D THE MCIA DA ILY' TUESDAY, ?~?TI , . .. .. ..a ,.... ._. _ _ __ .... _, s .. _ -_ -. - _-- --- .. - - .- endezvous at Fresh Air Camp A tten ded by Eighty Flreshmen IJnY- MEMB ERS EIGFIT Y FRESHMEN PARTICIPATE CAP1IE BSO j5UNIVERSITY FRESH AIR CAMP GIVES !Colors IN ANNUIAL RENDEZVOUS AT CAP_ BSO DETROIT BOYS HAPPY VACATIONSj Christ ACTI Concluding the largest and most TAKE A TIVE ART~ FTER B A~/ FlsPfasTn of its existanc,1 the rest being provided by welfare~dn o W E r theUniversity Fresh Air camp organizations and friends of the 1 WASH t T Bogm prvide 11P~ sucesable a wholesome and enjoy- proect. 4dn o f i ablevacation to 476 underprivil- I Close to 20 university men, in -' fourth cl AT ANNUAL AFFAIR ~~~~~~ ~ liliam Leonard, Oho Diocese , eged boys from Detroit and Ann cldn1ay aheic laes ttst Y_ _yI Passes Away at 32 From I Arbor. The camp, under the dire-; drce h ciiie fteyugahg s+ , ~~~~~~~~~~~tion of Theodore Hornerger, ofdietdheaivisofheyugaueI esne Problems Discussed { b Heart Trouble,h nlshdprmnt a pi campers. The new equipment, in-i when t ladygadat Leaders ! ated for the first time in five se-,cuignn ewselr ot just beg ss^ , WAS NATIONAL FIGURE tions, each of which lasted two; and a new play ground outfit~ was chri at Gathering. __ k. which was provided through ther, Se COM ITTElAPOITED, t. 22 - The The operating expenses were $, generosity of friends, was used a C M ITE AP NTDI.GAMBER, ., Sept 2- 5h 00 owhhmrtan$,0ws get deal and added to the en- te Hoo «... death of Bishop William A. Ieonard deferred by the fund raised in the joyient and recreation of the boys. ; iewir Rend~ezvus Club to be Perman-::,ri < r' of the Diocese of Ohio has deprived; campus Fresh Air Drive lastMy Those in charge my of the Camp atf featsa S~ . ~- ~ ttth . .~Patterson Lake felt that the pu- Hoovert ett.Ogaiato.o By tePrtstn EpiscopalChcho'-1 pose of the camp was successfully 1 presiders Attending d. ,one of its most noted leaders. SCA r § i i fulfilled this year. Almost all thie Daimh a ___ Bsofenrw o dpesid- Club "f C~soPI3 osfo the city who attended} cost $61 th~nul rsm the vrth hodocs o 2 s i~cmp went back strengthened- t vousat Lake Patterson last he eighty freshmen pictuu ed above were attendants at the annual years, died at his summer home. Plans for the formation of aj physically and wizth a new outlook New fWed, more than 80 selected mem- camp rendezvous which was held over the week-end at Lake Patterson. here Sunday from heart trouble: Freshmen Dining club, whereby a on life. The wholesome food andf than L b sothe class of 1934 becameI Today these men augmented by some 1900 other stdents entering the 1 and the infirmities of old age. He group of first year men would eati outdoor life built up the under- I g an id1ed ,with Michigan" tradi-1 University for the first time, began their five days' orientation weeki was 82 ears old. al their meals together, are being! nourished 'bodes of the campers. timated. M~bs and life on the campus' program. Theend came after a courageous, complee ru icsin n n ih.Hsdahhdbe xetdAscated by the Student Christiani while, wat was of more signify- thrug gou dscusinsan i- fgh Hs eah hd ee epete,Asci ion, according to an an- ane perhaps, was t e contact, DC^ fraasoitoswthe Rtndezn il Boisofon Ad e apparedy since Friday night, but nouncement made yesterday by that the boys mane with the Uni- contains 4"dor ti~na laiaioswThstudent Boieslo lhI ' PtAift~eiapparedto rally and regained Fenelon W. Boesche, '31, president versity m~en who acted as their ;n ane ( voues, sponsored by the Student, U U huh . iYI1t onrdy$r~eiseveral times. He o h sscain counslors and vadvisors. The boys iiffit t Christian association, w s held at' ee.l sn eprtJu we n Although a considerable discus-1themse lves voted the camp a hgaI a unv rit es b C m at ir'9 0 M h U osoaokPes)! e w ssrik n w ie rp rn o thanfvoe h sabih e t suc s n op d t e u n lxiG O ]~sdsotiigako ldeof CONUIJ U0i U11C he Swd4h gu botIk a class. It was the