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MLVIN -i ji
DIG~iN eDAs tLe end of tie present season
-- draw, near the Michht.,an rooters ____ - . ___
Wolverines Will Have Complete1
Squad Bolstered by New I
Men From A' Team.
Badger Lineup to Include Star
Backs, Tackles; ]Rookies
Outstanding in Line.
Michigan's Junior Vars ty foot-
ball team will meet the "B" eleven
from Wisconsin on old Ferry Fie('
this morning. The game will start
at 10 o'clock an wll be free to ai,.
those who wish to attend. Consid
ering the claim the Badgers have
on the championship, this i.3 going
to be a tough battle for Michigan.
Courtright's charges will enter
the game i), full strength with noI
absences because of injuries and
the added strength of a draft fr ain 1
the "A" :;quad to insurea strong,
reserve for this contest. Brkowz
whoso absence was felt. in lan
week's game, will be back to aid thea
Wolverines w ch his plunging abil
ity, anidlBovard's leg will v/(_11I
enough to boar him today
New Men to Play.
The new men, Stoll, Yost ShEa,
and Castle, have been worked into
the Jayvee formnation; this wrek
and their performances have n-
dorscd the purpose of them, draft.
The first; two will bolster up the
backfield if necessary while the lat-
ter couple will add strength and
weight to the Michigan forward
wall in case the Badger attack
wears down the regular linemen.
Besides the above backs, Coah
Courtright has a large group of
ball toters who have already proved
their worth this season. Lindsay
and Podlewski were the outstand-
ing men in the game last week I
a g a i n s t a tough aggregation.
Coombe and Brown have also been
giving good accounts of themselves,
and the °former will start at one
half. As a strong reserve there arej
Kiutsche, Bremen, Hays, and Hur-
witz, Brernen has displayed excep-
tional ability to kick from place-,
mot and he -may -be put in today's
game to add a necessary field goal,
for the Wolverines.
Line-up Announced.
'There are no changes announced
in the line from that used all sea-
son. Bovard and Justice will hold
the flank posts, H-orwitz and Jor-
dan the tackles, Benz and Parker
at guards, and Winston inhe pivot
position. This line-up has given
some good °defensive demonstra-
tions this fall.
The Badger Cubs have been1
pointing to the Michigan game all
season with a desire to set up a
clear claim to the championship.1
T hie y have several stars in their
tine-up that will bear watching.
Neuport, Anderson, and Bullock1
have done better this year than
last, piling huge yardage totals.A7
new man, Johns, has earned a reg-f
ular post by his sterling work in1
the backfield.
Two rookies, Schneider a n d
Lautz, have been assigned the tac-
le posts by beating out the older
mien in the matter of effectiveness.
The ends are Meh and Brown and
the Badgers are justly proud of1
.therm because they let few plays
through them. These outstandingI
(Continued on Page 7) !
Victory Over Cl.ic a T~vT Give will see in a ction for the last timne
Michigai¢ Umlispute -d
Bic, Tee r;;:
IIII x ___>__ fit' " r ji
TO d I Jw
NA' ! Lz WP r C 'Sgalwrer a2 oY0%agmtalsesn
rj~1~1 i~ Jnt s z;,-: all bee inastrntlos thgavictlrysmarch.
Following the mass of telegram's
andic letters of indig-natilon, as well
a-. ar,,Sport 1 ag artiel 's 'wr tten
ail ove: the country c o erlemg -the
;sosibiiity th-t Michniga will corn-
a c ids the 0tle, "o N o t h %v c s t e r vi
! comes the Dickinson rating that is
accepted as the most official which
gives the Wolverines the undispat-
ed top place in the Western Can-
icrence, providing that they win
over the Maroons ted ,y.
Unless Chicago p. * 11C iic
under Michigan tdyia Maize
:,iil Blue xwill wi:n tAP hl 7two
'anLcd the :it'.:'a
f: lo y f rst; c'iv i nn (o: t K 1 I a
y ii; Teei this season. T.: 1'~Ie
''re considered the ui .. . Li
Igvu de that i:> c oo:> iled ':2yer .
