PAGE FOUrR TlIlE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1930 -a- MMOM..,A --- - ; ., Published every morning except Monday Luring the University y'ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial kssociation. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled co the utse for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwiseecredited n thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier. $4.oo; by mail, $4.So. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building May hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, a214, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor ...............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ............Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books........Wm. J. Gorman Assistant Cizy Editor ......Harold O. Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R Sprowl telegraph Editor ........George A. Stauter NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon CyFullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Parker Terryberry aing J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Thomas M. Cooley Win. F. Pyper George Fisk Sher M. Quraishi Morton Frank Jerry E. Rosenthai Saul Friedberg George Rubenstein Frank B. Gilbreth Charles A. Sanford Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert oland Goodman Robert F. Shaw James H-. Inglis Edwin M. Smith Denton C. Kunze' George A. Stauter Powers Moulton Alfred R. Tapert Wilbur J Myers Tobn S. Townsend FRnhbt D_ Towsend ities have escaped. Its proponents feel that such a freedom is worthy of mistakes. The Bamburger idea will not seriously frighten other educational institutions. It is an experiment; yet all inventions must be experi- mented with before becoming prac- tical success. Our patriarch, Ben-i jamin Franklin, experimented with his Junto public library. Thousands of suchhlibraries now educate masses the world over. Possibly: Bamburger's idea is that of a Franklin. But for the present, it's emphasis upon the purely intellect- ual is the chief distinction to which it may lay claim. BLESSED ARE THE MEEK. A few days ago we observed that Mussolini's belligerent utterences on foreign affairs, and in specific, his rash statements in the naval dispute with France, might be a show staged to distract the Italian voter and prevent the reaction a- gainst the Fascist regime. In Eng- land and the United States, dis- content over economic conditions has visibly changed the personnel of the governments, but this nor- mal course of flux and change is opposed by Dictator Mussolini, des- pite the fact that Italy is suffering terribly from the depression and quite naturally is manifesting a Music and Drama I I PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS L Corona, Underwood, Barr-Morris, Remington, Royals. FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FA ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP CARL F. BAY JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST LYORS Ko erz . iownsn desire for a change in administra- Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brieti tion at Rome.J Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon, Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal Now we learn that the Fascist Elizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver regime has made mass arrests of 3mily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M. Hoffmeye Anne Margaret Tobin conservative, liberal, and military lean Levy Margaret Thompson edr o r o D Lrth agee Claire tTrussell n leaders for participation in a plot Mary McCall Barbara Wright to overthrow it. Investigations, ex- BUSINESS STAFF i1 e s, imprisonments, espionage, Telephone 21214 and censorship have followed; the' BUSINESS MANAGER victims include college professors, T. HOLLISTER MABLEY industrial leaders, bankers and a Assistant Manager cabinet minister. KASPER H. HIALVERSONBy these works, Mussolini is prov- Department Managers ing just another cheapegotisti Advertising .................Chre T. Klinein jutaohrcep egisP dvertisi..... . Thomas M. Davis autocrat who will pass as most Advertising.. Willi. W. Warboys others have done into oblivion a- Service................ Norris J. Johnson oteshv dneioobiona Publication..........-Robert W. Williamson mid cries of "Sic semper tyranus." Circulation........ ...... Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts..............Thomas S. Muir While the Dictator knows enough Business Secretary ............Mary J. $enan of the Napoleonic style to make ef- Assistants forts to please the people, his Harry R. Beglev Don W. Lyon Vernon Bishop William Morgan spoken menaces and verbosely ag- William Brown HcFred Schaefer gressive foreign policy are evident- William W. Davis Noel D. Turner Ily losing their charm for Italian Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder 'ears. The natural course of such Erie Kightlinger events will provide a change, and Marian Atran Mildred Postal allow the blood normally to circu- Helen B~ailey' Marjorie Rough Josephine Convisser Ann W. Verner late through the arteries of govern- Dorothy Laylin Mary E. Watts Syiv a Miller Johanna Wiese ment. Temporarily Dictator Musso- Helen____Olsen____ lini may have to step aside; but he may rise again, as Disraeli and Gladstone won and lost-and woni WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1930 again. But under the present pol- Night Editor - HAROLD WARREN icy, the Iron Man is showing signs ___________________of corrosion, and the plight of those in such plight is never to THE BAMBURGER EXPERIMENT I rise again, not even for a "hundred A university without rules, that 1 days." MEDIEVAL MUSIC GREGORIAN CHANTS: Sung by the Choir of Monks of the Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Solesmes: Victor Musical Masterpiece Series Album No. 87.