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November 18, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-18

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--rircr r...,r"wwseerri

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
M'ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
maste~r General.
Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
lard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
V'ews Editor ................Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ........... Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor............... Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor.........'.. Mary L. Behymer
Music, lDrama, IBooks .......Wmn. J. G;ormn
Assistant C'izy Editor ......Harold 0. Warrn
Assistant News Editor...Charles R Sprowi
rl'i"Lrr1,Ih Editor...........George A. Stauter
Wmn. F. lPyp Cop)y Editor
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren
Sports Assistants
iliedon C F'ullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend

. .

Walter S. Baer, Jr.
Irving J. Blumberg
Thonmas N'. Cooley
George Fisk
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbreth
Jack Goldsmith
Roland Goodman
J ames FH. Inglis
Denton C. Kunze
Wilbur J. Myers
Robert L. Pierce
Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribblt
1mily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hloffimeyer
Sean Levy
Dorothy Magee
Mary McCall

Sher AT. Quraishi
Jerry E. Rosenthal
George Rubenstein
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edlwin M. Smith
George A. Stauter
Alf red R. Tapert
Parker Terryberry
John S. Townsend
Robert D. Townsend
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon,
jean Rosentha~l
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
r Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire T1russell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertisng.........Charles T. Kline
Advertisca . .......... .....Thomas M. Davi
Advertising ............William W. Warboys
PlianService . ..........Norris J. Johnson
ubiain............ obrt W. Williamson
Circulation ...........Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts ................... Thomas S. Mui
Business Secretary ............ Mary . Kenan
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Erie Kightlinger
Marian Atran Mildred Postal
Hlden Bailey Marjorie Rough
Josephine Convisser Ain W. Verner
Dorothy Lylin Mary F.. Wtts
Sylvia !Miller Johanna Wiese
Helen Olsen
Night Editor-RICHARD L..TOB3IN
LLOYD GEORGE and his liberal
colleagues recently, with great
gusto and political fanfare, " an-
nounced that they had at last
evolved a plan which would reduce
the number of Great Britain's un-
employed by over a million. It is
undoubtedly an excellent plan,
theoretically, but it cannot be car-
ried out., It was probably intended
to be nothing more than political
propaganda which the wily party
leader conceived in an attempt to
win over the labor vote in the near
The first item of the program
consists of "reduction of produc-
tion costs to a level which will
enable British goods to compte
successfully in world markets. This
-- should be a reduction of ten per
cent, varying in different indus-
tries. The government, it proposes
should set an example by cutting
its own expenditures ten per cent,
partly by drastic revision of the
dole." Yet the Liberal leaders do
not explain how this is to be ac-
complished. T he unemployment
dole is a staunch plank in the pro-
gram of all British parties, and to
whittle it down or even cut it in
twvo would be political suicide for
the party in power. Neither do they
explain how the cost of prouction
could be cut. They probably forget
that included in the cost of pro-
duction is interest on capital in-
v estmn nt, labor wages, rent,
depreciation, cost of raw materials.
depreciation, cost of raw materials.
Cutting the cost of production
wo ul1d, involve lowering wages,
prices of raw mnaterials, curtailing
returns on stocks and bonds, all of
which would lower the price level
further than i :s now, with no
appreciable raise of the vaue of
The remaining points of the pro-
gram include stimulation of new
industries, encouragement of ari-
culture, and an extensive program
of national construction. Hlow new
industries ar to be stimulated by

tion appears to be the only rational
means of absorbing the uem-
ployed labor. "But," cautiously adds
the former premier, "the money
will have to be found. The nation's
credit should e used. :Raisin; the
money will not prej dc Cintfjpfils
in other dir etions, and the ex-t
penditure will be an investment."
In other words, LLOYD GEORGE 1
expects to lay the blame for ther
non-fulfillment of H zipani on thejv
present administrat ion, a SSUrin
that it is not carried out. But GreatC
Britain has a man at the head oft
her treasury who is considered one
of the financial wizards of this
generation, namely PHILIP SNOW-
DEN. If there were any possible
method for the government to re-
lieve the unemployment situation,
he would have been the first to
discover it. With the pure strings
in" his hands, no one will ex ,pand
the country's credit to the bursting
point on a praject calculated to
gain votes rather than to benefit
the workingman.
Two very interesting point of
view on the question of what Rus-
sia is doing to international trade,I
and further carying, on the de-
pression, have been presented dur-
ing the past week. by two able
newspapermen, both of them En-
lish. WALTER DUR ANTY, writing~
for the New York Times denies
that Russia is "dum~ing" surplus
products on the world market,
the North American News; apr
Allianc, clims that they are pr-
venting a more rapid recovery from1
the depression by "dumping" wheat
and other products on the market.I
both agree on one point, however.
Namely that the Soviet govern-
ment, by owning all the industries
sources of raw matrialIs, and
capital, is enabled by artificial
means to keep their costs o pr-
duction far lower than those of any
other industrial country: and they
also agree that tis conditin U
mcrely temnporary; That t~e Sovit:
merely want dollars in order to ex-
ploit their natural resources, build
factories, buy foreign technical
advice, and, in the long run, make-
Russia entierly self-sufficient. After
that, however, it apcars tat us-'
sia will continue to place upon the
market even more products than
before, and still at a cheaper cot
than other countries, v hiki arc
run under capitalisic luerco(; will .
be able to operate.
.But as to the question of whether
or not Russia is "dumtpiw " ro-
ucts, it would appear that they are
,not. The fact that they are lim iting
their what exports to 5,0011,000
bushlswhen there is a sur ins o
twice that amount this year, indi-
cates moderation of one sot or
another. Perhaps it is aother ase
of att-mpting to place the bla e
for the depression elewhre than
on the Republicans, as so many
voters seem apt to do in America.
But the United States, Australia.
New Zealand, or Canaa might just
as well be accused of "lumping"
excess products on the market be -
cause they are offerng Lth.er Sur
plus to import countries. eras
on the other hand, it is just a ase
of "sour rapes" because the Soviet
can offer commoditis for less
money than we can. The money re-
ceived for products returns to other

