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November 11, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-11

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Published every morning except Monday
wring the University year by the Board inr
ontrol of Student Publications
MewThe .- \Vwerterr Conferne ditnriaI
-rhe -Xss"itei Preb,. is exclusively entitled
rhse for retiublication of all news rfis
,oe redliteo to it o, not otherwise credited
. ih an ine. md the local news published
Entered at the postoflice at > Ann Arboi
elichigan, as second class matter Special rat
if postage granted by Third Assistant Post
vaster General.
suberintiot ht arrie t4on Ii .-a'il
ilicc An, Arho Press, Rnildin 41a4
..d Street.
Phones: Editorial. 4925, Business, a1214
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board

gress has enough votes to gain con-
trol. The probability that the
Liberal-Republicans, headed by
radicals, combined with the Demo-
crats, will control the Senate i
very likely. But the G. O. P. bI-k
ters may be reminded of the fates
of several Democratic members.

About Books
HAHVUD I ---_--_-_--____________--

Rah! Rah! Rah!
That was the only cheer that the
Reds from Boston knew on Satur-

who bolted the party in 1928, and day, but they oflered variety by


will follow strict party lines be-
hind President HOOVER for the

City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
N ews Editor .. ..Gurney Williams
Editorial Director........ ..Walter W Wilds
sports Editor .............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor . ....Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama. Books........Wm. J. Gorman
Assistant Chy Editor ......Harold O. Warren
Assistant News Editor. ..Charles R Sprowl
relegraih Editor .George A ltauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reinde
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobia
David M Nichol Harold O. Warre
Sports Assistants
4heldor C rFullerton J. Cullen Kenned.
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rhomas M. Cooley
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saul Friedberg
Frank B.sGilbretb
Jack Goldsmith
Roland Goodman
fames H. Inglis
Denton C. Kunze
Powers Moulton
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Lynne Adams
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Elsie Feldman
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;mily G Grimes
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lean Levy
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Parker Terryberry
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Sher M. Quraishi
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George Rubenstein
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
George A. Staute,
Alfred R. Tapert
John S. Townsend
Robert D. Townsend
Margaret O'Brier
Eleanor Rairdor'
Jean Rosenthal
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
Anne Margaret Tobiu
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager,
Departrhent Managers
,dvertng .............Charles T. Kline
kdvertiss...............Thomas M. Davis
Xdvertising. .........Willim W. Warboys
-ervice-.................Norris"J. "Johnson
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Circulation .....Marvin S. Kobacker
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Erle Kightlinger
Miarian Atran Mildred Postal
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Helen Olsen

next two years.
In 1910, following the TAFT
fiasco with the tariff, a Democratic
Congress was returned to Wash-
ington. Two years later, they were
followed by the President of their
own party. Many party leaders
are pondering the possibility of this
same event taking place in 1932,
some with hope, and others with
fear. In certain years, it is possible
to elect anyone to the Presidency,
provided he belongs to the ascend-
ing party; thus, FRANKLIN D.
ROOSEVELT'S announcement that
he does not want to run for presi-
dent would not keep the Demo-
crats from winning, provided it was
'their year.' However, it is most
possible that states sending Dem-
ocrats to Congress this year wil
return to the fold in 1932. That
the country was not swept by a
Democrat landslide is evidonced
by the fact that of the 48 gover-
nors, only 25 are Democrats. Even
in Michigan, where BILL COM-
STOCK, a very able man, ran for
governor his capability and pro-
gram were buried underneath the
fact that he was, after all, a Dem-
Every session of the Congress will
be an interesting one, and Presi-
dent HOOVER will be able to show
whether or not he has finally mast-
ered the process by which memn-
bers of his party are brought hia
line, and made to stay there, o
else are punished.
Saturday's game with Harvard
l University marked the last of one
of the most colorful two-game ser-
ies Michigan ever played. From
the University's standpoint the
home and home schedule was ideal
in every respect-Michigan won
both games and made fast the con-
nections with the East's great
school after a period of 15 years of
Just why was the Harvard series
so much more exciting, so much
more colorful, so much more thril-
ling and close than other series
have been? Perhaps it was the
huge crowd that flocked to both
games - 140,000 people witnessed
the home and home contests. it
may have been the intersectional
rivalry that kept the contests a
fever pitch and made each Har.
vard game the ace on Michigan's
two schedules. Perhaps the renew-
al of relationships after 15 years
of dormant rivalry added a zest to
the 1929 and 1930 contests.
But guess as we may the fact
remains that the series WAS a
success. It drew big crowds, at
created an excitement which was
unprecedented. It gave Eastern-
ers a chance to see how Western -
ers played football in 1929 and re-
versed the courtesy Saturday. It
was an excuse for more than 9,000
graduates and undergraduates to
make a week-end tour of Boston
and vicinity, and to renew old ac-
quaintances which had been for-
gotten for years.
Tradition, loyalty to two great
teams, fighting spirit which can
only thrive in such intense rivalry
as existed between Harvard and
Michigan, all were factors in the
huge success of the venture. Peo-
ple in Boston treated Michigan
men and women royally, gave them
dinners and dances, invited them

