ESTABLISHED 1890 AV 46F C4 i1b; MEMBER ASSOCIATED EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 47 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS RUTVE t" , . t . ' Y ,',:, -" > a t O Awl& tRuOLLEtilATE SPOAdlikkMFM RTS INDIA CONFERENCE LEADERS CRITICIZE ENGLAND'SPOLI C Y Present Grievances In All Day Session Before Premier Ramsey MacDonald. WOMAN, STIRS MEETING Sah Nawaz Says Youth of India Desires Freedom; England's Speaker Shuns Issue. (By soated Press) LONDON, Nov. 20.-Ranging the gamut of Indian races, creeds and castes delegates to the round table conference on Indian affairs today continued to lash the Brit- ish administration in India with criticism. It began with an appeal for an Indian federation by the beauti- ful young Bugum SaiNawaz, a picturesque figure in her pale blue sari, and it continued to addresses by spokesmen for every Indian rank, from crown princes to "un- touchables." Await MacDonald's Views. All day long Prime Minister Ram- sey MacDonald sat in his big chair, thumping the table when e a c h speaker had talked ten minutes, but usually each delegate had his full say. The result was that Mac- Donald's anxibusly awaited speech, which will wind up the debate and is expected to give some hint of the government's Indian policy, will not be heard until tomorrow. The voice of Indian womanhood, raised so appealingly by the bugum, brought sustained applause from the delegates when she had fin- ished. The little woman from a Moslem. family whih for. generations has observed the custom of seclusion and worn the "purdah" veil, stirred her listeners with a declaration t h a t "things in our country are moving at such a tremendous pace that we ourselves are startled." Reading Speaks. "In the remotest corners," she said, "young boys and girls are talking of the national aspirations, of freedom and liberty. There is such an awakening of youth that i't is not possible to check India's growing desire to form itself into' a nation worthy of the name." Lord Reading, the only British delegate to speak today, confined himself to the blunt statement that it was idle to talk of anything like immediate constitutional equality between India and other British dominions.- FEDERAL OFICERS Government Concentrates Force in Chicago to Break up Gang Rings. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-A con- certed drive by the federal govern- ment to break up the activities of; Chicago gangsters was made known today by Attorney General Mitchell. Federal agents, dispatched from Washington, have been active in Chicago since early summer, the attorney-general said, and recent- ly there has been a "fortifying" of these forces in an effort to apply federal laws against the under- world characters there. "We intendv to keep going indefi- nitely or at least until our aid is no longer needed," Mitchell said. Exactly how large a concentra- tion of government agents is in- tended in that area Mitchell would" not say, but he made clear that one high agent of the department of justice has been dispatched to act as an assistant to the United States attorney in Chicago, co-or- dinating various federal activities. Golf Association Sets Amateur Match Dates , 11.. rA...- _l 1. -1 SCHA CH-T SPEAKS fN REPARATIONS X1". " .s .::: ': ~i Associated Press Photo Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, German statesman and financier, former president of the Reichsbank and representative in the Young plan negotiations, who spoke yes- terday at Natural Science auditor- ium on "Economic Aspects of the Reparations Problem." SCHAGHT REVIEWS GERMAN PROBLEM Cites Exaction of Reparations Payments as Cause of Depression. PREPARATORY BODY COMPLETES NAVAL LIMITATIONSODRAFT Principle of Budgetary Control Adopted Against United States Opposition. COMPROMISE IS SOUGHT Ten Countries Accept Proposal; Details of Former Pacts Are Incorporated. (By Asoiaed Press) GENEVA, Nov. 20.-The prepara- tory disarmament commission, in a surprising burst of speed, today completed its naval limitation draft incorporating the principle of bud- getary control. The proposal, submvted by Lord Cecil of Great Britain, was adopted over the objection of the United States, which favors direct limita- tion, and over that of Japan and France who are opposed to super- imposing budgetary control on di- rect limitation already endorsed by the great naval powers. Hopes For Compromise. Lord Cecil in recalling his earlier declaration that his country could not agree to naval budgetary limi- tation unless it also. was accepted by other great sea powers, express- ed hope that some compromise for- mula might be found before con- vening of the general conference which would enable the United States and Japan to enter this scheme. The proposal was adopted by votes of Great Britain, Canada, Russia, Ireland, Norway, Persia, Finland, Italy, Roumania, and Hol- land. Opposing were the United States, France and Japan. Take Over Details. In concluding its naval draft to- day, the commission took over the main the details of the Washington and London pacts as well as the fundamental provision of t h e Washington