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November 09, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-09

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Published every morning except Monday
turing the Universityyear by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associrted Press is exclusively entitled
co the use for republication of all news dis
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbo,
lichigan, as second class matter, Special rats
)f postage granted by Third Assistant Post
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail
Offices Ann Arbo Press Building. May
-rd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
tews Editot...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director .... Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor............... Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor ............Mary L. Behymer
%Iusic and Drama .........William J. Gorman'
'ssistant Ci~y Editor......Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......Charles R Sprowl
'~'dEd ior - G eorge A. Stauter
iicach Conger John D. Reindet
ar S Forsythe Richard L. Tobi
)avid M Nichol Harold 0 Warre,
Spurr. Assistants
+- , j (.-lerto J. ( ullcn Kennel.
Robert Townsend

for the right is the noblest sport
that life affords."
One of the most striking results
of the election was the advances
made by the wets. However, little
can be expected to come from their
victories as they are still outnum-
bered in the House by more than
two to one, and in the Senate by
more than four to one. The fact
that the Eighteenth Amendment
requires two-thirds vote in both
Houses places the possibility of re-
>eal far in the distance, and its
result quite uncertain.



A nice thing about football:
can explain the plays to your
and nobody who hears you
know when you're wrong.


rvin; . Bllumberg
h n- Ni i wlC
eur,-n Fisk
F "iedberg
.m1, 3. Gilbrert
In I I (ouulxra
Ames 1,Inghis
If-1tolt C Kunz,
,s,,wr'. Moulton
'cit) Clark
Flirzabetb Gribbi
;1 it IMl 11Trlfrnev.-
mi Levy
.uihy lMagr'
VI riall

Park:er Terryberry
Robert L Pierce
W in. F. Pyper'
Sher M Quraish
ferry E. Rosentha
,eorge Rie e
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
' eorge A Staute'
Alfred R. Tapert
Cohn S. Townsend
Robert D. Townsene
Margaret O'Brie'
Eleanor Rairdo
Jean Rosenthal
Cecilia Shriven
Frances Stewar'
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
B~arbara W rigt

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
,uve.",1 . . Charles T. Kline
dvertis..... ..........Thomas M. Davis
\dveriking ..... illim W. Warboys
ervice...................Norris J. Johnson
r9ublicacn.........iober W. Williamson
"irculation .. . M.arvin S. Kobacker
ccounts ...........Thomas S. Muir
Rnsiness Secretary............Mary J. k enan
Harry R. Beglev Donald W. Lyons
Vernon Bishop Wi liam Morgan
William Brown H. F'red Schaefer
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeer
Wdlliarn XW. Davis Noel D. Turner
Richard H. Hiller Byron C. edder
Erile Kightlinger
Maian Atran Mildred Postal
Relen Bailey Marjorie Rough
Josephine Convisser Ann W. Verner
Dorothy Laylin Mary E. Watts
Syivia Miller Johanna Wiese
Helen Olsen
Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOT
With the smoke of Tuesday's
election practically cleared away
there seems to be the certainty
that neither political party will
have a working majority in either
House, and in order to organize for
the election of officers and the
selection of committees, it will be
necessary for one or the other
major party to make terms with
Republican independents and in-
The returns from Tuesday's vot-
ing as compiled by the Associated
Press give the Republicans 213
votes in the lower House, and the
Democrats 216 votes and 1 repre-
sentative who calls himself a
Farmer-Laborite. The Republicans
have 48 votes in the Senate, the
Democrats 47, and there is 1
Farmer-Labor senator.
Recounts in several states may
change the figures. There is also
the possibility of some of the in-
surgents, who are nominally Re-
publicans, voting with the Demo-
crats in order to permit them to
organize the Houses. This situation
arose Saturday when SENATOR
BROOKHART of Iowa offered his
vote to the Democrats, providing
they would accept what he referred
to as "his legislative program."
One of the most notable results
of the election was the choice of
Illinois for the United States
takes his seat in December (be-
cause he was elected to fill a va-
cancy in addition to a full term),
will take his place at once as one
of the outstanding men in the
Senate. There is no doubt but that
'he will serve as a leader for the
administration forces in the upper
The return of SENATOR LEWIS,
noted for his pink whiskers, and
brilliant oratory, will bring the
Senate the manners of a high-
born gentleman, and the brain of
an able statesman.
The Pennsylvania election brings
into prominence again one of the
most colorful political figures of
thc? onration. GIFFORD PTN-

