TWO TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NO VENIBER 21, 1930 TWO HE ICHIAN AIL FRIAYNOVMBER21,193 University of Chioca0 Action Changes Plducation Sys ternl ,, FACULTY; TRUSTEES' WANT TO IMPR..OVEI GULEEMETHOD S EMPEROR HAILE SEJASSIE I VIEWS CEREMONIES SFOLLOWING HIS CORONATION AT ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY WINS PRIZESAT SHOWS CHARLES V. , , LEVINE Pr~ ~~e ' 7f )~i " cl I Diffetcnt Courses Plano ed F'irst Four Years of for Study. OLD IDEA ABOLISHED Cozlrpreiensive Examination to Permit Commencement as Ability Affords. Action taken Wednesday by the f~cuIty, adac trustees at the Uni- versity of Chicago yesterday was sein ,. one of the most radical experihmnts ever recorded in edu- cation and teaching. Plans for the creation of a newI type of college are being formu- lated by which the student will be! able to graduate w;henever he can pass a comprehensive examination. It .will replace the present system at Chicago which resembles in, many respects the fixed and formal' ~lucational system in operation at MVichigan. Left to Student. Under the new plan, a genius Inay get through in two months, 1 a brilliant student in a year, and the one who enjoys the social side cif college life may loaf along for. biir years. Then there is a passing and weeding, but no degree. The atuden Le upon whom the university t ifls it worth while to spend more ti me and money will then go on in special courses, b)ut still with no tfhiae hmiitatwos, where they will b~e given degrees. 'the present- graduate school is to' go and in place of this and the present undergraduate courses, the anon-pro fessionali training will be 'divided into live main sections, each with a dean. These are the social sciences division, the biolo- daol ciences division, the humani- ties division, and the college. Change l'uwdget system. In the upper divisions the stud- ent will be graduated by passing an examination whenever he is able. The i-onrrrofessional degrees will be awarded here, incl-adin~g the equiv- alent of the 8.1 degree, now grant- ed at the end of four year's work.I The professional schools will award all professional degrees. The bache- lbr's, master's and doctor's degrees 'are to be granted on the recoin- fiendation of the entire division' and not one department. Qrie of the important changes introduced will be in the budgeting system. Div ...::. "conj unction with the Allied Florists' ..:.; .. ((:;:.of Detroit, the Michigan S,.te For 0 ists'} =.: '."t..,association ar'd the Grose wor Point and Ea Tn ihgnI-oi- the ,cultural society. ssocitdPes 'o DitD Othe 32 entriesc from the Uni- v. erity, Five received first prizes,, Aeian aiton^tuia:t. n eight received second prizes, evenr. ene hags a bve' i OCS 'ere.:..en third rating, and one ii ;.....was honorably imentionied. The blue plie wo resedhn I h ribbons were all received in the forso aieai moworpiifl pompon vriety offorery. W) + :: : .i ; .. . .pmo ait ffower, whle the We J":.s:,;.n;;:;::} :: ..::....... .:., ::",' ananorny and s~igle types received E n ag d cr42 Y e rs T.~: :a::: }:he first honors were received for CopeFnlyM ry- n+.:<:"}}:,vane;;;.tics;ax.}12 spraysr of..i:: white.:"...pom-y (,i . . >,r ,I ('v essr 1 I'ro 1r, ., w: ;: , .. .}.ns;: "12 spaysof yellow pompons; COVILLE, Calif., Nv 0-M ............e. .1Ar e~ 1 ted 12 sprays of pink pompons; and 12 and Mrs. Joe Davis were happily ]Emperor Haile Seasse 1, lord king of kitns of Ehipistanding. on the royal duis atching} ceremonies ' sprays of white pompons having a married Wednesday after an en- J inhi hno fllwig iscoontin t dds baa. Aysina.yellowish brown center. gag et of 2 years. He ippped j in is ono flloinghi coonaio atAdds Aab, Ayssni. - ____ The certificate of merit was giv- the queinstion in 1888, but miss Vir- ___ ____________________ _____________ _______ en for a bronze pompon of the linda Sward's parents objected. r rsr t . ~v.F . t yLilie urkevaretywhich, despite Neither Joe nor Virlnca wanted to MIC IG N'7AUM I H ST RY KE PSg copetin was given an antagonize th'e parents so they STEP WITH GROWTH7f OF UNIVERSITY 1 YVhat'S extr a aw rd. waited. Recently th parents die'A Record Shows Interest Goes retary of the association. Goin!u Bti-kto irt Commencement This form of organization con-'IFRT NTYJWLYP TY AV S 'Bc oFrt 85t.'hed until 1923 when, as the re- 1 RTRNT EEL fATYSVR Da__suit of a report by the general se-,I OJLA ARClA V IFF Michigan's alumni history goes ganization in various universities, - ---- CARL F. BAY back as far as records go, Aug. 6, the present plan of organization ml'_r EEZ N PO ERS 18415, the first commencement day, was adopted, which based the gen- Michigan - Amos 'n' Aildy in 1E EE N PO ERS when the first students to graduate eral asso--iation upon membership "helaDobeCheck."d