first time in his!ls such a group for the past year. l teieso tinn a k o le g NNtt w dih g nb a S e s su cseveral years, this is the first at-______________________ "~~us activities , the boys, w ho b a i g t e b d e n e i s o h 42 years as a bishop th at he had! t m t t a yt i g of t i n t r Weie' highly recommended to the Marquis to be First Speaker on air pioneers, Salomon August An-1pointment. H M fietokeacofraina-since 1922. It is expcted that such G R A rnv~i y ig scoold rep Series Sunday at Hil drcee Nils" Strindberg and Ktl He was nationally noted fohi a project would go a long wayG. erbc 51 EatW schoal pincb ighlschfomed fred gn', r itowards providing independnt first: .G~rah,52Es shpsamngthmslvs ha wllI udtoiu~ rake ariedhee t oo tdaHe published a number of booksI year men with an opportunity of We Serve Par prol~aly last throughout their col- Ith escorted by the Norwegian govern-f and magazine articles. Itorming intimate friendships in a; lege days. In addition to the camp- f Opening the series of monhyI ment steamer Michael Sas and i Services Tuesday.1 congenial atmosphere among their { GOOD HOME CO tie talks and group discussions, Sunday night convocations spo-i many sealers, fishing boats and cut-1 Brief services will be held here1 classmates. ,~L1i swi ig, boating, baseball, horse-. sored by the Convocations :commit-ltmro1n tebd ae t h lbwllsatSpebr29 ui C Lke i< 3n er oran anerae wreadil tee of Ann Arbor, Dr. S. 8. Marquis! Great crwswrIsebe Cleveland, where it will lie in state with a special table reserved at lV aSek n atMTrinity Cathedralantilmfinalone of the local restaurantts. A'e l te k n .Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven ad-; Crsfnuci rnbok I along the quays to greet the fun- services are held Thursday after-1 Young unmarried faculty member T-flone-Porterhouse dressed the first year men on the j address an assembly at 7:30 o'clockf era ship as it passed. The people 'l noon. Members of the House of1 will preside at the table although subject. of "University Life" onj Sunday evening in Hill auditorium I stood with uncovered heads while i Bsos are expected to attend theI the mealtime gatherings will be Sttfda~ moring Oter seakrsi he onvcatin wich in ria- church bells tolled a sorrowed wel- funeral. Burial will be beside the entirely informal. It is thought that Weiner Schntitzel Suei t a cultrn in lOteProfeakers nte nve oatnwhe ls f 13, fcome and.all buildings flew flags at, body of his wife In a crypt at the the cost of the board will be ap- (Pr rVa hp Fil#ding H. Yost, director of ath- wilthe ae irt nd td for'o athedral. proximately $6.50 a week. ,Iw rV~ 1os.... letics, Prof. Philip Bursley of the th churches reigou ogan ________ Round Steak ... . . . romnance languages department, izations of Ann Arbor. Reprlgosresenta- - Cone in and bring :he zan J.. A. Bunsley, Prof. Preston tives from the Student Council, the THANK YOU Sfsson of the history department, Women's League, the St u d e nt LAST TIMES TODAY - Prtif. F H.-Menefee of the engineer- Christian association, the Minste- ------_ in~~~~~~~~~~ ~~college, and Ira M. Smith,! rial association o n road/Pooly CteY a registrar of th e U n iversity. D octor ran o bn A ssisoran td o P_- 0 Student leaders, each of whom the President and representing theJ was the leader of a cabin, directed administration, form the commit-1 NI wT ~r.~7~NOW Informal discussions on the follow- tee who will sponsor the assemblies.) +ANN HAR ING I N rHO~L.IAY" I SHOWING- in~ topics; fraternities, athletics, The series of convocations, ex- IIE V3E O TNM R SO camipus activities, social life, stud- tinfrmSpebrutlMy w n inne ill be held on the fourth SundayI1 _ night of each month in Dili aud-I Tana an effort to k eep the boysI torium. Attempts will be made by t O T E T who ateddteRnevu 0the committee to secure leading 1 WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY ether the rest of their days in col-I speakers from all sections of the l L