There's one consolation in the
Santa Claus story. Christmas shop-
ping will take little time or money
if we buy the useless present for
the folks at the five-and-ten cent
In order to feel secure of his fu-
ture, a South American public exe-
cutive of these exciting days keeps
iast airplane ready for a hurried
trip abroad.
o o
Editorial Comment
(From the Cornell Daily Sun.)
In varying moods the college
dailies hail what they term the
rising individualism on the cam-
puses of the East. As definite man-
ifestations of the new spirit they
point out the increasing apathy to-
ward athletics, the decline of in-
terest in competitions for extra-
curricular posts and the growing
indifference to clubs and organiza-
The YALE NEWS and the DART-
MOUTH hail the rising individual-
thinks with the PENNSYLVANIAN
that a dash of the former interest
in mass movement would not be a
bad thing.
At Cornell it is hard to see a
trend of individualism definite
enough to deserve encouragement
or checking. A year will come along
when intellectual activity seems to
be gaining with the mass of stu-
dents; an increased interest is tak-
en in the things which college is
supposed to give. Then just as a few
pens begin to scrape in acknow-
ledgement of the new spirit and tell
the alumni that they could not
keep up with the present college
generation, a few organizers come
along, and the old shingle, key and
necktie pin scramble begins all
over again. New clubs spring up
overnight, and the Annual's para-
graphs become long.
This year has gone along pretty
smoothly so far. The organizing
complex has not taken hold of the
campus, and there has been some
evidence of an increasing interest
in working out campus problems on
an intelligent basis. Definite steps
are being taken to remedy the
rushing situation, a few hardy souls
are brooking the wrath of the gods
by asking the why and wherefore
of the curious R. O. T. C. pheno-
menon, and the debate club, which
is not a club in the organization
sense, is showing signs of real life.
But whether this can be called
a rising individualism is doubtful.
For some years there has been an
indifference to mass movement on
a large scale, but individual intel-
lectual activity has not been more
apparent in the last year or so.
Perhaps a little more definition
of the term "individualism" would
not be out of place. Apathy toward
athletics and a decline of interest
in competitions are both commen-
dable if it can be shown that some-
thing worthwhile is taking the
place once occupied by athletics
and competitions. But when there
is also apathy in the classroom we
do not think that individualism is
the word to apply to the new spirit.
Indifference would seem to be

more descriptive of the spirit which
the various editors see in their
midst. And indifference is some-
thing which they would probably
all deplore. So on this basis we
are inclined to agree with the
VANIAN that the new spirit is not
to be welcomed. If a genuine indi-
vidualism were arising, it should be
universally welcomed. But individ-
ualism would rather seem to be the
thinking through of things for one-
self and arriving at conclusions
not because they are dictated by
authority but because the individ-
ual has arrived at them indepen-

Well, boys, you're now going to
witness what is probably the fore-
most example of reading the future
that has been seen these forty
years come the next cyclone. I am
letting you in on the fact that this
was written last Wednesday be-
cause you would never guess it
I really enjoyed that game yes-
terday, gang, the boys were really
in there with the old spirit--and by
the way it was one heck of a lot
better spirit than I saw at the
send-off the other day.
* * *
It was rumored abroad today
that not a few loyal Michigan
suporters were caught in the
act of drivng cars down there
by one Mr. Rea of ill fame on
the campus. Tote list of cul-
xerits inve2es President Ruth-
ven, Fielding H. Yest, Big
Laih Thompson, and Wild UI
* *
The Rolls Special Corr sponden
telegraphs me that he saw as man'
as four or five indifferent Harvard
tans showing distinct signs of con
viviality whichn might be regarde
as a violation of their indiffcrence
:reed by anyone who didn't realiz
;hat it was merely a demonstration
of their complete disregard of th
Volstead act.
And don't forgot that wr are
all in the saoe beat as regarcis
having to look at the Newber'y
Auditorium, and nothing has
been done yet. Come on, let's
get insulted!
* * *
The Rolls Artist has drawn up
hasty sketch of the Harvard Sta
dium as he saw it, but you musn
take it too seriously because, as w
all know, he was probably pre
-udiced. -
x -
Harvard Bowl.
I am told by one of my assistan;
that there is a local Drug Stor
which is selling 32-page bluebook,
at 8 cents apiece-three for <
quarter. Which, as I have ofte
had occasion to point out, is jus
what you deserve for wanting thre
32-page bluebooks. One thirty-tw
page bluebook woud hold I havy
had to say on exams for the la
three years including, as you may
remember, one leap year.
* * *:
But Fellows you haven't any
idea how lovely it was to be
able to walk down the streets
of Cambridge and admire all
the lovely young women with-
out harboring the foul suspi-
cion in the back of your mind
that oue of them mn ht turn
cut to be a coed.
Dear Dan:
Has it ever occurred to you tha.
it might prove to advantage to tea'
dlownU. Hail so that there might
Angell Hall? It seems to me tha
this would be right in line witl
your present campaign for bette
campuses. It would be particularl
fine in the case of the Smoking

