PAGE FOUR TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21 1930 - -----.----- -- ~ -, --, ---- Pubisedevery moning except Monday luring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association, The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis Matches credited todit or not otherwise credited to thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May :ard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, x1214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper Mews Editor ................Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor................Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor. ......Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books..... .Wn.' J. Gorman Assistant City Editor......Harold 0. Warren Assistant News Editor. G harles R Sprowl relegrnlb Editor..........George A Stmiiter Wm. F. Pyper ..Copy Editor S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy, Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. (rving J. Blumberg T'homas N. Cooley George Fisk Morton 1Frank Saul Friederg Frank B. Gilbretb Jack Goldsmith Roland Goodman James 11. Inglis Denton C. Kunze Wilbur J. Myers Robert L. Pierce Lynne Adams Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Elizabeth Gribblt Emily G. Grimes Elsie M. Hoffmeyer jean Levy Dorothy Magee Mtary M~l Sher M. Quraishi Jerry E. Rosenthal George Rubenstein Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert Robert F. Shaw Edwin M. Smith George A. Stauter Alfred R. Tapert Parker T erryberry Tohn S. Townsend Robert D. Townsend Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Jean Rosentha'l Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright of quietly working toward an im- provement of methods, without precipitate or drastic change, to look askance and even resent the action of a more radical faculty. But if Chicago's action is radical, it is also well-considered and based upon the researches of some years duration. The chief lesson for Michigan, at which virtually all of] the ideas set forth in the Chicago' project, is the example of specific and consumate action. Perhaps this is the difference between those who rely upon the trial and error method of accomplishment and those who survey a slow-moving evolutionary progression. AN INTERNATIONAL hOUSE The Student Christian associa- tion's recent proposal to make of Lane hall an international house is an action warmly to be commend- ed. As a solution for one of the campus' acute, thought not always apparent, problems it stands out in clean-cut relief from the muddle of dilitory activities with which this organization has burdened itself and the campus for some years. The plan is to reconstruct Lane hall, enlarging the dormitory space and replanning the present foyer and recreation rooms to conform more nearly with the needs of the foreign students. Engineers are at present testing the p o t e n t i a 1 strength of the building and mak- ing estimates of the project's cost. The proposal has the active support of the administration and in fact precludes a need for any official action toward making similr pro- visions elsewhere. Through the country and the world, Michigan has been of high repute for its cosmopolitanism and encouragement to foreign students. This move is definitely toward the working out of the ideals of prac- tical internationalism. In harmony with fellow students from fifty na- tions, a dweller in this house could well lay claim to the title, Citizen of the World. Following the success of similar projects at Columbia and at the University of California, we earn- estly hope that this enterprise will be completely realized for the ad- vancement of a more tolerant and liberal campus spirit toward inter- national amity. 1a Editorial Comment - -~ SOPHISTICATION (From The Daily Princetonian.) A retrospect of the last 20 years or so of college life in the East presents a series of rather startling, changes. Before the War, colleget (according to report) was a self-t contained sort of place where un-1 ________________ ________________________ ______________ jr .,I -- -- -11 CANDY {i i k I CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER TLIE DON ( :3SA(i CHIORUS Cornelia Skinner brings her "com~ A Review by WJliam J. Gorman plete theatre" to the Mendelssohn Theatre tonight beginning prompt- One of the largest audiences of ly at 8:15. John Mason Brown of the the year was enthralled last night Theatre Arts magazine, writing at by some extraordinary singing. The length of Miss Skinner, managed to choral technique at the command define many qualities of her ert: of the diminuitive leader was "She is star and company all in a ng There w one breath, her stage crew and her a costume mistress, to say nothing of variely of voice even within ranges, her own playwright. But though aImost viciously accurate attack, she works unaided, she does not sharp precise phrasing, and almost work alone. Because when she steps unbelievably subtle grading of in- from behind the curtains at the .V . back, moves a chair a little to the tensities. The disciplined perfection right or left, she not only becomes of this ensemble was stirred to very in an instant, the central figure of vigorous conceptions by a lively, the sketch, but