- On St. Cecilia's Day, 1903, Pope Pius X issued an edict from Rome officially restoring the Plain or Gregorian Chant as the correct music for liturgical services. Act- ually, the decree was pontifical recognition of a great labor of love, done by the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Solesmes, France. These monks had traveled all over Europe collecting original manu- scripts dating from the fourth cen- tury. Next, working quietly in their cells, they set about the task of arranging scores chronologically and noting the distortions and various corruptions that sceular music left on the conception of the Gregorian Chant. The result of fifty years labor was the restora-- tion to purity of the great treasury of chants which Gregory the Great collected in his "Antiphonarium." The persistence of these monks in their works suggests that it wae fascinating. Perhaps they found this scholarship a fine focus for their efforts to think themselves back into the great ages of their faith-periods friendly to their sensibilities. Their ability to deter- mine the purity in the medieval ex- pression of religious emotIon they probably thought of as a test o:. the purity of their own religious emotions. Beyond their careful. elaborate textual criticism they must have finally referred to their own states of mind as religious men for final judgement of a pure or corrupt chant., Ideal conditions for scholarship. The results of their research and the personal fervor of the research- rs are beautifully communicated by one of the finest albums Victor Phonograph Company has ever conceived. The complete choir of monks of the Abbey of Solesmes sing forty of the typical Gregorian Chants that their predecessors had restored. In its authentic presenta- tion of a unique mode of musical language and in its insight into the medieval emotions, this collec- tion of records is priceless. The Gregorian chant is a mode of musical language which cam into existence by the inflection into melody of the monotonic reci- tation which, previously had been the way of reading the liturgy of the mass. These monks (the choir- master writes an introductory pamphlet to the set) think of the Chant as the Voice of the Liturgy: as the inevitable, divinely inspired manner of "speaking" the divinely dictated hymns and responses o the liturgy. Several attempts have been made in modern times (by Wiliam Butler Yeats with a psaltery and by Edith Sitwell with an elaborate mega- phone) to find a simple monodic setting for words, a musical setting suggested by the words themselves. Neither succeeded as well as does the Gregorian Chant. The musical idiom of the Chant in rythm and. melody is at all times close to language: might be thought of as sanctified language. All the aspects of the idiom, as described by the choirmaster and as they sound to the listener, contrive to give the profound peace necessary to prayer. The "composer" of a chant finds himself severely disciplined and limited. The melody, besides being refused the relief of harmony, must be strictly diatonic (the semi- tone was thought of as an imper- fection) and is allowed to progress only by contiguous steps, from one note to the one next to it. These fundamental d e m a n d s which must be satisfied in each chant give a basic tone or ethos (the unsympathetic would call it monotony) which impresses one as the ordered, disciplined mind nec,-s- sary to prayer. The conception of rythm makes possible richness and variety of expression. Rythm is completely free of periodic strong beats (what contemporary theorists tend to call the "tyranny of the bar-line"); it is never identified with progres- sions to intensities of sound. Rythm is completely free, allowed to be an undulating line, revealing what are called "basic pulses," of which there are infinite variety. The result is a medium which can express a variety of emotions T H I S AFTERNOON: Pal- mer Christian, University or- ganist, appears in recital at Hill auditorium at 4:15. ANN ARBOR ARTIST'S EXHIBITION The Eighth Annual Exhibition of the Ann Arbor Art Association- the largest in their history I under- stand--continues to be open to the public and students until Novem- ber 21. The Exhibit is interesting as an explicit record of an ener- getic and rather unique effort of Ann Arbor-a small community after all-to realize itself in the plastic arts. The diversity and in- tensity of that effort-whatever the quality of the products-means something like "civilization." Cer- tainly it means a freedom from the deplorable values which obviously reign in all but a few American communities. One very mature talent lends weight to the whole exhibition. Jean Paul Slusser, in two mediums, oil and water-color, shows striking invention, sensitiveness to the formal aspects of his subject mat- ter, and a forcible craftsmanship with which to execute them. Rather more than anyone in the show I think, Mr. Slusser thinks his sub- jects out. The result is a distinc- uion of design (which most of other pictures notably lack): de- sign that shows itself in various ways: sometiics in the satisfying motion oered the eye (as in "Landscape"); or in the harmon- *ous relations of colors (as wit- ness the respective powerful unities of color in the finely contrasted 'Warm Still Life" and "Cool Still Life," Warmth and Coolness made visible); or- inthe intelligent spac- ing in all his pictures. That this consistent sense of design does not stifle fresh and forceful feeling there is the exciting" Poker Plants" to show: with all its "ntricate riot" of color. Mr. Slusser, besides the desire to paint, has a sense of responsibility to the medium (de- rived no doubt from longer exper- ience) which urges him to reasoned composition. His work is distin- guished. Other paintings, that on the surface appear competent, a r e distinguishable rather than dis- tinguished. There is no novelty of erspective or proportion to chal- lenge fresh attention. One merely recollects other pictures. Typical of these are the mild, sentimental. conventional tributes to the open spaces ("A Summer Afternoon," "The Eternal Hills," "The Old Homestead") by Ernest Harrison Barnes. If Mr. Barnes were frankly, instead of bashfully, impression- istic, he might give his scenes at least the mobility and quiver of