PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEATLE^ 1,; ' -v1 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN ~%AILY FRIDAY, NOVEMIIET? 14. 1 EW SOCIAL HEAD I - \ 8 SC S SNEW SOCI AL H EAD MORLEY DISCUISS FOR WHITE HOUSE STUDIES OFERHL MAYA CIVILIZATI Carnegie Archeologist Reviews Work of Excavators ini Central America. CITES LINDBERGH'S AID Describes Rise of Early Indian Empires as Evidenced by Discoveyies. "About 2000 years ago, there be- gan to develop near the Isthmus what was destined to be the great- est divilization in America until its discovery by the Europeans," said Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, associate in American archaeology at the Car- negie institution of Washington, speaking yesterday on recent de- velopments in the archaeo gical work of the institution. This Maya ci'vilization appears in two phases, 15r. Morley said. Up to about 600 A. D., the Mayas built up what is known as the Old empire but economic disturbances at this time caused them to move to sur- rounding territory where the New empire was started. Lindbergh Explored Lands. Recently, Dr. Morley added, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh flew over Maya lands in Yucatan and Honduras with a crew that included Mrs. Lindbergh and a Carnegie archaeol- ogist, and photographed centers of Maya civilization. A number of these pictures were shown on the screen during the talk. The Old empire city which is be- ing excavated, was discovered by explorers from the Carnegie insti- tution in 1916, Dr. Morley said. Mon- uments were found there which date from about 68 A. D. Among the discoveries made was a figurine, apparently from a very earlynperi- od, and a pyramid in good condi- tion having proto-Mayan character- istics. Ceremics were also found in the lowest levels there. "Evidence seems to be complete that we are dealing here with the earliest period in the Mayan civil- ization," he stated. Many Discoveries Made. At Chi'chen Itza, where the New empire center is being- excavated. several large structures have been unearthed, Dr. Morley said. N e w discoveries were made so often that the staff became "afraid to stick a shovel in the ground," he remarked. In an early temple, buried under the base of a later temple, was ex. cavated .an urn containing a sphere of j-adite, identified as a Mayan charm, and a beautiful turquoise .plaque, which has since been re- constructed, Dr. Morley said. Associated Press Photo L Lamott Belin, Former, diplomat, who was named: the new social dictator for official Washington. He . will head the state department's division of pro- tocol and international conferences as well as supervise the White House social functions. What's Going On Theaters. L y d i a Mendelssohn - "Rollo's Wild Oat," Play Production presen- tation. Majestic-"Song of My Heart" with John McCormack. Michigan-"Scotland Yard" with Edmund Lowe and Joan Bennett. Wuerth-"Wild Company" with Frank Albertson. Miscellaneous. Hindustan club-General Meet- ing at 8 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. Union-Dancing from 9 until 1 o'clock. League-Dancing from 9 until 1 o'clock. -y ANN ARBOR NEWS-BRIEFS [ 0 1OR FINE SHflWING c eto h nvest n11.H Ruthven, Campbell Praise Work City Army-Navy Club uated from the engin ering eparl- of Michigan's Marching to Hear Mayor Royce was a member of the Varsity base- balteams in 1915 and 1916. Musicians. Major Ralph Royce of the army _____________- air corps, Washington, will be the LAUDATIONS RECEIVED speaker at the first fall meeting of Car Robbed of Clock - the Ann Arbor Army and Navy and Valuable Papr "I believe the Michigan Varsity club to be held at 6:15 o'clock to- -- band to be the finest college band night in the Union. Parked in the 500 block on eay in the country, both in playing and Major Royce, commander of a Liberty strCet yesterday, a car marching," said Robert A. Camp- patrol of Selfridge ~ Field planes owned by H. F. Pape, 5522 west bell in a short address to the bands- chat flew from Detrot to Spokane, Jefferson avenue, Trenton, Mich., men Wednesday night at a rehears- Wash., last year to test the flex- was broken into and a silver rnantci al held in Morris hall. "I have re- ibility of large air craft formation clock valued at $35 and a box con_- ceived scores of letters from all flying long distances in winter taining valuable papers were stolen over the country praising the band weather, will tell of the flight of the owner reported to police. Pape, on both its marching and playing the "Arctic Patrol." who said the car had been parked ability and since the Harvard game, on private property, could give c, letters have been literally flowing Caswell Named Head clue as to the robbers.F into my office lauding theband's- Department performance in the east." f at23 ,000 to be Given "I have also received a letter from$.0.e P r e s u d e n t Ruthven," he added, Harrison H. Caswell, civil en- Out by Savings Clubs 'which gives the band the highest gineer, yesterday was named man- praise it can possibly receive-that ager of the Ann Arbor water de- Christmas savings club members I of bringing honor to the Univer- partment by the board of water in Ann Arbor will receive approxi- I sity." The letter which he read to commissioners, to succeed George mately $230,000 this year, according the band is as follows: S. Vandawarker, who died last to estimates of various banks. Ofl- "My dear Mr. Campbell: July. Caswell, who was defeated by cial figures, however, will not. be I wish you would convey to the Cornelius W. Tuomy in the Novem- available until the clubs are closed members of the band and Mr. Fal- ber elections for the office of drain next week. cone my congratulations upon the commissioner, will assume his du- The figures given out by the splendid appearance which they ties Nov. 24. banks is slightly below last year's made in Boston. I heard nothing Caswell, a World war veteran, and total. New clubs will be started but praise for their music, march- a resident of Ann Arbor, was grad- Dec. 1. ing, and general deportment. They honored the University and com- manded for it the respect which is Complete Line of Everything Musical its due. Yours sincerely, THE MATCHLESS BALDWIN LINE OD PIANOS (signed) Alexander G. Ruthven.' " At the rehea'.al Mr. Campbell VICTOR, MAJESTIC, BRUNSWICK R ADIOS also congratulated the men on the UNEXCELLED MARTIN BAND INSTRUMENTS fine work so far this season and urged them to conti'nue on for the Terms to Suit rest of the football season and the hnnrr4 c.nn wbi rhi t i-4nc0n rt I FI 11r1 Unusual Conditions and Special Spot Cash Purchases lake Possible the Biggest Bargains 17 3 - ----- . . . . . . r- aiins 414 Since 1914 0 9 9 concert season wicn is co suar next month. Nicholas Falcone, director of the b a n d, also gave a short talk in which he outlined the history of the organization during the last four years and described the rise of the Maize and Blue band from a slow UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE William Wade Hinshaw Devoted to Music Cor. Maynard and William Phone 7515 11 Be Sure to Visit Our Store and Take Advantage of These Outstanding Values! moving average college one of the fastest and musical organizations in collegiate circles. outfit to snappiest American I Choral Union Concerts r. 306-310 South Main Phone 4503 I~II1air, 2 to 4 p. m. 14c and 35c Evenings 14c and 50c MAJEST.I.C- Daily at 2:00, 3:40 7:00, 9:00 LAST TIMES TODAY JOHN jM0C RMACKN IN "SONG 0' MY HEART" Starting Saturday Steppes." All "men a country" who are travelling on "Nan- Thursday, Nov. 20, 8:15 P. M. Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 FI III1 'II III._..._ - . _ 77 4 4