SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1930 THE MICUEIGAN DAILY PAGE trrvIY ____ t ,. I i Alpha Xi Delta Ties Kappa Kappa Gamma for Hockey TEAMS WILL P PAGEANT CONTEST ENTAILSA WA RD AGAINJO DECID Contestants Must Depict Woman in World of Affairs. HOKEY CH MPIONS How far have women progressed in business and professional fields? STebest short pageant depicting Neither Team Able To Score their advance ingthese lines will Second Goal To Capture receive a prize of $150, offered by the National Federation of Busi- Hockey Title, ness and Professional Women's' Clubs. BOTSFORD PLAYS WELL 'Local Business and Professional Women's clubs will present the Excellent Teamwork Marks winning pageant as a feature of Cl Contested Game the annual observance of National losely CBusiness Women's Week f r o in As Best of Season. March 3 to 14, 1931. Sirr'e the pageant will be pro- Alpha Xi Delta held Kappa Kap- duced by clubs in small communi- pa Gamma to a tie, 1-1, in what ties as well as those in larger should have been the championship places, it must be suitable for in- game. Due to this tie, however, the door production in a small hall. two teams will play tomorrow at Not more than 50 or 70 people 12:00 to decidethechashould be required in the cast, and -e p .A settings and lighting effects should CHORUS SELECTED NOTED ACTRESS TELLS OF STAGE FOB M ES B[IWCorneliaOSnB . n n f sf" 'W I'welve Women Make up Chorus; Emerson Stiles, '31, Will Direct. COMMENCE REHEARSALS Final selection of one of the women's choruses for the Mimes all-campus revue was announced yesterday by S. Beach Conger, '32, chairman of. the publicity commit- tee. With the choice of the per- sonnel, the regular work of rehear-l sal has commenced. The dancing chorus is composed of Miriam Cortright, '32, Laura Fin- ley, '33, Helen Finnegan, '32, Mar- garet Hapgood, '31, Betty Knight, '32, Margaret Loomis, '32, Lois Mc- Quire, '32, Pauline Milburn, '33, Betty Osgood, '32, Lenore Snyder°, '33, Lucille Strauss, '31, and Vir- ginia Taylor, '33. Emerson Stiles, '31, a member of one of the women's choruses of "Merrie - Go - Round," last year's Union Opera, is directing the chorus. The work of rehearsal is being moved from the Union ballroom to the League building, and practice is held every day from 4 to 6. Mary Jane Busch, '33, is directing the men's tap chorus. Try-outs are still being held for the tap dancing choi'us, and several women are to appear in the skits, although the final selections have not been made as yet. College Students Are W Prepared for Drama. Vell HOPES FOR FUTURE University Women Hear Talk Given at League Luncheon by Prof. E. Brown. PROVINCES SEEK UNITY WINTER FASHIONSr FEATURED AT TEA Commiittee Estimates Attendance Larger Than Usual. The winter fashion show featur- ed at the informal League tea yes- terday afternoon drew a consider- ably larger attendance than is us- Title, i~I WOMEN WILL MEET SUNDAY FOR HIKE Four Mile Distant Cabin Will Serve for Goal Where Group Will Lunch. "Every school girl whose friends tell her she's better than Sarah Bcrnhardt feels the stage calling her," said Cornelia Otis Skinner as ual at League parties, the commit- _ tee which sponsored the tea es- HIKERS WIN W.A.A. POINT timated. A group of four league houses, Gorman, McEachron, Fel- A cn i though a ten-minute overtime pe- riod was played neither team was able to score another goal. The best teamwork was done by Kappa Kappa Gamma, but Alpha Xi Delta was able to tie them be- cause of the excellent defense work of Kathryn McMurray, '31 Ed., Jean Porter, and Jean Bentley; '33. Jean Botsford, '33 Ed., also, starred for Alpha Xi, but because of her speed she had no support from her team. Kappa's goal was the result of a triangular pass: Jane Brooks to Margaret Eaman to Annette Cum- mings. Olive Dawes played a good game on the defense for Kappa. A strong forward line and team- work in the backfield marked Kap- pa as the better organized of the two teams. Nevertheless, Alpha Xi did excellent fighting, and manag- ed to hold their opponent to one goal. The game, although exciting, was full of hard and wild hitting of the puck by both teams. In the second half Alpha Xi showed a remarkable spurt, .and during this time made its goal. The playing after this was in Alpha Xi's territory with Kappa Kappa Gamma rushing hard, but Kappa was not able to break through Alpha Xi's defense. The teams will play again tomor- row to try to break this tie. The hockey banquet will be held Tues- day, and at this the winner will be presented with the silver cup. GROUP SCIIEDULES RIDE FOR SUNDAY Women Interested Are Invited to Join Members. Members of Pegasus and any other women students interested in riding are invited to attend the ride to be held at 9 o'clock tomor- row morning at the fair ground stable of Guy L. Mullison. Those who want transportation to the fair grounds are asked to call Ruth Babbitt at 23225. The next meeting of Pegasus will be held Thursday, Dec. 4, in- stead of Nov. 27 as previously an- be kept simple. If any musical set- ting is desired, the contestant must suggest music already orchestrat- ed. It is