THE- MICHI-IGAN ed every morning except Monday e University year by the Board in f Student Publications. r of Western Conference Editorial) in. ssociated Press is exclusively entitled' se for republication of all news dis- redited to it or nt otherwisecedited paper and the local news published at the potoffice at Ann "Arbor, as second 'Cass matter: 'Seial rate e granted by Third Assistant Post- neral. ption by carrier, $4.00; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Building, May- et. Editorial, 4925; Business, 2124. ! council. It is hard to see how a student body can be expected to respect and use a council whose responsibility and judgment are thus denied by its governing in- strument. jince, as, the council undertakes another year of sessions the stud- ents have no smouthpiece with ac- cess to the ear of the adfninistra- tion. we again feel, as we have previously remarked that "a. hap- pie'rspirit twould prevail on the campus if th'e repressed individual- ism of the student body could be translated from bull-session mut- terings into dignified articula- tions." i. ! COLLEGE DYING. According to the headlines of one of the outstanding morning papers of Ann Arbor (name, on request) the Univernity is .in imminent dan- ger of disappearing under our very noses. I attribute this to a growing desire for education among. the, members of the coming generation. All seriousness aside, though, from the number of pots I see around the place, I should guess that the freshman class had already died. The evil effects of hazing no doubt. * * * SIC AND DRA THE OPENING FIRE. Following the plans which she made last year immediately after t h-e successful appearance of Kreutzberg,,,and Georgi in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, Miss Amy Loomi, the theatre director, has announced Croyla Goya, new Spanish dancing star, as the open- ing attraction at the League thea- tre, next Saturday night, October 4. Miss Loomis alone of the campus impressarios in recent years has . _ ., _ n .. .. V Y L' 111V L'0 L Y1Y EDITORIAL STAFF J Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper, ews Editor ank.E....Gurney Williams 77rrector...........Walter W. Wilds pots Editor........Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor............Mary L. Behymer Seregraph tditor........Harold 0. Warren Music and Drama .........William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor. Charles R. Sprowl NIGHT EDITORS. Beach Conger john D Reindel ttrl . Forsythe icard L. Tobi- avid M. Yichol arold O -Warren heldon 'C. F Sports Assistants imBd~ris.'Fullerton j. Cllen Kennedy. Robert Townsend eporters rzo K. Baldwine Rannie Neville wawell Bauer Leo D. Ovson .al er S. Iaer, Jr. Robert L. Pierce 1dvig 3. lumberg Sidney L. Rosenthal o a d O. Boudeman 'Jerry E. Rosenthal ere 'Callison George Rubenstein eore Fisk Charles A. Sanford lerziard W. Freund Da Sachs rldton Franks Ra .- . chs #arthud . Gle roldberg G C: ?t t~a 1arl E. Goellner Allan a 17 ~ lly zriedt a Gl dsmth Robertt'eh 'rank B3. Glilreth dwM . lti~ 1am I. Hrs Arthur M er qme 'I. ngls WaterA. tdrr ames Johson Alfred R aert Fr'ede~ick M. idd JofhSTdwsnd xmil J. Konopinski rnet1 onend >eniton C. Kuoze Max ' - einberg 'owers Mutovn Joseph F. Zias ynne Adams Audry Jean Mitchell ,n Baldwin Margaret Mi* iken K. Blunt Margaret Oien etty Clark Eleanor Rairdon 1sie Feldman Jean Rose thal araret Ferrn ' ecili1a Shi ' li.abeth Grible Faie te rt mily G. Grimes Anne Mar aret Tobin li M Hy Ioffimeyer rgaret hompson an' Lvy°. 'Claire Trussell orothy Magee Barbara Wright. tary McCall BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ' BUSINESS MANAGER HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers vert .ising.Charles T. Kline vertising. ......Thomas M. Davis lertising ............William W. Warboys ervie..............Norris J. Johnson ublication............Robert W. Williamson irculation ..............Marvin S. Kobacker cots...... ......Thomas S. Muir siuess secretary............Mary J. Kenn - Assistants b"as E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder tatry I2 Begley Ere Kigtlinger I Alfiam Brown Richard Stratemeier achard . Hiller Abe Kirshenaum ernon Bishop Noel D. Ttirner 0inliam W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton SFred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler . seph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen on Verner Laura Codling ortbea Waterman Ethel Constas ice MeClly Anna Goldberg orothy illoorngarden Virginia McComb grohy Laylin Joan Wiese sepine Covisser MaryWatts enice Glaser Marian Atran oten+se Gooding Sylvia Miller -. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1930 ight Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE. A VOICE TO SPEAK WITH. In the light of its past impoten- es, the Student council has some- 'hat earned the attitude of skep-r cism or indefference with which he campus largely views it. The uncil has been satisfied in formert ears to attend to a few routinet tatters in connection with classI ames,, watching the finances of? lass parties and the cheering sc- ,on and like affairs which hardlyt auses a ripple in the ebb and flowt f student thought and opinion. As each new Student council ap- roaches its organization and in-I mtions for the year, there is a erennial plea in these columns for body actively interested in repre-i mting the current of studentl iought .But our council has coh-( letely missed its real and vitali gnction of interpreting studentc pinion to t e administrtive.heads1 f the Unversity. Throh. the ears it has become so cmpl t(yl body for the execution of ro tie iatters that ideas about student fflictions, their cause and cure, ave ceased to brighten its cham-1 ers. The resulting impptenpy has1 aturally discouraged petitions for1 edress of grievances which stud- nts might circulate if there were >r such petitions a designated andj iterested destination. The chief causes of the council's1 eficiency seem to be two, the first1 f which is campus politics.- Ex-] ediency as seen by the executiveE ommittees of the party caucusesc ictates the nominees who there- pon ride into office without tak-1 ig a stand on anything or beingt nown to any outside the innert Campus Opiion Contrbutors ai asked to be b rief, confining thetiseli es to les' tan 3oo I words if possible Anonymous coin. munications wll be (1sregarded. The names of commuicants will, however' be regarded as confidential, upon re-. quest. Letters puiblished shiuld not be ecniisrbed as eressing the editoril Ft auflin. of The aily. TRADITIONS AND PULLMOTQRS. To the Editor: If the opinion advanced in this letter seems incomprehensible it may be because of my utter inabil- ity to understand the motives be- hind hazing. The other morning I a feeling *.. emotional isola- tionvwhen I ine of a large:knot of stdents expressed no hilaity at the eorced. itics of a couple of luckless ,freshmen. In. a .comedy, their dro;L actions .iight have seemced humorous enough, but under the:, they seemed. absurd. Simply that. I ?fgve ben ivery much amused bY similar collegiate scenes as por- t4ayed in the.cinea. But there ;I seemed -to witness an act from the old college comedy, as it were. It was the time of Parker's and the Orient, fur muffs, and a small and intimate student body. I mean that the modern college picture, as such, strikes me much as Hamlet in modern dress. It's all right. The framed ultimatums hanging in the basement of the Union are interesting relics from a past order of things. They express the spirit of their times. I daresay not one of those Rabelasian dictums was cre- ated since the war. What a pity the practice could not have disap- peared with its era at war time. But like many colourful things, they appeal strongly to the im- mature mind and we must be nauseated by the un-virile and obscene mouthings of successive uninspired sophomore minds. Besies these .artificial re-incar- natioi qf the past we have only the antiquated scroll-work frame dwellings which economic exigen-, ces demand shall' die natural deaths. But even the local un- washed don't institute bria-brac architectural renascenses.. Only an educated body such as th? Student council could shelve the vulgar practical (if the council was aware of it) in favor of a formal investi- gation of Michigan traditions and means of their enforcement, as was done several years ago. Enforce a tradition! And at a center of' learning! A tradition is a living thing; it is born in the reaction of the mind to a certain .situation and is perpetuated while the mind and situation remain the same. This is Notwithstanding the attempt of some members of .an honor society1 to create one last year-a memorial to their inanity. Once upon a time hazing was thea method of initiating the country rube into the slick ways of college' boys. Rah! Travelling salesmen' were forced to share the notoriety of sophistication with the collegians in the humor literature of the day. Manners in the college town were distinctly faster than those of the farm and small town so that in- coming freshmen were just bump- kins to the boys "in the know." The ,great distance ,between their m aners and experiere natur lly allowed and encouraged tormenta- tion of the uninitiated by the su- perior collegians. Hence the tradi- tional attitude of disdain held by the o v e r-b e a r i ng sophomores towards freshmen. But today there is no such breach between sophomores and freshmen, thanks to the universal dispensation of cultural attributes by the radio, cinema, and publica- tions. Perhaps the balance is even in favor of the freshmen with their enthusiasm undampened by the classroom and the fraternity house. This only deals with one so-called tradition, but there are many others that fraternities and campus organizations are laboriously striv- I SUGGESTION. As a possible remedy for the above-noted decrease in regis- tration, the tlls Pherret has sugge ed that a 0w: pub~ie minded fellows go and register twice. *, * . * One of the boys on the staff just dashed in to tell me that there would be a change in the taxi serv- ice this year. It must be an im- provement. I. have poignant temories of the time I tried totaxbto aedana e and, after.;four hourt of intensl e tele- phoning, managed to get there for thea t: five -minutes by hopping a pa'ssing vig-van. Perhas the most Wtrprisg feature of tL e - tire affair vas that I found the remains of the cab I had ealled ins~ide the van.-The driver hadebit a- pebble in the road on the way to get me. AMONGST THE CLA&"IFIEDS. "After 15 years as instructor in voice culture and singing-Mrs.