peoples her stage h ten0eeleader. Failiarity with SPECIAL MICHIGAN BOXES 1 75c 2lb $1.50 SR EKETE'S UC9SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main Street LUNCHES ICE CREAM I 11 *1-I with silent, unseen answering char- acters of her own imagining. Miss Skinner's is so shrewd and magni- icent a talent that she does away' with the usual confinements ofI monologue and creates fine drama." A BAERYMORE V1S. THlE GAITES A Review. For if anyone plans a week-end ° eir musical. en iirenment vs not a:l twed oI engrnder any sense of comfort or self-adjustment. Robust tones, stirring conviction in choice of tempi, and fierce attacks com- municpated inten sity. They were feeivn; the emotions in the music withut any self-consciousness or self-sn tisfaction at mastery inter- 306-310 SOUTH MAIN ST. Special Purchase and Selling of SILK CREPE deCHINE UN- DER.WEAR w BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers dvertising....... .........Charles T. Kline Advertisii................Thomas M. Davis Advertising...........William W. Warboys Service................ .Norris J. Johnson Publication.............kobert W. Williamson Circulation........Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts. ..............Thomas S.Muir Business Secretary............Mary J.. Kenan Assistants Harry R. Beglev Doi W. Lyon Vernon B ishop' William Morgan William Brown If, Fred Schaefer Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier William W. Davis Noel D. Turner Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder Erle Kighitlinger Marian Atran Mildred. Postal Helen Bailey Marjorie Rough Josephine Convisser Ann W. Verner Dorothy Laylin Mary E. Watts Syivia Miller Johanna Wiese Helen Olsen FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1930 Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE CHICAGO HUMANIZES HER COLLEGES. ATTENTION STEWARDS Avoid disappointment and place your order for your THANKSGIVING TURKEY NOW With the 202 East Huron Street All Fresh Dressed Birds Dial 4159 Ann Arbor's Leading Market show in Detroit the choice amounts vening. The result was an exciting, to that. The dramatization and the intense evening. And the near- Production of Julia Peterkin's Scar- I ysteria of the audience was the let Sister Mary is a good deal of a normiaol reactixo. Only great artists mess. A fairly happy family, father. can, after l d=sei fine of gaining mother and child called Unex . . . iebhnic') j;i'r , r lieve original is broken up by a wily wamp in xperimr of r'4usial comipositions a red skirt, with whom father goes w it, seeQ Virous sintaue ty. olf down the river on an excursion. If'ovc er, to cnni not h'mi1liar with The mother is for some months either the imvsi or the idiom, there hysterical with grief. Then she wvere acrtain dP eoncerting musical feels the urgency of life and comes uhings faipu1g1 ewith consistency. to identify herself with the Earth- The hi?>hly mImy rai alseos were Spirit, Molly Bloom and the rest. sed to t" s, t of tediousness The curtain drops for 13 years, and to be point 0 sentimentality. When it goes up mother has had Th m 2hert wa he h:bit of quick, so many illegitimate children that ;tartli~nf >itis o volum e. One when one of the grocery-store lean- jends to Lel I ,s a reflection of ers asks her "I.-ow many now Si- . rc -n e's' .: . . ... "'' . * '. a .U.J _ . _ _.. .. . .. . , STEPPING sNTO IA MIODERN WORLD In contrast to Michigan's avow- aergraauates centered their entire ed policy of making ' academic interest on the school itself in its changes by a circumspect evolu- various phases. Studies, to an un- tionary process, the trustees and certain degree, and, of course, ex- faculty of the University of Chi- tra-curricular activities-both ath- cago have junked the "antiquated letic and non-athletic-were stress-' machinery of fixed and formal edu- ed. There was an element of vig- cation" and set up in its place a or in the student's application to new type of college. Discarding his university, its traditions and the old graduate school and in manners. Singing and cheering place of this and the present un- were taken seriously, and the dig- dergraduate courses, the non-pro_ nty which the present undergrad- fessional training will be divided uate considers lost by participa- into five main sections each with tion in them was a trait which a dean. After preliminary study, few had, or cared to have. usually in lecture courses, the most From this we pass to the post- successful students will be admit- War period of collegiatism, with ted to the upper divisions where its baggy trousers, fur coats, Fords the classes will be smaller and the besmeared with witticisms, and teachers will be on closer terms other similar evidences of the noisy with the students. All advance- spirit of the times. Such a reac- ment will be by comprehensive ex- tion to an extreme could not last. aminations which may be taken In due course the pendulum swung whenever the student feels he can back, and we found ourselves in pass them. the period which a Princetonian While in substance this new de- correspondent was pleased recently parture in pedagogic method ap- to term "pseudo-sophisticated"s pears to be an innovation, many .In this period of "sudo-soprhis- of its salient ideas have been un- cai"th