PACE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1930 Published every morning except Monday Luring the University ear by the Board in control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the Ise for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in hk naper and the local news published he#rein Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, 'ichigan, as second class matter Special rate f postage granted by Third Assistant Post. master General. Subseriptior. by arrier $.oo by mail, t) t " Any. Arho,' Presq Building Map hones Editorial. 9Z5, Business, 2n 4 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper Vews Editor................Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor.............. Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ..........Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books........Wi. J. Gorman Assistant City Editor ...... Harold 0. Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R Sprowl Telegraph Editor.G. .George A. Stauter NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants heldon C Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Parker Terryberry Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce T'homas M. Cooley Wmn. F. Pper George Fisk Shr M. uraishi Morton Frank Jerry E. Rosentha Saul Friedberg George Rubenstein Frank B. Gilbreth Charles A. Sanford Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert Roland Goodman Robert F. Shaw f ames H. Inglis Edwin M. Smith Menton C. Kunze George A. Stauter Powers Moulton Alfred R. Tapert Wilbur J. Myers Tohn S. Townsend Robert D. Townsend Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdor Elsie Feldman Jean R~osenthail Elizabeth Gribbl Cecilia Shriver .roily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M. Hoff meyer Anne Margaret Tobin Jean Levy Margaret Thompson DorothyeMagee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers dverg ..g...Charle:i T. Kline kdvertisit., ,... ....Thomas M. Davis Advertising . ... William W. Warboys! Service ,.. ..... , .. , ..Norris 3. Johnson Publication ....._.Robert W. Williamson Circulation ,.... ... Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts .... , ,. .... Thomas S. Muir -Business Secretary............Mary J. enan Assistants Harry R. Beglev Don W. Lyon Vernon Bishou William Morgan William Brown H. Fred Schaefer Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier William WV. Davis . Noel D. Turner Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder j trle Kightlingerj Marian Atran Mildred Postal Helen Bailey Marjorie Rough Josephine Convisser Ann W. Verner Dorothy Laylin Mary E. Watts Syiv a Miller Johanna Wiese Helen Olsen success, but merely an explan- ation of means by which con- tributions may be made and the assurance that the funds will be carefully tabulated. Let every student make a donation either at one of the campus booths or directly to the busi- ness offices of The Daily. CLASS GAMES. Michigan has for some time un- dergone severe criticism of her lack of the "old spirit" and has been charged with nurturing a so- phistication or pseudo-sophistica- tion which precludes all such "fool- ishness" as tradition. At this point it becomes necess- ary to mark the distinction be- tween tradition and nuisance. The public at large seems to consider any change from the styles of the 1890's as a softening of the pres- ent-day undergraduate. Hazing without discrimination and with-. out a definite time and place is distinctly a nuisance. Michigan, however, has a wealth of tradition that is still vital; in the annual class games between the sophomores: and freshmen there is a yearly reiteration of the grip which it has upon the University. Not only are the games a good thing, but they are one of the most time-honored traditions on the campus. Such custom is the backbone of the life of the University. Michi- gan has gone far toward eliminat- ing the nuisances, but she yet holds strictly to certain customs with veneration. In the light of this, we again bespeak the general up- perclass view which holds that it Is the obligation of underclassmen to participate in the Fall games. an obligation, we may add, which carries with it a commensurate re- ward in the welding of more in- tense and active spirit as partici- pants in the life of the University. SIC AND DRA A About Books CONTEMPORARY SC ULPTORS h a lvPK.4AJW 0 vv I ju" UPI A I f' Campus Opinion Contrib~utors aiĀ° asked to he brief, confining themsek es to less than e00 words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, i regardedsas confidential, upon re- _quest. Letters published should not be cons'rued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. CASTF HeIwston ... . . . . . . . ..... ay Sffron Lydia ............ Kthryn Kratz Rollo ..:.......- .....-.-.- dward Fitzge rald Mr. Stein.....................hares Msr I~ George Lucas .................Aan Handley Aunt Laie.............. ....ildirel '[dd Horat io Webster ... ......raiik (o11 in7 , Play Production opened its sea- son last night in the Mendelssohn Theatre with an attractive produc- tion of what proved to be an enter- taining farce. The theme of the boy; with designs on Hamlet yielded occasionally some very rich and always engaging nonsense. In the smooth and entirely prepared pro- duction that Play Production gave it, it provided a delightful evening, in the theatre. A rather extensive variety of long parts were all well rendered Ray Suffron played a morose butler with perfect ease; the part could scarcely have been improved upon. Charles Moyer as the flashy thea- tric manager was a constant sourc of fun; though he failed or was not allowed to take a