into their homes and were glad to
see them. Cambridge was friendly,
glad to reciprocate last year'; re-
ception of Harvard in Ann Arbor.
Cities and towns along the road
gave Michigan followers police es-
cort through their Main streets 1o.
speed their sojourn. Friendships
were made and more firmly krotE
by one common interest.
No matter how the games ended,

changing the accent from the 1st
to the 2nd syllable and back again.
* * * ,
Yes, boys and girls, I suppose you
want to know all about it. Well,
naughty Dan isn't back, and we are
very sore at Joe for his column
while we were away. But it cer-
tainly was a relief to walk around
a campus, even if it was Harvard,
where there weren't any co-eds.
* * *
On the way down, it became ap-
parent that money intended for
charity wasn't going to be used for
the purpose. It all went to the
Buffalo customs officials instead.
* *' *
And then, Godfrey smuggled
in a copy of "Strange Inter-
lude" and bragged about it
until Sunday. A most unbear-
able fello, that. But just to
show our independence, we
stopped at a bookstore and
asked for a copy of "Aphro-
. 5:
First she said there was no such
book. We told her we had read it
before. So she hauled out a lone
list of books with the word
written right across the top. She
looked up and down the column
and finally, blushing, said: "You're
from Michigan, aren't you?" We
'lowed as how we was. "Well, it's
been banned."
** *
We can remember someone stand
ing in the Boston railroad station
waiting for ye train, and much to
the discomfort of the royal bean
eaters, claiming very loudly that
"this was the most important event
that had taken place in Boston
since the tea party." And we cer-
tainly wish our history prof had
been there to see-well, on second
thought, we are glad he wasn't.
We intended bringing home a
package of tea, but forgot it whc.
Dan'l found a better substitute.
* * *
Dear Ehricv:
Bean as how there were so
many students in Ioston this
weekend wouldn't it bean ice
thing to give us bolts Friday
and Saturday?
Freddie Bobbsey
* * *
Freddie, ole man, that's almost
as thick and slushy as the Harvard
accent, but we'll let it by this time.
* * *
Furthermore, our claim to fae
is that we didn't eat a single bean
all the time we were in Boston.
*, * *
And I guess that's about enough
about the game. Dan will probably
have a lot more news when he gets
back. He got lost in that marvelous
subway elevated - streetcar - bus-
transportation-system they have
there, and was still trying to get
out when we left him.
* * *
Dear Elmer:
Following from the Detroit News:
Estimated that 20,000 Will Be Slain
By The Time the Season Closes
On November 30.
Oh, well, it is a sorta tough sea-
son, but some of 'em should be
shot anyway.
* *Y *

, The way these contributions are
coming in, we'll soon be running in
columns "%Slips That Pass in The
Niht." (wait a minute--Whoa)
*. * *
Dear Dave Daslia way: I'm so'ry
that I couldn't print your contribu-
tion. It certainly was the cleverest
of the lot. Unfortunately it was un-
printable. Perhaps that's why it
was funny, eh what??
4' * *
Oh yes, our journi in losi2nI
made u fora, e there was aything

SUCCESS: by Lion Feuehtwan'er:
Translated from 'the German by
Willa and Edwin Muir: The Viking
xPress: New York, 1930: Price $3.00.
Up till now, authors, though al-
ways interested in certain vicious
paradoxes of the social system,
have been content for the most
part to gaze on, mildly satirical.
The growth of society, interest in
changing governmntal forms, the
conflicts between right and left
wings, have never held a very
respected place in art. The 'Word
propaganda has always had an evil
literary connotation. The plays of
Shakespeare may be used as exam-
ple. A while ago, there was a move-
ment of a sort to interpret all of
Shakespeare's plays in a sociologi-
cal light. At the time, this met with
no great success, due to the preva-
lent idea that art was and should
be concerned with emotion and
humanity. Most of these plays have
a very definite basis in society.
Those that have been conceded
greatest have been something more
than this. The interest in Hamlet
.s interest in the manifestations of
Hamlet's spirit as a gauge of social
and I'imjr}al conditions.
Recently however, due to the war
and various upheavals in the social
order, principally the Russian,
there has been a growing convic-
ion that literature is valueless un-
less it presents id as which may
be used in the development of
society. Russian art and the work
of some moderns such as Dreiser,
are very distinct manifestations of
this trend.
Lion Feuchtwanger';s Success fol-
Jows a midle course. Feuehtwangc r
is acutely conscious of the evils of
societ. Personal desires and jeal-
:usOOes, pli ical expediency, power
of one huMnr.n over another, are,
to his matr}r judgement, unneces-
sary. le beiives that justice
should be impersonal and above
all questions of expediency. He adds
to this a shrewd comprehension of
national types and trends. The
result is a weighty r:ovel of a type
which maust eventually exert a
trong ifluece- on literature.
Bitterly ioni_, F'uchtwanger
takes Martin Kruger, an art critic.
through a farce trial in which he
s convicted fer perjury he never
.ommitted, then to jail to serve a
hree year term. And outside, Jo-
aanna Krain, his former mistress.
nspired by her love for Kruger.
and by her indignation at the very
eatent injustice, and by the dead-
ning effect his sentence has had
pon the former keen bran of the
'ritic (something that is done ex-
aeliently by the author) decides to
foilow the case. She is advised to
seek the help of influential people.
She does, without success, until
-nally, through the help of an
author, who has since become her
lover, she interests a powerful
American magnate in the case.
Throug'h his intervention a pardon
s se'red. But it comes too late,
for Kruger, worn out by amaze-
ment and injustice and the trials
of prison life, disheartened terribly
in mind, has died of heart failure.
And then Johanna makes a symbol
of the case. The dead must speak