Nickels Arcade became members of a distinct in local alumni clubs _i stead of uip- lMajestic _- Load to Praio" ------- ---------- n group Chat had completed a re- a s'cbscripios o h aumi it ho'etaYon JckMuhal ekn university.' initJunie. The Raymondsocittinn new ssocati n uerth-Fifi D isay and Clydec S.nze that time the alumni or- consists of a federation of alumni Cook in "Women E vvywhere." Also ganization has kept step with the clubs divided ito districts. "id1e fKlhr. Matinees develomenit of the University un- Organization Grows. WidMef__hai. tit today the Alumni association, Within the last few years alumni EN RA 10 and 35C officiAl organization of MichiganI ciga ization ha' greatly increased. Busdiness Admxirisration Lecture graduates, plays an important part The ofiice of fi ld secretary has' John F. Mackay on "Group Buy- in theo organizat~on and mainte-, been added to she organization ing~ at 2 o'clock. room 109 Tappan LAST TIMES TODAY nan-ce of the University. Iwi h- makes possib~c the direction bi Society Restricted. cl th ,'activirtie of the va ios VUni- Ehit- u LlaK f,!"er~ian pulp-LOR E TTA Y OUNGlĀ¢ Records show that alumni or-. vesit y of Michigan clubs which are t 1ure, cpca1r~in unti o'clock inanrth J CiL L n ganization was not taken seriously Is= attered in all parts of the coun galey f Alumrni Mmorial hal. JACOUL ALLTO until 1860 when the first "Associa- I try. Upon the general eso rtary 1. tion of the Alumni" was organized. falls the task of editing and pub- right of the main floor, i locat'ed Fifteen years later came the organ- lishing the Alumnus, the manage- ;:n- alumni room where the desks ization of an incorporated "Soc qty mernt of the Press, eStablished by of the executive officers and lour of the Alumni," restricted however, I the Alumni association, and other as'sats' are located. Further 1l- 'P ' A S ST R I G ) to graduates of the literary college.I dutIas of a general nature. A coun- cduties for the association are pro-i This organization was soon folow- 1ii secretary also is employed who vided in the lower floor. ed by similar organizations in other promotes work of alumni class or- "-_OWN ______ colleges and schools of the Univer- ganizations. I PORTABLEk_ sity. One of the outstanding acti'v- Headquarters o h raiain TYPEWRITERS ities of the association during this located in Alumni Memorial hall, Corona, Underwood, eidwsteriigo h u e'etbihdi 99floigBr-orsRmnro of $30,000 to provide a retiring al-I the c_ c .tLon of the buiding at a Royals. j H E S y 11~ lowance for Prof. George P. Wil- cost 0o=y290,00, of which $150,000I We have all makes. - hams, the first member of the Uni- was contriiuted by alumni. Special Colored Duco Finishes U11 ON l vers_,.y's faculty. qua fr teac oi'ovided in the build- OI L In 13 praststpS octation. On thei first floor, at the 314 South State --Poe61 were takRen which marked one of:.- -__ - the milestone. iri the development of the Alumni association. The, STARTING 1 2:00, 3:40 first was the consolidation of all the earlier departmental organiza- TOD3AY' 7:00, 9:00 - tiuns into the present general as- _____________ ____ -/ sociation, with a board of directors - -- - ..--- ,N - elected at an annual meeting of FIF I D O'RSAY ., . the alumni in June. The second!J A OD M RR YC Y ECO was the purchase of the Alumnus H RL U RY-CY EC O fo stdnswohdpitdiIN~as a private venture for several "WOMEN EVERY WHER'E" years. The third step was the ap- pointment of the first general see- Moocc---The Foreign Lgion-Where life is a natter tof wits, lave :t -___... ....~..~ matter of fate, and womnen a matter of fact. Mullendore Selected AlsoI Here's the Head of Alumni Group "WILD MEN OF K-SCALIHARI" Happiest --A sensational photographic recod of a lost civliziation, made by Dr. C. Snappiest William C. Mullendore, general Ernest Cattie, under the. auspces' of the DENVER MUSEUM i NAT.rato counsel for the Southern California URAL HISTORY. rato Edison company, has been namedI president of the eighth alumni I-Yor- . -re district by the directors T. HawleyI Going Dugs! -- Tapping, general secretary of the organization, announced yesterday. sHe also stated that the associa- NO That great Broadway Musical Smash of Youth, tion will not take over the right to M 1 q ;otg and Ft~ is noaw a Talkie M arvel withj sell Michigan songs which has been 0.o~g offered for sale by Mrs. M. M. Root. f Have you seen i, Sr. :iJkU \Vith Success 'fIa ?. ? U i . _ ar':Qx ibit will so at 5 0 'ocr iteroon, (V.~'ani~i:~ nom c'.The illi firstgivci. sheheird 1,1durng1,1hre wee'iks of cxnibt. ta. larest in the exhi- hibit:Grs i .cldedboth students d faculty m mbe;rs as well as :al artists not connected with the iiversity here and in Ypsilanti. xhibitors must call for their' (rk s toinoii -ow or Sunday, Mrs. wito- said. T',h