PAGE 1oU THIE MACH-IGAN DlAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 1930 Published every morning except Monday Luring the University ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editoria kssociation. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled co the use for republication of all news dis oatches credited to it or not otherwise credired in thie naper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post master General. Subscription by carrier $4.00, by mail $4.-0 Offices Ann Arbo' Press Building May turd Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214 EDITORIAL STAFF TelephoneE 495 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Boad HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper :dews Editor ................ Gurney Williams Editorial Director........... Walter W.Wilds Sports Editor............... Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor...........Mary L. Behyme Music, Drama, Books.......Win. J. Gorman Assistant Cuy Editor ......Harold O. Warrer Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprow rdegr:4iPEditor..........GeoCrge Ay Stau Win. F. Pyper ... bI~~ Copy Editor NIGHT EDITORS . S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Irving J. Blumberg Chomas . Cooley George Fisk. Morton .Frank Saul Friedberg Frank B. Gilbreth Jack Goldsmith Roland Goodman James H. iYglis Denton C. Kunze Wilbur J. Myers Robert L. Pierce Lynne Adams Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Elizabeth Gribble Smily G. Grimes lIsie M. Hoifmeyer lean Levy Dorothy Magee M~ary McCall Sher M. Quraisbi Jerry E. Rosenthai George Rubenstein Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert Robert F. Shaw Edwin M. Smith George A. Stauter Alfred R. Trapert Parker Terryberry Tohn S. Townsend Robert D Townsend Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon JeanaRosentaI Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart r Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21211 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising ................Charles T. Kline Advertise,,;-............ ...Thomas M. Davis Advertising ............William W. Warboys Service ...................Norris J. Johnson Publication ............kobert W. Williamson Circulation ....... .....Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts ...............Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary ............Mary J. Kenan Assistants Harry R. Bceglev Don W. Lyon Vernon Bishot William Morgan William Brown Pl. Fred Schaefer Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier William W. Davis Noel D. Turner Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder jErie Kightlinger Marian Atran Mildred Postal elen Bailey Marjorie Rough Josephine Convisser Ann W. Verner Dorothy Laylin Mary E. Watts Syvia Miller Johanna Wiese Helen Olsen THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL SENATOR FESS. Although it tooc CLAUDIUS H USTON only two years to get himself involved in trouble as' chairman of the National Republi- can committee, it has taken his successor, Senator SIMEON D. FESS, of Ohio, only a little over three months to get in such "hot water" that Representative BRIT- TEN has already intimated that he ought to resign his post. To be sure, BRITTEN is a rather spectac- ular gentleman, with a love of pub-. licity, but criticisms of Senator FESS' conduct have also appeared at other sources. President HOOVER has had a good deal of trouble keeping his party in line ever since the first session of Congress under his ad- ministration. Mr. HUSTON came so close to entangling himself with scandal, that pressure was brought to bear upon him to resign, which he did only after the matter had been culled over in the press and nation for several months. Although the chairman of the committee is elected, the advice of the President is usually heeded, and .HOOVER is perhaps more responsible for the choice of the past and present in- cumbents than any other members of the party. Just why FESS was selected is not quite clear for any other reason than that he had done nothing to make himself distinguished, and consequently could not be at- tacked by the various elements of the party for his stand on certain questions. His presence in the Senate has not contributed much towards the prestige or glory of that body, as perhaps that of Senators BORAH, REED, and VAN- DENBERG has done. In the words of Representative BRITTEN, "Sen- ator FESS' leadership of the Na- tional Committee has been color- less and void of the slightest com- prehension of political strategy." In this time of danger for the Repub- lican party, certainly some person- age, more appealing to the public, could be found to head the organ- ization of the Republicansi Committee. FESS displayed a shocking lack of political tact and strategy when making this state- ment. He has not done anything in connection with national affairs since he took over the omlce, but the first time he had a chance to say anything, he blundered, and in doing so, provided ammunition for the opposition, an unpardonable sin. HOOVER would have a hard time placing a really capable man in his place. DWIGHT MORROW is a wet, and has not been in poli- tics long enough to qualify. Senator BORAH is the leader of the insur- gent group in the Senate, and on that score rather unreliable. But such party regulars as Senator VANDENBERG, DAVID REED, or JAMES DAVIS would certainly furnish the type of man who would do a good job in such an office, as well as be one of the loyal HOOVER supporters. GERMANY'S PROBLEM Germany today from an educa- tional standpoint is facing one of the most critical periods in its his- tory. Overcrowding of professions and the inability of university graduates to obtain positions has led the students to prolong their education in an endeavor to put off the day when they must face