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VOL. XLI. No. 43
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Second Year Men Take Three
Points to Gain Unexpected
Win Over Opponents.
Pillow Battle, Cane Spree, Flag
Rush Go to Outnumbered
Sophomore Forces.
A small but determined sopho-
more class brushed aside freshman
opposition to win the annual fall
games by a 3 to 2 score at South
Ferry fleld yesterday morning. In
spite of the inclement weather, a
large crowd turned out to see the
traditional duel for class suprem-
President Hoover's Enforcement
Commission Reaches Final
Decision on Clause.
Theaters Plan Free
Movies During Week
After Chicago Game
Free movies for Michigan's
potential conference champions
will be given the student body
on either the 25th or 25th of
November, the managements of
the Michigan and Maj estic
stated last night. Should the
Wolverines defeat Chicago in
next Saturday's game, the offer
of the local theater manage-
ments will probably be accep ted
by the student council. Admis-
sion by coupon book will limit
the free show to the University
Both Houses Will Face Measurse
for Drought, Jobless Aid
in Coming Session.
Administration Reported Ready
to Abandon Reduction
Wheeler Crosses
SGoal for Vi'ctory.,T
Sin Crucial Game
Second Half Rally
by Minnesota
Michigan's Lead; Wolves Near
Title, Keep Brown Jug.
After winning the first two events.
the pillow fight and the cane spree,
the sophomores concentrated their
attack on the west flag pole to bring
down, after a short struggle, the
flag that spelled defeat for the
class of '34. They then forfeited
the two remaining points of the
flag rush and paraded triumphant-
ly up State street.
1933 Keeps Slate Clean.
By winning the games, the class
of '33 maintained its undefeated
standing in underclass competition,
having won both the spring and the
fall games against the 1932 class
last year. Although entering the
games as underdogs because they
w e r e greatly outnumbered, the
sophomores easily proved their su-'
periority in all events.
The freshmen, daubed with the
g r e e n war paint, arrived at the
scene of combat. Possessing no band
of their own, they marched from
the steps of the Union, their as-
sembling place, behind the Ann Ar-
bor high school band. At Waterman
gymnaium, the sophomores, fol-
lowing their own band, came short-
ly after.
Win Pillow Fight Easily. j
Capturing four of the five bouts,
the sophomores won the first event,
the pillow fight. They followed with
a victory in the cane spree winning
six bouts to four. One fight ended
in a tie and was not counted in the
Using a flying wedge formation in
the attack on the first of the poles,
the red painted sophomores parted
the massed ranks of the freshmen
and brought the coveted flag to the
ground. Efforts of the picked squad
of freshmen huskies to disperse and
check the sweeping onslaught failed.
The games were conducted under
the supervision of the Student coun-
cil. Councilmen, Varsity lettermen,
and members of campus honorary
soceties assisted in the officiating.
An abundance of camera and news-
reel men spotted the field.
Underclass rivalry will again be
resumed next spring. The tug of
war through the Huron river will
feature the annual spring contests.
Holy Cross Crushes
Crimson Eleven, 27-0
(F v Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 15 -
The nicely timed forward passes
of little Phil O'Connell, probably
the brainiest quarterback that ever
played for Holy Cross, clicked per-
fectly here today and the Purple
crusaders defeated Harvard, one
week away from its objective game
with Yale, by the impressive score
of 2 to 0.
The light and shifty Purple
eleven executed its Warner wing-
back plays without a hitch and
besides that it outguessed, out-'
rushed and outplayed the bungling
Harvard eleven in every depart-
ment of the game.
Illini Beat Maroons
for First Big Ten Win
(By Ass ciated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 15.-Illinois, de-
feated four times in a row, regis-
tered its first "Big Ten" victory
, k Wheeler,
Michigan's twisting, d a s h in g
halfback whose sensational returns
of punts against Minnesota yester-
day stamped him as one of the
greatest ball carriers in the Con-
Lindsay;,Podlewski Are Big Guns
of Teachers' Attack in
14-6 Victory.
(Special toT he Daily)
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Nov. 15. -
Mi'higan's B team was turned back
here today by Western State Teach-
ers college, 14 to 6. Although out-
played in the first of the game, the
losers came back strong in the sec-
ond half. Wurster plunged over the
center of the line for the first score
of the game from the 3-yard line,
a fter forward passes that he had
hurled had given Western its scor-
ing chance.
Morningstar added the e x t r a
point with a perfect placekick to
give Western a 7-0 advantage. Pod-
lewski, who with Lindsay was the
big gun of the winner's attack,
smashed through the winners' l'ne
in the third period until he had
reached the two-yard line, after
which he drove through the center
of the line for the second touch-
down. Lindsay missed the point
after touchdown.