preferable that the page- ant include some speaking, and chorus singing may be added if de- sired. Running time should not be more than three fourths of an hour. No restrictions are placed on subject matter, except that the progress of women in the world of affairs should be emphasized, and an simple and forceful message that is easily understood should be carried. she prepared to give her group of "China's optimism for its future impersonations at the Lydia Men- is shown in the answer given by delssohn theatre last night. "As Chinese people when I asked, 'What a matter of fact, it isn't," she fin- will happen?' and they asserted, ished emphatically. Can do! Can do! according to "They think that all that's nec- Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the pol- essary for success on the stage is itical science department, who a good appearance and having gave an address on 'China in played Portia or Ophelia in some iransition' before the Internation- ~Iayd Prti orOphliain oimal Relations group of the Ann Ar- amateur production," she continu- o f heAmris - ed. "On the contrary, a stage ca- ciatbrncof esyme nAsso- reer is the most precarious there nciation of University Women at a is, even for those who have talent luncheon yesterday at the Wo-building and the girl who plans to enter the men Leagu ' builig. theatre should either have an .in- Upon China's ability to settle come of her own, or some other its own problems is dependent the profession to fall back upon." peace of the Orient, and import- "In regard to my own field, tat ant fields undergoing change in- In imrsgationmy, wfeel, that clude the political, attempting to ofiprsonations, I feelthat is establish democracy; intellectual, popularity is very uncertain," she etbihdmcay nelcul said in answer to my question. "Itadopting the new modernscef-_ i-ay be merely the novelty of a is method of investigation; econ- may e m rely the novety f aomic, seeking a type of production one woman show that attracts peo- omic, seekingate of produrtion plenow an itis ardto ellhowthat will enable China to survive ple now, and it is hard to tell how ltthe race for livelihood; and social, long it will last.".g.n, illustrated by the present tendency Miss Skinner has been gi ing ner of young people to own their' imerearsts hespentmor ony homes," said Prof. Brown in effect. years as an amateur in trany "The one word which best des- years ashan Iasat iprepalancribes China's condition is 'transi- tion. "When I was at the Baldwn tion' or 'change,' tne result of the school," she said, "I used to an- impact of young Western civiliza- entertainment in the g an tion upon the old Eastern civiliza- entetaimen inthegymnasium. tUon." I would write it out in the after- "Who controls the country? The noon, and give it that night. Now, obvious answer is the generals of it takes me months to prepare for; the armies, but the Nationalist a performance." government at Nanking is recogni- "Once, while in school," she add- zed as the government for inter- ed, "I played Lady MacBeth to Ann national relations, and is the only Harding's MacDuff. "MacBeth" was one so far as diplomacy is con- the worst play we could have cerned. Waring factions in China chosen for an all feminine cast, are not opposed to the National- but I had alwaysswanted to play ists, but all claim to be the right the sleep-walking scene, and I was interpreters of the doctrines left president of the dramatic club, so by Dr. Sun Yat Sen." we played "MacBeth." "These principles were acknowl- Miss Skinner, who has a well- edge by Dr. Sun Yat Sen to be bas- cultivated contralto voice herself, ed on the doctrine laid down by believes strongly in the necessity Abraham Lincoln in his Gettys- of vocal and. pantomine training burg Address, and they are nation- for the stage. "College dramatics alism, unison of the different ra- offer splendid training in stage cial groups; democracy; and live- mechanics, and are infinitely pre- lihood, standing for the general ferable to a dramatic schoolwelfare of the people MISS DOROTHY KETCHAM EXPLAINS PURPOSES OF HEALTH CONFERENCE L I _i , i I ' r i F t t r 1 ker, and Bannasch, made arrange- ments for the party and the resi- dents acted as hostesses. In addition to the fashion revue, there was dancing from 4 to 6 o'clock; tea was served during this time. Eileen Lester, '33, was gener- al chairman of the tea, and was assisted by a committee from the league houses. One more League tea will be giv- en before Christmas. This will be held on Friday afternoon, Dec. 12 in " the ballroom of the League building. The social committee has not chosen the house which will be hostess. Russian Tea Room Has Entertainment Feature Mrs. Debbie Dunkirk of Scotland is now in the Russian Tea Room -at the League building, reading tea leaves and doing some work in crystal reading. Mrs. DunkirK will read every afternoon except Sun- day, and the tea room will be kept open from 7:30 to 9:30 on week nights and later on Friday and Sat- urday nights. Mrs. Dunkirk has specialized in this sort of reading for several years, having appeared in benefits and bazaars sponsored by members of the nobility in Europe. She has been in Detroit recently, and her stay here will last indefinitely. While Mrs. Dunkirk is in Ann Ar- bor, Miss Caroline Potter, of Barton Hills, will act as hostess in the tea room. