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November 22, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-22

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-- --- a - -


Un iversity


:a t ; j


hx periment ti n


Literary College Students Will
be .equciied to Complete 1
Two Programs.
steri ng lreshmisen Must Decide
Upon Geneal Program to be
cFo ~oc by Degrce Work.
While tlc Univenitky of Chicago
is beinm heralded as a. leader in
sponsoring a new and radical plan'
in the field of education and teach-
ing, th U Lnivcity of Michigan,
University of uators pointed out
yesterday, is following its "plan of
development governed by careful-
ly controlled experimentation."
In the ne-r future, and perhaps
nett fall, tucerift2 entering the
University wil fae atogether dif-
fer ent regulations in determining
the co u rse they will follow
throughot their college career.
Fians Two Courses.
The plan, which requires stu-
denta to complete two programs, a
goqneral program and a degree pro-
gramn before obtaining a degree,
ias been passed by the faculty of
he literary college, and will go in-
to effect as soon as details have
been sufficiently established
fTie frcghman, upon entering,
will deei do upon a gene~al program
Which he will continue throughout
h js first two years in the Ufniver-
sity. The doeree program; which
will by followed during the junior
And senior years, -will be the basis
for w general piogram which ,will
Gonshst of 60 hours of work suitable
forD fc lncn and sophomores.
The terna degree program is un-
derstoodl to mean 60 or more hours
of w7i.r~ suitable for junior andI
spplir, arranged to include a ogi-
cal sequrence 'of courses in some one
field, together %ith required or
suggested courses in related fields
and a number of free electives.
The plan will necessitate everyl
student' majoring', in a certain field
which h6.c willelect upon entrance.
It will bhe impossible for any stu-
dent to gadute upon the cmple-
tion cf a geeral four-year pr-
general programns: Depatmns
or corn ai.i:tio ?~of departments
formuliting d Cegree lpi0 '.am s ,hall
also svtte what courses are desir-
able i the freshman and,' ocho-
more years as funishnmdiabl
preparation for t'7cc degree pro-
(''nera Panrsam lan led.
XWbile it is recognized that some
deg-re , progaranS, such as those
lcadin; to a profession, may neces-
rliatc the statement of rather rig-
idpecifx requirements to be met
ini the frst to ye'rs, the prere-
ciiti- for me t degree programs
cani be st oted in mo e gen-
eial toruns. The c ur r icu lu m
com.,ittee, with this: material in
hand, hall frmnulate whatever
num b,,r of general programs s.eemis
ieces{ary. It is expected that per-
h~ls12 general programs may be
szifticic t to ,lad to I J) degree
pro grans.
Each deartment may formulate
as many degree programs as it
is necessary for the needs of
the 'student., having in mind not
merely those who have a vocation-
al intereuti in the subject, but also

thiose whose interest is purely in-
t celetual. D~egree programs n')aay
also be for-mula ted by two or more
ci tr rcntfs of ering work in re-
lated hfild's. Tileccoimittee on
t&u rei Lrr is responsible for the
1Ydr~rul{fi on of additional degree
progranw) of a gore general na-
'The plan further §,ta tes that
cve i~egular student who is ad-
m.ittedl either directly from high
cholo: on:" radvanced standing
with less than 60 hours credit nmust
-hse nd coulete a (general
program a_ pr.para ion for fur-
ther work in the college. The ap-
licant must spcecify the degree pro-
g'mwhich the :student desires to
When the plan goes into effect
the requirements for graduation



.rations of cpsGroteresj What's CTEYVALV
U W I CT of' Strangest River m the N~i cln.o. t n__
4 Associated i ersse) ,- I A 2


