THF° MTrNTC. A m N A Ti V 'TTTTMAMi AV Trl(1t7i;?hA"C2 ? ? IM 1 OqA 1 11 G l l V R .1. U.H NT L7 AHV1 L 1Y1 1iT1 h Cwgli..A 7 kiV1Y Pr ~A f' NUVEVDLbjIt U, Iyh)U :- . Scholarship's Are Endowed for Detroit Tigh School Graduates ALtIMNi TO *O[FFE nrTnnlT IrIIeTn GERMAN TRANSATLANTIC AIR LINER I TAKES OFF FROM LAKE CONS TANCE Gollsis"s of Mloney Obtained I ir c ._it gan Opera Be~i f-r Annio;,,nccs Safeguards J. t: A Vo2 We 1cofdFill-d STATE CQI60SLI Gillespie Prophesies Disserxtion in Party After Rejection by Governor-Elect. (t- , sv.4 ~c.Otti(/2(d 1's Johnson Wins Prize in Livestqock Show HO BAND PLANS NEW b 'RCKSFOR GAME l ie. Coursey Drills Musicians GU :I V~ rAP DYcCUfor Final Tilt of Season. Plans Call for Legal Research Buildig to be Finished 4y I'ajl of 1931. ' i( Detroit l'iin shool graduates in the future vvill. bO assisted finan-I cially in banig highier educa- tion at tim nierstyas the result of an endowment. fund established by Detroit alumni,.Ifaviley Tapp- ing,gerl scrtrc. LtheAlumni' association, Lstatez c;:trduyRe- gents of the Univer.,,"j have been named as tru stees. Tefund, whIich will be known as the University of Michigan club of Detroit Endowment Fund, is en- tiilely apart from the ordinary activitic.; of tie club, and has no rclht oi! o lthe dormitory program which it; ha: ufavored in connection with the 2Alumnrii Teni-Year pro- ra°: r.1 i STwo pica bop t, DO-X~ plane will Stakes. ins Lai ____________________LANSING, Nov. 19-A spit be- tween the forthcoming azlmin 'stra - tion forces of._ b~ M rce WleM.rukrand at least a part of Wayne coun- 4fi <. Ety's political representation was q ~e inent today following develop- ments Tuesday on a statement by the governor-elect repudiating the candidacy of John Gillespie, co n- .I::I~2:~:::§:missioner of public works in Detroit under the recept administration of . Mayor Bowles, for the chairman- ship of the Republican state e- ________________tral committee. .Associated Press Photo Gillespie is known, t ohave corn- ires, talon a,few minutes apart, showing the German flying municated with Mr. Brucker by! C, taking oft' from Lake Constance on a test flight. The giant teehn usa xrsigsr attempt a trans-Atlantic flight from Lisbon to the United prise and indignation over the statement made by the governor- -____ ____ a_ -...-- elect. Other calls followed, Bruck- , . er refused to stats just what thej 11MgA-- alpa Lambda j nature of the communications 1 'Will Hold knitiation,1 were. bersol t~io~l chpter Private revelatons however, said [LL:. er ofIA~f~K~ athc a, chateroal':hat Gille'spie was perturbed over, iF Al , ithe Brucker suatemeht. The attor- - -ho~oi~y sc~ngic! sciey, aveney general said in his own behalf{ 1 oola' tccoig.. ca scity hvethat -I dial not back down ifrom WhoMee fo Mels:5(hedulcd the initiation of eight the statemnent of yoesterday." W~new mnemb'ers oi the organizationl Gillespie, who claims conitrol ofI ne Hall Say Idea fr Thursday, Dec. 11., it wVas wi- Wayne county polIi'is insofar a-sl Successful,.fnounced yesterday. they affect the state adminis+-ra- IThe initiation is to be formal in tion., is understood to have threat-! e Workmen are rapidly completing the outside cons ruction details on the Legal Pfles a;rchlibrary of the Law quadontranle, and the building is 4 u t~inally taking oi-,tht.e aspect it will f ~~pesent 'when c7 (o_ npi('tCd. Gl xaZirs arca okat present ninstalling th theherl-iestained glass win dows. A clock wlhich will s~rick the hloui has been instalieed in the west tower x ~of the building and a weather vane Salready indicates thae direction ir ' which the wind is blowin-g. ,rte Present plan s call for the comn- pletion of the building in time foi { r 4 ' ? occupapey in the fall of 1931. -. erm~iuda grass, xv'ith the addition ,associated Press Photu of Italian rye, mnakes an everre lawn in Dixie states.