countries, mainly United States and
Great Britain, for farmning machin-
ery and technical advisors. If we
are to complain of. Russia's under-
selling our- products, it would re-
main only to admit that the social-
ist state is superior in economic
power to ours, which we do not
believe is true.
Editorial Com1menit
(From the "Yale Daily News)
When nations are at war, they
shoot enemy spies. When colleges
meet on the field of sport, they
scout each other's teamns with p-,'
impunity. Yet the situations are
analogous, andl the re i ; no j usl
cause why spies should be tolerat-
ed in football any more than in
war. There can be no advantage
in the accepted practice of scout-
ing, from the sportsman's point of
view; it lessens tbhe chances of
success for a trick play; it dis-
courages the coach from inventing
any ingenious form of attack when
he knows that hip; work will soon
be common proper'ty; and it meass
that a good team must alwtays; be
Dracticimy new naay; xvi'Lhoni. be-

TW "iATI te f
that I haven't, a heck of a lt tos
say to you >p'ents. Newvborx-y Aiid. is ?
just as lousy as ever I ama tofij, not, a
having changed a bit since I last 7
went to my ten o'clock lecture there
some weeks ago. An-Ld still the B &F
C- Boys go about unashamed, doing
this, that, and nothing around the
campus as of yore. I have about;
given up hope for the spirit around
this place. If I hadn't, I shouldI
suggest that it is about time for a
good old nectie party.
'2. (C
"2 ~ 7

-.7... yr.r''rr®'r °'r 7."r'r -r'rV"' 'rA°'Y"""
a A. '- . - ~,~'A. A A A.~ A.t 1
' N?1 B 3".'f:11 p, t ;he t 'hu lEat' 'Miuek-
c~ ~~~~~~~t Aiiohmar'i W'teV)e

OH LOOK~IE ! A coniributioi.
11y, this is certainly a dei 'tfa'
surprise. Much better than when?
have to write all my own contrib-
tion s.
Dear Dan:
Eureka! I have found it!
(Gsod trar4sltin thre kid-
D. B.) The lnspiratin of these
Gargoyle crack, the cause of
those student suicide, tre
haven* that would put The qp- i
ialist to Shame4 - I" c;vbcry
Au (1
P. S. dour abouit ho $ i, re
Bz & G" boys s> the bWavhisl?
Dear Buck:
Tlhanks but I must correct a f''w?
mistakes just the same. Il the :firt
place, when you connect the N. ?i
With the Specialist, you fltte' i t
Then as to your' ludicrous rnis~ak
is regards the B & G Bys. Yo,,,
can't put guys like that on a 1bl3k-I
list, everyone else on itWoud t;
mad and quit.t
AND I A 01 iifL.! Suc atfinre,
Dear Dan:
(Another Item for the aai-ce>.
Campaign. I just saw anothr <Co,.
At 's orite of you to tel n
about it Janii, but hcow dFo you
know it was another coed? I
couild never tell them apar.
They all look the same to me-
Daniel Lea Wtr, epire
NO this is not a form lttr '':
the :encyclopedia rittanica. I
I am writing' this to infoi'm yo
that according' to your desires the
insidious picture of herr tillotson.
tile --p &"---&! -,as beenT
through our loyal efforts remo-d
from the vicinity of the campus ,
food emporium whose window it
has for the past few days disgraced.
Three cheers and a piei J
asparagus for tillotson the man
who made us what we are. Wl a)t
are you little cuty? Farsighuecd,
With love and I ame still waiting
for you to say yes.
Awaiting your future orders with
a sneer,
BLAC=LST! If you yearn Forl s f-
expression, if you have'laLfIvor!.
gripe on or connected xxw ithe ll'rlluc
(such people as TjIerb rt Too'r are
excluded because I'd hate to g't
Herbert down on in., if yo01 'e1
that~ someone should be hot-.
BLACKLIST! America's foremost
Temple of Infam~ny is oen to) your
nomrinees. Take advatnt age^ of t 1"i ;
wonderful opport unity.
nr*ieP o. $, ar3 t