the problem of making a livelihood . Young student doctors, lawyers. teachers, engineers all find them- selves faced with the alternatives of starvation or scrapping their hard-won certificates and seeking work as unskilled laborers, clerks or salesmen. It is estimated that 3,000,000 trained graduates are out of work in the country. Yet with this deplorable condi- tion the enrollment of the univers- ities continues to grow with the students clinging to the hope that fortune will in some way favor them. They are taking the attitude that there is nothing for them at present, and that there is always the possibility that another four years at school may see an im-- provement in the general situation As a result of the increased en- rollment, requirements have been stiffened. Nurses must now have completed the gymnasium as is the case with licensed gardeners. Artists, who once frowned on Greek, Latin, and trigonometry are now required to have mastered these subjects befol'e they can be instructed in drawing, modeling and the use of colors. This stiffen- ing of requirements came several years ago when the educational leaders foresaw the overcrowding of the professions. Now, however, those students who before were turned away because of insufficient schooling are brought face to face with the situation that there is a marked crowding. The most serious result of the existing condition is the aptitude with which the unlucky stud ent are turning to radicalism. They feel that they have been cheated. They find their cherished certificates of no value, and as a result are swell- ing such ranks as ADOLF H-IT- LER'S, or have turned to the red flag as being the only solution of an inextricably tangled situation. The condition has been summed up by a student of German eco- nomic conditions, who points out that unemployment among the educated classes and among the workers are related phenomena, and not likely to improve until German economic life rises out of the morass of stagnation into, which a lost war, a revolution and inflation and the payment for that lost war have dragged a once smoothly-functioning instrument. RELIEF AND PROSPERITY. Since it seems to be the thing for political powers in Michigan to call upon football teams to remedy the unemployment situation, and to call upon the Varsity, as they would the Red Cross or the militia for aid, it is interesting to note that prosperity is again returning if scalpers prices for tickets for the Minnesota-Northwestern game Saturday can be considered as an indicator. Mercenary students on the North- western campus, according to press reports, are asking $25 a pair and $15 for single tickets for the game. And those who already have their tickets at regular rates are rejoic- ing at this sign of returning pros- perity. This will be the situation here at the Chicago game if those people who have been yelling so loudly for the Michigan-University of De- troit game turn out in full force with their relatives and friends. 1 r T DANNY d I had a sneaking suspicion I'd get them sooner or later! The articles below (both written on, the same typewriter, mailed in the same place, and displaying the same brand of humor-yes I saidj humor, chivalrous tothe core is Dan Baxter, even to a coed) prove all of my many and varied conten- tions about coeds right up to the hilt. See what you think: Dan Pnny:I Would'st let a coed have a word? Afraid? Anyho' here goes MUSIC AND DRA TONIGHT: In I'll A'd lW_um be- ginning poni tly 8:1 the Ann Arbor.. debut of he Don Cosmek Russian Male Chorus under Serge Jaroff director. THE DON COSSACK COUS. The thirty-six men of the Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus and their leader, Serge Jarofi, are for- mer officers of the Russian Imper- ial Army. Their history as a sing- ins unit dates back to the prison: camp of Tschelengir. Later trams- Our Weekly Financial Letter Contains Analysis of Tcxas Gulf niternational Business Machine Copy on request WATL INGI LERCHEN & HAYES Daily Market Letter Members New York Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Associate) Detroit Stock Exchange Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phones: 23221-23222 +==r--== T6e WOFFO ID ON THE BEACH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA CHRISTMAS TIME r IS PLAYTIME IN FLORIDA 'Use this vacation period for a real relaxation from the grind ofstudy. ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE OUTDOOR SPORT' GOLF, SWIMMING, . BOATING.: FISHING EUROPEAN PLAN MODERATE RATES, andevetyAappointment for your comFort and pleasure Writeor wire for rotes and reservations.) )OHN B. WOFFORD, Managets i t i L 7 T -All the awful looking jewels 1 ported to Sofia, Bulgaria, they on this campus called men that formed for a time the choir of the have the nerve to knock the Russian Orthodox Church. Exiled coeds ought to he shot at birth from the country, they became a if not b(Aore. (Even my feeble professional chorus, making a bri- mind can see a fallacy in that liant debut in Vienna and soon be- suggestion-D. III.). The species coming the most famous Russian of humanity that walk daily on chorus in Europe. The Don Cos- the campus have fully con- sacks travel on "Nansen" passes, vinceci me that Darrow was issued by the League of Nations to right-evolution was the be- people without a country. ginning of all misfortune. The vocal three dozen in their Incidentally, "Nancy Brown uniforms of black, each with its of the Campus" was probably two trouser stripes of red, and their the inspiration for the New- high cavalry boots make an im- berry Aud. pressive appearance as with a mil- A Coed (Thank Heavens!) itary precision they line up on the and stage in a long double row. New York criticism sems to indicate that their singing is as highly dis- ciplined as their behaviour. The general consensus of critical opin- ion has it that this