light waves lapping over them. But instead they are merely dull. Myron Chapin's three water- colors are attractive. Mr. Chapin's approach is pleasantly tricky. He has an impulsive approach to water-coloring that makes his vis- ion of the American scene engag- ing. There is plenty of color and that color is just so slightly, even sweetly, blurred that his pictures whisper the sensitive joys of ob- servation-the joys of the artist- without disagreeing with the qual- ity of his subject matter. Margaret H. Chapin has two pastels, "Portrait Composition" and Child's Embrace." Pastel is a cur- ious medium for such large portrait compositions; and Mrs. Chapin uses it not for its plastic possibil- itieN but for atmospheric effects and tonal qualities. Both have charm. In "Child's Embrace," the best of the two, there is an inter- esting attenpt to abstract or gen- eralize the mother and child by deliberately darkening and obscur- ing the texture. The average level of the rest of the large exhibition is on the whole gratifying. Many of the pictures are mere regional reports: the pre- occupation being with things rather than with the arrangement of things. Many of them are decor- ative, more or less charmingly so. The appearance of more fearful mannerisms might suggest more vitality and promise. The opulent style of Marina Timoshenko, for xample, suggests importance. But then ag'ain the total irresponsibility about color relationships in Har- riet Waite's Nude Study and Still Life is perhaps a little terrifying. Lois Maier, too, seems to trust to We have all makes. Colored Duco Finishes 0. D. MORRILL South State St. Phone 6615 ii - sue.. wy.. . , may. r 'UBs" CRIBE TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY .ar. - si t i "PomidsG fitl ;O sack" it is TASTE i not words ou enjoy inl ~sroke 7 I t c. '' Nickels Arcade ONE will always stand out! 13,METT& Y7s TPBCO , m cxaaism.u____________________ Mesae to -Those Who Are will center about a small faculty of distinguished teachers rather than on expensive buildings or championship athletics is the most recent addition to educational insti- tutions of the country. The Louis Bamburger Institute of Advanced Study, made possible by an endow- ment of $5,000,000, will experiment with the theory that freedom of thought, encouraged by groups of interested intelligentsia, is more beneficial to the best welfare of modern youth than the mechanical, somewhat standardized methods of training forwarded by methodical exponents of the university. As outlined by its director, the institution has numbered its prin- ciples as four. Practice of collegiate1 ideas that he has deemed vital in the life of the college will be a nonentity. Athletics and extra- curricular activities will have no place. Quality and not size will be the1 main concern. To quote the direc- tor, Dr. A. Flexner, "If we can find no first-rate teacher of mathema- tics, we will have no course in mathematics." The institute, fur- ther, fondles the hope that re- muneration of its faculty will be more fully commensurate with the importance of their positions than does financial reward of the aver- age college professor. Lastly, there will be no monarchial board of directors of the institution; the faculty members will co-operate in the management of the school, and have places on the board of trus- tees. Such a departure from the tra- ditions of the American collegiate educational system has much to commend it. Yet it inspires the question will the dancing youth of today forsake his destination of career and pleasure for one of intellectual satisfaction? It is true that the institute hopes to secure only those seeking the latter end; FIVE FORTUNATES. Those who are adverse to the mass production of typical state universities review with interest and eagerness a plan for liberal- izing for formal curricula which has recently been put into practice at Dartmouth college. The governing heads of this in- stitution realizing that a fact learn- ed through interest is worth ten learned by rote have instituted the following system: five members of the junior class are selected by the faculty as possessing outstanding qualities of scholarship and in- tegrity of character besides leader- ship and other desirable qualities. At the end of their third year at college these men having proved themselves exceptionally earnest and promising students are given absolute assurance that they will receive diplomas t h e following June. The authorities do not spec- ify that any of the chosen five ac- complish one iota of work during the coming year. Their only re- quirement is that those selected will reside during their senior year at Hanover. The services of the professors, the library and all the equipment of the college is avail- able for their use, but none of these things is imposed upon them. A good answer to the obvious ob- jection that the chosen students would spend their unsupervised year in unproductive indolence is the simple statement that the proof of the pudding is in the eat- ing. Most of the students that have been thus tried at Dartmouth have completed research work of their own design, often entailing as much effort as that which would be expended by a serious graduate student. It is quite easily realized that such a plan depends for its success upon the fact that only a limited and well chosen group of Juniors be selected for this special privi- lege. While this plan affects only The value of the "Michigan Daily" can not be realized until a continuous contact has been made with it. It is a medium that brings everyone into the realm of World, Local and University news, carrying with it the latest Associated Press dispatches. i Ann Arbor's only morning newspaper has a distinct interest in the progress of this. city, and its attention can not he continued unless it reaches everyone. You will find a .subscription order in your paper this morning. Mail it in o rmerely call 21214 and place your subscription order. It is a wise investment, and what you receive in return will be the best in news- paper service. i4