss-
ing a third, while a crowd of 51,-
000 spectators sat dumbfounded at
the amazing finish. Northwestern,.
forcing Notre Dame to the defen-
sive in the first and second periods,
missed two inarvellou 6ane
'isd t o' avlo s- e5'score. Costly fumbles with the ball
inside NotreDame's 10-yard line
ruined both ;chances.
WIn In Last Seven Minutes.
The Northwestern line, invincible
until the last seven minutes of the
game, finally cracked just enough
to allow Rockne's cavalry men to
break through twice.
M a r c h m o n t Schwartz, Notre
Dame's left halfback, scored the
first touchdown in the closing min-
utes of the game, that started the
Ramblers off to victory. A few min-
utes later he tossed a pass that re-
sulted in the second score.
Schwartz, heaving a long pass toI
O'Brien who came into the game
to replace Conley at right end, put
the ball into position for Schwartz's1
touchdown a few seconds later.
O'Brien caught the ball and stepped
out of bounds on Northwestern's
40-yard line. Northwestern w a s
then penalized 15 yards for hold-
ing, and after Dan Hanley, under-
study for Jumping Joe Savoldi, lost
four yards, Schwartz went into ac-
tion. With his legs pumping under
him like pistons, Schwartz shot off
his own right tackle and sprinted
29 yards for a touchdown.
Five Eminent Men Will Talk
Over Radio This Week.
Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director
of intramural sports, will discuss
"The Recreation of Children as a
Factor in Vocational Guidance" at
5 o'clock today from the University
studio during the Parent-Teacher
Prof. Benjamin D. Meritt, of the
Greek department, Monday will de-
liver a talk entitled "Buried Treas-
utre" in which he will discuss the
excavations being made in Greece
a n d their importance. George

Poiner, violinist, and Stanley Flet-
cher, pianist, will present the mus-
ical program.
"The Significance of Hay-fever,
Asthma and Hives" will be the top-
ic discussed Tuesday by Dr.hHarry
B. Friedgood, of the medical school.
Raymond Morin, staff pianist, will
give ;he musical selections.
Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the
chfcmical engineering department,
will talk Wednesday about salt,
sugar, and more common chemi-
cals with which the householder
comes in contact. Sidney Straight,


c - - -- - - -ate- I roto.
The crew of the Swedish freighter Ovidia is shown approaching the rescue ship Ma retania, in a life-
boat after their ship was stricken about 300 miles off the Grand Banks. The sinking freighter is shown in
the background. The entire crew of 26 men and the captain and his wife were saved.


