ESTABLISHED 1890 Y & 40 fKt r t 0 a n 4§p A& A&- in Aqw MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 39 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS f I FRESHMAN CLASS WILL ELECT GAMES LEADERS__TONIGHT More Than 400 First-Year Men to Attend Meeting at Union. SLOAN FOR ADVISES HIGH WAGE SCALE NATION'S FUTURE PROSPERITY MUYSKENS WILL SPEAK Plans for Annual Basketball Tournament Also to be Considered. More than 400 freshmen will meet at 7:00 o'clock tonight in the Union to select their captain and lieuten- ants for the traditional freshman- sophomore fall games. This meeting was originally announced for 7:30 o'clock but because of the large number of arrangements w h i c h must be made, the hour has been changed t 7 o'clock. The freshmen will meet first in the groups towhich they will be assigned as they arrive at the Un- ion. There will be 10 groups, each one under the direction of a mem- ber of the Executi'vq council of the Union. Groups to Nominate Candidates. A candidate for the captaincy of the freshman teams in the games will be nominated from each group. At the same time, the plans will be made for the annual freshman bas- ketball tournament under the di- rection of the Union uderclass committee.' Following the group meetings, the first-year men wil gather in the ballroom of the Union for the mass meeting, where they will elect their captain and their lieutenants from the nominees of the groups. At the same time, a band will be organized to lead the class to the scene of the battle on Saturday morning. Downing to Talk. Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the speech department, will speak at the freshfirar neetihg. In a dltion there will be short talks by Janes Slocum, '34, recently elected presi- dent of the freshman literary class, and Joseph Downing, '31, captain of the varsity basketball team for the coming season. Cheers and songs will be led by the varsity cheerleaders and Albert F. Donohue, '31, president of the Union and former captain of his class in the games, will preside at the meeting. Smokes will be provid- ed by the Union. Sophomores to Meet. The sophomores will meet at 7:30 tomorrow night in the ballroom of the Union to elect their captain for the games. T. Hawley Tapping, sec- retary of the Alumni association of the University, has been secured to speak at ths meeting. Ivan Williamson, '33, r e c e n t 1 y elected president of his class and member of the varsity football team, will also give a short talk. There will be cheers and s o n g s. Smokes and refreshments will be provided by the Union. COSSACK CHORUS TO GIVECONCERT Russian Officers Will Be Third on Choral Union Series. The Don Cossack Russian male chorus, under the direction of Serje Jaroff, will appear as the third at- traction of the Choral Union series on Thursday, Nov. 20, in Hill audi- torium. Jaroff, whose chorus consists of former members of the Russian army, first organized his group after the White Army had evacu- ated Crimea. About 8,000 of gen- eral Wrangel's troops were given a haven on the island of Lemnos. They were without any equipment, and had only their uniforms to protect them. The band had lost its instruments, so they organized several choirs to keep up the mor- ale. Jaroff's particular choir was so well-received that, when the regiments were moved to Bulgar- ia, his singers obtained employ- ment from one of the Greek Or- thodox churches in Sofia, and from that beginning his group of singers, all former Cossack officers from the Don, drifted into concert work, traveling all over the world to sing their songs of the Don and Volga, as well as chants of their religious faith. .. . . . .. . . President of General Motors Sees 'Turn in Tide' of Business. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 11.