If Michigan can beat Cn: oto-
day she will have the 7 oe n colad
held by Northwesten-- iae victor-
ies and no clefeats a ies in I iJ
Tren competition. Ov r-eonllldece
will be the only ciratwba:, -to tine
Wolves today and it would not be
jKipke's system to allow this factor
to enter in.
four of the most. valuable men tht
Coach Kipk e ha, had i-n his race
for the Conference title. Two
others ma,,y wear the Maize; and
Blue for the last timze, Diet they are
still c ?aile for the grid team next
year L~itte J choose to cunr u,.
thei1r stu dies next season.
V/hent (>'ptailn "Ducky"' Slmraii
le:ads fli crew againsct the Maroon
w'rrrntoday it w;'.) be h2is last;
gaine in Conferencee omnpeti dorn.
The little light
"g' ' a<:diaired Kentucky
gridder has been
uk e-, of the out-
. tanldin lmen on
iesquad f or
t .l econs,0cut ive
'~ic s and in this,
5.y 1 ; lat y' i ier< as
> 5 _ ,n the ma in-
S Igti swel
ogle1±12of 1!i
1t 1
N ~) u'4 I1C'9fIct
" t~"~il~d
; itedinl tihe line
t. lay ng a w hiale
end that was
and li s been
a f ame at the
, i
' t
Skating Will Begin at Coliseum;
11K L OIU U H U A I 1 eai~rn to L#umitiuonay. j Siituatioan Has Ciaigled.
IWhen Northwestern conceded the
Several Close Games to Feature Ice-skating facilities of the 'fn-f title in 19215 the situation was not
Easern Schdul as versity Coliseum will be open to the; even similar. Michigan had won
public tonight from 0- 10 o'clock. one mnore game and both teams
Many Teams less. Coach Lowery of the lhoc1.0y team had lost one. The Northwestern
tea game payed in the sleet was won j
Although many of the football announced last night. The same by a field goal and the Wvolves wvent
elevens of the country are resting conditions and prices as those used[ down to a 3-2 defeait, the three
thiswee en, svin thmseveslast year will prevail. Coach Lowery' points being the only ones scored
forther rsoetiv Thni~givnghas supervised the freezing of the f against them. At the time this
forther a terear stll evralrik o Thrsay nd riay ndgame was considered one of the
Dy games;, teeaesilsvrlrn o hrdyadFia n flukes of the season and authoritiesj
games onl the national schedule hopes for a record opening attend- claim that it should never have
that are of major interest to the ance. The rink will also be open to been seriou sly considered because
tests faremasineenfin tonth the public Sunday and every day of the rotten playing conditions
test aremainy cofine to ~hethat made chance the strongest
East and the Middle West though, thereafter during the season. fcor
since the southern and western First call for the Varsity team j
teams have no tilts scheduled for has been issued for Monday night.' NE-LSSVLEBL
this afternoon that have much Lettermen of last year who will Aljhs e h xett
claim to the limelight.Althsmewoexcto
In Michigan all eyes will be cen- appear at the first practice will in- enter teanras in the inter-classj
tered on the crap between the Uni- elude Captain Art Schlanderer, volleyball competition should do
versity of Detroit and Michigan Courtis, Lagden and Toimpkin. Thej so at once, as entries close on
State. The Spartan; will h.'onlho me latter at goaliepoionwsnth December 6. Winners will r'e-
ground arnd they wil rmke the third All -American hockey team. ceive Intramural awards. For
Titans put out everything thoy 1 Ca ptain Sehianderer and Courtis futerifomtincalth n-
have in one of the toughest clashes; are wins's and Langden played at tramural office, 22101.
of the year. The rivalry is high be- center position last year. Coach-
tween these elevens and they a re Lowery is in doubt about the two ~
fairly evenly matched t iti er vacancies left by the graduation of
each having' a strong a'1en Ien Capta in Bryant and Sammy Hart.
