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November 21, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-21

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F D ti.t
- ..vNC a voep

MNuscians Anticipate Customary
Annual Affair Offered

Statistics Indicatc New Students
Rate Nearly Identical to

Affair Will be Held in Detroit;
to Include Representatives
from Universities.
Prominent Speakers Wil Lead
Discussion on dca in,
Cnfcrences and conultations
concerning religion and the agen-
cies of religion and their place in
college and university life will feat-
ure a national student , u'y e x -
ference starting De. I"t h
Book-Cadillac hotel in Detroit.
The president, a l ingprofe-
sor, and two students from every
institution of higher learning in
the United States have been asked
to attend. Daily plenary sessions
and addresses in the field of edu-
cation, religion, and social read-
justment will comprise the chief
functions of the meeting. To facil-
itate consultation among those
facing responsibility for university
and college religious leadership is
the chief purpose of the conferece.
In order to assure profitable dis-
cussion the attendance will be
highly selective.
To Send Delegates.
According to the statement of
Fenelon Boesche, '31, president of
the Student Christian association,
Michigan will, be represented by
full complement of delegates.
Reinhold Niebuhr, Charles W.
Gilkey, and Norman Thomas are
among the more prominent figures
that will address the various meet-
ings of the conference. Among
others who have expressed their
desire to participate in the three-
day convention are administrative
representatives, including univer-
sity and college presidents, trustees,
deans of men, deans of women,;
professors who are concerned with
the place of religion in education,
and both men and women students
who are leaders in student Christ-
ian work of some kind.
Plan Sectional Meetings.
Sectional meeting will be held
each day, and the following topics
brought up for discussion. The re-
lationships of trustees, students,
and faculty with reference to the
value of education, th effect of
the educational system upon the
character development of the in-
dividual, the influence of the so-
cial and organized life of the cam-
pus. Besides these there will be
taken up the moral standards in
a day of relativity, a consideration
of the methods of bringing about
desired social changes, the place of
student counseling in integrating
personality and releasing energies
in the right vocational channels,
and finally the contribution of re-
ligion to the living issues of our.
Applicants seeking admission to
the medical college at New York
university in September, 1931, must
file applications prior to March 15,
1931, Dean John R. Efinger, of the
literary colege, learned yesterday
in a letter from E. S. Tilton, chair-
man of the committee on admis-
sion there.
Tilton explained his action by
saying that "this policy enables the
admissions comittee to make a more
careful selection than would other-
wise be possible with the limited'
amount of time at their disposal."1
Ping Pontg Tournament
Opens at Union Today
Play in the annual Ping Pong
tournaments under the direction of

the Union will begin today in the
billiard room of the Union building,
it was stated yesterday by Albert
F. Donohue, '31, president of the
Corona, Underwood,
Barr-Morris, Remington,
We have all makes.
Colored Duco Finishes
314 South State St. Phone 6615

Assure d ie . a s Nrnt
King Gorge reatiing his ddilcs opening the rou dtable corierence m india in the house of lords in
London. The canference was called to evolve a constitutional status for India satsfatcory to is restless

bA nThose Last iYear.
Culminating a season in which it That health conditions of stu-
received national recognition for. . .dents entering the University this
its formations and manuevers, . $fall are nearly identical in com-
Michigan's Varsity band will ac- parison with those of last year is
company the fotball team on its indicated by the statistics compil-
annual "bust" given by the Detroit ed by the Health Service from the
Alumi association Saturday, Nov. e yi th Hedice frmi the
?.Tfi has b een the diatom of !*phys.ical and miedical examinations.
.The t and for the last fw years and Each student is given a' ratng
15 e o tohe antst lhew yorwars d ~of A, B, or C according to his or
t a y tie mi toith fo vard her health as the examination may
son.r hI prove. An A is given to those where
T>wla-no defects are found which may
Th t are band will lea-voby p.ci.. be expected to interfere with col-
busses Saturday morning and will lege work or later life. B's are given
arrive in Detroit shortly after noon, Associtci Press Phto when defectiveness is discovered
when it will parade to- the Michi-. (Gc . ilio /nnaid which should be rechecked before
,an theatre. There the men will bl I ader of the Phiipine insur- spring vacation. The C indicates
treated to a show. Following the rection against the United States, defects necessitating treatment
show, the band will have dinner was asked to head a new opposi- within a month.
at one of the downtown hotels a the This year 23 per cent of the en-
'probably the Statler, and after this ticn party in the islands. Tisyea 3pecntothe-
p y tl------------ --- tering students were found to be
will play for the banquet which the UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON in A condition; whereas last year
Alumni association gives for the! The liberal club here will appoint 28 per cent received A ratings.
Maize and Blue team each year. ,a committee to find out Why uni- There were 57 per cent B grades
After the banquet, the band will versity R. O. T. C. is compulsory this fall and 60 per cent in 1929. C
return by bus, arriving in Ann and whether it is of educational grades were given to 20 per cent in
Arbor about 1 o'clock Sunday morn- value. 11930 and to 12 per cent in 1929.
ing. The entire personnel of the ----_- - ---___ ____-_-
outfit wil make the trip aceom- -
panied by Nicholas Falcone, direc-
tor, and "Uncle Bob" Campbell,
During the banquet, the numbers f
offered will be Michigan songs in-
terspersed with some. of the more Merchants everywhere cts- Special Sacrifice Sale BEFORE
popular pieces of the eaTho fr tomarily hold up prices on Christmas this year instead of
in the band, John White, '3SM Holiday Goods until Christmas After Christmas, making the
Sidney Straight, Spec., Gilbert Sal- Day, and then, after Christmas Christmas shopper's d o 11 a r
tonstahl, '31, and Ronald Catch- is over, make January Clear- worth about twice as much in
pole, '31SM, will also sing for the ance Sales at Sacrifce prices. purchasing power. He offers
gathering as they did on the Har- patrons the chance to buy im-
vard trip for the Alumni associa- But now comes William portant Christmas Gifts as in
tion there. Wade Hinshaw with the an- former years, even though