Michigan B Western State
Bovard ...... L.. ... ....Mackay
Norwitz ........ LT ........ Matulis
Parker ......... L3....... Williams
Winston .......C.......... Blohm
Benz .........RG......Smalley
Justice (Capt.) .RE........Briggs
Lindsay ........Q3 .......Hudnut
Coombe .....L-I .....Wurster
Brown .........Ri-I... Morningstar
Podlewski ...... F3....... Barnhill
Touchdowns: Wurster, Podlewski,
Bilski; point after t o u c h d o w n:
Morningstarnand Wurster (by pla -
ment); first downs: Western 12:
Michigan B 13.dSubstitutions:rWest-
ern: Ellenbas for Morningstar, Bil-
ski for Barnhill, Pellerom for Wur-
ster for Briggs, Lerch for Harrsen,
Frendt for Pellegrom, Wynn for
Hudnut, Briggs forWurster for
Frendt. For Michigan: Frisk for
Horwitz, Jui Jala for Benz.
Score by quarters
Western.........7 0 0 7-14
Michigan B ......0 0 0 6- 6
Far West Title Won
by Washington State
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1b. - The
biggest prize of Pacific Coast sport,
the Pacific Coast Conference foot-
ball championship, was won today
Change in Volstead Amendment,
Referendum, Four Percent
Beer Rejected.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-A de-
cision against repeal of the Eigh-
teenth Amendment had b e e n
reached today by President Hoo-
ver 's law enforcement commission
and the actual writing of its pro-
hibition report was nearer than at
any time during the past 17
Although a final decision on the
recommendations to be included
was described as still in the offing,
some general agreement has been
reached, and not only repeal but
four per cent beer or any request
for a national prohibition referen-
dum, was authoritatiaely reported
out of the picture.
Appropriate Dry Funds.
Meanwhile, those charged with
enforcement of prohibition as it
now stands were busy on figures to
be presented to the House appro-
priations committee, including a-
mong other things the cost of add-
ing 500 additional men to the en-
forcement personnel.
At the same time, however, Rep-
resentatives Burns, Democrat, Ten-
nessee, who has supported every
prohibition enforcement measure
voted by Congress in the past de-
cade, made a statement that he
would reserve a decision on the
present addition of 500 dry work-
ers asserted he did not feel there
had been "a deep yearning to en-1
force prohibition."I
Members Given Rest. b
Only a few of the 11 members
of the Hoover law enforcement
commission were here today. Tech-
nically freed of their task by a 10-
day recess they nevertheless work-
ed on statements that will be laid
before the whole commission when
it reconvenes Nov. 24.1
Under present plans five or six
such statements will be ready by?
that date, and with these before
them the members will discuss the]
tentative conclusions, p o s s i b1y
change some of them and weld the
whole into a final report.
Economics Faculty Man to Talk
Before International Forum.
China, Japan, Australia, t h e
Philipines and what is being done
about the economic and social con-
ditions in these lands will be the
subject matter for aninternation-
al forum to be addressed by Prof.
J. K. Condliffe of the economics
department and secretary of the
Institute of Pacific Relations, at
3:30 o'clock today in the upper
room at Lane hall.
Dr. Condliffe will speak on the
subject, "The Institute of Pacific
Relations," which is one of his
chief interests. The rise of the
pacific as the center of world civil-
ization has occasioned the growth
of this organization, whose pur-
pose is to corelate all the research
that is being done on economic and
social' conditions in the countries
concerned. The Manchurian situ-
ation has been the chief object of
study during recent months.
Professor Condliffe was one of
the delegates to the first meeting
of the institute fourteen years ago
in Honolulu. He has been an ac-
tive participant in the organiza-
tion ever since.
Buckeye Team Defeats
Iiluii Giiu. in IcmeTx
Reasons for postponing the
free show until Tuesday or Wed- (B,,A4soiaed Prss)
nesday of the week following the WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-Unem-
Chicago game were given last ployment measures and relief for
night as in order to prevent con- draught-stricken farmers has tak-
flicts with several campus house en first place on the calendar of
will continue throughout t h e business for the approaching ses-
week-end. The same picture will sion of Congress as a result of a
be shown at both the Michigan week of conferences between Pres-
and the Majestic. ident Hoover and congressiona,
The pre-session discussions also
have revealed the probability that
no recommendation will be forth-
coming from the administration
p 9 NOU CIOfor a continuation of the emer-
gency income tax reduction grant-
ed for this year's payments.
Leaders Promise Aid.