-Announc- ing that the General Motors corp- oration has maintained salaries and wages, president Alfred P. Sloan, jr., said today that a reduction in the wage scale would not only delay the return of- more normal times but unnecessarily limit the future prosperity of the nation. In a letter to stock-holders ac- companying the nine-months earn- ing statement, previously made public, Mr. Sloan said that in his opinion "it is important for indus- try to appreciate the fact that the country's prosperity is founded on a high wage scale. "The broader the margin that exists between the daily wage and the necessities of life," he con- tinued, "the more the individual has available to purchase additional DA9Y WI.LLADDRESS Cleveland Judge to Share Honors of Evening With Thomas Roberts, '06. VARSITY BAND TO PLAY Judge William L. Day, 'OOL, of Cleveland will share the speaking honors with Thomas Roberts, '06, of products and enjoy a profit by his leisure hours. This development of purchasing power creates wealth which in turn acts and reacts throughout our whole industrial situation. "General Motors has not reduced either salaries or wages and it is my hope that no readjustment of the character will be necessary," he said. In evaluating the present position of General Motors weight must be given to the fact that it recognizes as a major industrial) purpose the importance of doing its part in maintaining purchasing power through periods of adversity. Summarizing the business situ- ation, Mr. Sloan said: "I feel that there is no occasion for losing faith in the principles and policies of the corporation; neither would we lose faith and confidence in each other nor in our industrial leaders. "On the contrary, we individually should do the most we can to re-E duce the discomfort and suffering which follow all economic readjust- ments. Finally, we should discharge 1 our responsibilities, whatever they' may be, in such a manner that when the tide turns, a matter of only a question of time, we shall, be better able to enjoy and appre- ciate the bigger opportunities that' have yet to come to us." Mr. Sloan emphasized the oppor- tunity presented to industrial man- agement "to inject into business a different type of thinking and a different appreciation of the prob- lem's that have existed for a num- ber of years past." EFFINGER EXPLAINS \SO V}S SELECTE IN FINALTRYO'UTS Levy, Simon, Are Only Men on Teams with Intercollegiate Experience. NEW SCHEDULE PLANNED First Debates Will Take Place on Dec. 11 with Ohio, Indiana. Preparations for the conference debates entered their final stage as the two varsity teams were l picked after final tryouts yester- i 'ENSIAN SETS LIMIT ON SENIOR PICTURES Seniors who wish to have their pictures included in the 1930-31 Michiganensian must purchase their receipts and make their photographers appoi n t m e n t s soon, George E. Hofmeister, '31, business manager of the 'Ensian stated yesterday. Although the deadline for the sittings for the photographs is not until Dec. 15, the list of ap- pointments with the photogra- phers are rapidly filling up, Hof- meister said. PERPEITUALPEC day. The affirmative team will be composed of Maurice Moyer, '32,M Lecnard Kimball, '33, and Howard L. Simon, '32L, with John H. Huss,' '33, as alternate. John W. Lederle, Aristide Briand, '33, Victor Rabinowitz, '31, and] Foreign Minister of France, who Nathan Levy, '31, will speak in that has been charged by Ramsin, now order for the negative team, with Samuel G. Ellis, '33, acting as al- under arrest for high treason a- ternate. gainst the Soviet government, as Twa Vt DTi niratn5^:'J;,l in ~t~l v on m-. n~n ~ r,~".- CHARGED BY REDS AS 'ARCH-PLOTTER' ......._... r RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS CHARGE NATIONS OF CONSPIRACY TO OVERTHRO W SOVIET STATES t wo eran aeUrs.ityierna c cosalra or n an Only two men on the varsity international plot to overthrow the team have had previous intercol- Russian Soviet government. Ray- legiate experience. Levy has been mond Poincare, former president a member of the varsity teams for of France, was also involved in the the past three years, while Simon alleged confession revealed by the has been debating for the Univer- Public's Commisar. city an even longer time. None of- the other debaters has ever taken part in debating at Michigan, though most have had some high li school experience. in~~nau~. in The topic for the conference de-l I L .:rll 1--t." l Leads Nation on Armistice in Tribute to World War Veterans. Day i ' fills 1 1 1 1 1 I I B1.01L.! 1 1 111 111111:1 Oak Park, at the pep meeting for 1* bate will be -Resolved: that the the Minnesota game Friday night. IVILJU UbU n n IJbU LUI several states should enact legisla- Judge Day, during his undergrad- tion providing for compulsory un- uate days at Mich'gan held a num-t Und employment insurance." The con- ber of important campus positions, Discusses RequirementsU er ference debate will take place on while Roberts was football manager New System of Admitting Thursday, Dec. 11, when the af--I of one of Fielding. H. Yost's great Advanced Students. firmative team will debate against point a minute teams. Since grad- Ohio State's representatives in Hill uation, both have been ardent auditorium, while the negativeI ,Michigaifootbal folowers. Judge TO END B.S.