P OS TO4I NA, Italy, Nov. 21.-'s : 'V bja f
Soundings, explorations, excava- a r @U dine
tions and curious experiments in-/
tracing the courses of uandergrounzd s: _'' Pa/r
stream, have started to reveal see- dI
retse of the laysteriot us grottos of Y I-° Posoja
Postoina. s s
Two miles of weird'caverns, with )I'
bottomless lakes and ice-cold sub- ' UNEPRQ4 UND
terranean falls arid rivers, remain RIVER
to be explored. They are hidden Q rt
behind a wall of rock whie;h Italian
engineers are now penetrating. 4' I b E
Four and a half miles in a;
straight line fromn the pincioal en-
trance of the grottos begisan '. a, the:..
abyss, the Della Piuca, where the
new work is going on. Tourists h-ave
been Cable to work their way, always>
wihtriedgyys t hi oit
but never beyond."47'<
A thousand feet across the abyssk a:.
the Piuca stream, already t26C feet r::. > ; .>.
below the roof of the c a v e r 1}._. ......,., "
plunges under a rock wall and is.
lstoview. From the churning::><." . .
and roar of the water it is called ' <s"':r" .... " i.'\ ,
hee"the siphon." :.":
It is this rock wall that engineers:;.;:::::":. ::::::;: :::> -::..>:>::--< ,:,:
under lavaliere Perco, director ofi
the grottos, arc seX ng to pierce. ;::;.,:.:<;:. ..L:",:.:. ::,.:::.. .;.: .
Beyond, they believe, they w:_ find'
scores of grottos as big and beauti- The last glimpse that the tou,11'n g's oshe~n w1 u underground r i e: Of th caveI'n~s 0'
tul :as those already .in view. And is shown in lhc lower '~ c orner i he poto graph. Vin!:c1- is a zniap indica~t t hw -2.he stC~re
they thin they "will learn some- unider' the mounn ranges be .twcein P-aan .',;,..1 '> l( !)R z ally <a timrL ai'y of the Sava.
thing 'more of the' mystical me-
anderings of one of the strangest a nd half mniles awry. It crosses : uR-, z'ic nph it i ixJd by unaki
rivers in the world, jthe Jugoslavia._ frontier under the 111c .! c c (1 'h.C' aiYX2S, c ;;_
Near this town are four rivers Pame, of the Unc-'a river, and once !uC 'si, '±c&. jbAICY C p 105 E- 1.... ' 1'IU\ .it ul. wring.
without beginning or end. For a more dives below ground in the cn'.:'a al<'" "e -l al What ~Vjdwill c'..xi~thae fol.
whi'e they flow like other streams, Pianiina caverns. h2.:so'}} . t 2:;COi le?: 1.' C rehI it '....Fut tim. n C ay. lie
and then, tired of the Sunlight and This should be enough for any svr and a 1I- mile wandc'nin" ( . oc vhl havea
the open, plumge into the lower re-1 bad river, but not for the Piuca. It thisj l th e vicox1o caverns. ~u'-nt hwttoouz
.gions. ce-gigs to light againl at Li ubij nica, t 2. 'i ec' c c va'ao:i- tL y, id not dulicflate
By putting coloring materials in j and emnpties into the Sava, thoe{rnss_(a4 eCI r .-s 11 ruilli n ;o f 0o.: Intlx:; world. Alreadiy
the Piuca' river, °engineers have great tributary of the Danube. "Thus ! _, G1iz v all Aoo,,on a sentinel tces a:ie s . enorm~ous that 1l
learned that the river' which .dis- the co loring material tnrown 'into; is cc rsn tnLiv c- dul'.- t t61toe}o i rCl rC } ;11lave gsthmere
appears under the wiall of rock at the Piuca in the grottos of -1o: toi_ a the abys i^ give in _ ailt alavrm ifit j 1 to eat' C "an2d rcxesh
the foot of the abyss emerges seven cros ses Jugoslavia,. Buiga,.i anadj h"c.'J aLiLYmrse. dirctcd by _Mascagni.

w~aiagr r ~vc~g~ i~cprtofn


C-op:cmative ls .iyin.

esLe ove, Cip'dva', n
"Checuk and Deublo Check."
{ 'la-t i-FPi D'O say and Clyd'.eIj
Coo'k --nv,"Wome, N 'LvWerywh9.'" ailso
"Wi~c' i~xof 1 aiihari.'

advaugo isH (-oportun ty it
gies thep'h ers test out
manihnes C o X: adJohn F.
Mf '._kr,,, mn' ge . theCentral
SA .^ r l i a i n i d r 7 . y s e d y
~AakaYVi'I~t Ol O 0C 12 'aib.