- has opened her own vocal studio. She is well kaown in the city bot-h as a pedagogue, concert, and chur l; singer." Hey Joe, let's dash down there some evening real soon and hear her sing one of those real old-fashioned pedagogues. Reports are pouring in on the University's latest noble experi- ment,-deferred rushing. The con- sensus of opinion seems to be that it is a fine thing. It is much easier to appease your conscience about bolts early in the year when it is "for the good of the house." * '* * POEM. A former Rolls editor (pro tem- pore) just dropped i and says he knows a poem which he ,will set down for a song. I have bribed him and here it is: There once was a Freshman, named Hurd Who wanted his rushing de- ferred.- Oiw talk and one'date="t Aud one Xrnshman for bait And by Saturday noon he's in-] terred. . * The above is pretty rotten but what could you expect from a guy that once remarked, when talking about tle taxi service in Ann Arbor,. "I gas that will be oil?" Rolls would like to hear. from anyone who is sure that they got their orders for tickets made out all right. The Pherret tells me that when he got through with all those slips and things he couldn't tell whether he had signed a mortgage on the old grey homestead or an. application to enter the Retired Mustard Plasterers' Foundation. The only thing, he says, that stood out in his mind when he was through was the name of one Field- ing H. Yost, Director of something. Maybe that was the idea. Speaking pf fooba1-AW I'wa1 too-it certainly w',L1e ,ice we they get those lovely ,new score- boards up (along about the 0h1- cago game). Then they cgn ake. mistakes a lot quicker. Th eros won't be any better than they were before, however, but that is the way of the machine agegall for -quantity and nothing for quality. New Rolls Service WHAT'S G9jNN ON IN ANN The usual nothing Wednesday. with some featues discontinued during repair work. DAN BAXTER. And Ruth Hanna McCormick will probably be heard to explaim "A Nye for an eye, and a tooth." seemed to realize the rapid rise to public recognition of the danc- ing art.- Since the reception of the German master and, his partner last winter Ihe has planned for a series of dance , rectals here this year, and. Goya is butthe first. The appearance of Goya will provide an attractive opening num- ber, as the Spanish girl is noted for her charm and fire. She is com- paratively new in the field of lead- ing dancers, having made her, dbutsin this country last year in ,ew- York where, she played before large and eithusiastic auiences. - ;Rexplring sthe field of the $panish dan'ce 'she is said to have uncbvered maay heretofore-unused fy -he others in this branch of thea art, and to.have a solid background of- the field which she secured by natiOnality, -extensive travel, and excellent instruction. Tickets for the recital Saturday night are to be on sale at the box- office at the north end of the League. e . isi>,- "c - THE CHORAL UNION CONCERTS. We see by the papers and by the literature that is addressed to our second cousin, ('26) but which comes to us, that the School of Music is- again to present a series' of concerts again this year. Tickets are now on sale for the series at twelve, ten, eight, and six dollars. The first concert will bring Fritz Kreisler, one of the most promis- ing violinists of the day, to the Hill auditorium stage on Monday, Oc- tober 13. Clare Clairbert, Belgian coloratura sopran , will make .her first Ann Arbor appearance on Fri- day, October 31, and Alexander Brailowsky, "Russian piaist of dynamic powers," will appear one week later on November 7 and the stage. The fourth concert of the series will find the Don Cossack -chorus here on Thursday, November 20. The "hoarsemen of the steppes" have been well received on tlir American tour. The inevitable Detroit Symphony will play their first of two concerts on Monday, November 24, which will relieve student ticket holders from missing study to hear a con- cert. Jose Iturbi, brilliant Spanish pianist, will be the second pianist to appear on the series when he comes on Friday, December 12.The Detroit Symphony again appears on Monday, January 12, with Bernar- dino Molinari as guest conductor. Two of America's outstanding musicians will follow, with Albert Spalding, the violinist, appearing on January 27, and Paul Robeson, the negro baritone who has climbed to fame in the past few years, coming on February 2. Sergei Rachmaninoff will conclude the series on February 10, with a piano recital. HOLA! This column must not be con- strued as the opening paean (pro- nounced just that), of the campus dramatic season. Mr. Gorman, the editor, it seems is (1) in New York, (2) in Ann Arbor, .(3) between New York and Ann Arbor. After playing telephonal hopscotch after Mr. Gorman last night, the powers- that-be pried the writer from a headset and his two-tube receiver to write a few words. "Remember" bawled the night editor as juniors will on their first night on the night desk, "Yuh ain't no high-brow critic getting ten bucks a month and two free seats to write this/ column. All yer jetting is the ex- e perience and the glory." He caught '1.: / 41 ---- - . 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