Stritking e - DanielBaxter, Retire: semble, trained to a hair-tri gger We wish to propose a new candi- perfection, is bound to be one of date for the Black List. How a.bout the mot notable importations of nominating Daniel Baxter for th several seasons. The program to b: .resident of the Pain in thne Neck offered tonight in their apearane Club? He can't lose if he looks any- fn the Choral Union Series inclues Ching like the rest of the men cn religious, military, a n d quaint campus. Of course this will never peasant songs, most of them ap- 3e printed because Danielis too pearing to be unamiliar Russian yellow to print the coed side of the songs. question! (Lady, it's not a question,- -it's a horrible reality-D. B.) LA ARGENTINA. By one who has never seen a A Review by Cue l iWe.r worse looking bunch of bums than For those of us who had seen she Michigan men. the performance of Goya here in a: l Ann Arbor earlier this falU, th, There gents! Nobody oui 1p*iterrnance of La Argentina in possibly contend after that e7 Detroit was similiar to the experi- that Uncle Daniel is not per- ence of first discovering a Roman forming a very necessary public copy of Praxiteles' Hermes and service. Our little playmate later coming upon the original. La seems given to argumentum ad Argintina's art is mature and fin- hominem in its most literal ished. The castanets talkative, tas- sense. And we know that that ing, stormy, petulant, whispering, is not considered 'pomme de --carry a lyrical quality through terre' by the better people. out all of her interpretations. Nev- * * * er does one feel her *expression xLADLY THE CROSS-EYE 3EAl complete until she gathers p athe * * ; currents of emotion in the miu-c. SAY GENTS! How about a little and dance and reaches them in her iupport for the midget football inimitable castagnettes. ;ame between the halves of the Additions to her 'ast year's pro- Chicago game? This is a truly gram were three in number. The worthy project, and one worthy of Andalusian Serenade which head- all your efforts. The fact that it is ed the program gave only a hint ighly improbable that it will ever of the heights of interpretation get by our sporting faculty only which the dancer would hit during makes it the more deserving of the evening's program. The see- jour backing. I might even suggest ond new creation to be offered -hat a good way to forward the "The Dance of Terror" was also of .dea would be to turn in your tick- the first group. This dance was ats to the Chicago game and taken from the Ballet "El Amr lhreaten to go watch the Midgets Brujo," struck a note of modern- play instead. ism in its angles and perpendicu- * *N * lars which the artist accomplished through arm work and ecstatic SUPPORT THE MIDGET GAME ! stretching of her lithe body into the air. The technique was parti- Dear Dan: cularly well adopted to the sharp Have you noticed the ai. current of emotion which ran painted on the winodow of a through the dance-theme. And last local establishment for the dis- of the innovations was an Iberian pensing of comestibles--to wit: dance, a choreographic drama in which her pantomine suggestion WHY GO HOME AND STAVE? recalls the clever Agina Enters COE ~E RlE. sketches I'll pray for yon. The aoility of this dancer to The Weasel. slip from one character to another * is notable, but she undoubtedly at- Probably something in what they tamed her greatest success in the say, Weasy. characterization of a Cuban wo- man. The hunch of her shoulders, the rhythm of her body, the sway SUP'PORT THE MIDGET A1fv, of her hips, the toss of her head all portrayed with graphic reality Dear Dan: that pseudo-negro strutting wab- We wrote four c:ontributions yes- ble of the Cuban women. In her terday and tossed them all out. Is well known peasant dance Lagar- there by any chance a medal corn- teranai she again attains a srnm- ing to us? pathetic eXre)OssiOn of t t inrtari- Giodfrey. ulate grace which is found in the untutored peasant dancers. Der odre:As usual her costumies we crc aj e Godfrey: udy themselves - each in per- There is. f . ect harmony with the gene'al mod of tli dance That perhaus T read that they,'re piaiuinWgto.~J~ ent f aAgni~a ' J ime the roof ovar a j, Lne .sp I - a La Arifyjnii t xt year. I anticipated something }xprem a cni rM01V WEi(,h rii) I-h ni-i,, , LET US MAKE YOUR GEOGRAPHICS LOOK LIKE THIS Bring in your copies of this wonderful magazine, we will return a beautiful book, bound in high quality artificial leather, HAND SEWN, FLAT OPENING, DURABLE. Covers are WASHABLE, INSECT- PROOF, GOLD STAMPED, RICHLY EMBOSSED. A wonderful addition to your library. Pleasing to young and old. A Magnificent Christmas or Birthday Gift (Something Different) Start now. Have a few volumes bound each year j for Husband, Wife, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Son or Daughter. , EE -- METHE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. Stationers-Printers-Binders-O~lice Outfitters $3.75 er olume 112 South Main Street Phone 4515 Discount 5 to 10 Vols. 5% Ann Arbor, Michigan 11 Vols. or more 10% 9~ of i;; f X 1 J i' f Th rsday, Nov. 20, 8:15 P. M Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 is ,. I r of this nature the momnt theyI skarted writing those wild student, opinions. *i * * The Pherret reports that lie has found out why they call the Tribune a Trn-Weekly. L ',ome oti't once ai weekl, 0and tries like e'verythig to dill up iheir space Ihe other two time; absvldy %VIll,_ I I x1 uxnigh rroil 1,1movement, facial expression, 11r11, 5nd( i im~n al temnpo, III spite of her ability at charac- ter sketching through the dance, we feel one element missing. In view of the fact that her work is ,MlclY ron funed to thin iitO. Prts 1 ofe " ' n linp W u\lld cxpc (1, ,of 1(1 I(1 rEv a-- I Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 J1I Sea son Tickets $6.00, $8.00. $10.00. t1ClVT