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November 20, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-20

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HOOVER 0ISCUSSE5'Leads Democratic

Addresses Delegates to White
House Conference at
Opening Session.
Sees Need of Strength to Face
Increasing Pressure of
Modern Life.
(8y Associacd Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.-How to
endow the future American child
with the mental and physical
strength needed to cope with the
pressure of a magic, mechanized
world was the problem laid by
President Hoover tonight before his
White House conference on child
health and protection.
Mr. Hoover spoke in Constitution
hall at the opening session of the
conference and asserted that the1
fundamental purpose of the 2,500
delegates was to set forth an un-
derstanding of those safeguards
which will assure to children health
in mind and body.
Problems of Society.
"The problems of tne child are
not always the problems of the
child alone," he said. "In the vision
of the whole of our social fabric,
we have loosened new ambitions,
new energies; we have produced a
complexity of life for which there
is no precedent. With machines
ever enlarging man's power and
capacity, with electricity extending
over the world its magic, with the
Air giving us a wholly new realm,
our children must be prepared to
ieet entirely new contactsand new
forces. They must be physically
strong and mentally placed to
stand up under the increasing pres-
sure of life. Their problem is not
alone one of physical health, but
of mental, emotional, spiritual
Seek Answers.
"These are the problems that I
char e you to answer. This task
thatg you have come here to per-
form has never been done before.
These problems are not easily
answered. They reach the very root
of our national life. We need to
meet them squarely and to accuse
ourselves as frankly as possible, tc
see all the implications that trail
in our wake, and to place the blame
where it lies and set resolutely to
attack it."
The Chief Executive told the
conference that the problem falls
into three groups: first, the protec-
tion and stimulation of the norma
child; second, aid to the physically
defective and handicapped child;
third, the problems of the delin-
quent child.
Detroit Attorney Will Discuss
"Unemployment Insurance."
Relief for the present unemploy-
ment situation and preventative
measures for similar crises in the
future will be taken up by Harry
Riseman, well-known Detroit at-
torney, at 4:15 today in room D.
Alumni Memorial hall at an all-
campus forum on the subject, "Un-
employment Insurance."
Riseman is chairman of the
Michigan Old Age Pension League,
and has long been known in Detroit
and throughout the state as an
active worker for the cause of un-
employment insurance. He has
often co-operated with the state
legislators at Lansing in formulat-
ing bills for the relief of the un-
employed as well as various types
of social legislation.
The speaker is probably better
known to the public at large for
his political activity in connection
with the election of Frank Murphy

as mayor of Detroit. He is said to
be a close friend of the present
Liquor Opponents Plan
Educational Campaign
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-A broad
national campaign of education in
hpha1lf of prohibition was contem-
plated today by the anti-SaloonI
jeavue as the prohibition bureau
tackled the problem of dealing with

S 7E '~W. Wi S '4!'k .O 'c-
Associated Press Photo
John N. Garner,
Representative from Texas, who
should miss being elected speaker
of the House in the next Congress
by only two votes. Garner is the
Democratic leader of the House; his
party barely lacks the vote neces-
sary to make him speaker for the
representative body.
President Announces Appointing
of John Adams to Head
Prom Officials.
Appointments to sophomore lit-
erary class committees were an-
nounced yesterday by Ivan Wil-
liamson, recently elected class pres-
ident. Seven committees were
named to carry on the functions of
the class of 1933.
John .Adams was selected chair--
man of the Sophomore' Pom. As-.
sisting him on the committee are:
Vinselle Bartlett, Stanley Benja-
min, Jean Bentley, Morton Frank,
Joseph Puerner, Jean Sarvis, Sam-
uel Seadler, Edward Thayer, Keith
Tyler, Colin Vardon, and Joseph
Other committees appointed fol-
low: Athletic: Charles DeBaker,
W:'lliam Dibble, Kenneth Manuel,
ind Abe Marcovsky.
Auditing: Edward Bowen, chair-
than, Corrine Henry, Eugene Neen,
3eorge McClure, and Alfred Tap-
Executive: Allan Schmalzriedt,
chairman, Janet Hirt, Jane Mc-
.hail, John Mason, Richard Nor-
ris, and John Townsend.
Finance: Albin Telford, chair-
mnan, Dorothy Backus, Robert Ban-
aon, Thomas Lowry, and Phillip
Publicity: Albert Remsen, chair-
man, Charles Ehresman, Barbara
Fisher, Seynour Perlmutter, and