On the east c rot Hartvard and Several first -class numeral men
Yale will go for each othiers' th:co"As I from the freshman squad of l asti h J 1S
in a battle that siho'uld be _ moj earsei will be eligible this season.' 512 ;Elst
defensive thian of'iiiv. .Ncitnr [ Reid from Windsor, Crossman of
teamn has macaie iade 'ucdC1 athamn, Ne- w i-avnsvvick, Williams 3EA aN A LdE
this year, ya, e a In Io1C-i't ana and udie from Sault GOOD
downs against A;c. a'~~u iSte. aMfarie formn the nuceleuis of this
(Cen t illu 'c -o < ,~O ) : QUFootball and Sminday
~ ~ Goose with ,Dressing
I 'f-Bone, Pot teri'ht' ?, - v' 'Vli±'±tt SclinwJty
a 'clk l e*cW lie:: evennowi:. " '''' (1lill£aeer -
Wiz, "Duky"' has n~ce r 52s50 } . ; L.ov. un t ilit i
1 l t) C o i nce e ornp }E't i ran 1 '' 1' a'S dise Ovex
-eon the laigest single fmra
1 he majority of the xvii:' ci'ed~ICIta hew
to Ll e Mchigan eleven. maral gTaCL C
Jack 'Wheeler Will also appcea r and 111011 as a. <''~.
for" the has-t time intme Chia-: o later d ev e lo p -;'
game. Jack has been one o t!. e nmnzt he. has ap-
m{ost underrated halfbacks ini hegeared as one of>
country until hie flashed his stylei-, . nd
against Harvard and Minne cia, that ever wing ed
cuctting . way for himself to hhi - n lne. <ax
Conference honors. Wheeler, h ind- ; ' ra d u a t i o z1
el'ed by lack of weight and placving xreula stop Stan aeo r veling.
a teadly me rather than a, flash:y , ' seecond yea-r of Conference
on:e , niap been a tower of strength 1 tiio, bu t he ma return
this season. His dlefensive ability i other season.
is only overshlad- !How ard truer, mentioned as sure
owe~d by iShurail. of all-Conference tackle honors,
andE without a_ I ill also finish thii year. Auer has
c ltibt he is the ...i b""n one o' the 0es all around
bet rond~'play ,rs that-, Kipke has developed
gainer the Wol- this year, w.ith an ability to open
ve~ cn coat.??p, holes as well as spear through
fete Cornwell, .:,;hostuie lines for crushling tackles.
thl good end that: [uer may retiirn next year to coin-
m adie a better 1pletehis studies and be tihe ma u-
C7uard, is a 1 5s0oK 01 of0Wolves for"ardvwall
laigf or the -- -
l ;at t i. c. Lsts
yea.r Cornwell
w a s consideredj
one of the best Fete Cornwell.
ensta ihgnhdadte 1Kipke sent him to the guard post 3
where he has proven one of the
strong points in the forward wall.
Today Pete is the outstanding r;
guard in the Conference and will
only be rivaled by Munn for the SA UR AY M
ne-nor ;selection..
!Lco Draveling, the big tackle,
starts against Chicago in what willl
be his last game in the Big Ten.
Wisconsin and Illinois Should
Finish Close to Indiana
Cross Country Team.
Star cross country runners of the
Western Conference will battle to-
dlay at Urbana in the annual chain-
omionship hill and dale competition
with the harriers of Indian, un -
versity favored to annex titular
honors. The starter's gun will send
the men on their three-mile jaunt
at 10:30 o'clock over the home
course of the Illini squad.
Three teams are considered as
being in the running for the crown
with .Indiana having a slight edge
over Wisconsin and Illinois. Several
other schools have a brilliant indi-
vidual star, but they lack the
necessary balance to take team
honors. Indiana has two stars in
the persons of Leas and Kemp, andl
also possesses a sufficient number
of other capable harriers to make (
them first choice for the chain-
sp ion ship.
Leas finished second to Orval
Martin, Purdue's great distance
runner, last year, and with Maprtini
gone the Crimson artist should take
individual honors this year. Kemp
ran seventh in last year's classic,
and will give Leas capable support
(Continued on Page 7.1
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