Leaders of both parties in the
Steiner Says League of Nations Senate have given assurance that
Meetings Offer Education every effort will be made to dis-
pose of the legislative calendar
About Government. within the three months of the
short session but President Hoover
STUDENT GROUPS TO GO must find a solution for the long
standing question of disposition of
The annual League of Nations the Muscle Shoals, Ala., power and
model assembly will be held this nitrate plant before the threat of
year on May 1 and 2 at Hillsdale the Republican independents to
college, it was announced yesterday force an extra session in the spring
by Dr. H. Arthur Steiner, of the po- is dissipated.
litical science department. The as- Tentative plans now call for an
sembly will be held under the aus- appropriation of $60,000,000 to be
pices of the League of Nations Non- loaned to the farmers in the 21
partisan association and Hillsdale draught-stricken states for the pur-
college. chase of feed and fertilizer to
"This assembly," stated Stein- Expansion Plans Talked.
er, "offers a valuable means of ed- plant next year's crops.
ucation for students interested in Expansion of both the public
international affairs. The league is buildings and federal construction
looked upon as an institution of nrograrns by perhaps an extra
government, and the assembly is $100,000,000 also is contemplated.
carried on in that spirit. An at- This appropriation would make
tempt is made to duplicate the $200,000,000 for this work next
council and assembly meetings of year.
the league, and topics which are at Senator S m o o t, Republican,
present the subject of discussion at Utah, the chairman of the public
Geneva will be argued at the assem- buildings commission, announced
bly in May." today after a call upon President
Michigan will be represented by Hoover that he would call the com-
two or three delegations of three mission together on Monday. He
students each. Each delegation will also suggested a vital change in
represent a certain country which the law which would provide con-
is a member of the league. All struction of post offices in town
Michigan colleges have been invited and cities of smaller size than is
to take part in the assembly. The now permitted.
delegations will be chosen by Dr.
Steiner, and all students who are C High Attendance Mark
interested in international rela-
tions and would like to take part in
the assembly are asked to see Dr. A d fr t U
Steiner in his office in room 4007 brAttendance figures at the Uon
Angell hall, or in the offices of the year's previous high mark
political science department in yesterday, Paul Buckleyrmanager,
room 2033, Angell hall. stated last night. The crowd was
______,__ge __ the biggest in history with the ex-
ception of the Harvard-Michigan
St. lJar y's Galloping game last year when an all-time
Gaels Beat Fordh mark was set.f
-. rmFigures were based on receipts
(By Associa/ed Press) from the Tap room, main dining
NEW YORK, Nov. 15.-Sustain- room, and general income for the
ing the Far West prestige in inter- day. Reservations topped any pre-
sectional football, the galloping vious mark for the year while even
Gaels of St. Mary's, California, the enlarged cafeteria facilities
signalized their first eastern inva- were crowded from shortly after
sion today by whipping Fordham's 11 o'clock to nearly game time.
previouslysunbeaten Rams with a $
lashing last half comeback. $393 Donated to Fund
The score was 20 to 12, and the 'ny
mud-smeared boys from St. Mary's for C. A. Andy' Young1
scored all their points in the finalT
two periods, due largely to a spec- The fund for Chester A. (Andy)
tacular aerial attack, after Ford- Young, University motorcycle po-
ham had smashed its way to a two- liceman, who was injured Monday
touchdown lead in the second and whose right leg was amputated
period, as a result of the accident, had
swelled to nearly $400 last night
®O.T S s te final day of the drive for
FOOTBALL SCORES aaciamu daarwhe efay
finacia support drew near. A total
of $393.56 had been collected last
(By Associated Press) ngt
Illinois 28, Chicago U night.
Iowa, 19 Penn State 0 s "(
Michigan will retain the "Little Brown Jug" for another year.
Staving off a last quarter attack, which seemed destined to net
a touchdown, Coach Kipke's Maize and Blue gridders saved the
seven-point lead Jack Wheeler had given them and,-advanced another
notch toward the Conference championship by turning back Minne-
sota 7-0 yesterday afternoon at the Stadium.
By virtue of this victory, the Wolverines are still running neck
and neck with Northwestern for the Big Ten laurels. The Wildcats
turned back the dangerous threat of Wisconsin yesterday 20-7 and
are assured of at least a tie for the title.
Second-Half Onslaught Defeats
Badgers Before 45,000i
Homecomers, 20-7.
(By Associated Press)1
EVANSTON, Ill., N o v. 15.-A
championship f o o tb a 11 team-~
Northwestern-proved its right to
Big Ten title honors today, com-t
ing back with a brilliant secondf
half finish to defeat Wisconsin
sturdy eleven, in a pea-soup fog,f
20 to 7.