Will Hold Gathering of Students
in Field House Shortly
Before Contest.
Council Will Seek Vacation for
Students on Friday after
Thanksgiving Day.
Progress of plans for a short pep
meeting immediately preceding the
Chicago game Saturday was re-
ported at the meeting of the Stu-
dent council last night. Attempts
are being made to secure Bob
Brown, '2G, former Wolverine cap-
tain and star center, and Henry
Grinnell, '28, to address the rally
which will be held at 1:15 o'clock in
the Yost Field house providing the
building may be obtained for the
Departing from the usual custom
of holding the football pep meet-
ings the Friday nights before the
games, the cou-ncil felt that enthu-
siasm would be sustained to a
greater degree if the Saturday date
were chosen. With a tie for the
conference in the balance, a large
turn-out is expected for the assem-
Favor Football Banquet. -
Other business transacted at the
meeting included the passing of a
resolution that a committee of one
be appointed to see University of-
ficials regarding the dismissal of
classesgfor Friday following
The council went on regard as1
favoring the support of the foot-
ball banquet to be given Tuesday
night, Nov. 25, in the Union. Elec-
tion of next year's captain will1
feature the dinner.-,
The date of the Sophomore Prom I
was set for Friday, December 12,
ater consideration of other possible
Arrange Free Shows.
A resolution was passed favoring
the free movies, to be given by the
Butterfield interests at the Michi-
gan and Majestic theaters in the1
event Michigan wins the Chicago
game. These will be given Satur-'
day night instead of a later date
previously considered. A commit-]
'ee was appointed to confer with
the theatre executives on the mat-
William Billings was recognized
as the J-Hop committeman from]
the Forestry junior class.
Highland Hope Runs onto Rocks 4

Army-Navy Football Fans to Pay
According to Location.
(By Associedrd Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 19.-Football
fans will pay "a dollar a yard" for
seats at the Army-Navy charity
game for the unemployed in the
Yankee stadium, Dec. 13. The sale
of ticket proceeds for the first mil-
lion dollar football game disclosed
today that the customers will pay
according to the location of their
seats along the sidelines.
Seats on the 10-yard line in the
covered stands will sell for $10 each,
on the 20-yard line for $20, on the


Centers of Agriculture Plan
Check Gains of Foes in

Congressmen from Big Industrial
States Retaliate with
Attack on South.


Mayor Heads Local
Selling of Tickets
for Chicago Game
Tickets for the Michigan-Chicago
football game are being sold in Ann
Arbor for the benefit of charity un-
der a distribution plan devised by
Mayor Edward W. Staebler and a
sub-committee. Members of the
committee are J. Karl Malcolm,
chairman, Russell Dodge, V. O. Nel-
son, and Mayor Staebler.
Each major city in the state has
been sent at least $100 worth of
football tickets which, if sold, will i
be turned over in full to Governor
Green for state-wide relief of un-
employment. Ann Arbor's quota
has been nearly subscribed to date
and several hundred more tickets
are being placed on sale at promi-
nent local stores. All tickets thus
sold will count toward the $150,000
which is hoped to result from the
Green distribution plan.
Places at which tickets are being.
sold for the game are Farmers and
Mechani's Banks, Ann Arbor Sav-
ings Bank,, Crippen Drug stores,
Chamber of Commerce and City'
Hall buildings, Young Men's Chris-
tian association, Staebler Oil com-
pany, Quarry Drug store, Huston
Brothers, O. D. Morrill, Wahr's Book
stores, and Calkins & Fletcher drug
Although' previous plans by the
governor were to send the money
from a charity game to Detroit, the'
present scheme will provide an in-