--M.D. COURSE team joftrnies to Bloomington. Day, who is-to-ebe reembered for where it will neet Indiana. his many appearances at pep meet- "The recent increase in the re- Association Grants Funds. ings il .the past few years, is noted quirements for admission to the In addition to the conference de-: for his ability to fire the enthusi- medical school from 70 hours to bates, the university debating pro- asm of the students and towns- ram has been greatly enlarged, pepeattending the rallies. An 90 hours, to take effect in Septem- ga a engetyelre people dghsand a large number of debates will( effort is being made to obtain an- ber, 1931, will in a short time lead be scheduled for this year. The ex- other graduate to lead the cheers. to the elimination of the present Dansion of the debating program Montgomery Shick, Varsity cheer- combined B.S.-M.D. curriculum, has been made possible by a gener- leader, and his staff of assistantscobnd .S-D. urilmu ra will be on hand as will the fighting where there has been a minimum 'ous grant of money from the Ora- i beand.Athurw Hckett requirgmentr,",De torical association, and several ex- Mi'h higan band. Arthur Hackett, requirement of 75 hours," Deantensive tours may be arranged for head of the voice department ofdthe John R. Effinger, of the literary later in the season. A committee, music school, has been secured to college, said yesterday. composed of Levy, Lawrence E. lead the singing. For students entering in Sep- Hartwig, '31, and Robert A. Murphy, tember, 1931, and thereafter, he 31, has been formed to correspond with other schools to arrange for said, there can be but one com- debates, and a further announce- OOT S TO T Ybined course between the College ment will be made shortly. of Literature, Science and the Arts NEW FORMATION the medical school, for which 'Rollo's Wild Oat' the minimum requirement will be b 90 semester hours together with a Will be Presented Cheering Section to Spell Out requirement in grade points and in specified courses. by Play Production 'Kipke,' 'Minn,' U of M' Normally this single combined _ at Minnesota Game. course would give the student the Construction of four sets and bachelor of arts degree after he circumvention of a number of me- Three more new formations will had completedrsuccessfullytherfirst chnial fficulties w i m -r be attempted by the cheering sec- year of the medical course. Stu- Rollo's Wild Oat"ebywCl m- tion with the Maize and Blue cards dents, however, might receive a "dat" by Clare Kum- at the Minnesota game Saturday. bachelor of science degree, if they mer as one of the most ambitious "KIPKE," "MINN," and "U. of M." so desired. This gives a student on presentations in the history of will be spelled out by the section. the combined course the same op- Play Production. Several innovations in the pro- tion as that which is offered stu- The play will be given Thursday, cedure of forming the letters have dents of the literary college at the Friday, and Saturday nights at the been planned. Cards will be held present time, Dean Effinger stated. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. above the head instead of on the Valentine B. Windt, director of level with the eyes as at the Purdue POLICEMAN HURT Play Production, recently termed and Illinois games. This will re- H R P P ion 'ecet sult in a more effective formation, IN AUTO ACCIDENT ( the play, which will open the sea- it is expected, silce part of the son for the department, "an up- cards have been hidden from view Crashing into a car which came roarious farcical comedy." "Rollo'sI under the old system. The new suddenly out of a driveway into Wild Oat" is the story of a young instructions will be printed on the Observatory street, Chester Young, man recently come into a large in- backs of the tickets for cheering University motorcycle policeman, heritance, who has theatrical am- section seats as well as on the yesterday afternoon sustained in- bitions. He satisfies these by pro- stunt cards that will be tacked to juries which necessitated the ampu- ducing "Hamlet" in a startlingly the seats in the stadium. tation of his right leg. original way. The section will be the same size According to a statement by po-- as that of the Illinois game, com- lice, Young