Huddled in the stand, the greatert
share of about 45,000 spectators
who came to Northwestern's home-t
coming were aghast when Wiscon-f
sin left the field at the close of thet
second period, leading by 7 to 0f
and looking capable of adding to
the lead.
The jubiliation or 12,000 Badger
supporters was changed to appre-
hension shortly after the third
period started, and from appre-
hension to dismay before the ses-
sion had ended with the Wildcatst
on top, 14 to 7. The final touch-
down merely added more glory. t
"Hard Luck" Hank Bruder wasI
partly the goat in the Wisconsin
touchdown accomplishment. Back-
ed up against his own goal line inj
the first period, he attempted a
quick kick, and Greg Cabat, Bad-
ger right guard, smashed through,
to block the try and fell on the
ball behind the goal line. Bill Lus-
by added the extra point.
The Wildcat line, thoroughly out-]
played in the first period, improvedc
to even terms in the second per-
iod, and from there on it, was tooc
good for the sagging, leg-weary1
Badger forwards. Then Northwest-
ern's running attack took hold, and
with passes routed the Badgers.
Score by periods:
Wisconsin .........7 0 0 0- 7
N'western .........0 0 14 6-20
Attributes Age of Unreason' to
Changes in Science, Thought.
"I do not attribute the age of
unreason to youth," stated Gilbert
K. Chesterton last night in a lec-
true on "The Age of Unreason."
"Rather it is the consequence of1
changes in science, the paradoxes1
of human thought, the vague1
thinking that goes on in the sec-'
ondary minds today. Unfortunate-
ly, this category includes many
scientific men."
"Today people do not adopt ra-
tional methods. A peril to social
conditions and social reforms is
the disappearance of real debate
and discussion Macaulay thought
Wheeler Proves Ability.
More or less hidden for the past
t h r e e years, Wheeler yesterday
made himself a strong contender
for the All-Conference team by giv-
ing as pretty an exhibition of run-
ning as has ever been seen on a
Michigan gridiron. After two suc-
cessful, but encouraging assaults on
the Gopher goal from within the
10-yard line had failed due to an
incomplete pass over the goal line
and a fumble by Hudson on the
Minnesota two-yard line the run of
the season was staged for the bene-
fit of the 57,000 rooters. Munn's
punt from behind his own goal was
partially blocked by Leo Draveling,
but the ball got away and traveled
to the Minnesota 45-yard line. Here
Wheeler took it on the run, and
twisting, slashing hits way down the
field ran through the entire invad-
ing team to cross the final white
chalk line standing up. Hozer added
the point.
Several times during this great
run it appeared that Wheeler was
stopped, but he managed to elude
tackler after tackler until, aided by
fine blocking on the part of his
team-mates he crossed the goal line
five yards in front of his nearest
pursuer. Although several Minne-
sota men had their hands on him
during his jaunt, they slid off and
were left sprawling in the rear.
Minnesota on Defensive.
Minnesota was continually on the
defensive during the first half, with
Michigan threatening their goal se-
riously three times in the opening
quarter. Most of the play was in
the Gopher half of the field with
Michigan outscoring their opponents
5 to 1 in first downs for the first
30 minutes of play. The game was
hardly more than a minute old
when Williamson recovered Brock-
meyer's fumble on Minnesota's 21-
yard line. From thi's point Michi-
gan advanced the ball to the eight
yard mark, but here the Gopher de-
fense stiffened, and a pass from
Newman to Wheeler was knocked
down behind the goal line.
Later in this same quarter a drive
down the field which was featured
by a 22-yard run by Wheeler, two
passes from Newman, one to Sim-
rall for 23 yards and the other to
Wheeler for 16 yards put the oval
-~ on the Gopher
two yard line.
Here, however,
Hudson let the
slipery ball
bounce from his
grasp and M-
nesota recover-
d. It was onthe
next play that
Wheeler t o o k
Munn's kick for
the lone touch-
down of the af-
Draveling. ternoon.
Once again in the first period
the Varsity brought the specta-
tors to their feet when Draveling
blocked a kick on the invaders 18
yard line with Samuels recovering.
This threat was stopped when a
pass went wild and was incomplete
over the goal.
Second Quarter More Even.
Play in the second quarter was
more even, with Manders furnish-
ing the chief entertainment with
a brilliant 26 yard run around
iuu1, ei '~U
Purdue 33, Butler 0
Rutgers 14, Lehigh 13
Dartmouth 19, Cornell 13
Colgate 36, Syracuse 7
Yale 10, Princeton 7
Pennsylvania 34, Georgia Tech 7
Labor Riots, Strikes
Halt Work in Madrid
(By Associated Press)
MADRID, Nov. 15. -Declarations
of martial law appeared possible to-