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona, Underwood, Barr-Morris, Remington, Royals. We have all makes. Colored Duco Finishes 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 w o m e n's A ei I c1 £Issolia on members and all others who are planning to attend the hike and steak roast tomorrow are asked to meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing in the Lounge of the Women's Athletic building. The group will hike to the for- estry cabin, a distance of about 4 miles, and will eat dinner there. They plan to return by 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Any students interested in hiking or in earning W. A. A. points are invited to join the hike. One W. A. A. point is given for each mile hiked, and five points are neces- sary to active membership in W. A. A. Those who intend to go and have not already signed one of the posters in Barbour gymnasium and the Athletic building are asked to do so by noon today. Audrey Callandar, '33 Ed, is in charge of all plans for the hike. Assisting her are Lelia Hendricks, '33, Dorothy Davidson, '33, Helen Brener, '33, and Florence Bon- steel, '33. If You Want Some- thing Lovely for A SOUVENIR OR GIFT Stop at MERRICK'S Temporary Display at 310 South State Street. Exquisite Heirloom Chinese Rugs, Brass, Jewelry, etc. MRS. H. B. MERRICK Problems of School, Home Life, Play and Work Observed by Social Service Heads. "The Child Health and Protection Conference," states Miss Dorothy Ketcham, who is attending the one which is being held this week at Washington, D. C., "is concerned with all problems pertaining to children-children at home, at school, at play; children at work; child race problems, problems con- cerning the prevention of the neglect of children. They have assembled people from agencies, clubs, and committees to meet to- gether and study all that they are doing so that they can form a basis for the exchange of informa- tion on everything that relates to the care of children. "The first of these conferences was held in 1909 because Mr. Roose- velt was asked to see what could be done in the line of the 'care of children. Out of this conference came the principle that children should not be taken away from their homes because of poverty. The home means a great deal to us. Sometimes they are broken up; but nevertheless the fact remains that they are our homes and we are an intrinsic part of them. As a result of this principle came the Mother's Aid relief which has grown as a standard of child care. Out of that also came the Children's bureau, a dren's problems throughout the country," she said. "The present conference is muchk more extensive," Miss Ketcham stated. "Committees have been at work all year studying the prob- lems of children and devising plans for correcting these problems. Much will be done at this convention towards correlating all the infor- mation brought in by the various committees and sub-committees, and towards forming new plans for the aid of children. "Of course," said Miss Ketcham, "our greatest interest in the con- vention is the effect it will have on us in Ann Arbor. F I nounced. government agency studying chil- An Amazing Offer: Merchants everywhere cus- tomarily hold up prices on Holiday Goods until Christmas Day, and then, after Christmas is over, make January Clear. ance Sales at Sacrifice prices. But now comes William Wade Hinshaw with the an- nouncement that University Music House (601 E. William St., Ann Arbor) will make a Special Sacrifice Sale BEFORE Christmas this year instead of After Christmas, making the Christmas shopper's d o 1I a r worth about twice as much in purchasing power. He offers patrons the chance to buy im- portant Christmas Gifts as in former years, even though they may have less money to buy with on account of the business depression. CHOQSEYOUQ \i ~(* ZW ER DLJING'S even with coats longer and wider. In fact, the extremely interesting price advantage of Novem- ber, 1930, are greater than in many years. And no one can foretell how high fall and winter prices will be on the same coats. ~II'I I'lr All Goods in the Store Without Reserve are to be sold regardless of character or price at Discounts of from 20% to 50%. Every- thing in the store is to be Sac. rificed B ef o re Christmas! $50,000.00 worth of the finest musical instruments, large and small, and sheet music, books and records are to be sold at unheard-of prices for Christmas Gifts. Pianos, radios, phonos, records, saxophones, banjos, guitars, violins, clarinets, horns, harmonicas, ukuleles, drums, musical toys, music rolls and instruments c a s e s, strings, bones, etc. Everything Musical marked down Until Christmas Day! Prices never before heard of by the Holiday Buyer. Gen- erous allowance for your old piano. Good used pianos as low as $25.00 to $50.00. Credit extended to all responsible people. Sale Begins Monday, II II 11111 IL 111111