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November 20, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-20

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Representatives May Call
Tickets From 1 to 2 in
League, Lobby.



Programs, Taking the Place
Favors, Will be Given
Out Later.


Tickets for the Pan Hellenic Ball
which is to be held Friday evening,t
Nov. 28, in the ballroom of the Wo-
men's League building, will be dis-
tributed today and tomorrow from
1 to 2 o'clock at a table in the lobby
of the league building.
All sororities are asked to send
a representative to receive the
number of tickets they reserved.
The tickets must be paid for by
the representative calling forthem.
In this way there will be no mis-
takes made or no misunderstand-
ings about the number of tickets
reserved and paid for by the sor-
The chairman of the ticket com-
mittee, Eugenie Chapel, '32, is be-
ing assisted by Dorothy LeMire,
'31, who will give out the tickets
today and Josephine Timberlake,
'32, who will distribute them to-
On account of a new League rul-
ing this year the number of tickets
for the ball was limited to 300.
This is the capacity of the ballroom
and it makes it more pleasant for
those attending to have the num-
ber of tickets limited to the capa-
city of the ballroom. All the tickets
have been reserved. Houses desir-
ing a larger number of tickets than
the number allotted to them may
be able to arrange for a few more
by getting in touch with Miss
Chapel after Friday.
The programs will not be distrib-
uted at the same time as the tick-
ets but will be given out the week
of the ball. This year they are of
an unusual design and are taking
the place of favors. They are orig-
inal and attractive and will provet
a better souvenir than favors. I
Miss Boycheff Receives Three
Year Fellowship in Music.'
Florence L. Boycheff, '30, a grad-k
uate of the School of Music has
been awarded a three-year fellow-
ship at Juillard's Graduate school1
in New York City. Miss Boycheff is
studying under Madame Schoen-t
Rene, who is especially fitted to
train low voices; her courses are
the most advanced offered in the
Juillard Graduate school.
Broadcasting over station WNYC,
a municipal New York station, on
November 8, Miss Boycheff madeI
her debut to New York audience inI
the Y. M. C. A. program.-
Florence Boycheff will be featur-
ed regularly every two weeks on theI
WNYC program, and an effort isr
being made to have her on the air
every week.
While in Ann Arbor, Miss Boy-
cheff gave several student recitals;k
she sang in a Toledo church, and
has broadcast over station WWJ.t
This experience may have contrib-I
uted to the success which her Newr
York broadcasting received. Sever-t
al requests came asking her to re-
peat her last song, and it was said
that her voice resembled that of
Prof. Brown to Address
University Association
Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the
political science department, will
address the International Rela-
tions group of the Ann Arbor
branch of the American Associa-
tion of University Women at lunch-
eon tomorrow in the Women's
League building. His topic will be
"China In Transition."
Anyone interested is invited to
hear the talk which will be given
following the luncheon which is at
-_ _.... __.- - --

By Margaret Hapgood, '31.
With the Pan-Hellenic ball only
a week away, evening dresses as-
sume added importance. Never have
evening dresses been more attrac-
tive or more adaptable to one's
favorite personality.aOf course
every year this same statement is
made, and every year it seems truer
than it ever did before.
Supposing one is tall and stately
with classical features. What could
be more fitting than a dress of
Grecian styling? It may be quite
an exact imitation or the merest
suggestion, achieved by the abjur-
ation of decoration, letting the
folds of the material be its only
trimming. One dress of this type
is of pale gray crepe roma, dis-
u ~
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tinguished by all over box pleats.;
helduin place at the top of th'e
bodice, at the waistline and around
the hips by bands of crystal and
pearl beads in a Grecian design.
Bands of the beading also form
shoulder straps.
Perhaps, one wishes soething
more sophisticated. The dress illus-
trated is of dark blue velvet,
intricately cut with a peplum and
bolero. The decolettee in the back
is very low, similar to most of the
dresses this season. It is one of the
laws of design, when skirts go down
necklines follow. Another dress
that would appeal to the same type
is of metal cloth with a band of
dark fur just below the knees.
If one wishes to feel romantic
a dress inspired by a southern belle
of the 80's would be an ideal choice.
The off-shoulder decoletee, that
looks so precarious, but is really
held in place by flesh colored
straps, is very popular this year.
One such dress of black taffeta,
has a skirt entirely composed of
ruffles, starting at the natural
waistline and ending at the floor.
The tiny capes on the arms that
give the off-shoulder line, are em-
broidered with turquoise sequins.
The newest evening wraps touch
the floor, although wraps of other
lengths are just as smart. The color
may either match or contrast with
the frock.

