PAGE T WO THE MICHIGAN D~AILY ! INC J'| 1(1( I(l REW ARD OFFERED FOR FIVE BANDITS WHO HELD UP TRAIN IN CALIFORNIA M L T: RUSS~~ I CMET Sir Henri Detetding Laughs, I Sees Confession of Weakness in Propaganda. STORY AMUSES LONDON Other Two 'Conspirators' Cited as Too Busy to Involve Selves in Plot. (By Assoiatd Press) LONDON, Nov. 12.-Sovixth indict- ments of eight prominent Russians for alleged counter-revolutionary plotting with British and French governmental figures were believed here today to be a form of domestic propaganda, not to be taken seri- ously abroad. Mild amusement was the reaction in authoritative London circles. Sir Henri Deterding, international oil leader, who was one of the men aq,,us.g1 by the Moscow prosecutor, N. V. Krylenko, of plotting the over- throw of the Moscow regime, laugh- ed outright and commented: End Near. 'That story is a confession of weakness. The bolsheviks have to concoct stories like that to disguise the fact that their whole system is breaking up. The end is near." Sir Henri was particularly inter- ested to learn that the names of those accused as his co-conspirators in the counter-revolutionary enter- prise included "Col. Lawrence of Arabia," "Lord Churchill," believed to be Mr. Winston Churchill, former chancellor of the exchequor "Direc- tor Simon," believed to be Sir John Simon, Liberal leader, and Sir Phil- lip of Vickers. Indict Col. Lawrence. Neither Winston Churchill nor Sir John Simon has ever had more than a passing interest in Russian matters. It was commented that 'Aircraftsman Shaw," as "Col. Law- rence of Arabia," is listed on the Royal Air Force records, would have little time for his duties wi'th the British flying service if he were connected with all the plots Mos- cow ascribed to him. There is widespread feeling here that the two indiltments are in-I tended to bring about a greater union of the Russian people behind their government through their op- position to a common external ene- my. There is considerable compas- sion for the eight .Russians who Su s t stand trial on the indit- ments; if proved guilty they are lia- ble to sentences of death. Daily Official Bulletin (Continued from Page 8.) Mid-semster in History 11, Lee- ture L will be held on Monday, No- vember 17, at 8 a.m. in the follow- ing rooms: Mr. Scott's section, Natural Sci- ence Auditorium; Mr. Long's sec- tion,~1025 Angell Hall ; Mr. Slossons and Mr. Kemper's section, 103 Ro- Mance Language Bldg. Junior and Senior Engineering Students will be excused from classes at 11 o'clock on Monday, Nov. 17, to attend a lecture by Dr. L. M. Gilbreth in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater on "*ork Analysis a Function of Management." Dr. Buenaventura Jimenz, Physi- cian at the Health Service, will lec- ture Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 4:15, in Room 231 Angell Hall, on "The DawningEra's Diet" (Vegetarian- i sn : rg Hindustan Club: General meeting of the Hindustan Club on Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall. [}[\(|US BIONDIMENTIONED DOEI~G UFOR CARDIN ALSHIP AIR ESSCOTEST > First Award Provides Tuition for Ground School and Flying Course.- FIVE PRIZES -OFFERED The W. E. Boeing scholarships in 1 aeronautics, offered under the di- rection of W. E. Boeing, chairman of the board of United Aircraft and Transport corporation, will be of- fered again this year to the student who writes the best essay on any of' five different topics. % All the topics concern some devel- opement in the field of aviation and socwfte Pru 'hOto the first award is a master pilot Proun d d l fiii h z hn~r1i thr MP sit nor Fu asonli RiOndi. JPONSDR SOUGHT ?OR TICKET SALE Green Looks for Local Resident to Sell Charity Game Seats.' street Tues with tools 1 It is belie the stolent the north loaded then had backe Pursuing his policy of supporting ing. Altho the plan to turn over Michigan's= of the stole s are of the proceeds from the Dettling be Michigan-Chicago football game to to be abou charity, Governor Fred W. Green the tools 2ent Mayor Edward W. Staebler a Podewil, a7 cormrnunlca.t ion urging the ap- I pointment of an Ann Arbor resi- Gas St dent as sponsor of the sale of the] tickets. Thc letter was received at I Sheriff's the mayor's office yesterday. ported the The pan nronoses distributing stations' in THURSDAY, NOVEMBE 23 1930 ANN ARBOR NEWS-BRIFS V day night and escaped valued at about $250. ved the thieves removed tools from a window on side of the garage and m into a car which they d up behind the build- ugh no complete check en goods has been made, elieves his personal loss t $200, while the rest of belonged to Herman mechanic in the garage, ations Held Up. deputies yesterday re- robbery of two gasoline outlving. sections of the aY A reward of $10,000 has been offered for five n robbed a Southern Pacific maj. car of $55,700 at N near Oakland, Cal. A sedan used by the.outlaws road between the trees. S. E. O'Brien (left), fi ema engineer, were the train's engine crew; shown on the the express messenger. All were threatened by the BAND Wt RENOWJ11NL E R fNEW F( TO ECT E ~flNinezy-Sb M T LI T L L , G II LF 1 roup 16 Gilbert Chesterton to Feature Second Program Given by Oratorical Group. Although no formations pla band for the game this Sat TICKETS NOW ON SALE Jourey. drilm ______Coursey, drulm Gilbert K. Chesterton, English has announce( lecturer, will present the second of which will bes the Oratorical association lecture unuual nfatu iMichigan fans. series at 8:15 o'clock Saturday Since, in all night in Hill auditorium. sota