agreement for limiting aircraft carriers. F2gures contained in these two treaties were left in the commis- sion's general draft indicated of what already has been done by the big sea powers. FORME RFOOTBALL CAPTAIN TO SPEAK Bob Brown Will Address Short Pep Meeting Tomorrow in Field House. Bob Brown, '26, former Wolverine football captain and star center, to- gether with Henry Grinnell, '28, will address the short pep meeting at 1 o'clock tomorrow in Yost Field house immediately preceeding the Chicago game. Although pep meetings for foot- ball games have usually been held the Friday nights before the games, the Student council felt that stud- ent enthusiasm and spirit would be sustained for the game to a greater degree if a change of date be made. Following the rally, the gathering will march behind the band to the game. Additional cheers will be given as the procession approaches the stadium. THEATRES PLAN FREE PICTURES Free movies will be held for Universty students at the Mich- igan and Majestic theaters at 11 o'clock Saturday niht, if the varsity football team defeats Chicago, it was annoinced yes- terday. Gerald Hoag, manager of the Michigan, stated that it was de- cided to hold the free show on that date, in order not to have the free show act a ananti- climax to the seasonal celebra- tion. The film is a new one, and it is hoped to secure two prints of the picture in time for the show- ing. If not, the management has promised to "bicycle" the film from one theater to tle other. Students will be admitted only upon presentation of athletic coupon books. Campus leaders will be in charge of both houses, taking over the reins immediate- ly after the regular house leaves the theater following the show- ing of the current feature. Two rows of seats will be roped off for the Varsity team at the Michigan. POLITICAL LEADERHS OPPOSE1L1XNERTAX. Legislative I-leads Turn Against Plan to Abandon Program of Debt Retirement. (Bv Associatrd Press' WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. - Con- gressional leaders of all factions to- day turned against suggestions to continue the lower income tax rate by doing away with.the public debt retirement progran, and the likeli- hood of keeping the reduced . tax schedule for another year dimin- ished further. At the treasury, also, it was said no recommendation would be made to Congress for the abandonment next year of the sinking fund which has been set aside for orderly re- tirement of the war debt. However, Secretary Mellon still has to say the final word on whether the con- tinuation of the lower income tax rates will be recommended year. Administration leaders in the Senate, including senators Watson, of Indiana; Smoot, of Utah; Fess, of Ohio, not only expressed opposi- tion today to any abandonment of the debt retirement through the sinking fund, but they added their opposition to any continuation of the lower income tax rates 'n view of the prespective deficit. Senator Glass, Democrat, Virgin- ia, asserted "the honest thing to do would be to raise taxes next year, and certainly I would oppose any move to abandon the sinking fund. Representative Hull, D e m o c r a t, Tennesee, a member of the ways and means committee, took a sim- ilar position. MEETING DEBATES C H I L D PROBLEMS Hoover Conference Delegates Upset of the balance in interna- tional economic relations by the exaction of reparations payments from Germany has played a large part in bringing about the present world-wide depression, said Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, German states- man and financier, speaking yes- terday on "Ecnomic Aspects of the Reparations Problem." Transfers of billions of dollars without economic reason have dis- rupted international trade and created an unprecedented lack of confidence in world financial cir- cles, Dr.. Schacht explained. Since 1923, Germany has been forced to borrow more than five billion dollars to withstand the strain placed upon her budget by making reparations payments while attempting to rebuild her reserves, which were wiped out by war and confiscation, Dr. Schacht said. "Germany cannot go on with" these payments," he asserted. "They will stop automatically. The country cannot continue borrowing money indefinitely." It was recognized in the Dawes plan and in the Young plan that Germany c a n procure foreign money to pay her debts' only through exports and that the pay- ments should not decrease the Ger- man standard of living, Dr. Schacht pointed out. Moreover, it has al- ready become apparent that the country is overtaxed and that con- tinued taxation will bring' about serious problems within the state. The. German nation has to im- port raw materials for manufac- tures, and there is at present a yearly import surplus of more than five billion marks, he stated. The only economic solution to the prob- lem is the increase of internation- al trade. RAILWAY LRUTHvEN TALKS PLAN TO CDNTINUE BUILDING PROGRAMr. Report Expenditures of More Than $125,000,000 for Nine-Month Period. NEW POLICY DECLARED Unanimous Vote Cast in Favor of Construction Work to Aid