Free Movies Shown S
to 4,500 Students SNA
Because of Victory' IN ICTORY MACH

Approximately 4,500 students en-'
Chairman Also Selects Officers joyed a free show at the Majestic!
of Executive Committee;" and Michigan theaters last night as
E c C; a result of the football team's vic-
Plans Progress. tory over Chicago yesterday after-
- noon. The main feature at both
Announcement of the officers and theaters was "Big Money," starring
sub committees of the 1932 J-Hop Eddie Quillan. Two prints were fin-
committee was made yesterday by ally obtained, so that it was not
Kenneth McCallum, chairman. Pro- necessary to "bicycle" the film from
gress of plans for the Hop, which one theater to another as it was
will be held on FrIday, Feb. 13, in previously feared.
the gymnasium of the Intramural The students began to line up
building, was also reported by Mc- along the Liberty and State street
Callum. sidewalks at 10:30 o'clock. The
George S. Bradley, '32L, was' crowd was gradually swelled by new
chosen vice-chairman of the com- arrivals, and by 11 o'clock, when
mittee while Cullen Kennedy, '32, the doors of the Michigan were
and Henry A. Bergstrom, '32, were opened, nearly 4,000 students had
named secretary and treasurer, gathered. As soon as 2,500 of the
respectively. crowd had entered the Michigan,
Eight sub-committees were ap- the doors were closed, and the re-
pointed to arrange for the details mainder sent to the Majestic, where
of the affair. The music committee 2,000 more were accommodated.
will be composed of Howard T. Several hundred had to stand. At
W o r d e n, '32, and Robert K. the Michigan special organ num-
Plant, '32M. ber, written in honor of the team
The remaining committees fol- was played, the students sang "The
low: Victors" and "Varsity" and gave
Decorations: Lyle F. Zisler, '32A, several cheers. As the names of the
and Rice G. Fitzpatrick, '32E. Varsity players were thrown on the
Favors: Cullen Kennedy, '32. screen, those present stood up andl
Tickets: Henry A. Bergstrom, were cheered by the audience.
'32, and Edson White, '32BAd. "The students were very order-
Floor: Leo F. Brown, '32E, George ly, and we had no trouble at all,"
T. Griggs, '32p, and John C. Bil- stated Gerald Hoag, manager of
lingsley, '32F&C. the Michigan. "Everything went
Invitations: Henry Weiss, '32. along fine."
Booths: Jack L. Spencer, 32E, and
William F. Mossner, '32D. DetroitF Tes Spartans
Publicity: George S. Bradley, Befr 19,000
'32L. ore1,0ootes
Preparation has been started by
all committees. Several leading (By Associated Prss.
orchestras are being considered for EAST LANSING, Nov. 22. - Two
the Hop. Applications for tickets Nreat football machines using the
addressed to juniors of all schools Notre Dame gridiron style battled
in the University, will be placed in to a scoreess tie here this after-
the mails sometime next weekt oJon before 19,000 spectators as the
that juniors may procure their University of Detroit and Michigan
tickets before the campus sale State failed to settle the rubber
begins. Only 700 tickets will be sold game of a nine-year-old rivalry.
for the Hop this year.
James Richardson, graduate in IF O TBALL SCORESI
the architectural school, in charge-
of the decorations of the J-Hop(v ( s sScatelNt w s 'rcs)4
two years ago, will assist Zisler and Notre Dame 14, Northwestern 0
Fitzpatrick in planning the motif Wisconsin 14, Minnesota 0
forthepaffkair thisear. heIowa 12, Nebraska 7
ft a i dh ya rn7 P.rdfue G

Michigan Band Leads Students
Through Downtown Ann
Arbor After Triumph.
Led by the Varsity band, 2,000
s t u d e n ts paraded through the
streets of Ann Arbor yesterday aft-
ernoon celebrating the victory of
the football team and the winning
of a tie for the Conference cham-
pionship. Michigan flags, pennants
and posters were carried through
the streets by the students who
held up traffic for blocks around.
The parade started at the north
gate of the stadium and turned up
Main street to the Court house
where it proceeded east on Huron
avenue to State street and south to
the Union. During the course of the
parade, songs and cheers filled the
aid while the band played almost
continuously, alternating between
"Victors" and "Varsity."
During the game, the band cli-
maxed its season in a style which
has marked its performances all
season. Before the game, the band
formed a "WELCOME" and then
marched with the Chicago band to
the flag pole where both played
"The Star Spangled Banner." Be-
tween the halves both bands took
the field separately.1
The Maroon band, dressed in
white flannels and maroon sweat-
ers formed their traditional "C"and
a "U - M." The Michigan outfit
then took the field and ran off in
rapid succession, "S I M R A L L,"
"C H I C A G O," "S T A G G," and
"Y O S T." A block "M" was also to
be formed but the time allotted to
the band was already taken up.
The game yesterday marked the
last appearance of the year ford
Frank Riley, drum major, who, be-1
sides a record of never having miss-
ed the baton when throwing it over
the goal post, has achieved a na-
tional reputation for his dexterity
and originality.
Indiana Defeats Purdue l
7-6, in Hoosier Classic
j (By Associuated Press)
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 22. - A
fighting, underdog Indiana football