Room. I don't really care abou
that in itself, but if you go dowr
that way some day and look car=-
fully into all the windows there.
abouts, I think you will see th
necessity for more light in thai
Yours for Campus Betterment

A iReview by Emily G. Grimcs.
The Occident and the Orient
mingled as one last night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre when
Mr. and Mrs. Michitaro Ongawa
presented representative d a n c e s,
songs, legends, and dramas of their
native Japan.
Diversity of talent on the part of
the two players was evident from
the first. Mrs. Ongawa, the singer
and dancer of the troupe, took her
part in a typically gracious oriental
The folk dances, children's story
dance, and a rustic dance were the
ight selections which portrayed the
life and thought of old Japan and
were calculated to bring her nearer
o ourselves and develop a firmer
friendship and gooci wiI between
he two countries involved, proved
,n agreeable change from the ordi-
xary run of concerts and dramatic


An ever present sense of humor,
so naive, that it seemed all the
more spontaneous was reflected
throughout the delightful program
and bound the people of two races
mn mutual laughter at the light and
antastial songs of the two lovers
in the Rustic dance.
Many of the selections were pre-
faced hA English and oefed in Jae-
anese as was the Sword dance, by
Jr. Ongawa, illustrating a famous
i storical incident. The t e m p 1 e
'"um, bells, gekkin, samisen, and
other native instruments which
were used as accompaniments to-
gether with the elaborate antique
.ative costumes set the performan se
aside as unusual and unique to the
last degree.
In the play of "The Fox Woman,
in example of the latest develop-
alent in dramatic art in Jaan.
he two players again depicted
their presentation in a light gra-
iousness of manner, at the same
time portraying a tale of a fabled
-d fox which has taken the form
>f a woman similar to our witches
vith charming humor and imagery
shich commended itself excellently
o or western tasies yet spiced
with an eastern absurdity and wit.
The entire program was both
spectacular and different and had
a great educational value which
vas due in part to the costumes,
nusical instruments, and proper-
lies seldom seen outside of Japan
xcept in museums.
Sowing one's wild oats in the
rm of a production of Hamlet
ith a company of ham actors and
a musical comedy soubrette lends
nuch comedy to the production of
Rollo's Wild Oat" by the Play Pro-
:luction of the University of Mich-
-an at the Mendelssohn theater
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
evenings. It is a rollicking farce
which promises to be most enjoy-
The hero of the piece is given a
um of money by his grandfather
vhich he immediately invests in
1is life long ambition, a production
f Hamlet with himself as the lead.
Je gathers together a company of
)ld fime actors, with the exception
>f Goldie, a musical comedy type
vhon he prevails upon to play
)phelia much to the disgust of the
'egulars. He falls in love with her.
r'ho climax comes when she insists
in stopping the show to tell him
that his grandfather is very ill.
The farce is being given excellent
settings under the direction of Mr.
[arry R. Allan of the department.
Phe furniture, props, costumes and
ettings are all being made by Play
?roduction and promise to add zest
o a most amusing performance.
This is the first production of the
;eason as the members of the de-
)artment have been very busy
luring the last month in renovat-
ng the Mimes theater which the
University has recently purchased
and turned over to Play Production.
K. K.
Musical comedy is the only thing
iew in Detroit this week. Fred
Stone and daughters Paula and
Dorothy bring their last season
show "Ripples." The refusal of
mobs in New York to take to this
show last year caused Fred to make
;ome public remarks to the effect
that the public wants "indecency
and he won't give it to them." Well
Detroit is being tested. For over at
'he Cass all week is "Artists and

.Aodels" with Phil Baker, Aileen
Stanley, Shaw and Lee, and myr-
lads of girls, beautiful girls.
Thursday night will see Lawr-
once Tibbot, American baritone ex-
raordinary, in recital at the
Masonic Auditorium. Besides a



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k s X*
Thanx Asp old kid. I'll cer-
tainly investigate the condi-
Vons, and if I find the neces-
sity great enough to warrant
such a move, I shall do my best,
and the hest of a Baxter is no
inconsiderable thing. I per-
sonally would favor tearing
down U. Hall on general prin-
ciples, and perhaps Ang;1U Hall
along with it.
* * *
Has it occurred to any of tU(
faculty, I wonder, to notice thai
there is an organized movement
under way to flout Univerity au.
thority? The bus that took th
boys to Harvard left on Thursda°
which would seem to me to indi-
cate that all who travelled therein
were neglecting their classwork in
a shameful manner. Perhaus some-


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