Jobless. (BA, Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 20. -Railway executives representing 90 per cent of the mileage of the United States today reported expenditures on construction and equipment for the first nine months of 1930 of $125,- 000,000 more than in 1929 and pledged themselves to continue that program as an aid to employment. R. H. Aishton, chairman of the executive committee, reported that! capital expenditures of class 1 roads from January 1 to Sept. 30 totalled $698,821,000. To Furnish Work. The association then voted unan- imously to carry on "as far as prac- ticable" work which may provide employment to the greatest possible number of men during the winter. Despite the general business re- cession and decrease in their own revenues the railroads have car- ried out and will continue to carry out, a resolution said, the program of construction and equipment building undertaken at the request of President Hoover a year ago. Outlines Policy. The association also declared its policy in respect to transportation calling for: 1. A respite from rate reductionsl and suspensions by regulating bod- ies. 2. A respite from legislative ef- forts that would adversely affect rates or increase the expense of carriers. 3. A withdrawal of governmental competition both through direct operation of transportation facili- ties, as well as indirectly through subsidies. 4. A fairly comparable system of regulation for competing trans- portation service by water and on the highways, which would include extension of authority of regula- tory agencies over rates, routes and service of barge lines and passen- ger and freight bus lines. I .- DEATH TOLL RISES1 Twenty Killed, Many Seriously Injured; Appeal for Aid Is Broadcast. (B- Associated Prss) BETHANY, Okla., Nov. 20.-Help- ed generously by a sympathetic public, this little Nazarine church colony was recovering t o n i g h t from the effects of yesterday's tor-, Alexander G. Ruthven, President of the University, who yesterday told the National Asso- ciation of State Universities that the only way to halt the over- emphasis of intercollegiate athlet- ics and unwarranted publicity is to encourage intense intramural sport programs. RISMAN FLAYSBIC BUSIESSMETHODS, Says Revolts In South America Incited to Break Treaty With England. Charging big business interests with stirring up South American republics to revolution so that trade treaties with England might be broken off, Harry Riseman, well- known Detroit attorney, spoke yesterday in Alumni Memorial hall before an All-Campus forum on the subject of unemployment in- surance. He brought out the South Amer- ican revolution situation in order to show how United States could no longer count on a large foreign business to take up the slack in unemployment. The buying power of five great classes of people has been reduced the speaker pointed out. The working class, the foreign buyers, the farmers, the wealthy classes, and the middle class, none of these, he said, can be counted upon to consume the surplus goods of our factories. In discussing the condition of the workers he brought out that even Henry Ford's men were not receiving an adequate wage. The average Ford worker, he stated using data obtained from an in- vestigation of 100 representative employees, earns only $1,600 a year,, and ends up each year in debt to the extent of seven dollars. The average wife of this group could only afford two dresses a year, one of them cotton. The average fath- er's overcoat had to serve for eight years. Still painting an entirely black picture as far as employment was concerned, Riseman pointed out that while unemployment insur- ance would not solve the problem by any means, measures of this nature were imperative in order to prevent a social revolution. To bring this home the speaker said that in Detroit where the city pays out a million dollars a month to pay for feeding the unemployed, the great army of idle workers would undoubtedly storm the city hall if their food supply was cut off. Cornelia Otis Skinner Will Present Program Cornelia Otis Skinner, daughter of the actor, Otis Skinner, will pre- sent her "Character Sketches" pro- gram at 8:30 o'clock tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theater. The program is sponsored by the stu- dents and Board of Governors of Martha Cook dormitory. The program which Miss Skinner will offer here is the same one she gave at Selwyn theater, New York ria r -a sinth a rictm a -. STRESSES VALUE OF INTRAMURAL ATHLETIC GAMES' President Says Faculty Should Supervise Athletics, CITES NEW PLAN Describes Professional Aspects of Major Competition. Intercollegiate athletics, with their play of over-emphasis and their unjustified publicity, must be curbed before they ruin the basic purpose of University life, President Alexander G. Ruthven told the National Association of State Universities at Washington yesterday afternoon. Dr. Ruthven stressed the ever increasing im- portance of the intramural phase of athletics and stated that the entire athletic situation should be taken away from the board in control and placed under faculty supervision. "Intercollegiate