THURSDAY, NOVMER-20, 1930~ TjjHJr Mj IC-TICA N-:DATL Y _ , Vr~P RIDGE T GO LF FE!TURFS OPENING FOI SgypLOISI CL 3MMUN T Y FUND, FROM 50 N-TTIQ AT S1~.A~ UETr Agulxn -314frojxcse las Leadecr 0- New Po fa i M4ANILA, Nov. 19. - s:v. Emilo A g:uinaldlo, leaae r of tnie Pi}lnine, insurrection ', Uie IOT CHUJTE SA VES LIF P IRL nranvii RRflICTA ILtf Jc ...,,ya DR viN F.s .. IRa sT+we S- « ~ ~banquet Monday ?ih-t in honor' of Is-,ro Gaaldoi , wh i :nt S _. ~~tU!P"'ne from thall Unitc'd'. !._...;as.,, of t ti\propone nt 0of Pb il't' i,ep den-I dence. Gabaldo, forr knato Juan Alf' e e ot. ( SC'..7 s aer .s it. the gropoe I M !rs d " x uuf aent minorit y pT ' t Jc: 'i snvt sugg.estion. A unaldo mniie?csted nL.._lerest in I ntheproposal adasked fr or time in which to reach ad+ciszin. However, he expressed sc fae doubt Lymrian ocliml, gliaxcr v.1 ir, all h soud vntreiz~tC:?,{;l 2 tnd3z- te ' n; f c te of whether a man of hi;; years seated lilder ever Cbultb. Miss Hall nc shold entreint suh a uder thdstinction o being the first wo: vtakirrz. Te proposed new party u i ir,ou~ of this co: kpit. Her° wouldtake n theDemoeata (ihi- erni rpilot chiut e saved her. The k , " %crity) party. ,""abaldon,1in an addresa, atak ff , .oed acon is leadher~s , :ertez A ssoiatcd iPress Poto they had worked to thi, e diniei Mayo i Victor Miller of St. Louis, and officers of the communty of the Filippine, xo fie by c(o-o OV i'r S .oe thsc y in wihtheLn,.nanti,'i-( 1.1. . ' charity fund, playing on one~ of the principal miniature golf cours jatn wihhe mria vr- 'This game featured the opening of the drive for $2,200,000 for the benefit meait. oaspa IuiUn ____ of t. oui unmplyed - -sular house, was uttackeci by oi *G abaldon and Aleg're Lor his re cuc ( E. A Gs . 1j _ ' S TAION r1 ignl D carat1011. launching of the ain ac kvJ - 2 DrIFLED L. PiL j~[C pyfeive ord signed to Un:ift Various u Ct rr~rrn bhindtheeankalgi WV rnip '~ -0 h~1 t Fve Cartons f b Oil Farm i tiOtari o denc . __(4QLfe (B-- MyAssvociated P/ ress) I Forcing theh way into the Party Heaids Decide to Maintairt IONTARIO, Calif., Nov. 19-A doe. WUV7h at's SU.cned thaoicu(taon Tsatyai Washingtoii Headquarters I urnient described by Dr. Mertin E. I tee n tect-fTusa if4 33 3i!ag . iMlhigh school principal, as ap- II 'fltorearl e dnesday i th-n parently one of the 55 original cop- I g ,. ;T , rt e3tolave iythin declaration ofieindepen- nt o sr ;,(t,,Nj ,U_, s) l ies of the delrto fidp i 3 i1 valueexec pt fire carton ; of cigar- WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. - The dence was in the hands of the edu' On i i "it s vihueli were in the building. Republican party will maintain a cator today after having reposed ______o -lice si the ruber us hv unrecognized for four years im a courredl between 9 o'clck at n-ighlt permanent organization in the farm house. 'i EAT ES and l o'clock in the morning. capital from now on, in preparation Mrs. Arthur G. Phelps, who do- r-etc-'Padt aa~ie for the campaigns poreceding the livered the document to Dr. Hill, with :Loretta Young, Jack ih"AlI Cal" R pof td 19932 presidential election, said the paper had been cluttering and Raymond Hatton. This was determined at confer- ( up the house for four years-bey -Michigan -"Amos '_n' Andy" in Atu .Vsoi,12 er wtPrs-fore sh6 read an article ,in' a maga- <,, rhuraA.VFDouble-Check."ear ences of party officials wt r zi ine saying a letter written by But- Wekrd "Pron ' un ndavn e Dtrit enrtd o1)11~ dent Hoover. Most of the oifficers tonl Gwnnett, one of the deciara- i"The 'all of Lve.