was going north on Ob- 1 - .c posed of seats from row 28 through servatory street when Lawrence UnlerS1LfY iectory 43 inclusive in sections 22, 23, and Berg, '32M, who lives on Miller road, Goes on Sale Today 24 drove unexpectedly into his path. Berg is married and holds a Uni- The 1930-31 issue of the student RITES FOR SLA TER versity driving permit, it was re- directory of the University will go ported. on sale tomorrow morning on the TO BE TOMORROW Young was taken immediately to cams.etmooksmayoer the University hospital, where his campus. The books may be pUr- Funeral services for Marvin J. leg, which received a compound chased at the stands along the Slater, '23, of 1441 E. Park Place, fracture in the accident, was re- diagonal. general manager of Slater's Inc., moved.I who died yesterday morning will Police are attemptig to locate Driver Blows Three take place at 2 o'clock tomorrow eye-witnesses of the collision. Berg afternoon, it was announced yes- is not being held. B Tires Averting Crash terday. The ceremony will be held in the Second Revue Tryout Collision between a light roadster Muehlig chapel. Rev. E. C. Stell- Toand a taxicab at the corner ofa horn will officiate, and burial will Scheduled for TodayI Washtenaw and Baldwin avenues -- --~ a ai il- ,-wA rn wly avreCu7 Trt ed at 11:15 I UUI LI L HMlL University Press Club to Open I Twelfth Annual Session on Thursday. LEE WHITE TO LECTURE DEFENDS WORLD COURT (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.- Twelve years after the "cease firing" order was passed through the war-torn trenches of France and e c h o e d around the world, President Hoover today led the nation on ils Armis- tice day tribute to the living and dead veterans of the World war, with an appeal for the perpetuation of worla peace.w The University Press Cl1 of After placing a wreath of yellow Michigan will assemble at the Un- chrysanthemums upon the plain,l ion, Thursday, Friday and Satur- marble tomb of the Unknown sol-i day of this week for the twelfth dier in Arlington, the chief execu-K annual meeting of the organiza- tive, in an address before the an-9 tion. General meetings and discus- nual conference and, Goodwill con-l sion sessions, addresses by repre- gress of the world alliance 01 inut- sentative editors, publishers, jour- national friendship through the nalists, and college professors val churches, said the war had taught be open to the public. The ban- the blessing of peace, if nothingt quets, luncheons, a n d business else. meetings will be open only to club After agabn urging American ad- members. herence to the World court, he re- Registration for the convention I iterated his proposal for freedom ofI will begin between 9 and 12 o'clock I the seas for good supplies in time Thursday morning at the Union. At of war and forecast possible expan- the initial meeting, which will be lion of the Kellogg-Briand pact for# held at 2 o'clock Thursday after- outlawing war to mobilize world{ noon, President Lee A. White, of opinion against is violators.s the Detroit News, will deliver an He held that the time had not yetl address of welcome to the assemb- come when "we can assume that, ly. George R. Dale, editor of the righteousness has so advanced inl Muncie, Ind., Post-Democrat and the world that we may yet have mayor of Muncie, will speak on complete confidence in the full "Press, Politics, and Prisons," a growth of pacific means or rest, stormy recital of his experiences in solely upon the proceses of peacet fighting a corrupt judiciary and for defense. Reveal Plot to Parcel Out Valuable Resources. BRIAND ACCUSED Six Countries Involved in Red Prisoner's Accusations. (Bv Associated Press) MOSCOW, U.S.S.R., Nov. ir- From a dossier of indictments and purported confessions in t h e hands of the peoples commissar for justice, there emerged today Soviet charges of an international plot to overthrow the government and to parcel out the most valua- ble natural resources among the nations which fringe their bor- ders. Eight Russians, said to be anti- Soviets, are in prison u n d e r charges of high treason, the pun- ishment for which is death. The alleged confession of one of them, the counter-revolutionist, Ramsin, named a group of outstanding fig- ures from half-a-dozen nations as co-conspirators with leaders of the plot in Moscow. Lawrence Implicated in Charge. Sir Henri Deterling, British oil magnate, is named as one of those who aided in financing the