30 for $30, and both sides of mid- "(Aoc"at"d 's')
field for $50 each. Top prices in the WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-Aliens
uncovered section will be $30. and negroes have been chosen as
the issues of the forthcoming dis-
pute in Congress over reapportion-
ment of House representation.
Representatives of agricultural
E ~states,' losers under the figures
Emade public yesterday by President
DiES iN DI lHoover, said today they would seek
to exclude aliens from the reappor-
--- f tionment count to prevent big gains
Dr. Arthur W. Stalker, Former in California, Michigan, Texas, New
Methodist Minister Here, York and New Jersey.
.cb.liQuestion Southern Vote.
Succumbs at Cnic. Efforts to block this attempt are
News of the dth of Dr Arthur to be made by representatives of
N.Stakew orereath r.othurindustrial states with a move to re-
ArnSAalker,orFi er aethod o urch duce representation in southern
was received here yesterday from states m proportion to the disfran-
~hismen ofthe neg ) they charg-
Rochester, Minn. where Dr. Stal- existedof there.
ker had been for several weeks at ws thee
the Mayo clinic. Within a day of It was these issues tht almost
being two months from the date brought defeat to the existing re-
on which he formally resigned his apportionment act in June, 1929.
post as pastor of the local church, They were injected into the meas-
Dr Stalker died as the result of an ure by amendments adopted in the
illness which visited him a year House. House leaders finally agreed
ago to wipe out both amendments and
Mrs. Stalker, summoned by a the bill was then passed.
Representative Dickinson, Repub-
telegram Tuesday, a r i v e d at lican, and Senator-elect from Iowa,
Rochester several hours after his a leader of the anti'-alien bloc that
demise, although his son, Carl H. formed with the Democrats to ex-
Stalker, of Clinton, Ia., was at his elude the aliens in the 1929 contest,
bedside when the end came. caid he would renew his efforts at
Living less than three -months in the short term.
retirement after more than 45 Rankin Speaks.
years in the ministry, 2 of which .,From Representative Rankin, of
were spent in-Ann Arbor, Dr. Stal- Mississippi, ranking minority mem-
ker met death at the age of 70. ber of the House census committee,
He was born in Commerce, Mich-.came te declaration that "the out-
igan in 1860. He received his bache- standing evil in" the reapportion
for degree in the literary school of ment plan layin the fact that there
the University in 1884 and his mas- are included in this census more
ter of arts degree in 1909. An hon- than 7,500,000 aliens, who are not
orary degree of doctor of divinity American citizens yet, representa-
was conferred upon him at Law- tion is being taken away from our
erence college in 1902. According to I American citizens in old settled
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the states, such as Virginia, Mississip-
summer session, Dr. Stalker was pi, Kansas, Iowa, and Minnesota,
the greatest moral force ever and is given to these foreigners
known in Ann Arbor. In his 25 who owe their allegiance to a for-
years in Ann Arbor he increased eign country."
his congregation from 600 to 1700 An investigation, he said, should
and gave it a sound financial basis be made of the census of Califor-
upon which to work when he re- nia, to which nine additional seats
signed. Dr. Stalker was succeeded, were awarded under the Hoover
Sept. 1, by Frederick B. Fisher, for- figures.
mer bishop of India, when he re-
Dr. Stalker is survived by twor
daughters, Mrs. Louis Miller and
Miss Esther Stalker; two sons,T
Carleton, of Clinton, Ia., and
George, of Detroit; a brother,
Harry, of Detroit; and a grandson, K
Arthur Stalker Miller, of Ann Ar- Twenty-Three Killed, Hundred
bor. Injured as Storm Rages I
The funeral has been arranged in Bethany
for 3:30 o'clock Sunday in Ann Ar-
bor. Burial will take place at For- (Byv Associated Press)
est Hill cemetery. OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 19. - A
tornado cut a swath of death and
Franklin Reck to Head destruction today through the little
church colony of Bethany, seven
Newspaper Fraternity miles west of here.
- - --Twenty-three persons were killed.
Franklin Reck, associate editor of One hundred were injured.
American Boy magazine and well Approximately 100 buildings wert
known in Ann Arbor, was selected destroyed.
yesterday afternoon as national) Striking during a heavy rain-
president of Sigma Delta Chi, pro- I storm, the tornado levelled a 200-
fessional journalistic fraternity at yard wide path through the east-
the annual convention which clos- ern edge of the town, burying many
es in Columbus today. Harold 0.I persons in splintered wreckage of
Warren, '31, was the representative their homes.
from the Michigan chapter at the All ambulances in Oklahoma City
assembly. were rushed to the scene and the
Reck will be remempered as the dead and injured were brought to
co-writer of "No Soup," a skit city morgues and hospitals. Red
which featured the 1030 Grid Ban- Cross and Salvation Army workers
quet and which was re-enacted at rendered first aid.
the Michigan Press Club conference Five companies of Oklahoma
last week. He has been prominent I national guardsmen went into the
in local Sigma Delta Chi circles for area after the storm had cleared to
several years and has also been a protect the scattered valuables
constant figure in the national or- from vandals.
ganization. Dropping first a few miles south