mst biushr- der review by educators for several acteristic was shallow worldliness. years. But the action is exemplary Conversation was apt to be banal certainly because of its drastic, al- and inconsequential, interest was most ruthless treatment of ana- lacking in any but worldly things, ch ronic educational machinery and a kind of blase egotism mark- which has cluttered up the liberal ed the average undergraduate, arts colleges since the war. who chose now, in contrast to the arts collee incerthe war. t"collegiate" youth before him, to Of further importance is the em- render himself inconspicuous be- phasis which the plan places upon hind the conservative exterior of individual abilities and study. The d Wetzel sx use of comprehensive examinations, Tetendum theavalablit ofinfrmaionin The pendulum has again started the availability of information in swinging back. Most students per- wide areas in contrast to arbitrary baps still wish to be considered so- courses on unrelated subjects, the phisticated, but are beginning to advancement of the more brilliant realize that the term can have no student according to aptitude and provision fg r psns f onm in complimentary significance unless pro isi n f r p x-& nal fre do mgr u nde upon som e fact of indi- the higher divisions, all contribute vioddua acmls en. Ciden toward humanizing the literary vda copihet hlrn college and making of it rathera playing with toys in a nursery kept safe and warm by others do not- suitable instrument for educating as Dean WICKS observed in yes- the individual than a mill for creat- ing A. B.'s. The aim expressed by terday's sermon-accomplish much. President Hutchins that "in this Neither do social hounds and new institution we hope to teach chronic weekenders who are piti- the teacher how to teach as well fully bored with Campus life. They a th dnt how to s t u d v" are not what their fond fancy x i i rJ tit S. ' ii I 0 a fs :' } 1 t 1 T 1. r ii more, herself, is very splendid. The frequently appearing soliloquies she renders, if not with the spiritual force of the Negro, at least with adi the intricate, if familiar, techniqtua of a great actress. But the produc- ~ion is certainly a spurious pro- duct. Critical reception of it ha, been interesting. Cleveland critic s evaded by being non-comittai r approving in a. mild, conventionial way. Columbus quite loudly declar- ed disapproval which stimulated Miss Barrymore to her pe iodic sneer at all critics. Detroit critics, of course, said everything was very fire. New York sees it next week. The Garrick Gaieties, in an edi- tion that combines things from all four previous editions, proves a very rich evening. It is consistently very funny. And yet, it consistentiy addresses itself to intellectual ap- proval and gets it. Albert Carrol's imitations (of John Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore, Mrs. Fiske, of Haidee Wright, and of Lynne Fon- tane in the opera scene of The Guardsman) are as very subtle things, workedc out with as r'muhi inielligence and as moe] craft- rnanship as Ethel displays in spur- ous drama. 'They are perhaps thIc highlight of the Gaieties. But there is an extremely intelligent sketch. Z take--off of "Journey's End, called m'itlC's End," in which thre brok- cr> siC very quietly in front of a vuge board, which shows all stocks alki ng desperate drops, having A. A. Milne real to them by t lie older one an(! nmuring ifromiy e nrto ime "subtle fellow Miln." One Toung American staggers in, sohi 1)- uizesabout Ruin and shoots hirn- elf. They all agree that he is a Cad", and go on reading Milne. English stoics. It is very funny and eally very proper criticism of cr- ain outrageous English sentiment n "Journey's End." production of effects, very excited- ly projected the vigor, the good- cheer and the rousing balance of the soldier. In the Cossack songs the chorus seemed to find expres- eion for the emotions most char- acteristic of it personally and to find opportunity for frank exploi- tation of technique. The result was the very stirring climax of en- cores to an interesting evening. THiE DETROIT SYMPHONY Monday night in the fth. con- cert of the Choral Union Series, Os:'p Garilowitsch and the Detroit " inphony will appear in Hill Au- litr ln. This will be the only ap- pearance in AnO Arbor this year of the nrst mical citzrn of the Mid- die W Hsi. is orchestra is to make another appearance later in the :.erIsoiider the direction of L:CrnardiBtno Molinari, distinguished Italian g;uest cand'ctor. It looms up large in their lives The tcecp"IIonc has a big place in the daily lives of most people today, but its place will be even bigger tomorrow. Its importance has been fostered by the work of men in all phases of the telephone business and no little part has been taken by those en- gaged in selling. They have helped to effect an increase of more than three and a half mil- lion Bell telephones in the last five years. In the same period they have been instrumental in making the public realize more completely the telephone's usefulness. Result: an in- crease from 49,000,000 calls per day to 65,000,000. For men with a leaning toward sales pro- motion, the opportunity is Mtre! BELL SYSTEM '[lie progan buil , by Mr. iasbri]- awitseii for Monday ntilh includes