> atex day tPze°'~ of acar . Policei of the Republican national coryn- I tion's signers, had been sold for zr aid mci'4eu c tedr . i ammnie mitt- evwere at the White House $000 Mrs. Phelps s id she1 thenr" Ceni :l 80 aesre .Sio h but SntrFsofOiten-recognized -G'innett s na me on the c-zf - : -- e l. antazlvtC2of wich u eao oso _zten-dcmn.Coa U1li c ciIoIc"; r os xir:el tional c'hairmnan, was not. t Dr. Dill said he would endeavor sack male chorus e cte. ,,by Srge I His absence fromt the conferences t determine definitely whether the Jaroff, 8:15 o'ciock, hill aud t, zum. d jw imndae~ tredfehspcl-document way authentic.1 University lecture-Dr. Hjli ja l ~ -~ < d nnn ,t.c (1 - - M Schacht on "Economic Aspect of Ic .t~r iY211,7j117 _ - i Woman P .ssenger and Crew Lost of Carliornia. BURBANK, C hfi., Nov. 19--Two - -. score of searchers, traveling by air, F on horseback and afoot, scanned tfhe I roz.n :log-blanketed Telhasha- Spi mountains today for a missing Pacific Air Transporthail plane and three perso ns wvho rode the -Portland-bound ,whip out of Bur- : bank early Tuesdiay. A faint glimm~rer of light, sighted late Tfuesday nighlt1by an an'-plane o q he e i , Eed M~t. Frazier, eight miles southi of Gorman, hiiiuied the searchers' hopes as they r fought againist, time andth knowl- Ed(J that tlx:t oioa ±passenger, 4c , wi th fog, snow and wind fgro teMcignwdpedn and said Don~aldson was consider- Merchants' association. ing returnirn to Burbaznk. t ; , i I mon on Ene t3ossulnuty U1 1115 11iGC11- 1 tion to retire. However, late in the ~ H d~ ue evenzin- e chais.rman issued a yt S Mi iv n brief ,3'--!emen t io the effect he had been advised the conferences would(J be held but had not considle-'ed his presence necessary as they E ONDO v, Nov. 19 -Official infor- dealt with officee affairs reqluhing 1ma lion f rom the island of Cypru , ony thIe a ttentZion 1o:the oEli cers I lace6esdayti': sai, % t d tt fo rmer Ki ng whio had talked wi the presidentr L55Cli i of the Hr"ecliz ras still alive I Pv ous reports from Eagdad,I ll-- y~ M k rak, said tihe former sovereign,I r I no has been in exile in Cyprus, ias do-ad. led") fiye.r, to:7ofot.tshortly after 3.:30 today in his attemput to break',1 'he junior th~a-continental re - ord of Stanley 1floynton .I the Reparations Problemn'ac ' :1 o'clock in Nt ural Science arlnate:- ium. IAll-Campus Open Forr--T1arryI Riseman will speak on "~Unemply ment Insurance" at 4:15 o'elo ;h 2a root'; D, Alumni Memori~ al al Design" at 4 o'clock in ArciC tfural building auditorium. E~xhibit--Small American ec u take, open daily until 5 o'cloc k i z north gallery of Alumni Meoial Ihall. PORTfABlLE \~':' ~:: '1Hall wne s. Soul.!, .6-615 -'1 '1 M . K _, .,.r. , .--,- ..T - ...,. . .. -r,.. m,._ ..,. . _ ., , - = - - __ _ . r, At 16w - aaf afla ... . i ICS .... w ._ All$ I ';. K r f r } . , ',u_ - ' ' .5 i % sr ' ; -r ' .i i.,Cv w Merchants everywhere cius- Special Snci c Sala BEFORE trnarily hold tip prices on C hrir: z3as this year instead of Hioliday Goods until Christmas Aftc r Christin::s, making the I )ay, an-d then, after Christmas C 1r is.nas shopper's cd 0 1 1 a r is over, make Janaray Clear- worth :'g.out twice as much in' at-ce Sales at Sacrifice prices.,~ 'c~:; u power. Heoffers E r i NEW 1 11 But now comes William Wade Hinshaw with the an- riouncement that Uiniversity MultsiC l louse (6011 LE.Willijam StAtin Arbor) will make a patrons tkea chance to buy im- portant Christmas Gifts as in former ycars, even though they may Jj-iv'c less money to kuy wvith oii account of the Allhb godsete Stoe FOR THE BALANCE OF ,OUR STOCK J REDUCING SAL-YU A N Nl~ EQUAL THE VALUES ,ire to be sold regardless of character or price at Discounts of from 2011 to 50%. Every- thing in thoa store is to be $ac- rificed B e fo re Christmas! $50,000.00 worth of the finest musical instruments, large and small, and sheet music, books and records are to bc sold at unheard-of prices for Christmas Gifts. Pianos, radios, phonos, records, saxaphones, banjos, guitar, violins, clarinets, horns. harmonicas. ukeleles, drumns, musical toys, music rolls and instruments c a s e s , strings, bones, etc. Everything Musical marked down Until Christmas Day! Prices never before heard of by the Holiday Buyer. Gen- erous allowance for your old piano. Good used pianos as [ow as X$25.00 to S50.00. Credit extended to all responsible New $10.00 Styles Imported Scotch Grain $7.90 New $9.00 Styles Black orZ Tan 2 00 *rs~~ Now $9.00 styles black Cor Tan d 9Oand $6.45 Ladies' Ns $10.00 Fall styles Primps or Tis Jrnooth or ",cotcui Grain $6.90 and $7.45 I I $7.90 V A p .. le unsonl fe ay dto0$3.0aair people. U111 CH IA I 111111