,eorge .R Styles Demonstrates Aisting of just the three primary
ilda in s fF1ur Yai'c colors, red, yellow and blue, placed

Research Work. yles displayed the results of this
Cong atulations Will be Read 1, iIexperiment on pictures, photo-
at Union Football George R. Styles, prominent De- graphs. portraits and fab.ics.
troit artist and chairman of the Another experiment which he ex-
Banquet research committee of the Scarab olained and displayed was the one
-club, gave a demonstrated lecture by which the obstruction of the
Congratulatory telegrams f r o m on color experiments yesterday aft- three primaries by any object gives
the coaches of Big Ten Confereice ernoon in the auditorium of the a distribution of all the comple-
teams that have gone -down to de- architectural college before an au- ments. Styles also described the
feat before the long range guns of dience of more than 200. experiment by which the commit-
Michigan's grid team, in addition The talk was given under the tee has discovered the color of
to wires from the coaches of Chi- auspices of the Architectural soci- shadows. They have found out aft-
cago, Noithwestern, and Harvard, ety in conjunction with the color i er years of research, he explained,
will be reacd at the Union football exhibit being shown this week in that the complement cf the object
bane ut, Albert F. Donohue, '31, the first floor corridors of the on which light is being cast is the
president of the Union, said yes- building. shadow. He illustrated this with
t orday. In his talk, Styles related the re- various objects in different lights.
This banquet wl be at G o'clock sults of the experiments which the "Gymnastics" of color comple-
TesaNv nquwLhballromko research committee has been de- ments were also exhibited. In this
Tiesday, Nov. 25, in the ballroom of veloping during the last four years. experiment he explained the meth-
the Union. The entire Varsity foot- He outlined a short history of the !od of "filtering out" colors. This
ball sciuad and coaching staffs will ( committee and described the un- method has been used by the stage
be the guests of the Union for this successful initial attempts which ! crafts and more recently by com-
occasion. marked the beginnings of the coni- mercial artists, he explained.
ide WIliam E. Heston '04 L of mittee. E In conclusion, Styles described
Judg 'V :lam F Heton 04 , o nli ihow the committee, though it has
Detroit, Michigan's all-time all- The experiment which he termed now the omie yhuhi has
American halfback, has been select- ( the most important and most in-' been formed for five years, has dis-
ed as the princ lal speaker for the teresting involved the principle of the ruhdniemeaotcolos of some of
th penmeaafcoortTehutr
program. He is, according to a prrnary colors bringing out the re- Tought to bring out ven more in-
statement by Fielding H. Yost, di- mainder of the color values to give t restngp diseovers,
rector of athletics, the "greatest a complete and faithful design. he sai.
ck verco vhe."Styles exhibited the results of this
experiment to prove that the aver-
Among ^the other speakers on the age person is living in a c olor P Er TIDEi T U GES
program will be Director Yost, .sphere and that there must be some CURB ON SPORTS
Head Coach Harry Kipke, varsity sort of subtle influence which ar-
grid .e]r and former all-Ameri- tists use to gain their color schemes.
can fri m Michigan, and James This result is brought about by Cites Trend Towards Outdoor,
u-y) Sirall '3 captain of a system of bands and spheres con- r A, / heics.