quick enough tempo in the first, fairly dull scene. Franklin Comins sustained the fine reputation for character parts he gained in last year's "The Wild Duck." This was similarly true of Mildred Todd as another Aunt. Two girls, Kathryn Kratz and Lynn Adams, were unfortunately allowed, I think by the director, tc be very obvious. Miss Kratz playe very charmingly and showed con- siderable talent. The director, how- ever, seemed to insist rather toe strenuously on her being the "little sister," somewhere about fifteen This was also the case with Lynne Adams as the girl who couldn't play in "The Midnight Guard" because she got sleepy about that time, wae afraid of Ophelia, and liked babies -nd birds. Miss Adams was very ;ood but played too insistently There was too much sobbing Though, of course, Goldie was a silly girl the director should avoid letting any of the moments of the play be silly. The part could be played more delicately, things about Goldie being indicated rather than exposed so obviously. Edward Fitzgerald read the part of Rollo well. But he lacked a sense for farce. A good farceur would get some perspective on the part of Rollo and by certain things in is technique (certain subtle revela-- tions of the fun he had working the part out) would show that he shared. with the audience the fun of Rollo's trials. Fitzgerald never made any attempt to give the audi- ence this superior sort of fun. And from other things in the produc- tion it seems as though Mr. Windt has no interest in or grasp of it. Alan Handley in a minor part was doing, however, what Fitzgerald was not doing. His elaborate and studied manner suggested that he enjoyed his part. And that sug- gestion we enjoyed possibly more than the part itself. BACH: The Historical Approach: by Charles Sanford Terry: publish- ed by Oxford University Press 193. Charles S. Terry, the great Eng- lish Icholar whose dedication of his life to the study of all possible aspects of Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the contemporary acts of heroism, here reprints several of the lectures delivered in his Ameri- can tour last year. A priori one would have said that the book was necessary for those interested in Bach to have. After reading it, one insists on it. There is an abun- dance of new facts and a consis- tent understanding of Bach in his eighteenth century context that is a good corrective. The essays include one on "The Historical Approach" (which gives the derivations of the various forms Bach used); "The Leipzig Cantorate" very vividly picturing Bach the "working man"; "Bach's Cantatas" (on which Terry is ab- solute authority); "The Choral in Bach's Usage"; and "A Genealogi- cal Problem." FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1930 Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL CHET YOUNGS' FUND. Seldom in the ordinary col- lege generation does an occa- sion for spontaneous donation and an exhibition of what used to be known as Christian char- ity arise. At the present mom- ent, however, such a situation does exist in the opportunity of contributing to the fund which is being collected to as- sist Chester Youngs, or "Andy," the campus motorcycle patrol- man. When it was learned that Youngs had lost a lower limb in an accident Tuesday while riding his machine on Obser- vatory street, the idea of rais- ing a fund by small donations from the campus and town was conceived in several sources. Officials in the dean of stu- dents office volunteered to sup- port the idea among faculty a n d administrative officers. The Daily has agreed to handle arrangements f o r collecting contributions from the student body, and also to provide an accurate accounting of a l1 monies received. Throughout the balance of this week, boxes will be main., tained at the three publications booths along the Diagonal in which small amounts may be left. The proceeds of this ef- fort will be used to purchase another leg, one which will provide almost complete arti- culation, and it is earnestly hoped that there will be a siz- able residue left over to help "Andy" through his convales- cence. In the single day that this fund has centributed to, an en- couragingly large number of donorshavesgiven their help. Quite obviously, if each stu- dent gave twenty-five cents, the total amount, when added to that contributed by the fac- ulties, would be appreciably large. The spirit of the stu- To the Editor: I have listened respectfully while your critic panned Madame Clair- bert. (I was disappointed too, with- out understanding all the erudite distinctions and technical phrase- ology applied.) I have overlooked the aspersions cast on the Bach of Brailowsky, who no doubt included his first number in deference to painstaking critics.! At any rate, his world renownj speaks for itself. It is the item on the Ann Arbor Artists' exhibit that won't go down. And I am not an exhibitor, nor even the friend of one! First, let me say that I am grate- ful to your critic for helping me to appreciate some of the entries which seem rather obscure to any- one not abreast of the new trends in art. On the other hand, I sup- pose it was inevitable for him to indulge his own tastes without reference to quality of work. (He was avowedly on the hunt for "novelty of perspective and pro- portion" rather than sounder quali- ties.) But that he should dismiss the work of M. Valerio with a mere gesture toward his etchings, and that he should entirely ignore the work of Maria Crane, is incom- prehensible. This handling of what purports to be a comment on "Ann Arbor, Artists' Exhibition" betokens either a very hasty or a stupidly pre- judiced appraisal. In looking back