prelim- inary campaign. Former Premier Poincare and Foreign Minister Bri- and of France are called "arch con- spirators," and the name of Brit- ain's "Lawence of Arabia" adds a final dab of color to the picture. From Ramsin's purported ones- sien, the '-overnment has recon- structed the elaborate plot. It was hatched in Moscow and Leningraz, fed with foreign capital in Paris and supported by active sympathy from Great Britain, France, Poland, Finland, Rumania, and other "cap- italist" nations. Rumania to Provide 'Spark.' There was to have been a diplo- matic "incident" on the Rumanian border, and Rumania was to have leclared war. In quick succession, Polanid, France and England were to have followed her example. An army of 600,000 men under the White General Loukonski, was to have marched on Moscow, gath- ering strength of numbers as it went by enlistment of discontented peasants, simultaneously, while an army under the White General Dnikin moved on Leningrad. France was to supply arms and ammunition and the British fleet was to steam into the Baltic and the Black sea, seizing the Crimea and Leningrad. 'Democratic' Government Planned. All this, planned last summer, the Soviet government asserts, broke because of discord between France and Italy and the uncer- tainty of Germany's attitude caused the plotters to delay their first open attack. The Revolutionists planned to install a "bourgeois democratic re- public" and in return for their support from foreign allies, were to share some of Russia's richest re- sources. OFFICIALS REVIEW ARMISTICE PARADE Maj. Wilson, Ruthven, Staebler, See R. O. T. C. March. Major General Guy M. Wilson, commander of the National Guard in Michigan and Wisconsin, review- ed the Armistice day parade yester- day from the steps of Hill auditori- um. He was accompanied at the reviewing stand by President Alex- ander G. Ruthven and Mayor Ed- ward W. Staebler. After the parade of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, the Ameri- can Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, led by the Varsity- R.O.T.C. band, a brief program was held inside the auditorium. Rev. R. N. McMichael, chaplain of the American Legion in this city, I offerprl the invncatinn afterwhich fpolice department in the urban midlands of "Middletown," famous now as a text book for sociological psychology. Elmo Scott Watson,l editor of the Publishers' Auxiliary, Rev. Augustus P. Reccord, of De- troit, and George Dolliver, of the Battle-Creek Moon-Journal, presi- dent of the National Editorial as- sociation, will all be included on the afternoon program. The President's dinner, Thurs- day night will introduce President Alexander G. Ruthven to the press of the state, while Rev. Frederick B. Fisher, D. D., and Dr. Walter Masaur, of Austria, will offer the feature addresses of the program. The general topic of discussion Friday morning will be "Problems Confronting Newspaper Editors," and the speakers listed as leaders for the discussion are Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the history depart- ment; Dr. Theophile Raphael, an (Continued on Page 2) HOOTKINS SPEAKSl ON FRENCH COURSE Language Instructor Gives First of S. C. A. Review Lectures. Opening a series of four review lectures in freshman s u b j e c t s Hirsch Hootkins of the Romance language department presented a review last night at Lane hall cov- ering the materi'al of the French 1 course to the point that it has pro- gressed so far this semester. The Student Christian association is sponsoring these talks in an effort to boost the grades of freshmen who need assistance in organizing thei'r school work. The schedule of lectures for this week is as follows: German 1 and Spanish 1 at 7:30 o'clock on Thurs- day evening, and History 11 at 7:00 o'clock on Saturday evening. GARGOYLE TO RELEASE UNOFFICIAL HARVARD-MICHIGAN GAME PROGRAM To Contain Editorials on Campus lished as an additional feature of Events, Football Comments, the football issue. In addition to the Harvard-Mich- and Cartoons. igan football program, there will be 18 pages of editorial matteride- Did you go to Cambridge last voted to current campus events, week and have the opportunity of I general comment on the local foot- reading the official program of the ball season, and numerous clever Harvard-Michigan game? No? Well, cartoons by Jerry Ellison, '30, last year's editor of Gargoyle, Alan you didn't miss a thing because Handley, '32, Richard Bruehl, '32,