she decides. Aind through the help
of Tuverlin, the author, -the dead
finally speaks through a motion
picture. And everyone is affected.
But we are sure that it is futile.
For the injustice they recognize in
the Kruger case, five years old,
thfY (annot recomnie in their own
present society.
Employing as Ile does the tech-
niqu~;e of the essayist, Feucht-
wanger loses sight of the necessity
of charact r development in a
novel. fIis people remain static.
T h-re ae0 no em1otionlm crises.
This, perhaps, is impossible in a
book of this kind. For as the author
hinself admits in a sort of for-
word, the characters are not really
characters but types of post war
Bavarians. 'Which leads us to the
cIuAtio1: of how,( a boy' of this sortf
is to bx taken. it is not art, or at
any rate it is art of a peculiar type.
As I have r aid b"ifore, there is no
charact'r development. The inter-
e t is not in the people, not in life,
but in- the sociologial principles
di 'cusseed.
Iowever' in a piering crescendo,
we do g't the absurdities of the ad-
minisIration of justice, the preten-
sio sof bi t--wj N Iin hefuror of

is offered to the highest degree in the


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Tight E,4itor: CARL S. FORSYTHE
For the tenth time in the his-
tory of the United States, a presi-
dent has lost his working majority
in Congress following the revision
of the tariff. President HOOVER
had the best of intentions when he
called Congress together to consid-
er the tariff question, but unfort-
unately his opinion was not of
enough importance in the legisla -
ture to influence the members, and
by the dint of much 'log-rolling'
the new statutes were enacted.
Last Tuesday the voters went to
the polls and, according to present
figures, pending on several re-
counts, almost elected a Democratic'
The present congressional line-
up gives the Republicans a major-
ity of one vote in the Senate, and
two in the House. However, the
48th Senator is a Farmer-Labor,
who would just as soon throw his
vote to the Democrats, in which
case Vice-President CURTIS could
be counted upon to break the tie
in favor of his party. In the House
there is another Farmer-Labor
member, but his vote on the Dem-
ocratic side would still give the Re-
publicans a majority of one. Un-
fortunately, however, a full atten-
dance in either of the two houses
is a rare occurrence, and with rad-
ical-Republicans bolting to the op-
position at a moment's notice, con-
trol in the Congress will rest in the
hands of a coalition party.
Prominent Democrats have seen
the danger in meddling with the
tariff, and have promised not to
attempt to repeal it. They have
also promised to cooperate with
President HOOVER as much as
possible. This gives them a decid-
ed advantage over the Republicans.
The latter, with the Speaker, andj
chairmen of all important commit-
tees, will receive the blame for all1
mistakes or unpopular laws, while1
flip fnrmp will h able t oit a hck

Typing by wire-an adventure
in, communication


The telephone typewriter, a new Bell
System service, has commercial possi-
bilities as yet barely realized.
Forexample,a business house can type-
write a message over telephone wires,
and this is retyped instantaneously and
simultaneously in any number of branch
offices. The advantage is obvious - in

knitting together far-flung organizations
and in quickening the pace of business.
Here is still another extension of
telephone service which has already
proved its value. The telephone type-
writer promises even greater things as
industry discovers new uses for this in-
strument of convenient communication.

the), serieswas a uge sccess rom 1"';'w. o") a.7~i
the series was a huge success f rom ;such as a co-ed, but we'll start in
every point of view. It showed
Easterners that Michigan has aoourapaig 'ains
team, spirit, tradition, a following.
It proved Harvard's traditional
fighting heart, an ability to take Oh, Lady 3e Good!
defeat like gentlemen. It showed The University of Detroit s
the West to the East and the East dents, who hissed "afraid!" when
to the West, and, above all, it was Michigan refused to Play Detreit
a great lark. in a charity game, have decided

,.A nation-wide system of inrer-connecting telephones

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