in Rescue.
Three Boats Stand By
to Rescue Crew
of Ovidia.
(Copyright, 1930, by the A.P.)
S. S. AMERICA, Nov. 19.-The
unwritten code of the sea today
caused 27 men and one woman, al-
ready physically exhausted from
hours of battling to save their sink-
ing ship, to choose the hardest path
of rescue after the Swedish cargo
steamer Ovidia had foundered off
the grand banks of Newfoundland.
Through most of last night the
United States liner America, the
British Cunard vessel Mauetania
and the United States shipping
board vessel Endicott had raced to
aid the stricken vessel before it

Code of Sea

comet for relief of unemployment Mauretania Arrives First.
throughout the state. Relief will Although all three ships sighted
be distributed according to the sale the Ovidia within approximately
of tickets, Governor Green stated an hour of one another shortly be-
in the announcement of the plan. fore noon today, .the Mauretania
was the first to reach the scene.
The sailor's code demands that the
first vessel to arrive shall save the
lives and salvage the cargo, if pos-
T ile from any sinking ship.
WIL[SOIGAll three stood close by for an
hour before Captain Carlson of the
Ovidia decided to abandon the 1,-
898-ton freighter.
Chorus of Russian Imperial Army Then, although the America was
Officers to Appear Here the closest and lay to the leeward
side, where it would have been
on Choral Series, easier to drift down with the wind,
Captain Carlson and his crew la-
Serge Jaroff, conductor, with his boriously manned the. oars of their
chorus of-36 e patiated officers.of-' two life boats,'pulling half a mile
the imperial Russian army, will pre- against wind and waves to the
sent the fourth concert in the Cho- Mauretania. -
ral Union series at 8:15 o'clock to- Load Shiftec.
night in Hill auditorium. The Ovidia was listing danger-
The members of this _band of 'ously to starboard when the Amer-
singers were all active in the World ica reached her at 11 a. m. (E.S.T.)
war and were officers in the White today at a position between 300 and
Army during the Russian revolu- 1400 miles south by southeast of
tion. With the close of the war they Cape Race.
were expatriated and for that rea- Her deck load of lumber appear-
son are men without a country. i ed to have shifted and Captain
They are traveling on so-called Carlsson radioed that h1s vessel
Nansen passports, issued by the was leaking badiy, with the pumps
League of Nations. They will ap- unreliable, but he intended to
pear tonight in their military uni- reach St. John's, Newfoundland,
forms, and present three programs, under tow by the Endicott.
religious music, folk songs, and sol- But the weather grew worse on
dier songs. the tossing ocean and the fast mail
The -program will consist of the rescue ships could not wait, so Cap-
following numbers: Credo, by Kas- tain Carlsson held a council of the
talsky; Psalm 1 of David; How crew and decided to abandon the
Great Our Lord is Glorified, by freighter.
Bortniansky; and Who Can Equal' Fried Present.
Thee, also by Bortniansky. The As the next act in the drama the
second part will consist of In The figures of the 27 men and one wo-
Forest, by Pashtchenko; Kanawka, man were seen clamoring into life-
by Chesnokoff; The Red Sarafan, boats and heading for the Maure-
by Warlamoff; Ay, Ookhnem, by tainia. Captain George Fried, of
Jaroff; and The Old Polka, by Do-; the America, hero of two dramatic
browen. The final part includes rescues at sea, then maneuvered his
Cavalry Signals, by Kolotihin; The ship so as to afford the two. life-
Homeland, by Ste~ka Rasin, and boats some shelter over their long
Old Cossack Song by Dobrowen. half-mile to the Mauretania. Then
The attitude of Russians toward' the America resumed her normal
the Communist government in their I course over the ocean paths.
native land was discussed yesterday' The Ovidia, meanwhile, became
afternoon by P. D. Kalachov, '31E, waterlogged and was expected to
a Siberian Cossack who has not 'sink shortly.
been in the jurisdiction of the Sov-
iet government since 1919- j1INTC)N WTI I u4nT n