competitive sports can never be justi'ied as a spectacle for adults even in tax-supported universities," Dr. Ruthven told the assembled educators, "and can nev- er be healthy until attendance is limited to those who are interested in the university as an educational institution for youth." Advises Change. In regard to the boards of con- trol supervision of athletics Dr Ruthven stated that "only by abol- ishing Boards in Control or perhaps better by changing their functions from administrative to advisory and by having intercollegiate sports with all physical training, organ- ized as a university department with the funds administered in the regular way by the business office, and by giving to the faculty exclu- sive authority in development, can we hope to have intercollegiate competition properly related to the important functions of an institu- tArn of higher learning." The University head continued by telling of the over-emphasis which has been placed upon intercollegi- ate competition. He said that under the board in control system the "so-called major sports have passed from a student activity to a busi- ness controlled largely by adults, from a university function to a business of a semi-detached organ- ization, and from the natural posi- tion of a student diversion capping a program of physical education 'to a business of intense training comparable with if not quite the same as the training of profession- al performers." Suggests Cure. "It must be evident," Dr. Ruthven continued, "that universities would do well to curb practices of adver- tising intercollegiate games to the general public in order to obtain more money to provide more facil- ities for the games, that more money may be made to provide more facilities." As a suggested plan to supplant the present over-emphasized inter- collegiate athletic s y s t e m, Dr. Ruthven said that encouragement (continued on Page a) ANDREWS TO TALK BEFORESTUDENTS Cosmopolitan Club Gets Noted Author to Discuss India. Charles F. Andrews, i n t i m a t e friend of Gandhi and Tagore, who is said to be the best informed ihite man on the Indian situation in this country has been obtained by the Cosmopolitan club to speak at 4:15 o'clock Monday in the Na- tural Science auditorium. Andrews is best known in the 'United States as the author of "The Tnv A rnh 'rn 11 n "a yn 'a '-i I GERMAN SPEAKER SHOWS INTEREST IN FRATERNITY HOUSE ORGANIZATION Schacht Makes Inspection Tour to Improve Understanding of Social Structure. DR. HJALMAR SCHACHT, one- time president of the German Reichsbaink who gave a University lecture on reparations yesterday afternoon in Natural Science audi- torium, walked past a State street fraternity house yesterday with a local friend, watched several men enter and leave the house, and, de- ciding that he wanted to know more about fraternal organizations in general, asked to be shown around., which were casually mentioned in the course of the conversation. When looking at the rooming sys- tem, Dr. Schacht said that he want- ed to see "the dirtiest room in the house" and not the cleanest be- cause he "knew how boys lived" in German colleges and they were probably the same on this side of the water. Concluding his informal tour of inspection, the visitor was profuse in his thanks for a chance to com- pare German with American college living quarters. An explanation of fraternities at Michigan was, he stated, one of the high lights in his Settle Old Dispute. nado. The death list -continued to (By Associated Press) mount through the day, however. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. - Presi- The deaths of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. ent Hoovers child conerence ro Viet, an aged couple, brought the its first tempest today and was t, alf ae co bo.t s t e e r e d, by proclamation, into t of fatalities to 20.d peaceful waters. A call by the American Red Cross Declaring its child health and and Gov. W. J. Holloway for $30,- protection objectives important~ 000, broadcast by newspapers and enough "to justify any amount of radiobhad met with pledges and time and effort to harmonize vary- cash totalling more than $25,000 ing points of view" the procedure early tonight committee tonight issued a state- ment that "points on which agree- Play Group Will Offer ment cannot be reached will be taken up by the President's conti- Farce Tomorrow Night uation committee. The statement was precipitated Play Production will p r e s e n t by a clash between the p u b lic "Rollo's Wild Oat," a farcical com- health service and the children's edy, at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night bureau, over an old dispute first in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre broached in the conference pro- iin a revival performance. This play, ceedings by Secretary Davis in his with which the dramatic group morning address when he cham- opened its season last week-end, pioned the children's bureau, in his was received with acclaim at that department. His speech, emphati- time. cally declared against substracting any functions from the children's onmaly Clb Selects