- ai~Joins; Rutgers student, who went west from Lambertsville, N. J., to winz distinction at the Kansas City Amnericani Royal Livestock show as N~ the most promising "future Fa - mier." With it goes $1,000 from te DF'IROIT-T h e Falcons, this _________ In an endeavor to culminate its season in such a manner as to add another laurel to its already high reputation, the Varsity band is working doubly hard on its forma- tins for the Chicago game next Saturday. Lieut[. R. R?. Coursey, d_ ill master ojf the bnd, has not revealed any of the form iations which the band will gIo through Saturdlay but it is expected that because it is the final appearance of the outfit for the Season, some of the formations I which have proved the most suc- cessful during the year will be du- plicated. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona, Underwood, Barr-Morris, Remington, Royals. We have all makes,. Colored Duco Finishes 0. D. MORRIL L 314 South State Phone 6615 oilm El-lIGA- S 'I II { Mcni -' m Contribute.I j The agree:ment for the fund po pr-vides for thy, setting aside: of $1,500 intedi rtely. The fundi is a sum of m'oney formrerly h'eld by the alumni thistee wh-o ob tajined it through thley sponsorship of the Union Opera sevieral yea-s ago, surpplem~en4ted by a sumr v.hich broughit it to the fixed amount, and to; which is to be 'added 50 cents per club member e#ach yaplurs a-.-y additional sum Gr sun." frm the gener al club reserv,, \Vhi c<< may be turned over~ h/thle bo,: aro governQrs. 'Thre club, plans to encourage giftsl and be, usts f rom7 alun i who area in sympxath u-ith ythe objects of the tendeavor until a 'substantial en- dowment has- boen_ established. Proper safegu,::ards have been placed in the1 trutst agreemnent to avoid the pascibi'y of the incomes ever becing diverted to the much- discussedl aiid oftLen criticized pur- pose of "getting athletes" to go to Ann Arbor, stated Frederick G. Beattie, 21L, treasurer of the club., there is ne, possibility, he said, of the inebmer~ from the fund ever being used in any way that would. bring criticism on the club or the trust fund committee. The endo wmenc-t came about as the culmination of an idea held by the club for a number of years, as the result of the small profit which the organization realized throughR its sponsorgrip of the Union Opera.1 The amn.ount was turned over to' several members of the board of governors of the club w ho named .. a corn-mitten to investigate the possibility of founding such a fund. The comm ittee which drew up the plan1 consistedi of Charles M. DelbridgUe, Lee E. Joslyn, jr., Henry- Slyfldlc, a.ndl Beattie. S _ui ~ Club Will Condquct Class Ton~ight Ai Y udio class in life drawing will begrin at & o'clock tonight in the free han~d drawing room~ on the fourth floor" of the Architectural bilding, Lorne Marshall, '31A, president, of the Studio Art club, under whnose auspices the class is' held., tated yesterday. The class is open to all those in-. terested in life drawing s whether they are tart students or not, he stated. This is the first studio art class this year. I Have you seen them? Congenial fellowship at meals isI the object of the recently organized freshman dining club which has been getting under way during the last week- at the Lane hall tavern.A A dozen men have been meeting daily for meals and, almost without exception, have voted the experii- ment a complete success. The pur- pose of the venture, according toIt statement of W. W. Knox, '32,9 chairman of the