Going Home
Will your shoes add to the
smart lines of that new fall
costume which you are show-
ing mother and dad for the
first time?

All Women, Whether or Not,
They Are Hockey Players,
Are Invited.
With the close of the inter-class
and intramural hockey games thisI
week, Nov. 25 has been set as the
date of the annual hockey banquet'
to be held in the lounge of the'
Women's Athletic building.
W. A. A. is sponsoring the ban-
quet, and all women students,
whether or not they have played
in the hockey games, are invited
to attend.
The last intra-mural hockey;
game will be played Friday after-
noon, Nov. 21 and the winning
team will be presented with a cup
at the banquet. Two other days are
being set aside for open hockey
games this year, Nov. 20 and 25,
in which anyone who wishes to can,
play, including faculty members.
Elizabeth Whitney, '31, W. A. A.
hockey chairman, is in charge of,
all arrangements for the banquet.
Assisting her are Mrs. Marie Bach-
mann, '31, who is selling tickets
for the seniors; Elizabeth Gardner,
'32; ticket chairman for the juniors;
Jane Fecheimer, '33, ticket chair-
man for the sophomores; and Eliza-
beth Cooper, ticket chairman for
the freshman majors. Elizabeth
Cody, '34, is in charge of tickets for
the freshman academics. Those who
want tickets for the banquet should
§ee one of these people.
Katherine McMurray, '31Ed, is in
charge of decorations.
Arrangements Made by
Athena for Initiation
Final arrangements are being
made for a formal initiation ban-
quet by Epsilon chapter of Athena,
national literary and forensic so-
ciety. At the last meeting of the
society, on Tuesday night, the fol-
lowing women were put in charge
of the affair; Madelon Andrus, '31,
general chairman; Elizabeth Shaw,
'32, invitation and program chair-
man; Nelda Scherer, chairman of
decorations; and Gail Saunders,
'31, toastmistress.
Patronesses of Athena have been
invited t> attend and speeches will
be made by Florence Hiscock, '32,
representing the active chapter,
Martha Littleton, '34, representing
the pledges, and Florence Clement,
'32L, who was president of the
chapter last year. The pledges will
put on a stunt at the banquet and
are being directed by Agnes John-
son, '31.
At the next regular meeting Pro-
fessor Immel of the speech depart-
ment will speak to Athena mem-
bers about his recent experiences in