9 vAt OgI ~ p b u i n g a nld 'u r-
ii~~eni'-~l1fla~ uion 9unilth(or . iata ,t 1'thesytem. By
12 o chelockki.g pur-
z anciing' - M ihianLeaf.uet s oCh t: ie l .'b, St ors O-
until 12 o'clock. tsn owr ries 'il cc reuet-
Football ---Michigan vs. Chican,'o ly ~y aalee)t1' ag plans of the
at the Stadium, 2 o'clock. I in <;n n.Aohe eefto
Frcec Shc ws-M\ichigan and Ma- the rxtmpj~ talw h e-
jestic theatres at 11 o'clock ii' taiha o l vie stock which
lMJichigan defeats Chicanco.. ;WZi;! iv:.'u t ~ti iceo, aird yet
12p e' !tmljn-Xost Field House. have his;, e~ I
'cl;c'".I- 1i" rnLil- _r oeco--opera-
lidibi-SnalAmericans-,-ip- 1 ie 1,uyin ' di~gi ' u x v as that by
I ture, open daily until 5 o'clock, I vLfl 0c 00c,, m <t' ailers assemble
north gallery, Alumni Memiorial ]argti c 0OL t .'";aI: bids for fill-
hall. in' f n.,:. 'a took up the
, tcnarbatemi s't~Tm ,a.Ci 1a e plan of pur-
buros ivorcssuare prohibited by the : ai Y, style irleheudls .through
state constitution of "South Caro- i'?'.rtle hla n r,,ying onthe
Lpriciously . -.--._ _ _ _ _
.at leas
.re PFe Lc. I.
a na tural_
i stS thati 3
anlywhere i
the grot- I
thousands c,
eel w~ithin
:a concert
--russlan iaioo

1 i

Northwestern Has Already Won ;It -is doubtful if Coach iip c il

F dZ~AZ&F ~~:14

All1 Conference Games. us he asnggm1~he
won most. of the battles this Vyear
(Continued from Page 1) to any great exte-nt todlay unleass
vaunted Maroon ,passing attack ?something goes ,'adlecli c,1 i - =
which has made them potential if w1,ith the po ..er attack wvhich he has
not dangerous opponents. In prac- been working on all ,v 1111!. Newt -
tice this past week Coach Kipke 5aspa ses Ihave showed as:t ndt-
has devised 'a defense formation one; to no astray h n the as< t to
against passes which has found E ganies, and-'.int :ne' rg i.,n onl
little dirnculty in solving 'the over- nrmean disaster to th:?I pS. bulk
head atitack. On the other hand up after long a nd ad 7s1
Ch icago has had trouble With' an1 ;theoarorf lboth the o a: n
opponent's passing game all year. the cc cs.
and it is doubtful if they have 'ruin jWhTen the ga:.is r P; oVeCcv.
up against a passer' of Newman's at Il a "-3t fou, 'lrr o i a t .s ,
ability. wi11 have cdoused then.? l" anc
Just last week while Michzigan kIue uniform i on' tho rlas tKti'5.l
was humbling Miinnesota 1-0, *Il- " Captain Sinirall, Wh 'nc f e ? D""vrel-
nois took 'the measure of the Mi.> i,, and Cornwell a ll insaru y1e p i
wtay Varsity to the tune of 28-0.: their allotcd period o?' tiru n-11Jh
Py adding scores this gives the I 7etern Conference~, and an urrn
home team an advantage of more in 1> ir suits v ith the thou tht that,
'than thirty point; this after noonthey veco,-mple.. ua task w1 i'
but it is doubtful if the Wolves w''done.;;,obe ncnid rG;" the teamn.
roll up ,any such count. All year 1 with tine osiblle ex c-p Jon o,'11LA, r
their game has been to get a lead and H-oze - will a7<OJ1 rlbo seen o-,
and then sit back and defend it. the Ml iehigaf,' ridiro n irn easo
This type of game may not gather Coach Stagg has one ;;taz : a(1>,
in the impressive' scores, but it winsoVann Nice by namy~e who W;l 'ns
ball games, and after all that is considerable trouble fur the MIoTr-
what championships are decided e1 15CC if he is able t.; Uino h
upon-games won and lost. gaine, but lie has been suf enin,7
from injuries all season, and c r4= '.
will be changed to read, "At least not be in condition to p~lay. Agoinist
160 hours and at least as many ;his one :tar wirill be pitted pit shusi eea r-adHdso otWi v o11n'
giam and at least 60 hours and at rated high in predictions for All-
least as many points in a degree ! monfereince pl: ° s, an1d whno c L11 f;(e
p~rogram" must b completed for dlepend ed upon: to gain ground
gradution.when it is nee ded. Sinii'all is at
For same students there will be great defensive back, and oin
one sonmester of overlapping work nffense is one of the best blocke.r;
as only a few will get through theonteea.Hswrhoth
general program with exactly 60 team cannot be underestimated.
hours. The division of the work of An interesting phase of the gamej
such semester between the general will be the appearance oi Coachx
programx and degree will be left to Stag7"s's son at the (iuaterbaok'
the, option of the student. How- position ifo' then )V'arts. H1s1. vok
ovecr, the evredit for 'a course, both will be v\'1 cilCclo;sely th is af~t'-
iIU IA .<,. .nlJ. i fJ..J. . gnnn,1...tAA t , J. 4sn S noon