David Sachs. nAP orta aese-- IC_ a
Women's: Gladys Schroeder, on Portuguese Coast
hairman, Elizabeth Eaglesfield, in Heavy Fog.
Jane Fecheimer, Anne Morrison,1
and Jean Rosenthal. (B v Associated Press)
LISBON, Portugal, Nov. 19-Thef
Noted German Banker proud ship Highland Hope stuckk
to Give Speech Today fast in the treacherous rocks notE
far from the village of Peniche to-'
Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, one-time night while the sea broke her tol
president of the German Reich-
bank and recognized international pieces. The 535 men and one wo-
authority on finance and banking man taken off here just after dawn
will lecture on "Economic Aspects today were safe in hotels here.
of the Reparations Problem" at She had lost her course in a hea-
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the vy fog and a 5 o'clock this morning
Natural Science auditorium vyano ndthe orock thiar i g
Dr. Schacht was one of those ran on the rocks with an impact'I
chiefly responsible for the, rehabil- which shook the passengers out of
itation of the German monetary their bunks. Life boats were low-
system after the collapse of the ered quckly, and S. 0. 5. screamed
mark. He was also a representa- ru the morning and the offi-
tive of his country during negotia-thogtemrngadteofi
tions on the Young plan at the cers and crew stood by until the,
Hague. , last person was safely away.
Interview Illustrates Startling Humor, even." He was right-butl
Brilliance of Latest the article was entitled, "Racke- 1
k r's L. teering the Undergraduates."
Racketeers Line."Yes," he said as he settled down
to make the first of his sketches
The world's greatest artist, by with the aid of his "patented foun-
his own announcement, is on the tain paint brushes," they're writ-
campus. ing a book about me in Egypt.
Charles Pape, of Denver, Colo., That's because they can write fast-,
who makes claims to a fame much er in that language."
greater and much more lasting "William Randolph Hearst had
than anything the world has pro- to borrow a dollar from a Deke to


"I am quite sure that all Rus-
sians who travel at present, as the
members of the chorus, feel that
the new regime is only temporary,"
he said.
The passports used by the sing-
ers are not recognized by Russia.
' Nationalists Demand
Local Rule for India
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 18-A torrent of
Indian extremist demands for "in-
I dependence" or for immediate "do-
minion status" and broadsides of
charges of British oppression pour-
ed from two Indian radical spokes-
men at the round table conference
on Indian affairs today.
One of these was B. S. Moonjee,
a Hindu. The other was Muham-
med Ali, a Moslem. Their clashing
creeds appeared to have been for-
gotten in a common indictment of
British policy,
r -L..., . 71 4..=

Thanksgiving Affair Will Be
First on Program.
Plans have been completed for a
special dance to be held from 9 to
1 o'clock, Wednesday, Nov. 26, in
the ballroom of the Union, it was
announced yesterday by Albert F.
Donohue, '31, president of the
Late permission for the dance
was granted by the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs. This
action allows the women students
to stay out until 1 o'clock on the
night of the dance.
Don Lomis and his orchestra will
provide the music for the evening
and they have prepared several
specialty numbers for the occasion.
Decorations will be seasonal and a
large turkey gobbler will be given
to some person who attends the
Several other special dances are

Artist Will Lecture,
Show Color Designing
George R. Styles, Detroit artist
and winner of various state art
prizes, will give a demonstration
and talk on color at 4 o'clock this,

of Bethany, the twisting funnel of
death wrecked the Camel Creek
school house, killing four pupils
and injuring the teacher and ten
other children.
Floyd Roettger, 12, one of the
pupils, described how Miss Mary
Proctor, the teacher, attempted to
save the children and how he him-

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