Judge William Heston, All-Time
Halfback, to Speak
at Dinner.
Congratulatory Telegrams From
Defeated Opponents Will
be Read to Guests.
Michigan will honor its unbeaten
Varsity football team, co-holders
with Northwestern of the Bi Ten
Conference championship, at the
Union. The entire Varsity squad
and coaching staffs will be the
guests of the Union for this dinner
in their honor.
Varsity Men To Be Guests.
Judge William Heston, '04L, of
Detroit, the late Walter Camp's all-
time all-American halfback, will
be the principle speaker.
He will speak on "Football of the
Past." His son, William Heston, jr.,
'32, is a member of the Varsity
Announcement of the captain of
the football team for next year will
also be made at the banquet. At
the same time, the manager and
assistants will be named.
Kipke, Simrall to Talk.
Other speakers include Fielding
H. Yost, director of athletics; Head
Coach Harry Kipke, a former all-
American from Michigan, and
James (Ducky) Simrall, '31, cap-
tain of the 1930 squad. Albert F.
Donohue, '31, president of the
Union, will be toastmaster.
Congratulatory telegrams from
coaches of Big Ten teams, who
were defeated this year by the
Wolverines as well as from coaches
of Harvard and Northwestern, will
be read at the banquet
Fraternities and other organiza-
tions may reserve tables for the
banquet by notifying the Student
offices of the Union. Tickets may be
obtained at the desk in the main
Pistol Fired Near Bandstand
Draws Game to Early Close.
(By Associated Press)
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 22.-Fight-
ing for redemption, an inspired
Wisconsin football team outplayed
and outsmarted Minnesota here to-
day to crush the Gophers, 14 to 0.
More than 30,000 bundled specta-
tors cheered the Badgers in their
supreme effort, and were dazed at
an unforeseen anti-climax to the
oldest football rivalry in the mid-
dle-west. The Badgers had march-
ed to Minnesota's 10-yard line in
the closing minutes of the final
period. As they lined up for a
touchdown play, a pistol was fired
from near the Minnesota band-
stand. The players ran off the
field and the crowd surged over
the sod. For 15 minutes cheerlead-
ers worked frantically to clear the
field in an effort to finish the final
five seconds of the contest.
The Wisconsin team came back
onto the field, and spectators lined
the edge of the playing area as in
gridiron days of the gay 'nineties.
Minnesota did not put in an ap-
pearance and officials declared the

game finished.
Ohio Defeats illini;
Fesler Closes Career
(Ii-As oced Pess)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 22.-Wes-
ley Fesler, Ohio State's one-man
fighting machine, closed his spec-
tacular college football career to-
day before a crowd of 20,000, by
leading the Scarlet and Gray to a
12 to 9 triumph over Illinois in a