freshman commit-I tee of the Student Christian asso-t ciation, is to give the first-year men an opportunity to know the members of their own class, and to farm friendships that will last nature. A banqutet will precde ti e ceremonies. T1he new memoo3;.rs are Miss Mlil- dred Valentine, a, newcomer to the sociology faculty this year, who conducts laboratory social service work both in Detroit and Ann Ar'- bor; John Burgess, Mrs. N. R. Stiles, and Elizabeth Ford. all members of the Graduate school; Beatrice Le- "vine, Philip Bernstein, Herm-anj Pekarsky, and Torn Lease, all of' the cla ss of '31. ART NEARS CLOSE ened openi rebellion. Whene asked city's National League ho-key en- what reply he would give should try, after having been consideratbly Gillespie nmake such a threat,I revamped during the summer, ap- Brucker said, "I would tell hime to! parently are headed for a high go ahead." position in the standings this year. .d LAST TIMES TODAY Shows at 2:1:(,, 3:40) 7:00, 9:00 11I .DOUBLE COMEDY SALLY STARR in PROGRA M GEOR~GE DURYEA I I A. L. Klaer, resident of Ann Mrs. Waite Cites Success ofI Arbor, has been acting as seniorAnulisa. adio otegopadet oeof his meals with the regular par- ticipants. Frequently an upperciass- I Completing a run of three weeks, man will drop in and eat at the the eighth annual exhibit of local table with the first-year men, art sponsored by the Ann Arbor fThere are still- openings for more Art association will close tomorrow. frehme wh woldlif tojoi Mrs. John B. Waite, presiden of freheopn who udelike to joinso the organization, announced yes-' are asked to leave their names at tcrdy. The. exhibition has been the main desk of Lane hall. ; showing in the upper galleries of _______________Alumni Memorial hall and li,7S in- ___________________________eluded works of art of every type. RADIOTODAYe exhibit has ben quite sue- RADI TODY Icessul, rs.Waite stated, and the !I A new kind of Western Comedy filled wih drama, music and song. Also PATSY RUTH MILLER-FORD STERLING IN "THE FALL OF' EVE" A sophisticated and extremnely clever farce-comredy that will nmake you rock with laughter. i I' Jack Benny "The Rounder" SUNDAY SHORT SUBJECTS Pathe keview Eddie Buzzel's Metro Nws, Bedtime Story MAURICE CHEVALIER in ""PLAYBOY OF PARIS" Ii' i . .. _. __... _ ,- x - - - 11 - _- _____ - _- ---- _ . ... _..e.. - , _ . .._ _ ...__., s... - ..__ F, 'rA 4I discussed at 2 o'clock this noon during, the Un.. broadcasting program by W. McCready, of the cl cngineering department. M/idnite Sons quartet wi a musical program. WillL;"7associaLton is very much gratiied s after- with the success with which it has Divesity b-en met by the studont body and Donald puI l hemical I All ;:'ose students who have The works the exhibit must call for 11l offer= theme eithrcr Saturday or Sunday, she added. The galleries will be open until 5 Cclock both days. MAJESTIC Daily at 2:00, 3:30 7:00, 9:00 LA-ST' 2 AY S kwAmw E LORETTA YOUNG JACK MULHIALL IN "RO-AD TO0 PARA -DISE" COMING SATURDAY Somedhing to Cheer about! f , \ . . A grand an~d l g-c us whkirligig of Youth! Fun, frolics, foo,1bal1! Sixteen song hits! A Year cr: Bro Llway-n-ow even a .aiI i'alliU! Ise future years you wig joy 1001LR.i g t tlie 19,vj& Mllchll- ganensian, anod seeo ' -92A 40 in picturetn, the S.,cn.ior, Sect'l*on Caiclimia showed are in North increase of~ I 802 PA2k.ARI) STREET 5:30 t« 7:70 L.1VER AND BACON HAMBURG STEAK, FR? EllONIONS ROAST LOIN OF PORK VEAL ROAST, CRANBERRY SAUCE I, A1 HASHED BROWN AND MASHED POTATOES CREAMED CORN 35Sc YOUR. PICTURE WILL.BESURE TO BE THER. WE DELIVER PHONE 82411 (ipME1 '. AID II"/ . 1, E a :, .- ' * - f. ' t -o 2 - t 1 , V K . I ri ' ' , III