The entire University orchestra
will take part in the concert tomor-
row night on a program over the
University radio station, Prof. David
E. Mattern, director, announced
yesterday. This concert will be the
second one of the year for the or-
chestra and the first one for the
entire membership.
Added to the regular program
will be a brass quartet composed
of Eric Wild, '32SM, Lee Freeman,
'31SM, Ralph Fulghum, '31SM,
trumpets, and Louis Scovill, '32,
trombone. The program has not
been definitely decided upon as
yet, Mattern stated, but was to be
ready today.
On the program given two weeks
ago, the string division of the or-
chestra played and received quite
a deal of favorable comment. Nu-
merous other programs are also
planned for the coming season, he
best pieces of sculpture out of
5,000 entered in a contest are on
display at the Herron art museum
here. All the works are carved out
of soap.

nouncement that University
Music House (601 E. William
St., Ann Arbor) will make a

they may have less money to
buy with on account of the
business depression.

Wlithout Reserve

are to be sold regardless of
character or price at Discounts
of from 20% to 50%. Every-
thing in the, store is to be Sac-
rificed B e f o r e Christmas!
$50,000.00 worth of the finest
musical instruments, large and
small, and sheet music, books
and records are to be sold at
unheard-of prices for Christmas
Gifts. Pianos, radios, phonos,
records, saxophones, banjos,
guitars, violins, clarinets, horns,

harmonicas, ukuleles, drums,
musical toys, music rolls and
instruments c a s e s , strings,
bones, etc. Everything Musical
marked down Until Christmas
Day! Prices never before heard
of by the Holiday Buyer. Gen.
erous allowance for your old
piano. Good used pianos as
as ;25.00 to -53.0)0 Credit
rxtended to all responsile

the team our~ng ue h reprent sea-
son. Donohue w.ll be toastmaster!
for the occasion.
Among the features of the ban-
iuet will be the announcement of
the 1931 football captain, the man-
ager and his asistants for the
vo yar.
oevara f arms have already
reserved itabies for the entire house.
Other 'ou ps he e also cur ned in
applications Go tickets. Tables may
be fl' ese i any tmc between 3 and
5 a'ce -h n the afternoen in the
StuLe h-.e in the Union.
He-at Be ore En ineers
1 Pof. A. U. Moore, o, th- electricalf
engineering departmet, spoke yes-
terday before the Fort Wayne
branch of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers, on the sub-
ject of "Heat and Heat 'T'ransfer.,"

President Will Write
Introduicon Ifor Book

(Continued from Page 1)
of intramural sports would do more
I o cure the present evi than ac-
ti7ityalonG' anv other lines

SaleBegsca " ,
November :4th
601 East William S rcct

(By Assocatcd Press) .
WASHINGTON, NoV. 20.--An en- I President Ruthven referred to'
gineer who turned to politics with the growth of intramural athletics
somen success has consented to write throughout his speech before the
an introduction to writings of an- nation's pedagogues. He said that
other engineer who also held office "expressions of this trend of the
a couple of times. times ..a growing interest in
The engineer who will write the golf, tennis, and other forms of
introciuction is Herbert Hoover, out-of-door recreation in America,
1-cesident of the United States. The and the remarkable growth in in-
othr engIneer was George Wa sh- tramural sports in our colleges"
I ngton. definitely point out the necessity
Senator Foss of Ohio, chairrman, of a change in our athletic system
of the George Washington bi-cen- "In encouraging i n t r a m u r a 1
tennial commission, which has ( sports," Dr. Ruthven stated, "part-
chapte of the arrangements for a ly, perhaps as a defense measure,
celebratien i- W asiiington in 1932, the promoters of intercollegliate
announced the Pr'esident had con- sports have really dug ti-i grave
s tenrLed to write the introduction to of their project, and have, in my
! a compilation of Washington's opinion and however inadvertent-
papers. It will include many which ly, contributed to the solution of
are being published for the first the problem of over-development
time. for which they are responsible."

-.. -
. - _ ---

: :<
I i.Q/

'Delicious and Refreshing >:

.... ., - ,...o.._
_ __ _ __
Ilt .. _.. .,._,e,; ,.,,,.r. I

Put the grmn"
in1 Grind

a kG i

-D~ ttrl

Syrn o Yony

I (I--- I r


Gabrlowitscl, Conductor

_: a

Monay, ov. 24
8:15 P. M.
"One of America's most valuable mus-
ical assets," under the baton of a world
renowned conductor who has achieved

, y
j /"" t

- owithPa
that refreshes
When much study is a weariness to the flesh.
When you find yourself getting nowhere-
fast. Pipe down! Don't take any more pun.
ishment! Let go everything! Pause for a
moment and refresh yourself.
That's just the time and place when an ice-

-, ---


musical immortality

in two fields-

piano virtuoso and orchestra conductor. >.{.. -.

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