over recent ra- views along these lines, one is forced to conclude that your critic is more interested in exhibiting a certain fund of knowledge than in presenting a thoughtful intelligent estimate. Or again, perhaps he merely yearns to be "different." In either case, let him be reminded that Ann Arbor, not New York, constitutes his audience. One of the hoi polloi. SOMF M ) NODE ?, 'ULkfIPOS and 20th CENTURY SCULPTORS: by Saaney Cassr n: published by Ox- for University Press, 1923 and 1939. Stanley Casson in these two books has given an illuminat- ing introduction to contemporary culptur2, represented in the books by an abundance of excellent re- productions. Aside from prelimin- ary essays defining his approach, the essays are concerned with the work of Barye, Rodin, Maillol, Bourdelle, Bernard, Mestrovic, Ros- andic, Eric Gil, Gaudier-Brzeska, Jacob Epstein, Carle Milles, Paul Manship, George Kolbe, Archi- penko, Zadkine, Herzog, and Frank Dobson. Mr. Casson states very frankly: "I prefer to look upon sculpture from the point of view of the sculp- tors." This, of course, results in -an zcqeuiscent attitude and perhaps a rather too complete catholicity of taste. Ordinarily, the refusal to circumscribe one's taste somewhere (the general attitude that "there )re so many beautiful things in the world, why say anyone is more Qeautiful") results in an inability to say anything significant about any work. But such is not the case acre. Mr. Casson succeeds in saying illuminating things about the most netarogeneous examples of sculp- ure antd actually defines the qual- ties of radically divergent sculp- tors. The refusal to attempt rank- ing or evaluaticn is particularly oupropriate in the field of contem- )orry sculpture because most of .s have not yet had the opportun- ty of seeing it. Yet despite hi professed acqui- escence in the tastes and interests of all sculptors, something like a critical attitude actually does emerge from- these two books. iuskin in "The Seven Lamps of Architecture" very dogmatically an- nounced: "The only admiration worth having attaches itself wholly to the meaning of sculpture . Proportion of masses is mere dog- gerel." The attitude emerging from Mr. Casson's books might be de- scribed as a more politely stated reversal of Ruskin's attitude. In the first book, Mr. Casson granted the importance of Rodin as havin scandalized the academie world out of a stupor with a new technique. But Rodin's rude stress on profundity ("The Hand of God," "The Age of Bronze," "Thought," etc.,) he called "cosmic sentimen- tality" and an improper stretching of the medium. When he came to the work of Jacob Epstein, there were similar objections. Epstein had found his own personality too overwhelming, his personal concern with anguish and grief too persistent. The results were experiments in emotion rather than sculpture. Epstein preoccupied himself with dramatizing persons at the expense of the proper con- cern of sculpture (that is, "the de- tection of designs that can be de- rived from the human figure and the masses that compose it"). In the new books, Mr. Casson states with approval Vernon Blake'sj definition of sculpture as "the per- ception and creative transcription of the rythmic relations in the human form," the rythmic rela- tions being the repetition of cer- tam planes and masses in the human form. The clearest illustra- tion of this attitude Casson found in the work of Archipenko, "who has been to modern sculpture what Picasso has been to modern paint- ing." Confessing early to "a loath- ing of Rodin," Archipenko had pro- ceeded to free research into the formal sculpture of the past. This research together with an abandonment of traditional aca- demic system of proportions gave him a synthesis "that is in no sense archaism or pastiche." Archipenko is thought of as approaching the human form with a creative ap- proach. If the normal proportions observed by the eye seem inade- quate formally, there is a reinter- pretation of them. Thus propor- tions are being derived or abstract- ,I from the human form with total disregard for representation. The result is the numerous lovely stylized torsos, familiar to many of us if only through Vanity Fair re- productions. Archipenko, Casson claims, has laid down the canons of proportions for the most deli- University of ORATORICAL ASS CL " ATION"* Presents GjLBERTK. .Lgland'Is Supreme dLiterary Genius IN ENGLAND'S MARK TWAIN IS "A pronounced optimist against the relentless flow of everything that is pessimistic and depressing or makes us regret life. His messages of good cheer and inspira- tion have done much to hearten the world." S Michigan ,I u i I Y Y z3aturday 1Vight o o Terry's general position is that Editorial Comment } "it is a comedy of contradiction that, almost until our own genera- 0 tion, the sensitive humanity of this ANOTHER LOST PASTIME very human soul should have been (University Daily Kansan) obscured by a curtain of mnisap- Uprehension, and that one who was Strolling, once so much a habit romantic and emotional beyond with the thoughtful man, has be- the ordinary should have been come passe. Indeed, to see a mod- misinterpreted as an unintelligible1 ern man walking is almost as rare arithmetician." His essays on the as to view horses clopping along, Cantatas and Chorales are design-- or reflective cows standing amiably ed by examining Bach's sensitive- on every bare corner lot. ness to his texts to show in how Automobile-crowded streets im- i detailed a manner Bach's person- itoriumT - 80 TICKETS ON SALE AT 3211 ANGELL HALL $1.00, $1.50 $2.00 Tickets for Remaining Five Lectures on the rN 0 1 R n .11 1 V 11 1 I ( I U111!