i 0ci i 575 C
b o vce."/ihe dc'
tics r : i13he1Nvem
,.len DWc L tis7,. f1a'n 0
t;-e <'" e r I u '.iO' o,
1,is he 1 i 7"a i(7V c 101
befee ison .. - of ( '"'
(-V L ..,.1

honras 'iysrr -z Eill address
lb t Undcrgraduate M ? atireinatical
club n"I robability in Dice" at
_i :.C ;iar irrnci gr'Tuesday night,
225, In < i" of tire Union.I
BI iei 'vlioale. ~
rln4 c iten~ed Yesterday, that
t -cubl, which is a newly founded
( san tit .-1 itlr ove-r 75 ruemn-bcr's
U; 1 C I ofri. ! greetings timu
P'' l 'suty . v thcrn1 c Iealcl ub.
ut.sOld--nb(Ja'gor, in1Structor of
A f __t~S 1' ffov-1f-'uadiso'r.


tea. leaf readings from
1:30 to 6:00
Beery day except swiday
crysia a ~ngs~eig




_ _. ,


r I 1

Daily at
I?' 3:40, 7, 9

6 "OW
1- E ELh

ctt's: ior

.. -"i_._
10 ..:7..

15~~~1 0 N. C '.. '.

f tK

BRIGR-KiC oi".9
802PAKA.Ipry" 1~

,1 3
t 1.
- .


- y ..i 4i C 3

A.N )

' aes the
Snap piest
rent of
Going Days!

r .

and eacti course elected, with its
hours and points, must be counited
in either the general program or
tire degree program.
When tire pl :n goes into effect,
a permanent- committee on pi'o-
grams will be established atnd'will
have supervisioil of the adminis-,
Fixation of both types of programts.
All requies-s to chlange from one
degree program to another must
be submitted to this co1mmi tee,
and students whose interests arej
not satisfied by any of the regular
degree programs 'may atppeal to it.

®. :


X b, 4,v
fE ¢ r I , (LQ ti i

;11 of Youth,
iviarvel With



+nL rgreat roadway Musical Smiasl
(7Lee31 and Fun is n'ow a Talkiei




I -





cz~sie Love and Gus Shy
(They're a rio.)
Mary 'Lawlor
(Sipi was in the stage hit)
Cliff Edwards
(FiT-ar him singy "I'm Pessimistic")
Stanley Smith--Lola Lane

yo~u'll Be
"CC c', kit P i ' #o Cl7ke X'ou
4-I v.p
"IT, You're N' 'Kssinig M..2'
'73;> :d News"
Licil y In Love"
"Varsiy Drag"
:The Best Thin y in L~ife Are Free"
"That's How You Know We're
"He's a Ladies' Mans"
"Walk Collegiate"


"u~rlhiY7M 'L'717 Arn


. ,._._.-,r.. _-___

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