Will not s "Mr. Chesterton's amazing versa- for the game, tility," stated Henry Moser, of the outfit will peri half and befor speech department, "is evidenced three weeks a) by the fact that in recent years team played h( he has discussed a multitude of will compriset questions and on each of them he band this week has spoken as an authority. His during the las topics have ranged from literature, season, the ne science and art to , women's suf- make the Harv frage and Bolshevism. The follow- en some experi ing sums up his views on life un modern conditions: "'If half t-e majority of peo in a generation get away from normal, as they do today, we m not forget the line of conduct t is normal to history and the rL We must not take the except and try to make the average1 up to it.'" Chesterton, stated M o s e r, known in Great Britain as a ph sopher, fiction writer, poet, dramatist. He will speak on "I Age of Unreason." Radio Today. Dr. Margaret Bell will talk< 2 o'clock today from the Unive ity studio on the subject, "Phys cal Education as an Educati for Women." The Midnite So: Quartet will furnish the music. DOUBLE FEATURE "EDDIE" QUILLEN SALLY O'NIEL in The Sophomore and Christina with Janet Gaynor-Charles Morton TODAY AND TOMORROW RAE THEATER 25c der ple the ust hat ace. ion livey is Last ilO- and Toda They World at kat The v - ilm on asyou've heard aY about - waited so long to see and hear'! a , Direct CAl . g n.uu 4L±a4n I yng sc ±arsnp,T et I n g 1 - - s*,Lj -U value of which is more than $5,000. Apostelic delegate of the loly Michiga 's share of the proceeds city. Hold-up men received a total The other prizes for these essays See in the United States, vho may of the ame among counties where of only $11.50 from the two robber- - are a master mechanics course, a a rdi more than $100 wvorth of tickets ies. master pilot ground course, and a be created a cardina. are sold and using the money for The Tuomy gasoine sta.on at private ground and flying course. -the relief of the unemployed. Washtenaw avenue and the cut- The scholarships cover the full tui- Former Campus Actor - --off was robbed shortly after 12 tion of the various courses. Appears in New York Burglars Rob Garage o'clock Tuesday morning of $5.50. Any undergraduate students in --_Burglars gained entrance to the any American college or university When Charles Wagner opened his Forcing open a window on the George Ross station, located in who will have completed one year p r o d u c t i o n of Rafael Sabatini's 1west side of the building, burglars 4 Lakewood subdivision. by means of of college work by July 15, 1931, is "The Tyrant" at the Lonacre the- broke into a garage operated by Al- breaking a window, but only got el.,ible to compete for the awards. ater in New York last night, One o; bert Dettling at 417 east Huron $6 from the cash drawer. Sa i-en' isoto The essays must be not more than the former campus actors took the en who held up and 2,000 words in length and must be leading juvenile role. Robert Hen- ohel station (above) at the Boeing school of aeronautics derson, who last June presented the was parked on the by May 1, 1931. dramatic festival, played the part LAST 2 : n, and R. E. Lemery, The essays must be on any one of of Gianlucca della Pieve.TIMES7:00, 9:00 the following topics: "Trends of De-_._._T__A_ right is W. H. Dana, velopment Air Transportation;" bandits. Progress of Safety in Aviation": "Trend of Airport Design and D- BRIG T SPOT GRANTBERT CHARLOTTE ILL MAKE I velopment"; "Radio as an Aid to 802 PACKARD STREET WITHERS ROACH GREENWOOD Aviation"; and The Importance of TODAY, 5:30 to 7:30 , I)RMA 7 ONS Proper Co-ordination of Federal LIVER AND BACONIN --and State Laws Governing' Air HAMBURGN STAO, Ten Will Comprise ransportation."E L GOThe essays will be judged by aF O r Last Games, committee headed by Dr. Baldwinl ROAST BEEF, JELLY You'll laugh at the singing, clowning antics of the long, lanky Letty M. Woods, chairman of the depart- LAMB CUTLETS, PEAS I You'll roar at the complications which ensue when two dissatisfied hus- facts concerning the ment of mechanical engineering, at MASHED OR HASH BROWNED bands change wives! nned by the Varsity the University of California. j POTATOES You'll shout with glee when they give grandpa the works in the Turkish Minnesota-Michigan --- CREAMED CORN bath. urday will be given Georgia's cotton production prior 35c Here is rollicking farce, made from a great stage comedy with Charlotte ,ura wil e ive to September 16 was 598,713 bales, WE DELIVER PHOtNE 814.2 Greenwood at her funniest and best. game, Lieut. R. R. aordnto oc gs . , 4 You'll have the time of your life. sIe f h b and cording to official figures. J naster of the band, I _______-____ __ ___ ____________ ______________ d that the letters ____ __-- spelled out are of an e and are new to probability, Minne- end her band down the Maize and Blue niversit of ichigan form throughout the e the game as it did go when the Illinois ere. Ninety-six men the personnel of the ® ,as it is hoped that, t two weeks of the w men who did not ard trip may be g'v- ience for next year. Presents Sensation! England's Suprerne Literary Genius IN FOX Movieton% JOHNNY HINES O e SO "JOHNNY'S WEEK END" "SHIP AHOY" "A pronounced optimist against the relentless flow of ed ORZAGE vrtigm ti esmsi nao us regret life. His messages of good cheer and inspira- C . tion have done much to hearten the world." HILL AUDITORIUM [URDAY RAg hWt--8:00 _. - -- : MUM NOW RA AWN r aA b ;etdi .. , k a s x h t } . f ... ,, ; .: a, ? , IL : I . . ,