Michigan Deteats
Chicago in Ftinal
Tilt otYear, 16-0
Field Goal Gives Home Team Early Lead;
Hudson Scores Two Touchdowns
Later to Assure Victory.
Michigan is once again "Champion of the West." In a listless
game played at the Stadium yesterday afternoon, Coach Harry
Kipke's Varsity established themselves as co-holders of the Western
Conference championship by winning from the downtrodden Chi-
cago Maroons, 16-0.
Scoring a field goal from Hozer's shoe in the second quarter
and touchdowns by Hudson in the third and fourth periods, the
Wolverines maintained their place on top of the Big Ten scramble
with Northwestern, and in fact by using the Dickinson system of
rating pulled two and one-half points ahead of the Purple. During
the game Michigan clearly showed its superiority over the Midway
eleven, but proved to be somewhat of a disappointment to those
rooters who had predicted that they would roll up a large score.
Although the home team had several chances to score, they could
not make good when a few yards might have meant touchdowns.
Closing the 1930 season unde-
feated, butwith one tie to mar its
record the Maize and Blue complet-
ed its most successful gridiron sea-
son since 192, but also rung down
P the curtain on the football career
of four of the best players Michi-
gan has had in several years. Cap-
tainSimrall, Wheeler, Cornwell,
Orchestra Under Gabrilowitsch and Draveling hung up their uni-
forms for the last time yesterday
to Give Fourth Concert of after the game, and will pass into
Choral Union Series. history as four of Michigan's great.
First Quarter Slow.
The Detroit Symphony orchestra, The game started slowly yester-
Ossip Gabrilowitsch conducting, day, with Chicago failing to live up
will present the fourth of the series to its reputation of being a set-up
of Choral Union concerts at 8:15 by taking advantage of its oppo-
o'clock Monday night in Hill audi- nent's misplays in a way which
torium. They will present a second promised a hard battle for Michi-
program later on under the guest gan. On the opening kick-off the
conductor Bernardino Molinari. Wolverine backs fumbled and Chi-
"The orchestra," stated Charles cago recovered on the 31-yard line.
Sink, president of the School of From here, however, they couldd
Music, "has won a forefront posi- make little headway against the
tion among the great orchestras of machine-like Michigan line. Play
the world, and to hear it under its was even until Newman was rushed
own conductor, who has had such on one of his passes and decided to
a wide influence in developing it Irun instead.He rounded the invad-
to a place of leadership, is a rare ers' right end and was dragged
opportunity and on the other hand, I down on the Maroon 23-yard line
to have so distinguished a gust after a gain of 30 yards. Here, how-
conductor as Molinari, who is ever, he passed over the goal line
looked upon as one of the leading to spoil the first scoring chance for
baton wielders in the world, is a his team.
rare privilege." I Chicago was holding Michigan
The orchestra will present the well until the end of the first quar-
Thelowinghp ram:i pOverture to ter when Newman's pass to Hozer
following program: oven;urec- was partially blocked by Wien, but
S SPrometheus," by Beethoven; s popped out of his hands into the
ond Symphony in E mor, Opus 27, arms of the Michigan end on the
by Rachmaninoff: Largo-allegro Chicago 33-yard line. This throw
moderato, allegro molto, adagio s good for a gain of 29 yards,
and allegro vivace; Norfolk Rhap- but the quarter ended before the
sody by Vaughan Williams; and ext play was called.
Oriental Fantasy, "Islamey," by Score Field Goal.
Balakirev, orchestrated by Casella. As the second perio opened
straight power offense carried the
Iowa Stages Comeback, ball to the 13-yard line, but here
Defeats Nebraska 12-7 the Maroons held, and Newman
called Hozer back to try a goal from
(By Associated Press) the field. With Simrall holding the
IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 22.-Iowa ball the Wolverine flankman boot-
university re-opened an ancient ed the ball directly between the
football feud with Nebraska by de- posts to break the scoring ice, and
feating the Scarlet eleven, 12 to 7, to put Coach Kipke's men into the
today. lead. From this point until the end
Some 12,000 spectators saw Coach of the half play was of a see-saw
Burton Ingwersen's rejuvenated nature and uneventful except at
eleven, which got away to a dismal one point when two Michigan men
start this year by losing three of downed one of Simrall's long punts
its first four contests, stage a on the Chicago one-yard line. Two
brilliant comeback to defeat the line plays failed to advance the ball
Cornhuskers and close with a 50- far from this point, and Knudson
50 record of games won and lost. dropped back and kicked out of
Wood's Passes Defeat After the teams came back after
their rest period between halves,
Yale by 13 to 0 Score Michigan had three shots at their
opponents' goal during the next fif-

(BVAssocIted Press) teen minutes, but could make good
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 22.- on only one of them. Two passes,
Harvard's big gridiron machine, one from Newman to Wheeler and
after a succession of football mis- another from Newman to Simrall
rhaps along the football road this placed the ball on Chicago's 27-
season, clicked on all cylinders to- yard line, but the Wolves could not
day for the first time and flattened advance'it past this point. A long
- Yale with a sensational comeback pass from Newman to Williamson
z before a crowd of 78,000 that (Continued on Page 7)
- packed the big Blue bowl to capa-
With the cool, calculating sharp- Michigan Pos EChicago
Y shooter, Quarterback Barry Wood, Hozer.LE.........Wien
a jr., of Milton, Mass., dealing de- Purdum......LT.......Riwitch
a struction to Eli hopes with a spec- LaJeunesse .... LG...... Hamberg
_ ,tacular passing attack. Harvard T nrrn

Hoosiers Win Big'
Cross Country


Ohio state 12, Illinois 9
Harvard 13, Yale 0
Carnegie Tech 32, Temple 13



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