EIO P O lege, a permanent organization country. In an effort to make the eale h edzosCu as DOUG. FAIRBANKS JR. L.OfRETTA "YOUNG clletd ithe en ezv oc w entire series a religious assembly stre.E~h eoefo a yet retaining the non-sectarian IL cabin, were elected to the executive ( character of the meeting, the out- In hselM commttee. The committee will j standing ministers of the country, rarry on the work of the organiza- regardless of their religion, will beaS.,CO I GF I ion as well as arrange for ,all social secured.IJ functions and meetings for the The convocations Sunday has " L o o s e k coming year. Those selected were: been designated the Freshman con-f Thomas Ellerby, chairman; Ken- vocation, because it is intended to l neth Luce, Orville Aronson, Albert provide the first year men with I, Kramer, Lloyd Nyman, John Key- an opportunity to become acquaint-j LOUISE FAZENDA OTIS HARLAN i ser, Lloyd Garrison, and Sherwood ed with the nature of the services. t Messner. o oo coorIo EDDIE NUGENT Transportation to and from the 1 i-b camp was provided by two Univer-jf "ISw.. xt a aca creen C Featare8 iktukoeR .T .tuka - } The old Dix again-swinging straight from Vtr adKyaiscuso n ~ his greatest :dramatic smashes with a crashin Arbo,"and townspeople. IV , All the student leaders who at- Saturday, September 27th tended this year's Rendezvous were I ( Unaniiou in their approval of the 1 CLAUDETTE COL BERT FREDERIC MARCH r- v- --.. .................. way thre gathering was conducted.I Phone 4298 PLGVE.O fNE EIO A2 AaOWERFUL IS CANDID)ATE FO SATE IJ CARAGE "IManslaughter" 17A AMATIC HIT! (By~ AsocatdJ'esI]SOR G QALLUP, N. M., Sept. 22. -New _______________________________________ Meixico s govrnor, RcharduC. l- I M oving, _____________________________________TODAY THROUGH WE torney, appeared as leading con- of all-i nd~s gilI tenders for thme Republican nomi- e 25 ,Years of Knowing How -1I111 nation for United States Senator a s treWahos an Ofc T IL 1f t ie party's state convention opened t eadN. 117 North First Street "; 1111 "'4 )sere tdaY. o +o= - !o <_N1111A'0 ado Dani Proipct teased for ,Hoover (I p .ornccPt ts- JNGTON, Sept. 22-Presi- over last week became the hief executive of the United ahave his name applied to power or irrigation project ie so-called Boulder Dam, ,un in the Colorado iver stened by Ray Lyman Wil- retary of the Interior, as ever Dam. ig these great enineering s memorials, o'sdent is the most favoredf the ts so honored,Te oover cording to estimates, will 5,000,000 when co~xpleted. York has more telephones ndon, Paris, Berlin, Petro- id Rome combined, it is es- 'TIONARV OF CHEMICAL. EQUATIONS twelve thousand completed and hemical equations, classified and or re~cy reference. It is no more find a desired equation in this it is to findl a word in the stand- rnary. RE WAHR-BOOKSELLER 05lNorthNain Street :OOV IG illiam Street ties 0KING 65c Chops a--Sirloin 55c 45c 45c Family LILA d LEE the shoulder and topping ig red-blooded action ahowi "DNESDAY Weelk I Dancing During Alit eals GENERAL POLICY Daily except Sunday 50c LUNCHEON 7I A. M. to 2 P. M. 75c DINNER 5 P. M.to 8P. M. TEA DANCE DAILY Except Saturday and Sunday 3 P. M.to 5P. M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS SPECIAL DINNER, $1.00 SEWVING II A. M. to 8 P. M. EVERY EVENING A-La Carte and Fountain Service 8 P. M. to Closing CONTINUOUS DANCING Nilefiganleg for Excelen Fod 35c Luncheon and 50c Dinners Cafeteria Each Day and Monkey business is great! Sm ile stocks, are booming! Only Old Man Gloom is out of work! When the most delight- ful nuts that ever escaped strait jackets come to town in their brand new cyclone of comedy. Funnier than "The Cocoanti ts." The whole town is shriek- ing with laughter when they see the merry, mad new Creations of :T H Y tI j :. .AA RC 4.I f T H E I 'A iml Crackers 0-91 zramount 9iciue tillF1lIlltf llilliltllil[,1111 111 H t PERSONNEL IIliIIfIIliIfIIIIIII111111t1111111811, r33 ". til . e .T 4 I i 1 IIII + I