t'lE SCHOOL O i r'' ,C 'TrdI.j
Quit e one of the ho exciting
hinge, that has lhappened to mus-
al Ann Arbor recently was the ap-
esarance Sunday afternoon of a
row; Trio and olftan extraordinar-
ly large crowd to prove its inter-
s in that Trio. The School of
NisiTriowhich includes Wass-
ly Be,ekersky, Hans Pic-, and
loseph Brikman, g a ve every
roniise of being brilliantly able
o offer Ann Arbor from time to
tnme a survey of the musical liter-
ature vwritten for ,piano, violin and
elo. A large crowd, which filled
he seats and stood in the Men-
delssehn Theatre, enthusiastically
dcclarecl its approval of the pros-
The program given Sunday af-
ernoon included a Trio in E Flat,
Op. 14 by V. Andreae, Swiss com-
poser, and t),Tio in F major, O.
1-8 by Saint-Sacrs, and as encore
au Tambourin by Romeau. The Trio
s well on its way to perfection of
ensemnble. M. fBeskersky and Mr.!
Pick. in rythmn and tone-qlualiPjy
are muntually sensitive to an ex-
.roordinary d egre. Mr. Brinkman
has the efficit not too emphat-
ic, st acet o sty;le nccesary to this
onbsrIation. Cnee K"es a signifi-
"ant addition t o local mnusic. The
grogram of the second recital by
the Trio is to include the Trio in
3i major by F iahms and the Fa-
tasie by Frnik rdges, English
i}'ginning with the produi-ctioni
:al the1o Broadway farce-comedy
"'lioun agSinnlers,' strrin Wllace
way,'' whi1ch is pl~ying this Week
at thie 8 h ibrt-La Fayette Theatre
in IDetroit. the Mecsss. Shubert are
inao i'',I' Iilw' aS new plusepolicy.
A selected number of their drama-
tic impoto ions will be offered to2
Detroit at a 1 .5 top with a cr-
i05'0pa(l _( "euction 1inpic of
Diller loalins.
Tb is p rice revision, clearlyI
"'p"ornpted by the present financial
dpiessiJI and inten dd to keep
the theatLre alive in the fae ofit
hould -1~ecpi~ate some sort of an
Lssue betwveen the moves and the
legitimate st age, as the plces wuill
noc longer be so diverse. If the e.--
perimel t 15 sueeesfl the 1(1srt few
,fines in De roitc the inttenion i
to try it out (on the whole of t
Vat ShuibJert 61rcciu.
2creen .RefietioncNJ
Um e1on
Two lprevious cinema tc IM'es-
_ins, namely, that Ralph Forbs
was considerable of an actor, and
that Frank Tuttle was a capable
director, were summarily dispelled
by " ter Wedding Night" starring
Clara iLow at the Maestic. With
a satisfactory leading man and a
bettr orye ;,pione wielder, the film
mi.ght well have been one of the
ye r'a 1best farces.
As it <tands, "ier Wedding
Night" is little above average en-
tete iment, its merit de mainly
to the unapproachable comedy of
Charles Rugges as an ever-weary
well-hubicated rtcran of leis-
nme PiTI ow is <a pleas ant sur-
I consqd erabilyG
.~t 1 mor charm nd
less avoidpois;
-jtan 1usual. Her
=oe and that of

Se etis Gallaghrer
%., e r e sadly in
awn n e ed of more~
Pis', Ilful direction.
English composer,
CLARA10O~1 Ranh Forbes, af--
flie~ctti; .-tha nurnbor of feminine.
inarnrai Horns who in knowingy be -
c omes, married by proxy to the
becautidfu l bt c'xticemely jealotis
American screeni star. A Fre ich
loCaeroun1"Widsout, the o ~sropoli tan
c'Ilr« te^r of the filea. C for tiis.
l''kawlD oubiele k.
After.sing Amnos and Andy 7i
"(Chok andI Dou ble Chck" at :hc
M ichiga=n, Nwe would w~iOelco LI ti,=
same pt r inr an all-colored epic,
saoy wvithI a story by Oct ayis Roy
Cohen. En tort aining a s is, still 1Ii ce
presence of the ie charactLer1
ato c? irstory preve rnti.s theclu
Sril'lf ) r'omn fl i _I i l i is (5K-

; ,

a I



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