Chinese Handicraft
Evident in Jewelry
Display in Museum


It seems that we can't be orig inal With Americans.
even in our most original jewelry. Both Teams Play Fighting Game
About a year ago, fashion artists to Decide Contender "There seem to be far fewer dif-
started a fad for carved jewelry of for Championship. ferences in the life and ideals of
all sorts. They made it of bone, - -educated women the world over
wood, ivory, and even of cork, for WINNER TO MEET KAPPAS than in those of the uneducated
bathing wear. It was advertised as Am classes," declared Prof. Camillo P.
a "new sensation" and the "latest Alpha Xi Delta triumphed over Merlino, head of the Italian depart-
Zeta Tau Alpha 1-0 in the last ment. "The educated women of
thing," to be seen around the well game of the semifinals for the in m for e have oe
dressed woman's neck, wrist or tramural hockey championship. By Italy, insanc,
ankle. eliminating Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha things in common with their Amer-
But the ancient Chinese had the Xi Delta has won the right to meet ican sisters than is generally sup-
idea long ago, we find from the Kappa Kappa Gamma in a battle posed. Independence of thought
room in the University n useumfor the championship on Friday at and action, freedom from excessive
which is devoted to Chineseart 4:30. family burdens as well as from
and workmanship. There are many Today's game was not fast, aid other things, are almost as charac-
pieces of carved jewelry there quite there was no open field work. Both teristic of this class of women in
similar to the carved pendants we teams were out to win, and put up Italy -as in America."
wore as new. They are made of a fight during the entire game. Al- Professor Merlino continued, say-
ivory, and creamy shades of jade though Zeta Tau tried hard, Alpha ing, "on the other hand, there is
some carved in pendants, and hung Xi Delta outplayed them the ma- still a very marked contrast be-
from cords, and others cut into jority of the time. tween the condition of women of
shapes of animals, lowers, and Alpha Xi Delta has a very strong the lower classes and those with
different figures, to be usedaas forward line which is almost as whom they might be compared in
ornaments. There is one ornament good at defense as it is at offense.
which is especially interesting: it Zeta Tau Alpha's defeat was largly
is a small creature which might be due to the fact that they were not Walki Oxfod
a salamander, or a dragon, which able to keep the ball. They didWing O f
clings to a carved base. some hard hitting, but by so doing
There are other displays in this lost the ball. Zeta Tau's stars were Expertly fitted, superbly fashioned w
Chinese room which are of especial Dorothea Boger, '33, who is their add "chic" and comfort to your c
interest to women. In one case are fastest player, and Mabel Aberle, tume for the coming winter days. Th
shown dainty wall hangings made range in price from
of silk, painted in pastel Chinese Jean Botsford, 33Ed., was the
figures. One screen is beautiful in outstanding player for Alpha Xi $7.00 to $10.00
its oddness and intricacy. It is what Delta, she is one of the best and
is called hand mosaic. It is made fastest dribblers in the University.
of pieces of different colored cloths, Her clever stick work accounted for A variety of leathers and patterns
cut into figures, and pieced together Alpha Xi's goal. Jean Bentley, '33, choose from.
so minutely that one cannot notice and Sara Thomas, '31Ed., also play-
the pieces from the front. The ed a good game for Alpha Xi Del-
screen, as a whole, is covered with ta.
a beautiful design that is formed -_123
by these tiny parts. Hats that are
For a lover of beautiful dishes, DIFFERENT East
the Chinese room presents an in-
triguing display. There are many $5.00 and up Liberty St.
different kinds of dishes; hand$ McKINSEY HAT SHOP
1 painted ones, and brass, hand M27ISoYthat S
1 worked platters. Similar to the 227 South Stdte
models of viking and venetian - -- - - -
boats that we so proudly rest on
our mantels, there are two Chinese
boats, exact replicas of those that
they use. They have bundles of
merchandise on them and even a
crew, made of realistic looking
wooden Chinamen.


Italian Women of Higher Class
Have Muth in Common

our country. Allegiance to tradition
and to all that this implies, stilli
determines to an incredible degree
the life and customs of the Italian
women of this class.
" They are very dutiful and sacri-
ficing and the care of husband and
children continues to be the all-
absorbing aim of their life. Un-
warranted and ridiculous social
aspirations and the desire to "keep
up with the Joneses" are not known
by these women. Social caste in
Italy is not yet determined, even in
part, on the basis of money, and
regardless of how wealthy a peas-
ant woman may be, she could
under no condition enter so-called
society. Neither would she ever
aspire to do so."
These peasant women of Italy
have more to do than just caring
for their homes, according to Pro-
fessor Merlino, who said, "Despite
their heavy domestic duties, many
of these women help the men in
their manual labor in the fields.


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Wear This Slpper
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Romantic 'Evening
Dye them to repeat the color of your jewelry or to
match the color of your gown. They're fashioned of
white moire . . . which can be dyed perfectly. $10.50.
Pumps and strapped slippers
of white or black moire, $7.50
to $10.50.


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To train a natural wave in hair
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